• Title/Summary/Keyword: Perception in Compensation

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Cold persons' preference for warm persons: Effects of social exclusion on preference for persons depicted in warm colors (추운 사람의 따뜻한 사람 선호: 사회적 배제가 따뜻한 색과 연합된 사람 선호에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2018
  • Previous works have observed that persons who have experienced social exclusion have lower perceptions of body temperature and environmental temperature, and seek physical warmth such as warm drinks and warm water shower. The present study aimed to expand the results of these previous works to the dimensions of color emotions or color symbols. Hence, four experiments were conducted in which pictures of people with warm or cold colors applied to them were shown to the subjects, who were asked to evaluate the people in the pictures to determine whether their preferences changed depending on their perception of social exclusion. The results showed that the subjects with perceived social exclusion had stronger preferences for people in warm colors over those in cold colors, but the subjects without perceived social exclusion had no differences in their preferences for the people in the two types of colors. This study is significant in that it expanded the compensation hypothesis, which states that people try to compensate their psychological loss by pursuing external goals from the physical dimension to the emotional and symbolic dimensions. Furthermore, this study has implications in that it proposes the need for warm emotions in places where people who have experienced social exclusion are treated, such as psychological counseling centers.

A Study on Occupational Stress and Coping, Turnover, Knowledge and Practice of Infection Control in Dental Hygienists of COVID-19

  • Kwon, Hye-Rin;Gil, A-Young;Kim, Ji-Min;No, Ji-Seon;Park, Ga-Bin;Oh, Ji-Yune;Lee, Na-Kyung;Kim, Seol-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2021
  • Background: The importance of infection with COVID-19 is being emphasized in dentistry with high risks such as aerosols. The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and practice of infection control, stress and coping, and turnover of dental hygienists. Methods: Questionnaire was conducted knowledge and practice of infection control, occupational stress and coping, turnover. Survey data was investigated about 149 dental hygienists from February to March 2021 Data were analyzed t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation using statistical programs of PASW Statistics ver. 21.0. Results: Regarding occupational stress, relationship conflict was higher in the group with less than 2 years of experience (p<0.05). Job anxiety, organizational system, inadequate compensation, and workplace culture were highly surveyed in the 3 to 5 year of experience. The group with more than 6 years of experience had the highest perception of lack of job autonomy (p<0.05). The group with higher knowledge of infection control had lower mean inappropriate rewards and stress (p<0.05). The group with high infection control performance had a lower average in items such as job instability, organizational system, inadequate compensation, workplace culture, and stress. And problem-focused coping ability was found to be high (p<0.05). Infection control knowledge and performance were positively correlated (r=0.251, p<0.01), infection control practice and stress were negatively correlated (r=-0.264, p<0.01), and stress and emotional coping were positively correlated (r=0.367, p<0.01). Stress was positively correlated with turnover rate (r=0.549, p<0.01). Conclusion: Infection control training was required to reduce occupational stress. Occupational stress was highly correlated with turnover, a holistic and systemic organizational operation and improvement of the quality of medical care were required to reduce stress.

Lightness Compensation for Anaglyph Images to Reduce Retinal Rivalry (Anaglyph 영상의 망막경합 최소화를 위한 밝기 보상)

  • Jang, Woo-Heon;Lee, Tae-Hyoung;Kim, Dae-Chul;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2012
  • According to development of technology for media, observers try to watch the realities from images, as follows, 3D imaging has been extremely developed. 3D image gives depth in the image, observers feel in nature. Different image perception from left and right eyes make the 3D image. Anaglyph which is one of the ways to make an image of three dimensions is for obtaining an image of three dimensions by using color filter glasses. Anaglyph has a little amount of calculation and is easy to make, and it has a good point that anaglyph can be used in more wide field because it can create an image of three dimensions to the output of print like printed matter. However, the phenomenon of retinal rivalry can cause a feeling of fatigue because a difference of brightness of the left image and the right image happen. The way to reduce this problem is made by cutting down a difference of brightness. In the result, retinal rivalry can be reduced. We reduced a difference of the brightness of the left and the right image by utilizing the brightness and average of the original image to reduce retinal rivalry and we made better colors of anaglyph by using the way that we keep the hue caused by a change of brightness and supplement saturation about color distortion which is created at that time.

A Study on Factors Affecting Reemployment of the Disabled Workers owing to Industrial Injury in Korea (산재장애인의 재취업실태와 영향요인 분석)

  • Park, Soo-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.37
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    • pp.171-193
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    • 1999
  • The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is social integration. Reemployment is, for the disabled workers, the primary source of not only income, but also identity and interaction. Unfortunately, for most disabled workers employment represents only a yet-to-be-fulfilled hope, a close but inaccessible goal, a daily reminder that they are not among the majority. The purpose of this study is to estimate reemployment rate in the industrial injured and to find factors affecting reemployment of disabled workers owing to industrial injury, and to make policy implication for the better industrial injury compensation rehabilitation system. The data were obtained through telephone interview with disabled worker who completed work injury compensation process in 1996-1997. The final sample was consisted of 1,060 respondents. The major findings were that almost lout of 3 disabled worker returned to work, and that the factor affecting reemployment of the disabled workers were severity injury, ADL(activity of Daily Living), the perception of disability severity, controlling for the demographic factors such as sex, age, education, marital status. The results indicated that psychosocial factors as well as physical function had influces on returning to work. The current findings suggests that rehabilitation services and policy aimed at enhancing vocational rehabilitation program and rehabilitation engineering services, and improving psychosocial resources should be considered by rehabilitation professionals and policy makers.

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A Study of Nurses' Knowledge, Attitude on the Nurses' Law and Nurses' Perception on the Causes, Coping Patterns with the Nursing Accidents (간호사의 간호관련법에 대한 지식$\cdot$태도 및 간호사고에 대한 원인$\cdot$대처양상에 관한 연구)

  • Mun Heui Ja;Lee Mi Aie
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-62
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    • 1999
  • Recently the request of the patients to participate in the medical courses has been expanding due to elevated sense of right on the people's health. merchandised medical treatment by mass supply, human right declaration of the patients, generalized medical informations by the mass media and the change of human relation between the medical personnels and the patients. Under these phenomena the accident by the nurses have been increasing by the area of the nurses having been expanded and their independent roles having been increased. Such nursing accidents are the important subject which the professional occupation of the nurses has been facing but legal protective capability of the nurses has been very weak. Therefore this study has examined the degree of the experience of the nursing accident that happens in the clinical nursing scenes in the general hospital to provide the basic materials for the protection and the counter measures of the nursing accidents. The following is the conclusion based by the above examination. 1) The general characters of the subjects of this study is that they are mostly single in their twenties and graduate from nursing college. Their total clinical career is above 5 years$(44.8\%)$ and their current clinical parts' career is between 1-3 years$(40.1\%)$. So these facts suggest that most hospitals has taken the working rotation policy on nurses. 2) The level of nurses' knowledge on the nursing law is accurate partially but isn't it patially. So it is suggested that nurses need the accurate information and education about the nursing law. But the nurses' attitude is very approved of the establishment of a unilateral nursing law. 3) The relation between the demographic characters of the subjects and their attitudes on the nursing law shows that there is no significant differences except the relation between the attitude 6(the sufficient level of education on nursing law in formal education course) and age. total clinical career. 4) The perception of the nurses shows that the cause of the nursing accident has been due to the heavy work$(78.2\%)$. short of professional knowledge and skill$(60.2\%)$, discordance with Doctors. patients and patients' families. They report the accident to the head nurse first$(81.8\%)$ and within 30 minute$(75.1\%)$. The hour of nursing accident frequently happened is regardless of service hour with $49.4\%$ in response rate. the highest rate. and the nursing accident happens in the night more than the daytime. Even though most nurses think that they are themselves responsible for nursing accident. it is found that the chief cause of the nursing accident is due to the nurses' heavy work$(78.2\%)$. So the causes of nursing accidents is analysed. it may be suggested that the endeavor of hospital and nursing organizations to decrease nursing accidents is very important. 5) The coping patterns of patients with nursing accidents are mostly active attitude such as a violent words$(69\%)$. sue or accusation$(36.4\%)$, monetary compensation $(35.6\%)$ except a understanding cases$(38.7\%)$. But the coping patterns of hospitals with nursing accidents are mostly to investigate the accurate cause.

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Implementation of ISO45001 Considering Strengthened Demands for OHSMS in South Korea: Based on Comparing Surveys Conducted in 2004 and 2018

  • Lee, Junghyun;Jung, Jinyeub;Yoon, Seok J.;Byeon, Sang-Hoon
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.418-424
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    • 2020
  • Background: According to the previous studies, the work-related accident rate decreased in Korea after the introduction of occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS), but there were several disasters in Korea such as subway worker's death at Guui station in 2016 and the Taean thermal power plant accident in 2018, which escalated the social demand for safety. In 2018, OHSMS became an international standard, as ISO45001 was announced. Methods: A survey was conducted to research the implementation status of OHSMS and changes in people's perception, and the results were compared with those of a past survey. Results: Enhanced social demand and various stakeholders' (not only buyer) needs, and social responsibility are perceived as the motivation for the introduction of OHSMS rather than legal compliance or customer demand. In the questionnaire about problems with the implementation of OHSMS, the factors with higher response rate in 2018 than 2004 were "excessive cost" and "complicated documentation management." In the questionnaire about how to promote OHSMS in organizations, most people answered "reduction of workers' compensation insurance rate" in 2004, but most people answered "exemption from health and safety supervision" in 2018. Conclusion: For the effective implementation of ISO45001, emphasis is placed on social demand, training to recognize health and safety as a part of management, and the reduction of certification and consulting costs to promote the introduction of OHSMS. Incentives such as insurance premium cuts and exemptions from health and safety supervision are needed.

A Qualitative Study for Foreign Workers Exposed hazard Chemical Materials in Korean Industry (유해화학물질 취급 외국인 근로자의 적응과정)

  • Kim, Hyun Li;Kim, Jeong Hee;Song, Yeon Ee;Yi, Ggodme;Jung, Hye Sun;Hyun, Hye JIn;Kim, Hee Girl
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was to understand foreign workers' experiences exposed hazard chemical materials in korean industry. Method: The research subjects were 92 foreign workers worked in seoul, namyangju, ansan, suwon, pocheon, incheon, jincheon, and daejeon. It was that grounded theory method as qualitative approach was applied with in-depth interview, recording and dictation, and collected data was analysed line-by-line by research teams. The analysis process of in depth interview data was three phase. Results: The first phase was that find out meaningful data and confronted data for meaningful data was 53 meaningful items. The second phase was coding process of meaningful data, total coding items were 9, difficulty of new environment, existence of health hazard factors originated in work, performance of basic health management, management of hazard materials in work-site, self care of hazard materials in work-site, discrimination of disaster-compensation originated in work, perception of work stress, motivation of leaving position, satisfaction for present life. The third phase was 5 adaptation process, copying phase for new environment, management phase for health hazard factors, health change phase, life change phase, illegal stay phase. Conclusion: In summary, as a results it was concluded that foreign workers was experienced new environment and then has various problems in working site. But these evidences were not different from korean workers basically, undoubtedly reality of a korean small and medium enterprise. And foreign workers with long time stay have had many health problems probably, but they have want to long stay and so reach an unexpected result, illegal long stay. Therefore, we should make efforts for adequate foreign workers' health management at work-site and overall life in governmental and industrial nursing level.

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The Effect of Voice Therapy in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (일측성 성대마비 환자의 음성치료 효과)

  • Lee, Chang-Yoon;An, Soo-Youn;Chang, Hyun;Son, Hee Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2016
  • Background and Objectives : This study aims to conduct post-voice therapy to patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis for vocal improvement, motility recovery and analyze the results. Materials and Methods : Voice therapy was conducted to 13 patients who had shown response to voice therapy amongst 98 patients diagnosed with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. In order to be able compare before and after perceptual, acoustic and aerodynamic evaluations were conducted after voice therapy. Also, by using dysphagia checklist, we have verified whether if the patient had dysphagia prior to voice therapy. The therapy was conducted by improving the larynx movement and glottal contact, whilst removing hypertension of the supraglottic. Results : All 13 patients who underwent voice therapy had shown improvements that are statistically significant from 4 scales excluding the S scale from auditory perception evaluation (p<0.05), with enhanced glottal contact. In acoustic evaluation, Jitter, Shimmer and NHR had shown significant improvement after voice therapy. MPT was also notably improved among aerodynamical evaluation (p<0.001). All 11 patients had with dysphagia prior to voice therapy reported to have improved swallowing functions. Conclusion : Application of adequate voice therapy to patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis, is an effective method that might be employed in the initial phase. Especially, the voice therapy proposed in this study is expected to be useful for patients in hypertension status due to secondary compensation after initial paralysis, since it focuses on improving vocal symptoms in a calm state with the supraglottis sufficiently relaxed. Also, the therapy is expected to be effective for improving swallowing functions.

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Association of self-perceived oral health and depression in the elderly: the sixth Korea national health and nutrition examination survey(the 6th KNHANES) (노인의 본인인지 구강건강상태와 우울감)

  • Cho, Han-A;Heo, Yun-Min;Kim, Hyoung-Joo;Choi, Eun sil
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the association of self-perceived oral health and depression in the Korean elderly. Methods: The subjects were 1,329 elderly in Korea from the sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (the 6th KNHANES). The dependent variable was depression that continued more than two weeks. Model I for the impacts of depression on self-reported oral health, Model II for the impacts of depression on chewing problem, Model III for the impacts of depression on speaking problem was evaluated. PASW Statistics 18.0 version was used for frequency analysis, chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. Results: Female elderly were much more prone to depression than male. Female had lower monthly compensation, less medicaid, chewing problem, speaking problem, and less education. For these reasons, they tended to have more depression than male (p<0.001). Self-perceived oral health impacts on depression included poor self-reported oral health(p<0.01), poor chewing problem(p<0.01) and poor speaking problem(p<0.05). On the other hand, male did not show a statistically significant association. Conclusions: The study showed the self-perceived oral health related quality of life had a significant influence on depression in the elderly. The continuing lifelong oral health care can prevent depression in the later life because oral health care improvement can enhance the self-perceived oral health status.

The Effects of Nurses' Perceived Internal Marketing on Job Performance and Loyalty (간호사가 지각하는 병원 내부마케팅이 직무수행 및 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Cheon-Kook;Park, Myung-Bae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted from December 26, 2018 to January 4, 2019 in order to analyze the effects of hospital internal marketing on job performance and loyalty based on nurses' perception. The participants were 250 nurses at general hospitals located in Gyeonggi-do. The results of this study are as follows: First, internal marketing in hospitals had a statistically significant effect on organizational and future vision, education and training systems, communication, organizational attributes, and job performance (F=29.118, p<.001). The training system, organizational and future vision, compensation and welfare system, and work management environment were found to have a statistically significant effect (F=38.671, p <.001) on loyalty, and the effect of job performance on loyalty was statistically significant (F=87.324, p<.001). Second, the relationship between hospital internal marketing based on nurses' perception and loyalty was found to have a statistically significant positive (+) effect on stage 1 job performance (p<.001) and a statistically significant positive effect on stage 2 loyalty (+) (P <.001). The third-level internal marketing regression coefficient was significant, and job performance was also significant (P <.001). Based on these results, there is a need for hospital management to strengthen internal marketing in order to increase performance level and loyalty among nurses.