• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patient Comfort

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A Study of Home Care Needs of Patients at Discharge and Effects of Home Care -Centered on Patients Discharged from a Rural General Hospilal- (퇴원환자의 가정간호요구와 가정간호사업의 효과 분석 - 일 종합병원을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yun Soon;Kim, Dai Hyun;Storey, Margaret;Kim, Cho Ja;Kang, Kyu Sook
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1992
  • The study was carried out at W. hospital, an affiliated hospital of Y university, involved a total of 163 patients who were discharged from the hospital between May 1990 und March 199J. Data collection was twice, just prior to discharge and a minimum of three months post discharge. Thirty patients who lived within a hour travel time of the hospital received home care during the three months post discharge. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions For these patients were analyzed in this study. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1. Discharge needs for the subjects of the study were analyzed using Gordon's eleven Functional categories and it was found that 48.3% of the total sample had identified nursing needs. Of these, the needs most frequently identified were in the categories of sexuality, 79.3 %, health perception, 68.2 % self concept, 62.5 %, and sleep and rest 62.5 %. Looking ut j he nursing diagnosis that were made for the 30 patients receiving home care, the following diagnoses were the most frequently given; alteration in sexual pattern 79.3%, alterations in health maintenance, 72.6%, alteration in comfort, 68.0%, depression, 64.0%, noncompliance with diet therapy, 6.3.7%, alteration in self concept, 55.6%, and alteration in sleep pattern, 53%. 2. In looking at the effects of home nursing care as demonstrated by changes in the functional categories over the three month period, it was Found that of the 11 functional categories, the need level for health perception, nutrition, activity and self concept decreased slightly over the three month period. On the average sleep patterns improved, but restfulness was slightly less and bowel elimination patterns improved but satisfaction with urinary elimination was slightly less. On the other hand, role enactment, sexuality, stress management and spirituality decreased slightly. The only results that were statistically significant at the 0.05 level were improvement. in digestion and decrease in pain. No statistically significant changes were found in ability related to ADL, the total ADL Score at discharge was $19.78{\pm}8.234, and after 3 months $19.01{\pm}8.12$. Considering that a majority of the patients were over 60 years of age and that many had brain or spinal cord injuries, the fact that their ADL ability did nor deteriorate after discharge can be interpreted as related to a positive impact by the home health care nurses. Similarly there was a slight be not statistically significant decrease in the quality of life scores between the two lest times(l47.83 at discharge and 113.02 at the three month period). Again, when the chronic nature of thee problems facing these patients is considered this maintenance of quality of life can be interpreted as a positive impact by the home health care nurses. 3. One of the home care nursing activities was diagnosis. For this activity it was found that for nine functional health categories(sexuality and spirituality excepted) there were 20 nursing diagnoses. The most frequent were noncompliance, alteration in skin integrity both actual and potential, and impaired physical mobility in that order. 4. Delivery of home health care by the home health nurses included the following nursing activities; assessment, patient education, demonstration of care activities, counselling, direct care to the patient and referrals. Direct care included changing dressings, bladder irrigations, changing Foley catheters, measurement of residual urine, perineal care, position change, back care, oral hygiene, exercise and massage of motion exercises, cleansing enemas, tracheostomy suctioning and tracheostomy care, care of dentures, applications of heat and other similar nursing activities. In conclusion almost 50% of (he sample indicated a need for continued nursing care at the time of discharge and for the patients in the sample who received home care there was a slight decrease in nursing needs but while the patients had chronic and debilitation problems there was ill decrease in ADL abilities or in quality of life. Further study needs Lo be done La increase the reliability and validity of the tool that was used to measure home health care needs. It is also recommended that study by done using a randomized sampling with a control group to compare patients who receive home care with those who do not.

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Consideration on the Satisfaction of Patients and SUV Variation According to Whether or not to Listen to Music after 18F-FDG Injection (PET/CT 검사에서 18F-FDG 투여 후 음악 청취 여부에 따른 SUV변화와 환자의 만족도에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Suyoung;Yun, Sunhee;Kim, Hwasan;Kim, Hyunki
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: PET/CT scan using the SUV (Standardized Uptake Value) of radiopharmaceutical uptake in organs and tissues as an objective indicator makes it possible to analyze physiological and chemical reactions of human organs. This study analyzes the change of the SUV uptake in accordance with the way how PET/CT patients take a rest after the injection of $^{18}F-FDG$ (Fluororo-deoxyglucose). And also subjective satisfaction is assessed listening to music while taking a rest. Materials and Methods: From April 2011 until February 2013, Among the Primary cancer patients who admitted to the Catholic Medical Center (Seoul & Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital) and scanned $^{18}F-FDG$ PET/CT and also received care through the tracking test (mean age $55.61{\pm}12.41$ years, 108 people, 48 men and 60 women) were selected. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group (A: basal study) is requested to take a rest in bed quietly after the injection. However the second one (B: follow up study) is requested to listen to the music while taking a rest. And then SUV analysis was performed respectively. At the end of the scan, ROI (Region Of Interest) were set from the center of the liver (right lobe) and 3 spots of the brain (frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes). And the SUV was calculated. To identify the correlation among those ROIs, paired t-test was performed using SPSS software (Version 12.0K for windows, P>0.05). Also, after the PET/CT scan the satisfaction study was conducted of all the patients. 1:1 questionnaire survey was performed, and that questionnaire was made using the Likert 5-point scale. By utilizing those questionnaires, the analysis about simple frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation was performed. Results: The SUV change of the 4 designated ROIs in accordance with listening to music was not statistically significant. (Frontal lobe P-value=0.611, Occipital lobe P-value=0.499, Temporal lobe P-value=0.717, Liver P-value=0.334: P-value>0.05) And the satisfaction study indicated that group B was appear to be 0.42 points (5 basis points) higher than group A. It showed that patients are more satisfied in group B than group A. Conclusion: when performing PET/CT scan using $^{18}F-FDG$, listening to music after the injection of the radiopharmaceuticals does not affect the SUV but given the state of the psychological comfort that may increase the patient's satisfaction.

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Usefulness of Acoustic Noise Reduction in Brain MRI Using Quiet-T2 (뇌 자기공명영상에서 Quiet-T2 기법을 이용한 소음감소의 유용성)

  • Lee, SeJy;Kim, Young-Keun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2016
  • Acoustic noise during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the main source for patient discomfort. we report our preliminary experience with this technique in neuroimaging with regard to subjective and objective noise levels and image quality. 60 patients(29 males, 31 females, average age of 60.1) underwent routine brain MRI with 3.0 Tesla (MAGNETOM Tim Trio; Siemens, Germany) system and 12-channel head coil. Q-$T_2$ and $T_2$ sequence were performed. Measurement of sound pressure levels (SPL) and heart rate on Q-$T_2$ and $T_2$ was performed respectively. Quantitative analysis was carried out by measuring the SNR, CNR, and SIR values of Q-$T_2$, $T_2$ and a statistical analysis was performed using independent sample T-test. Qualitative analysis was evaluated by the eyes for the overall quality image of Q-$T_2$ and $T_2$. A 5-point evaluation scale was used, including excellent(5), good(4), fair(3), poor(2), and unacceptable(1). The average noise and peak noise decreased by $15dB_A$ and $10dB_A$ on $T_2$ and Q-$T_2$ test. Also, the average value of heartbeat rate was lower in Q-$T_2$ for 120 seconds in each test, but there was no statistical significance. The quantitative analysis showed that there was no significant difference between CNR and SIR, and there was a significant difference (p<0.05) as SNR had a lower average value on Q-$T_2$. According to the qualitative analysis, the overall quality image of 59 case $T_2$ and Q-$T_2$ was evaluated as excellent at 5 points, and 1 case was evaluated as good at 4 points due to a motion artifact. Q-$T_2$ is a promising technique for acoustic noise reduction and improved patient comfort.

The Effect of Spiritual Nursing Intervention on Anxiety of the Hospice Patients (영적 간호중재가 호스피스 환자의 불안에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoon, Mae-Ok
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : Surveying the effects on drop the anxiety of the hospice patients in spiritual nursing intervention with a quasi-experimental design using non-equivalent contrast group non-synchronized design to try in order to give the support which provide a holistic and individualizational nursing to comfort of hospice patients. Method : The results of survey were collected from 67 patients(67 subjects comprised 37 hospice patients of the experimental group and 30s of contrast) who were given hospice care from July to September of 2000 at the General Hospital in Cheon Ju city. The tool was used Spielberger's State Anxiety Scale, and the difference in the level of dropping anxiety among patient groups was analyzed with the mean, standard deviation, $x^2-test$. t-test and paired t-test. The spiritual nursing intervention was carried out through Hymn, Scripture, prayer, the therapeutic use of self over a period of three weeks. Results : 1) In general characters, men were a many more of the objects and the average age of the experimental and contrast group was 59.6, 55.9 respectively. The family of living together was $2{\sim}3$ members of most part. 2) There were not significant differences in the general, disease and therapeutic, religional characters between the experimental and contrast group. 3) The majority of the objects were cancer patients in disease and therapeutic characters(Experimental : 92%, Contrast : 95%). 4) After the spiritual nursing intervention state anxiety of the experimental group were remarkably lower than those of the contrast (t=-5.987, P=0.000). 5) Decreasing rate in the anxiety scores of before and post facto of the experimental group were remarkably lower than those of the contrast (t=6.237, P=0.000). Conclusion : The hospice patients who were offered spiritual nursing intervention became much lower than those who were not offered it in anxiety. Spiritual nursing intervention can be suited to field with one program of an effective that that relieved their anxieties. It is not only a very short time but has quite a little findings in part of spiritual nursing intervention. Therefore, further study in this field is necessary to concrete and substantial investigate in order to more and more increasing hospice patients in 21st century.

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Study on Folk Caring in Korea for Cultural Nursing (문화간호를 위한 한국인의 민간 돌봄에 대한 연구 : 출생을 중심으로)

  • 고성희;조명옥;최영희;강신표
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.430-458
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    • 1990
  • Care is a central concept of nursing. Nursing would not exist without caring. Care and quality of life are closely related. Human behavior is a manifestation of culture. We can say that caring and nursing care are expression of culture. The nurse must understand the relationship of culture with care for ensure quality nursing care. But knowledge of cultural factors in nursing is not well developed. Time and in - depth study are needed to find meaningful relationships between culture and care. Nurses recognized the importance of culturally appropriate nursing There are two care systems in culturally based nursing. The folk care system and the professional nursing care system. The folk care system existed long before the professional nursing care system was introduced into this culture. If the discrepancy between these two care systems is great, the client may receive inappropriate nursing care. Culture and subcaltures are diverse and dynamic in nature. Nurses need to know the caring behaviors, patterns, and their meaning in their own culture. In Korea we have taken some first step to study cultural nursing phenomena. It is not our intent necessarily to return to the past and develop a nationalistic of nursing, but to identify the core of traditional caring and relate that to professional nursing care. Our Assumptions are as follows : 1) Care is essential for human growth, well being and survial. 2) 7here are diverse and universal forma, expressions, patterns, and processes of human care that exist transcul - turally. 3) The behaviors and functions of caring differ according to the social structure of each culture. 4) Cultures have folk and professional care values, beliefs, and practices. To promote the quality of nursing care we must understand the folk care value, beliefs, and practices. We undertook this study to understand caring in our traditional culture. The Goals of this study were as follows : 1) To identify patterns in caring behavior, 2) To identify the structural components of caring, and 3) To understand the meaning and some principles of caring. We faised several questions in this study. Who is the care-giver? Who is the care-receipient? Was the woman the major care -giver at any time? What are the patterns in caring behavior? What art the priciples underlying the caring process? We used an interdisciplinary team approach, composed of representatives from nursing and anthropology, to contribute in -depth understanding of caring through a socicaltural perspeetive. A Field study was conducted in Ro-Bong, a small agricultural kinship village. The subjects were nine women and one man aged be or more years of age. Data were collected from january 15 to 21, 1990 through opem-ended in-depth interviews and observations. The interview focused on caring behaviors sorrounding birth, aging, death and child rearing. We analysed these data for meaning, pattern and priciples of caring. In this report we describe caring behaviors surrounding childbirth. The care-givers were primarily mothers- in -low, other women in the family older than the mother - to- be, older neighbor woman, husbands, and mothers of the mother-to- be. The care receivers were the mother-to-be the baby, and the immediate family as a component of kinship. Emerging caring behavior included praying, helping proscribing, giving moral advice(Deug - Dam), showing concern, instructing, protecting, making preparations, showing consideration, touching, trusting, encouraging, giving emotional comfort, being with, worrying about, being patient, preventing problems, showing by an example, looking after bringing up, taking care of postnatal health, streng thening the health condition, entering into another's feelings(empathizing), and sharing food, joy and sorrow The emerging caring component were affection, touching, nurtuing, teaching, praying, comforting, encouraging, sharing. empathizing, self - discipline, protecting, preparing, helping and compassion. Emerging principles of. caring were solidarity, heir- archzeal relationships, sex - role distinction. Caring during birth expresses the valve of life and reflects the valued traditional beliefs that human birth is given by god and a unique unifying family event reaching back to include the ancestors and foreward to later generations. In addition, We found positive and rational foundations for traditionl caring behaviors surrounding birth, these should not be stigmatized as inational or superstitious. The nurse appropriately adopts the rational and positive nature of traditional caring behaviors to promote the quality of nursing care.

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Development of Immobilization Devices for Patients with Pelvic Malignancies and a Feasibility Evaluation during Radiotherapy (골반부 암 환자를 위한 고정기구 개발 및 방사선치료 시 효용성 평가)

  • Park, Jong-Min;Park, Yang-Kyun;Cho, Woong;Park, Charn-Il;Ha, Sung-Whan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.134-144
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    • 2007
  • [ $\underline{Purpose}$ ]: Immobilization devices that improve the setup reproducibility of pelvic cancer patients and that provide comfort to patients during radiotherapy were designed and the feasibility of the devices was evaluated. $\underline{Materials\;and\;Methods}$: A customized device was designed to immobilize a knee, thigh, and foot of a patient. Sixty-one patients with prostate cancer were selected and were divided into two groups-with or without devices. The setup errors were measured with respect to bony landmarks. The difference between digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR) and simulation films, and the differences between DRR and portal films were measured. $\underline{Results}$: The left-right (LR), anterior-posterior (AP) and craniocaudal (CC) errors between the DRR and simulation films were $1.5{\pm}0.9\;mm$, $3.0{\pm}3.6\;mm$, and $1.6{\pm}0.9\;mm$, respectively without devices. The errors were reduced to $1.3{\pm}1.9\;mm$, $1.8{\pm}1.5\;mm$ and $1.1{\pm}1.1\;mm$, respectively with the devices. The errors between DRR and portal films were $1.6{\pm}1.2\;mm$, $4.0{\pm}4.1\;mm$, and $4.2{\pm}5.5\;mm$, respectively without the devices and were reduced to $1.0{\pm}1.8\;mm$, $1.2{\pm}0.9\;mm$, and $1.2{\pm}0.8\;mm$, respectively, with the devices. The standard deviations among the portal films were 1.1 mm, 2.1 mm, and 1.0 mm at each axis without the devices and 0.9 mm, 1.6 mm and 0.8 mm with the devices. The percentage of setup errors larger than 3 mm and 5 mm were significantly reduced by use of the immobilization devices. $\underline{Conclusion}$: The designed devices improved the setup reproducibility for all three directions and significantly reduced critical setup errors.