• Title/Summary/Keyword: Participation Effect

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The Effect of Forest Experience Program on the Lung Capacity, Health & Fitness, Emotional Intelligence, and Psychological Well-being of Local Children (숲 체험 프로그램이 지역아동의 폐활량과 건강체력, 감성지능, 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 효과)

  • Ju-Young Lee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a forest experience program on the lung capacity, health & fitness, emotional intelligence, and psychological well-being of local children.This study was conducted on 3rd and 4th grade elementary school students for 12 weeks from July 10 to September 30, 2022, at a local children's center in D City. Changes were analyzed and verified using t-test. Verified. The changes in the lung capacity, health & fitness, emotional intelligence, and psychological well-being of the experimental group and the control group were analyzed and verified using t-test.For the changes in lung capacity and health & fitness, there was a statistically significant difference between the control group and the experimental group in lung capacity (t=24.56, p<.05), and there was also a statistically significant difference between the two groups in cardiorespiratory endurance among the elements of health & fitness (t=16.64, p<.05). As for the changes in emotional intelligence and psychological well-being, there was statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the emotional intelligence (t=2.31, p<.05) and in psychological well-being (t=3.21, p<.05). Through this study, the positive effects of the forest experience program were confirmed, and it is believed that institutional arrangements are needed to improve children's participation conditions by expanding forest experience education spaces and developing customized forest experience programs to suit the characteristics of the region.

Effects of Whole Body Electric Muscle Stimulation Training on Body Composition and Heart Rate Variability based on Obesity Level in Women

  • Seung-Hyeon Lim;Jin-Wook Lee;Yong-Hyun Byun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 12 weeks of WB-EMS training on body composition and heart rate variability based on BMI Level in Women. The subjects of the study were premenopausal women, and they were classified into the BMI-N(n=15) group for BMI<25, the BMI-1(n=16) group for BMI=25~29.9, and the BMI-2(n=9) group for BMI>30. And then, WB-EMS training was performed of 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Body composition and HRV were measured before and after the participation in exercise, which were subjected to a repeated-measures two-way ANOVA. In the case of a significant interaction between time and group, paired sample t-tests were conducted for a post-hoc analysis within each subject group. Tukey's method was used for post-hoc testing of differences between groups, and the significance level was set at 0.5. The results were as follows; First, The effect of WB-EMS training was found in all variables of body composition. In particular, Weight, BMI, FFM, and FM decreased the most in the BMI-2 group, followed by the BMI-1 and BMI-N groups. %BF and VF decreased the most in the BMI-2 group. Second, There was a difference in BPM in all groups, and the BMI-2 group showed the greatest decrease. There were differences in SDNN and RMSSD for each group, and there was no difference according to obesity level. There was no difference in LF, HF, and LF/HF ratio. In conclusion, it was confirmed that WB-EMS training can be an exercise therapy that has a positive effect on the body composition change and cardiac circulatory system in women with a high level of obesity.

A Study on the Effect of Catchphrases in Corporate Job Postings on Job Applications from Individuals in Their 20s and 30s (기업 채용공고의 캐치프레이즈가 20, 30대의 입사 지원에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Min Jae Hwang;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the impact of catchphrases used in job postings on job applications in the context of accelerating social participation of Generation Z and changing business environments. To this end, case studies of catchphrases used in job postings by domestic and international companies were conducted. In addition, job postings for the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), a well-known public institution, were created using four trend keywords: 'general phrases,' 'eco-friendliness,' 'employee welfare,' and 'social issues (equality).' An online survey was conducted to analyze the impact of catchphrases in job postings on job applications, and the results showed that 83% of respondents found that the catchphrases in job postings had a positive effect on their application decisions. Through in-depth interviews, the importance of design elements and catchphrases in job postings as perceived by actual job seekers was confirmed. In conclusion, this study aims to explore how catchphrases in job postings can facilitate smooth communication between companies and job seekers and strengthen corporate image promotion activities. It seeks to provide insights into how companies can effectively utilize catchphrases in job postings according to age and job type in future recruitment processes.

The Effects of Complex Attention Training on Brain Function Index and Attention Concerntration Adolescents with ADHD (ADHD 청소년의 복합 주의집중 훈련이 뇌기능 지수와 주의집중력에 미치는 영향)

  • Young-Ho Lee;Hong-Young Jang
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of an 8-week complex attention concentration program on the brain function index and attention concentration in adolescents with ADHD. The subjects of the study were 18 male adolescents from H School located in I City, divided into three groups: 6 participants in the complex attention concentration program group, 6 in the target-related physical activity group, and 6 in the no-treatment control group. Data analysis included calculating means and standard deviations for group comparisons, and two-way (2RM×6RM) ANOVA was conducted to test differences at various measurement points. Post-hoc tests were performed to examine significant interaction effects (p<.05). The results indicated that the integrated attention training program had a more positive effect on brain function sub-indices compared to both the target-related physical activity group and the no-treatment group. Similarly, the program showed a more positive effect on attention levels compared to the other two groups. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the integrated attention training program significantly improves overall brain function in ADHD students and is advantageous due to its ease of participation. It is suggested that this program could be widely used due to these benefits.

The Effect of Active Senior's Career Orientation and Educational Entrepreneurship Satisfaction on Entrepreneurship Intention and Entrepreneurship Preparation Behavior (액티브 시니어의 경력지향성과 창업교육 만족이 창업의지와 창업준비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Joungbum;Yang, Youngseok;Kim, Myungseuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.285-301
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    • 2020
  • Looking at the problem of aging in the nation from a demographic perspective, it is not a problem of the overall population, but of the structure of the population. It is the baby boomer and post-baby boomers, the largest population in the country. Baby boomers were born between 1955 and 1963, and currently have a population of 7001,333, which is 13.6 percent (as of 2015). The Post-Baby Boomer generation was born between 1964 and 1974, with a total population of 9,567,171, accounting for 18.8 percent of the total population. In particular, baby boomers and post-baby boomers (32.4% of the total population) have begun to retire or will retire soon. The average life expectancy continues to increase due to the development of medical technology, and the falling birth rate of newborns and the declining population of the production population are darkening the domestic economy. In a policy proposal aimed at easing the nation's falling economic growth rate, women's participation rate is as high as Sweden and men's efforts to increase it as high as Japan's, while the elderly rate is desirable to maintain Korea's high level. This is because the expansion of the elderly generation's participation in economic activities could ease a sharp drop in economic growth and reduce the burden of supporting the elderly population. The study, based on this social problem awareness and problem solving plan, looks at the relationship between career orientation and satisfaction in start-up education based on the diverse career base of active seniors, and also suggests the importance of customized start-up education on the diversity of active seniors by clarifying the relationship between them, and suggests the desirable direction of senior start-up policy design, funding, and start-up education. Based on the theoretical background, the concept of five factors was defined: active senior, career-oriented, satisfaction level of start-up education, willingness to start a business, and the concept definition of an active senior, which is particularly key to the baby boomers in their 50s and 60s, is generally regarded as a source of consumption or welfare benefits, but in this study, the concept of active start-up is reflected in the domestic start-up market by young people in their 40s, 50s and 60s. As a result of a hypothesis test. Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 5: Career orientation has been verified to affect the willingness to start a business and the behavior of preparation for a start-up. Hypothesis 3: The willingness to start a business has been verified as having an effect between startup preparation actions. Hypothesis 4: The satisfaction level of start-up education has been verified to affect start-up preparation behavior. However, hypothesis 2: The satisfaction level of education for start-ups does not affect the willingness to start a business. Such results can be inferred that satisfaction in start-up education does not have a direct effect on the will to start a business and increases the will to start a business through the influence of personal career orientation.

The Research on Online Game Hedonic Experience - Focusing on Moderate Effect of Perceived Complexity - (온라인 게임에서의 쾌락적 경험에 관한 연구 - 지각된 복잡성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Jung, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.147-187
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    • 2008
  • Online game researchers focus on the flow and factors influencing flow. Flow is conceptualized as an optimal experience state and useful explaining game experience in online. Many game studies focused on the customer loyalty and flow in playing online game, In showing specific game experience, however, it doesn't examine multidimensional experience process. Flow is not construct which show absorbing process, but construct which show absorbing result. Hence, Flow is not adequate to examine multidimensional experience of games. Online game is included in hedonic consumption. Hedonic consumption is a relatively new field of study in consumer research and it explores the consumption experience as a experiential view(Hirschman and Holbrook 1982). Hedonic consumption explores the consumption experience not as an information processing event but from a phenomenological of experiential view, which is a primarily subjective state. It includes various playful leisure activities, sensory pleasures, daydreams, esthetic enjoyment, and emotional responses. In online game experience, therefore, it is right to access through a experiential view of hedonic consumption. The objective of this paper was to make up for lacks in our understanding of online game experience by developing a framework for better insight into the hedonic experience of online game. We developed this framework by integrating and extending existing research in marketing, online game and hedonic responses. We then discussed several expectations for this framework. We concluded by discussing the results of this study, providing general recommendation and directions for future research. In hedonic response research, Lacher's research(1994)and Jongho lee and Yunhee Jung' research (2005;2006) has served as a fundamental starting point of our research. A common element in this extended research is the repeated identification of the four hedonic responses: sensory response, imaginal response, emotional response, analytic response. The validity of these four constructs finds in research of music(Lacher 1994) and movie(Jongho lee and Yunhee Jung' research 2005;2006). But, previous research on hedonic response didn't show that constructs of hedonic response have cause-effect relation. Also, although hedonic response enable to different by stimulus properties. effects of stimulus properties is not showed. To fill this gap, while largely based on Lacher(1994)' research and Jongho Lee and Yunhee Jung(2005, 2006)' research, we made several important adaptation with the primary goal of bringing the model into online game and compensating lacks of previous research. We maintained the same construct proposed by Lacher et al.(1994), with four constructs of hedonic response:sensory response, imaginal response, emotional response, analytical response. In this study, the sensory response is typified by some physical movement(Yingling 1962), the imaginal response is typified by images, memories, or situations that game evokes(Myers 1914), and the emotional response represents the feelings one experiences when playing game, such as pleasure, arousal, dominance, finally, the analytical response is that game player engaged in cognition seeking while playing game(Myers 1912). However, this paper has several important differences. We attempted to suggest multi-dimensional experience process in online game and cause-effect relation among hedonic responses. Also, We investigated moderate effects of perceived complexity. Previous studies about hedonic responses didn't show influences of stimulus properties. According to Berlyne's theory(1960, 1974) of aesthetic response, perceived complexity is a important construct because it effects pleasure. Pleasure in response to an object will increase with increased complexity, to an optimal level. After that, with increased complexity, pleasure begins with a linearly increasing line for complexity. Therefore, We expected this perceived complexity will influence hedonic response in game experience. We discussed the rationale for these suggested changes, the assumptions of the resulting framework, and developed some expectations based on its application in Online game context. In the first stage of methodology, questions were developed to measure the constructs. We constructed a survey measuring our theoretical constructs based on a combination of sources, including Yingling(1962), Hargreaves(1962), Lacher (1994), Jongho Lee and Yunhee Jung(2005, 2006), Mehrabian and Russell(1974), Pucely et al(1987). Based on comments received in the pretest, we made several revisions to arrive at our final survey. We investigated the proposed framework through a convenience sample, where participation in a self-report survey was solicited from various respondents having different knowledges. All respondents participated to different degrees, in these habitually practiced activities and received no compensation for their participation. Questionnaires were distributed to graduates and we used 381 completed questionnaires to analysis. The sample consisted of more men(n=225) than women(n=156). In measure, the study used multi-item scales based previous study. We analyze the data using structural equation modeling(LISREL-VIII; Joreskog and Sorbom 1993). First, we used the entire sample(n=381) to refine the measures and test their convergent and discriminant validity. The evidence from both the factor analysis and the analysis of reliability provides support that the scales exhibit internal consistency and construct validity. Second, we test the hypothesized structural model. And, we divided the sample into two different complexity group and analyze the hypothesized structural model of each group. The analysis suggest that hedonic response plays different roles from hypothesized in our study. The results indicate that hedonic response-sensory response, imaginal response, emotional response, analytical response- are related positively to respondents' level of game satisfaction. And game satisfaction is related to higher levels of game loyalty. Additionally, we found that perceived complexity is important to online game experience. Our results suggest that importance of each hedonic response different by perceived game complexity. Understanding the role of perceived complexity in hedonic response enables to have a better understanding of underlying mechanisms at game experience. If game has high complexity, analytical response become important response. So game producers or marketers have to consider more cognitive stimulus. Controversy, if game has low complexity, sensorial response respectively become important. Finally, we discussed several limitations of our study and suggested directions for future research. we concluded with a discussion of managerial implications. Our study provides managers with a basis for game strategies.

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The Study on the Influence of Capstone Design & Field Training on Employment Rate: Focused on Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation(LINC) (캡스톤디자인 및 현장실습이 취업률에 미치는 영향: 산학협력선도대학(LINC)을 중심으로)

  • Park Namgue
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2023
  • In order to improve employment rates, most universities operate programs to strengthen students' employment and entrepreneurship, regardless of whether they are selected as the Leading Industry-Innovative University (LINC) or not. In particular, in the case of non-metropolitan universities are risking their lives to improve employment rates. In order to overcome the limitations of university establishment type and university location, which absolutely affect the employment rate, we are operating a startup education & startup support program in order to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship, and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs are always available. Although there are studies on effectiveness verification centered on LINC (Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) in previous studies, but a longitudinal study was conducted on all factors of university factors, startup education & startup support, and capstone design & field training as industry-university-linked education programs as factors affecting the employment rate based on public disclosure indicators. No cases of longitudinal studies were reported. This study targets 116 universities that satisfy the conditions based on university disclosure indicators from 2018 to 2020 that were recently released on university factors, startup education & startup support, and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs as factors affecting the employment rate. We analyzed the differences between the LINC (Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) 51 participating universities and 64 non-participating universities. In addition, considering that there is no historical information on the overlapping participation of participating students due to the limitations of public indicators, the Exposure Effect theory states that long-term exposure to employment and entrepreneurship competency enhancement programs will affect the employment rate through competency enhancement. Based on this, the effectiveness of the 2nd LINC+ (socially customized Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) was verified from 2017 to 2021 through a longitudinal causal relationship analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the startup education & startup support and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs of the 2nd LINC+ (socially customized Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) did not affect the employment rate. As a result of the longitudinal causal relationship analysis, it was reconfirmed that universities in metropolitan areas still have higher employment rates than universities in non-metropolitan areas due to existing university factors, and that private universities have higher employment rates than national universities. Among employment and entrepreneurship competency strengthening programs, the number of people who complete entrepreneurship courses, the number of people who complete capstone design, the amount of capstone design payment, and the number of dedicated faculty members partially affect the employment rate by year, while field training has no effect at all by year. It was confirmed that long-term exposure to the entrepreneurship capacity building program did not affect the employment rate. Therefore, it was reconfirmed that in order to improve the employment rate of universities, the limitations of non-metropolitan areas and national and public universities must be overcome. To overcome this, as a program to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship capabilities, it is important to strengthen entrepreneurship through participation in entrepreneurship lectures and actively introduce and be confident in the capstone design program that strengthens the concept of PBL (Problem Based Learning), and the field training program improves the employment rate. In order for actually field training affect of the employment rate, it is necessary to proceed with a substantial program through reorganization of the overall academic system and organization.

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The Effect of Objective and Subjective Social Isolation and Interpersonal Conflict Type on the Probability of Cognitive Impairment by Age Group in Old Age (노년기 연령집단별 객관적·주관적 사회적 고립과 대인관계갈등 유형이 인지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang Chul
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.811-835
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    • 2018
  • Social relations and cognitive function in old age are closely related to each other, and social relation is classified into structural characteristics and qualitative characteristics reflecting cognitive and emotional evaluation. The concept of social isolation is the focus of attention in relation to the social relations of old age. Social isolation has a multidimensional theoretical structure that is divided into objective dimension such as social network, type of furniture, social participation, and subjective dimension such as lack of perceived social support and loneliness. There is also a close relationship between cognitive function and interpersonal conflict in old age. In this study, we examined the effect of subjective social isolation, which shows the structural characteristics of social relations, and subjective social isolation and interpersonal conflict on the dementia occurrence by age group in the elderly. The data were analyzed by applying a random effect panel logit model using 1,740 panel data from the first year to the third year of KSHAP. The results of the analysis are summarized as follows. First, the cognitive impairment increased sharply with age. Objective and subjective social isolation were both U-shaped distribution with an inflection point of 80 years old. Second, the main effect on the probability of cognitive impairment was statistically significant with objective and subjective social isolation, but the type of interpersonal conflict did not appear to be significant. Third, the results of two-way interaction effect analysis on the probability of cognitive impairment are as follows. The relationship between subjective social isolation and the probability of occurrence of cognitive impairment was significantly different according to the level of conflict with spouse. In addition, the higher the subjective social isolation, the higher the probability of cognitive impairment in the elderly(over 85) than in the young-old(65~74). In addition, as the level of conflict with spouses increases, the probability of cognitive impairment of the oldest-old(aged 85 or older) is drastically lower than that of the young-old(aged 65~74). Based on the results of this study, policy and practical implications for reducing the cognitive impairment of the elderly age group were suggested, and limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

Development of Educational Science Magic Program in Elementary Science Education and Effects of its Application (초등과학 수업에서 과학교육마술 프로그램의 개발 및 적용에 따른 효과)

  • Yoon, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of educational science magic program on creative problem solving ability, inquiry skill, and scientific attitude in elementary school science. For this, two classes of 3th grade were chosen in the J elementary school located in Suwon city as the experimental class(30 students) and the comparative class(30 students). The two groups were selected through a diagnostic examining program. Instruction using educational science magic program was applied to the experimental class. The results of this study were as follows. 1. the creative problem solving ability of the experimental class has statistically meaningful differences and improved, compared with the comparative class(p<.05). 2. the scientific inquiry skill was improved, but it has no meaningful difference statistically. However, science tasks applied educational science magic program had valuable significance to ability of measure(p<.05). 3. the scientific attitude score also was improved, but it has no meaningful difference statistically. However, science tasks applied educational science magic program had valuable significance to endurance(p<.05). 4. the results of survey showed that educational science magic program influence students' interests and concerns in science, class participation, pleasure in class, and comprehension of what is said in class positively. Therefore, a educational science magic program applied in this study might be useful to improve the creative problem solving ability, interests and concerns in science, class participation, pleasure in class, and comprehension of what is said in class.

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The Impacts of Acceptance Decision Factors of Tour Social Network Service on Continuous Use Intention from the Viewpoint of User Participation : Focusing on Mediating Effect of Perceived Value and Satisfaction (이용자 참여관점에서의 관광 쇼셜 네트워크 서비스의 수용결정요인이 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향: 지각된 가치와 만족을 매개로 하여)

  • Lim, Chae-Kwan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed at understanding the factors behind deciding to accept a social network service (SNS) from the viewpoint of tourists who are users of tourism SNS. The study also seeks to clarify the effects these deduced factors have on the intention of users to continuously use SNS. To this end, individual properties (such as self-efficacy, socio-cultural effects, social presence and people's innovativeness), systematic properties (like system quality and information quality)and usefulness/availability were used as factors with regard to the decision to accept tourism SNS based on previous studies and efforts were made to structurally clarify the effects of such previous factors on people's intention to continuously use SNS through perceived value and satisfaction. SNS had significant effects on satisfaction and, furthermore, significantly affected tourists' intention to continuously use it. Based on such study results, factors behind deciding to accept SNS from the viewpoint of tourists affected customers' perceived value and satisfaction and ultimately affected their intention to continuously use SNS. To achieve the purpose of the study, a survey was conducted on about 250 Busan residents who had used SNS in relation to tourist activities, such as exhibitions, conventions, accommodation, trips, aviation service and transportation. According to an empirical study, factors behind deciding to accept tourism SNS, including individual properties, systematic properties and usefulness/availability had statistically significant effects on perceived value. The usefulness/availability factor had the largest influence, in particular, followed by the systematic factor and individual factor. The value perceived in the process of using tourism SNS had significant effects on satisfaction and, furthermore, significantly affected tourists' intention to continuously use it. Based on such study results, factors behind deciding to accept SNS from the viewpoint of tourists affected customers' perceived value and satisfaction and ultimately affected their intention to continuously use SNS.