• 제목/요약/키워드: Partner effects

검색결과 189건 처리시간 0.026초

자기자비와 관계만족에서 갈등대처행동의 매개: 자기효과와 상대방효과 분석 (Conflict resolution strategies as a mediator in the relationship between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction : Actor effect and partner effect)

  • 박찬미;설경옥
    • 한국가족관계학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate a role of self-compassion in conflict resolution strategies among dating couples. Further, we examined conflict resolution strategies as mechanisms to explain in the relationship between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction. Method: Two hundred forty two dating couples were recruited. Actor and Partner Independence Model(APIM) was used to examine actor and partner effects of self-compassion on relationship satisfaction as well as conflict resolution strategies. The total of 4 APIMs, two positive conflict resolution strategies(i.e., positive emotional reactions, active coping) and two negative conflict resolution strategies(i.e., negative emotional reactions and hostility, avoidance) were analyzed. Positive conflict resolution strategies had only actor effect in the link between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction. That is, self-compassionate men and women were more likely to use positive conflict resolution strategies and, in turn, led to their higher relationship satisfaction. Both actor and partner effects were found in the negative conflict resolution strategy models. In terms of actor effect self-compassionate men and women were less likely to use negative conflict resolution strategies and that, in turn, led to their higher relationship satisfaction. In terms of partner effects we found that women's negative emotional reactions and hostility mediated the link between women's self-compassion and their male partners' relationship satisfaction. Men's avoidance mediated the link between men's self-compassion and their female partners' relationship satisfaction.

파트너 기업 간 문화적 거리가 국제합작투자기업의 성과에 미치는 영향: 건설적 갈등해결기법과 경쟁관계의 조절효과를 중심으로 (The Influence of Cultural Distance on the Performance of International Joint Venture: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of the Constructive Conflict Resolution Techniques and the Competitive Relationship )

  • 양영수;이재은
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the effect of cultural distance between partner firms on international joint venture performance, focusing on the moderating effects of the conflict resolution techniques and the competitive relationship between partner firms. We tested hypotheses based on joint venture firms that were surveyed which formed by equity investment between Korean and foreign firms in the manufacturing industry. The empirical analysis results of this study are as follows. First, in international joint ventures, the cultural distance between partner firms was found to have a negative effect on the international joint venture performance, and the higher the cultural distance, the lower the joint venture performance. Second, it was found that constructive conflict resolution techniques weaken the negative impact of the cultural distance between partner firms in international joint ventures on the performance of international joint ventures. Third, competitive relationship between international joint venture partners showed no moderating effect on the relationship between cultural distance and international joint venture performance.

농촌 다문화가족 부부의 활동몰입갈등이 자아존중감과 행복감에 미치는 효과 : APIM을 이용한 행위자와 파트너 효과 분석 중심 (Effect of Activity Immersion Conflict Perceived by Rural Multicultural Couple on Their Self-esteem, and Happiness : Focusing on Analysis of Actor and Partner Effect Using APIM)

  • 양순미
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제27권spc호
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    • pp.557-571
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the effects of the actor and partner according to the activity immersion conflict perceived by rural multicultural couples in terms of the self-esteem and happiness using Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). For this purpose, the data of 482 persons from 241 husband-immigrant women dyads were analyzed. As results of the analysis, only the effect of the actor among the actor and partner effect according to the activity immersion conflict affected the self-esteem significantly in both husband and immigrant women. Conflict, namely the actor and partner effect, affected the happiness in both the husband and immigrant women significantly. Second, the difference in the actor conflict level on activity immersion perceived by the couple according to the women's native country was significant in both husband and immigrant women. The level of actor conflict was highest in Vietnamese husbands and the Philippine women. On the other hand, the difference in the partner conflict level on the activity immersion according to the women's native country was significant only in the women, and the level of Vietnamese women was highest. Therefore, the characteristics in the level of actor and partner conflict on activity immersion was caused by the difference in the number of activity organizations participating between the husband and women. Based on the results, this study suggests some measures to reduce the conflict of couples through activity. In addition, some plans for a follow-up study using APIM are suggested.

소아암 환아와 가족을 위한 가족희망파트너사업의 효과에 대한 질적 평가 (Qualitative Evaluation of Effectiveness of 'Family Hope Partner Project' for Pediatric Cancer Patients and their Families)

  • 김선희
    • 한국가족복지학
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    • 제55호
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    • pp.59-90
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 소아암 환아와 가족을 위해 한국백혈병소아암협회에서 실시된 '가족희망파트너사업' 의 총체적인 효과를 규명하고 이들에 대한 지원의 실증적 기초자료를 마련하는데 그 목적이있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 '가족희망파트너사업'을 통해 1년 이상 서비스를 이용 중인 보호자6명, 소아암 아동 5명을 2016년 6~7월까지 인터뷰하였으며, 수집된 자료는 질적분석 과정을거쳐 해석되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 소아암 환아와 가족은 '혹독한 아픔의 장벽' 과 '소용돌이치는 불안과 소진'에 직면해있었는데, '가족희망파트너사업'을 통해 연계된 '회복과 성장의 디딤돌이 되어준 참 스승'으로 말미암아 다차원적인 효과를 경험하게 되었다. 즉'환아의 전반적인 재활 지원', '가족관계의 향상', '사회적 관계에 대한 해갈(解渴)', '압박에서의 해방'이라는 긍정적인 효과들을 체험하게 되었다. 본 연구는 '가족희망파트너사업'의 다차원적인 효과를 심층적으로 확증하였으며, 한국백혈병소아암협회에 의해서 소아암 환아와 가족을 위해 국내외적으로 최초로 시도된 '가족희망파트너사업'의 방향성을 모색하였다는데 의의가있다.

Factors Affecting Early School-Age Children's Subjective Happiness: Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model of Parental Variables

  • Kang, Kinoh;Kim, Jungho;Kim, Jungmin;Jeong, Hyoeun;Han, Jeongwon
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제47권6호
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    • pp.854-863
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study of cause-and-effect relationship, which used the $7^{th}$ year data of the Panel Study on Korean Children, to investigate the effects of parenting stress, depression, and family interactions of the parents of early school-age children on children's subjective happiness. Methods: The present study included data of 1419 pairs of parents who participated in the mother and father survey of the Panel Study on Korean Children. The effects of parenting stress, depression, and parental family interactions on children's subjective happiness were analyzed as actor and partner effects using path analysis. Results: Parenting stress had an actor effect on depression; maternal parenting stress (${\beta}=-.21$, p<.001) and depression (${\beta}=-.30$, p<.001) had an actor effect on maternal family interaction; and paternal parenting stress (${\beta}=-.18$, p<.001) and depression (${\beta}=-.17$, p<.001) had a partner effect on maternal family interaction. Paternal parenting stress was found to have an actor effect on paternal family interaction (${\beta}=-.30$, p<.001), and parental depression was found to have actor effect (${\beta}=-.23$, p<.001) and maternal depression had a partner effect on paternal family interactions (${\beta}=-.22$, p<.001). Children's subjective happiness was found to have a statistically significant relationship with maternal family interaction (${\beta}=.40$, p<.001). Conclusion: The significance of the study is in its provision of basic data for adjusting parents' family interactions that are closely related to the growth and development of children by confirming the effect of parents' parenting stress, depression, and family interaction on children's subjective happiness.

맞벌이부부의 배우자 지지, 직장 지지 및 일-가족 전이가 일-생활 균형에 미치는 자기효과와 상대방효과 (The influences of spousal support and work-family spillover on work-life balance in dual-earner couples with children: Testing actor and partner effects)

  • 정서린;장윤옥
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.97-119
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the actor effect and the partner effect in relation to spousal support, job support, work-family spillover, and work-life balance in dual-earner couples. The subjects of this study were 176 dual-earner couple, whose youngest children are under the age of 16 and who work over 15 hours each week. The research tool was a questionnaires. Factor analysis, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, correlation analysis, and APIM were performed for the data analysis. The main results of this study as follows. First, for both wives and husbands, perceived spousal support had a positive actor effect on work-life balance. However, perceived husband's spouse support for wife's support had positive partner effect on the wife's work-life balance, the wife's perceived spousal support for her husband' did not have a partner actor effect on the husband's work-life balance. Second, for both wives and husbands, job support had a positive actor effect on work-life balance. In addition, the wife's job support had a positive partner effect on the husband's work-life balance, however, the husband's job support did not have a partner actor effect on the wife's work-life balance. Third, for both wives and husbands, work-family conflict had a negative actor effect on work-life balance. In addition, the wife's work-family conflict had a negative partner effect on the husband's work-life balance, however, the husband's work-family conflict did not have a partner actor effect on the wife's work-life balance. Fourth, for both wives and husbands, work-family enrichment had a positive actor effect on work-life balance. In addition, the husband's work-family enrichment had a positive partner effect on the wife's work-life balance, however, the wife's work-family enrichment did not have a partner actor effect on the husband's work-life balance.

맞벌이 부부의 일가족 경험과 정신건강: 자기효과와 상대방효과 (Work-family experiences and mental health of dual-earner couples: Actor effects and partner effects)

  • 조규영;김신경;전효정
    • 한국가족관계학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the actor and partner effects of the relationships among dual-earner couple's work-family experiences and mental health using APIM (Actor and Partner Interdependence Model). Method: Using the 7~8th (2015) wave of PSKC (Panel Study on Korean Children), the study included 606 couples raising children who are in the first grade of elementary school. Results: The result 1 shows relationships between work-parenting gains and depression/life-satisfaction (Model 1 & Model 2). In Model 1, wives' level of work-parenting gains was not associated with depression of their own nor of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting gains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In Model 2, wives' level of work-parenting gains was associated with life-satisfaction of their own but it was not associated with life-satisfaction of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting gains was associated with their spouses' as well as life-satisfaction of their own. The result 2 shows relationships between work-parenting strains and depression/life-satisfaction (Model 3 & Model 4). In Model 3, wives' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In addition, husbands' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In Model 4, wives' level of work-parenting strains was associated with life-satisfaction of their own but it was not associated with life-satisfaction of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as life-satisfaction of their own. Conclusions: These findings extend our understanding of the relationships between work-family experiences and mental health using dyadic data.

Attitude Transfer Model in Fashion Co-marketing Alliance: Controlling Product Tangibility/Intangibility

  • Ahn, Sook-Young
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.142-155
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    • 2011
  • By developing attitude transfer model, this study examined the co-marketing alliance effect between fashion and other industries (i.e., service and product brands) based upon the information integration theory. In addition, it examined the product tangibility/intangibility effects of partner brands by controlling stimuli: two alliance cases of fashion and service brands and two alliance cases of fashion and product brands. A total of 1,037 Korean women aged 20 to 39 were surveyed to compare the prior- and post- attitudes toward fashion/partner brands under four fictitious co-marketing alliance cases. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), multi-group CFA, structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, and multi-group SEM analysis were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results demonstrated that the prior-attitude toward fashion brand partially affected the alliance attitude, and the co-marketing alliance was affected by prior-attitudes partner brands. The result of multi-group SEM analysis supported the significant differences between service and product brands as alliance partners, which might refer to the effect of product tangibility, existing in brand alliance contexts. The alliance evaluation affected the subsequent evaluations on each participating brands. This study empirically provides the conceptual structure of how consumer attitudes toward the participating brands interact with the attitudes toward alliance and offer practical insights. Specifically, upon employing the manipulated co-marketing alliances cases, this study demonstrates the partnering effect according to product tangibility of partner brands.

Impact of Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Other Adversities

  • Franchek-Roa, Kathleen M.;Tiwari, Agnes;Lewis-O'Connor, Annie;Campbell, Jacquelyn
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.156-167
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    • 2017
  • Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) and other adversities has been shown to have adverse effects on health and well-being not only in childhood but also throughout the lifespan. This paper focuses on the prevalence of childhood adversities including exposure to IPV. The intersection of adverse childhood experiences and IPV victimization/perpetration in adulthood is also explored. The neurobiology of trauma is discussed and by understanding the impact of trauma on health, it is hoped that enhancement of resilience is possible. Based on the identification of protective factors at the individual, familial, and community level, examples of interventions that encourage safe, stable, and nurturing relationships between parents and children are described.

웹 서비스 기반의 협업적 생산관리 시스템의 설계 및 구축 (Design and Implementation of the Web Services Based Collaborative Production Management System)

  • 이명호;김형석;김내헌
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2006
  • Especially, MTO(Make-To-Order) companies take collaborative approaches with their partner companies to make low-price products and/or technologically low intensive products. The collaborative approach to manufacturing requires collaboration with partner companies for inventory review, production plan, and manufacturing to fulfill customer's orders. However, frequent changes of partnerships binder partner companies from sharing production information in effective ways since their information systems have different data architectures and platforms. Therefore, it is required flexible and standardized system integration approach fir effective information sharing. This research studies current status and problems of collaborative production system, proposes an architecture for collaborative production systems based on Web Services which is a standard information technology, and discusses expected effects and the vision of Web Services.