• Title/Summary/Keyword: Personal factors affecting disposition behavior

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Exploring the Determinants of Clothing Disposition Behavior and their Effect (의복 처분행동의 결정요인과 효과)

  • Ahn, Soo-kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.879-893
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    • 2016
  • This study explores the determinants of clothing disposition and examines their effect on the dimensions of clothing disposition behavior. The data of 316 women were collected nationwide using an online self-administered questionnaire. This study initially identified five types of disposition behavior as revising, permanent separation, giving away, selling, and donating to charity. Exploratory and confirmative factor analysis identified the underlying determinants of clothing disposition as self-concept, reusability, economic factor, social environment, affective association, storage, fashionableness, and a sense of belongingness. Structural equation modeling was conducted to examine the relationships between variables. The results demonstrated that six out of eight determinants significantly affected clothing disposition behavior. The effects of social environment and a sense of belongingness were relatively strong determinants that influenced the four types of disposition behaviors. However, self-concept and affective association did not influence the disposition behaviors. A series of one-way MANOVA was conducted to determine the effect of the eight demographic variables on the four modes of clothing disposition. Giving away, permanent separation, and donating to charity differed significantly in the groups of three demographic variables such as age, monthly income, and marital status. This study empirically elucidates what criteria consumers use when confronted with unused clothing and how the determinants of clothing disposition influence the modes of clothing disposition behavior. This study provides a framework for clothing disposition behavior and its determinants as well as suggests a new approach to clothing disposition behavior and improvements in marketing decisions.

An Analysis of Influential Factors on Government Trust: on the Basis of Individual Trust Factors (정부신뢰에 미치는 영향요인분석: 정부 요소 및 개인적 요소를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Seong-Rak;Jeon, Byul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.238-248
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    • 2019
  • Trust is a personal emotion that is affected by individual characteristics and social atmosphere. However, a lot of studies on government trust focus on government factors such as fairness and expertise of the government. Government trust is mainly affected by the capacity and characteristics of government. However, government trust is likely to have a significant impact by personal factors such as personal disposition and character. Therefore, this study examines whether government trust is influenced not only by government factors but also by personal factors such as individual values and general trust tendencies. The results of this study show that government trust is positively related to government factors such as government expertise and fairness. In addition, individual values and general trust tendencies, such as age, political tendency, happiness, prospects for the future, and corporate trust level, are also affecting government trust. This indicates that government trust is influenced not only by government variables such as government expertise and government fairness but also by individual values and trust tendencies. It suggests that government trust is not just a variable influenced by government behavior, but also related to individual values and trust tendencies.