• Title/Summary/Keyword: Peristalsis

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Development of Film Verification as the QA of IMRT for Advanced Hepatoma Patients (간암 환자의 세기조절 방사선치료에서 임상적응 가능한 QA 기법의 개발)

  • Kim Myung-Se
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2006
  • Hepatoma is one of 3 most common malignancies in Korea, the survival rate is not improved since last decades because of delayed diagnosis and limited treatment conditions. Radiation was one of treatment options but the impact on the survival is not remarkable. High dose exposure to target area was suggested for improved effect but low tolerance dose of normal liver tissue is the main limited factor. IMRT is the advanced form of 3DCRT, for focusing high dose on target with minimal dose to surrounding normal tissues. Motion of the tumor by respiration, cardiac pulsation and peristalsis is the main treatment harrier of IMRT for treatment of hepatoma patients. Development of QA technique for acceptable geometrical uncertainties and dose error on target volume is essential for IMRT in clinical treatment but proper QA technique is not yet developed. This study compared the verification film dosimetry with measured dose in phantom and calculated dose in planning computer on exactly same conditions of patient treatments. Within 3% dose differences between 3 groups were confirmed. We suggest that our verification QA technique is easy, economic, iterative and acceptable in clinical application for advanced hepatoma patients.

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A Rat Pylorus Stricture Model to Create Stent-induced Granulation Tissue Formation (백서 날문부에서 스텐트 유도 조직 과증식 형성을 위한 전임상 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.559-565
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we intend to develop a granulation tissue formation model. As a pilot experiment, a contrast agent was injected into the pylorus in 3 rats, the normal pylorus lumen size was confirmed, and a stent was placed. Stent migration was confirmed in to the duodenum within 1 week. In this experiment, stent was sutured and fixed to induce granulation tissue formation after gastrostomy under a fluoroscopic guidance. Twenty rats were divided into Healthy Group / Gastrostomy Group. After anesthesia of the Gastrostomy Group, an abdominal incision was performed, and gastrostomy was performed under a fluoroscopic guidance, and a stent was placed into the pylorus. In order to prevent stent migration due to peristalsis, suture between the pylorus and the proximal end of the stent was performed. Postoperative behavior and weight changes were monitored daily. Four weeks after surgery, gastrointestinal fluoroscopy imaging was performed and rats were sacrifices. To evaluate the degree of granulation formation, the stent was sectioned transversely. Gastrostomy group was statistically significantly higher than Healthy Group in granulation area ratio (all p<.001). In conclusion, it is considered that the level of tissue overgrowth formation for preclinical evaluation of the pylorus stricture model through gastrostomy is appropriate as a research evaluation tool.

Effects of Fructooligosaccharide and Fruit and Vegetable Complex Extracts on Loperamide-induced Constipation in Rats (로페로마이드로 유도한 변비랫드 모델에서 프락토올리고당 및 과채복합 추출물의 변비개선 효과)

  • Hyun Kyoung Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.865-872
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    • 2024
  • Loperamide-induced constipation reduced gastric emptying, small-intestinal and colonic motility, and these effects were prevented by Fruit and vegetable complex extracts(FVCE). In this study, the effects of FVCE on constipated male Sprague-Dawley rats induced by loperamide(3 mg/kg, s.c.,14 days) were investigated. Rats were randomly assigned to the normal control rats(regular diet), constipated rats(regular diet plus loperamide), constipated rats treated with 200 mg FVCE(regular diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg/day FVCE plus loperamide), constipated rats treated with 400 mg FVCE(regular diet supplemented with 400 mg/kg/day FVCE plus loperamide). There was less fecal excretion and lower fecal water content in loperamide-treated rats than in control rats. Oral administration of FVCE blocked the decrease of fecal excretion and fecal water content in the loperamide-treated rats. Mucus production of crypt cell and mucus contents at fecal and mucosa surface were reduced by loperamide-treated rat. But colonic crypt cell contained increased mucin in the FVCE treated group and mucus layer stained with alcian blue was significantly thicker in FVCE treated rats compared with in loperamide-treated rats. In isolated rat ileum, loperamide produced inhibition of ileal motility. Pretreatment with water extracts of FVCE in isolated rat ileum prevented inhibition by loperamide. These findings indicated that the FVCE was effective for alleviation of inhibition of colonic peristalsis by loperamide and that FVCE might be of value in the prevention of constipation.

Ultrasonic Assessment of Gastric Emptying According to Feeding Types and Postprandial Postures (수유 종류 및 수유 후 자세에 따른 위 배출 시간의 초음파적 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Ock;Kim, Jong-Bock
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: Regurgitation, vomiting and feeding intolerance are frequent in the neonates. Esophageal function and gastric peristalsis are not fully developed in the neonates, so we should give attention to reduce the incidence of regurgitation and vomiting after feeding. It is necessary to shorten the gastric emptying by change of feeding types and postprandial postures. Gastric emptying time was measured by ultrasound in the neonates to evaluate the effect of feeding types and postprandial postures. Method: We measured gastric antral cross sectional area along the abdominal aorta at the level of the superior mesenteric artery in longitudinal section at NPO state (4 hours after feeding), 0 and every 30 min. after feeding until the value goes below or back to the NPO state. Fifteen neonates were examined in each breast-fed and formula-fed group in supine position. Eighteen and 15 neonates were examined in supine and prone posture after formula feeding, respectively. We used 5 MHz convex prove with Aloka Echo Camera SSD-650. Result: 1) Gastric emptying time of breast-fed infants was $76.0{\pm}20.02$ min. which was significantly shorter than $96.0{\pm}20.28$ min. of formula-fed infants. 2) Gastric emptying time on postprandial prone posture was $85.0{\pm}22.43$ min. which was not significantly different from $96.0{\pm}20.28$ min. on postprandial supine posture. Conclusion: Breast feeding is strongly recommended to the neonates to shorten gastric emptying time. So we can expect to reduce the incidence of regurgitation, vomiting and feeding intolerance. The postprandial posture depends on the traditional trend which is safe and comfortable to the mothers.

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