• Title/Summary/Keyword: Partial cavity

검색결과 125건 처리시간 0.021초

A Mouse Model of Photochemically Induced Spinal Cord Injury

  • Piao, Min Sheng;Lee, Jung-Kil;Jang, Jae-Won;Kim, Soo-Han;Kim, Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.479-483
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    • 2009
  • Objective : A mouse model of spinal cord injury (SCI) could further increase our basic understanding of the mechanisms involved in injury and repair of the nervous system. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether methods used to produce and evaluate photochemical graded ischemic SCI in rats, could be successfully adapted to mice, in a reliable and reproducible manner. Methods : Thirty female imprinting control region mice (weighting 25-30 g, 8 weeks of age) were used in this study. Following intraperitoneal injection of Rose bengal, the translucent dorsal surface of the T8-T9 vertebral laminae of the mice were illuminated with a fiber optic bundle of a cold light source. The mice were divided into three groups; Group 1 (20 mg/kg Rose bengal, 5 minutes illumination), Group 2 (20 mg/kg Rose bengal, 10 minutes illumination), and Group 3 (40 mg/kg Rose bengal, 10 minutes illumination). The locomotor function, according to the Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan scale, was assessed at three days after the injury and then once per week for four weeks. The animals were sacrificed at 28 days after the injury, and the histopathology of the lesions was assessed. Results : The mice in group 1 had no hindlimb movement until seven days after the injury. Most mice had later recovery with movement in more than two joints at 28 days after injury. There was limited recovery of one joint, with only slight movement, for the mice in groups 2 and 3. The histopathology showed that the mice in group 1 had a cystic cavity involving the dorsal and partial involvement of the dorsolateral funiculi. A larger cavity, involving the dorsal, dorsolateral funiculi and the gray matter of the dorsal and ventral horns was found in group 2. In group 3, most of the spinal cord was destroyed and only a thin rim of tissue remained. Conclusion : The results of this study show that the photochemical graded ischemic SCI model. described in rats, can be successfully adapted to mice, in a reliable and reproducible manner. The functional deficits are correlated an increase in the irradiation time and, therefore, to the severity of the injury. The photothrombotic model of SCI, in mice with 20 mg/kg Rose bengal for 5 minutes illumination, provides an effective model that could be used in future research. This photochemical model can be used for investigating secondary responses associated with traumatic SCI.

구강 결손부에 적용된 요골 유리전완 피부피판 적용례 분석 (Clinical Cases Analysis of Forearm Free Fasciocutaneous Flaps on Oral Cavity Defect Area)

  • 김욱규;이광호;송원욱;황대석;김용덕;신상훈;김종렬;정인교
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 2010
  • The radial forearm free flap (RFFF) has become a workhorse flap as a means of reconstructing surgical defects in the head and neck region. We have transferred 12 RFFFs with fasciocutaneous type on oral cavity defects in 12 patients after cancer resection and submucous fibrotic lesion ablation from 2005 to 2007 at Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Pusan National University Hospital. We reviewed retrospectively patients' charts and followed up the patients. Clinical analysis on the cases with RFFFs focusing on flap morbidity, indications and available vessels was done. The results of study are follows: 1. RFFF could be applied for all kind of defects after resection of tongue, floor of mouth, buccal mucosa, denuded bone of palate, maxilla, and mandible. 2. All free flaps could be used for primary reconstruction. The survival rate of 12 RFFFs was 92%. Partial marginal loss of the flaps was shown as 3 cases among 12 cases. Large size-vessels like superior thyroid artery, facial artery, internal jugular vein were favorable for microvascular anastomosis. 3. Parenteral nutrition instead of nasal L-tube also can be favorable for postoperative a week for better healing of the flap if the patients couldn't be tolerable with nasal tubing. 4. Donor sites with thigh skin graft were repaired with wrist band for 2 weeks. The complications included scarring, abnormal sensation on hand, and reduced grip strength in few patients, but those didn't induce major side effects. 5. Most RFFFs were well healed even if mortality rate of cancer patients was shown as 50% (5/10 persons). The mortality of patients was not correlated with morbidity of the flaps. We could identify the usefulness of RFFF for restoration of oral function, esthetics if the flap design, tissue transfer indications, and well controlled operation are proceeded.

Role of Concomitant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancers

  • Lasrado, Savita;Moras, Kuldeep;Pinto, George Jawahar Oliver;Bhat, Mahesh;Hegde, Sanath;Sathian, Brijesh;Luis, Neil Aaron
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권10호
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    • pp.4147-4152
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    • 2014
  • Standard therapy for advanced head and neck cancer consists of a combination of surgery and radiation. However, survival of this patient population has not improved during the past 20 years. Many different multimodality treatment schedules have been proposed, and chemotherapy is often used with the intent of organ preservation. The present study was intended to establish the efficacy of concomitant chemoradiation with a single agent carboplatin in advanced head and neck cancers.The objectives were to investigate the feasibility of concomitant administration of carboplatin, monitor acute toxicity during radiotherapy, and determine subacute side effects, such as wound healing following surgery after chemoradiotherapy. A prospective study was conducted wherein a total of 40 patients with stage III and IV squamous cell carcinomas of oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx were enrolled. All patients were treated with external beam radiotherapy and weekly carboplatin area under curve (AUC of 5). Radiotherapy was given in single daily fractions of 1.8-2 grays (Gy) to a total dose of 66-72 Gy. Salvage surgery was performed for any residual or recurrent locoregional disease. Neck dissection was recommended for all patients with neck disease showing less than a complete response after chemoradiation. A total of 40 patients were enrolled of whom 32 were males and 8 were females. Highest incidence of cancer was seen in the 5th-6th decades of life with a median age of 47.7 years. Oropharyngeal tumours constituted a maximum of 21 patients followed by hypopharynx in 10, larynx in 7 and oral cavity in 2. 80% of the patients had a neck node on presentation of which 40% had N2-N3 nodal status. TNM staging revealed that 58% of patients were in stage III and 43% in stage IV. Evaluation of acute toxicity revealed that 50% had grade II mucositis, 25% grade III mucositis, 2.5% grade IV mucositis. 50% of patients had grade I skin reactions, 65% of patients had grade I thrombocytopenia, and 24% of patients had grade I anaemia. After completion of treatment 65% of patients had complete response at the primary and regional sites, and 35% of patients had a partial response of whom 23% underwent neck dissection and 5% of them underwent salvage surgery at the primary site. At the end of one year there were six deaths and four recurrences and 70% were free of disease. Concurrent chemoradiation with carboplatin provided good locoregional control for locally advanced head and neck cancers. This regimen, although toxic, is tolerable with appropriate supportive intervention. Primary site conservation is possible in many patients. Chemoradiotherapy appears to have an emerging role in the primary management of head and neck cancers.

한우 송아지의 선천성 전신수종 (Congenital Dropsy in Korean-native Calf)

  • 강문일;박영석;한동운
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1999
  • 선천성 전신수종과 함께 체간의 형성부전을 특징으로 하는 한우 기형 송아지를 해부학적 및 혈청학적으로 검사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 기형의 송아지는 정상 송아지의 2/3 정도 크기 (체장 82cm, 무게 25kg) 이었다. 태자는 외관상 목과 몸통의 구분이 어려웠고 두부에서 포는 보이지 않았으며, 목에 해당하는 부분에 혓바닥을 물고 있는 입이 있었다. 사지의 형태는 유지하고 있었으나 체간의 형성부전으로 기형을 나타내었고 얼굴을 비롯 몸통 전체의 피하에 심한 수종에 의해 파동성을 보였다. 부검시 흉강과 복강내에 맑은 장액성 액상물질이 가득 차 있었고 피하조직내에도 같은 물질의 저류로 인해 피부와 피하의 구별이 되지 않았다. 더불어 이들 수종성 피하에는 연황색의 과립양 물질들이 다수 혼재되어 있었다. 내부장기는 거의 식별하기 어려웠고 흉강과 복강이 부분적으로 개통되어 간의 일부가 흉강쪽으로 빠져 나와 있었다. 폐는 크기가 32$\times$49 mm로 심장(56$\times$45 mm) 보다도 더 작게 위축되어 있었다. 복강에서는 두 개의 수종성 좌측 신장 (15$\times$21cm, 13$\times$18cm)과 1 개의 우측신장 (13$\times$9cm) 이 있었고 이들의 할단면에서의 실질부위는 대부분이 낭포로 채워진 낭종성 기형을 나타내었다. 간은 담황색 변성과 종대를 보였고, 비장은 부종, 충혈 및 종대가 관찰되었으며, 부종성 소장과 대장은 장관의 형태는 유지하고 있었으나 장간막에 황색 결절이 미만성으로 형성되어 있었다. 한편, 이 기형 송아지의 발생 원인체 중 하나로 모우에서 64 배 이상의 높은 중화 항체가를 보인 Akabane 바이러스가 추정되었다.

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  • 박숭;이백수;김여갑;권용대;최병준;김영란
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2010
  • Leiomyosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of smooth muscle origin and mostly originate from the wall of uterus and gastrointestinal tract, but primary leiomyosarcoma of the oral cavity is extremely rare. This tumor has a very poor prognosis due to high recurrence and metastasis rate, with 5 year survival rate of 32%. And regional lymph node metastasis is uncommon event. Complete wide surgical excision is the treatment of choice. A 64-year old man who had a painful ulcerative lesion on the labial & palatal gingiva of #11, 21 visited our department, and was diagnosed as leiomyosarcoma through a biopsy. Partial maxillectomy was carried out, with no following radiotherapy or chemotherapy. After months follow-up, there has been no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. But after months, we clinically find out two enlarged immobile palpable lymph node in right submandibular area of patient. So a biopsy was performed via an extraoral incision under local anesthesia. Histopathologic diagnosis diagnosis of the biopsy was lymph node metastasis of prior existed leiomyosarcoma. We report a case of a primary leiomyosarcoma occurred in a 64 year-old male patient involving the anterior maxillary region with regional lymph node metastasis with a review of literature.

Modeling reaction injection molding process of phenol-formaldehyde resin filled with wood dust

  • Lee, Jae-Wook;Kwon, Young-Don;Leonov, A.I.
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2008
  • A theoretical model was developed to describe the flow behavior of a filled polymer in the packing stage of reaction injection molding and predict the residual stress distribution of thin injection-molded parts. The model predictions were compared with experiments performed for phenol-formaldehyde resin filled with wood dust and cured by urotropine. The packing stage of reaction injection molding process presents a typical example of complex non-isothermal flow combined with chemical reaction. It is shown that the time evolution of pressure distribution along the mold cavity that determines the residual stress in the final product can be described by a single 1D partial differential equation (PDE) if the rheological behavior of reacting liquid is simplistically described by the power-law approach with some approximations made for describing cure reaction and non-isothermality. In the formulation, the dimensionless time variable is defined in such a way that it includes all necessary information on the cure reaction history. Employing the routine separation of variables made possible to obtain the analytical solution for the nonlinear PDE under specific initial condition. It is shown that direct numerical solution of the PDE exactly coincides with the analytical solution. With the use of the power-law approximation that describes highly shear thinning behavior, the theoretical calculations significantly deviate from the experimental data. Bearing in mind that in the packing stage the flow is extremely slow, we employed in our theory the Newtonian law for flow of reacting liquid and described well enough the experimental data on evolution of pressure.


  • Kuang, Jin-Lu;Kim, Byung-Jin;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Sung, Dan-Keun
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 1998
  • The stability problem of steady motion of a rigid body with multi-elastic appendages and multi-liquid-filled cavities, in the presence of no external forces or torque, is considered in this paper. The flexible appendages are modeled as the clamped -free-free-free rectangular plates, or/and as the discrete mass- spring sub-system. The motion of liquid in every single ellipsoidal cavity is modeled as the uniform vortex motion with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Assuming that stationary holonomic constraints imposed on the body allow its rotation about a spatially fixed axis, the equation of motion for such a systematic configuration can be very complex. It consists of a set of ordinary differential equations for the motion of the rigid body, the uniform rotation of the contained liquids, the motion of discrete elastic parts, and a set of partial differential equations for the elastic appendages supplemented by appropriate initial and boundary conditions. In addition, for such a hybrid system, under suitable assumptions, their equations of motion have four types of first integrals, i.e., energy and area, Helmholtz' constancy of liquid - vortexes, and the constant of the Poisson equation of motion. Chetaev's effective method for constructing Liapunov functions in the form of a set of first integrals of the equations of the perturbed motion is employed to investigate the sufficient stability conditions of steady motions of the complete system in the sense of Liapunov, i.e., with respect to the variables determining the motion of the solid body and to some quantities which define integrally the motion of flexible appendages. These sufficient conditions take into account the vortexes of the contained liquids, the vibration of the flexible components, and coupling among the liquid-elasticity solid.

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자궁내막증이 동반된 Mayer-Rokitansky-$K{\ddot{u}}ster$-Hauser 증후군의 수술적 치료경험 1례 (A Case of Mayer-Rokitansky-$K{\ddot{u}}ster$-Hauser Syndrome Accompanying Endometriosis)

  • 박정열;김정훈;강천식;이지영;박소연;김성훈;채희동;강병문
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2003
  • The Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome refers to a condition which presents as normal female secondary sex characteristics, normal external genitalia, congenital absence of the internal vagina, usually a rudimentary uterus in the form of bilateral noncanaliculated muscular buds, and normal tubes and ovaries with normal cytogenetic and endocrine evaluation, frequent association of renal, skeletal and other congenital anomalies. However, rarely, whole uterus or a segment of uterus may be present, but lacking a conduit to the introitus. If a partial endometial cavity is present in a segment of uterus, cyclic abdominal pain may be a complaint and furthermore endometiosis can be developed. Recently, we experienced a case of MRKH syndrome with the segments of uterus accompanying endometriosis in young woman. We present this case with a brief review of literatures.

Evaluation of C. Albicans and S. Mutans adherence on different provisional crown materials

  • Ozel, Gulsum Sayin;Guneser, Mehmet Burak;Inan, Ozgur;Eldeniz, Ayce Unverdi
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSE. Bacterial adhesion on provisional crown materials retained for a long time can influence the duration for which permanent prosthetic restorations can be healthily worn in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to compare seven different commonly used provisional crown materials with regard to Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans surface adhesion. MATERIALS AND METHODS. For each group, twenty specimens of the provisional fixed prosthodontic materials TemDent ($Sch{\ddot{u}}tz$), Imident (Imicryl), Tab 2000 (Kerr), Structur Premium (Voco), Systemp (Ivoclar Vivadent), Acrytemp (Zhermack), and Takilon-BBF (Takilon) were prepared (diameter, 10.0 mm; height, 2.0 mm). Surface roughness was assessed by atomic force microscopy. Each group was then divided into 2 subgroups (n=10) according to the microbial suspensions used: S. mutans and C. albicans. The specimens were incubated at $37^{\circ}C$ with S. mutans or C. albicans for seven days. Bacterial adherence on surfaces was assessed using the 2,3-bis[2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) assay. RESULTS. S. mutans showed maximum adhesion to Structur, followed by Systemp, Acrytemp, Takilon, Tab 2000, Imident, and TemDent (P<.05). The highest vital C. albicans adhesion was noted on Takilon, followed by Imident and Tab 2000; the lowest adhesion was noted on Systemp (P<.05). CONCLUSION. The materials showed significant differences in the degree of bacterial adhesion. C. albicans showed higher surface adhesion than S. mutans on provisional crown and fixed partial denture denture materials.

두경부 선낭암의 생물학적 특성과 치료 (Biological behavior and Treatment of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in The Bead and Neck)

  • 오원용;조관호;서창옥;김귀언
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 1984
  • Biological behavior and treatment results of 33 patients with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) in the Head and Neck at Yonsei Cancer Confer for 10 years between 1971 and 1980 were retrospectively analysed. Most common, primary site was minor salivary glands such as maxillary sinus, nasal cavity and base of tongue. The typical biological behavior of these tumors was very slowly in growth with long time of duration(mean 19 months) from 1 month to 10 years and more frequent of nerve invasion but rare invasion of neck nodes. Local control and failure pattern in the results of treatment, 16 of 17 patients with irradiation alone were seen complete or partial response but 5 cases of locoregional recurrence, 2 cases of failure of neck node and 4 cases of distant metastasis as lung and brain. On the other hand, among 10 cases of surgery and postoperative irradiation, 2 cases of locoregional failure and 3 cases of distant metastasis as lung and bone. 2 of 4 cases with surgery alone were recurred within primary site. Actuarial overall NED survival at 3 ana 10 years were $52.6\%$ and $42.8\%$, respectively. Survival rate of 10 Patients with surgery and Postoperative irradiation was more high than 17 Patients of radiation alone. Therefore, we have known that surgery with postoperative adjunctive irradiation is most effective treatment modality of adenoid cystic carcinoma in the head and neck. Primary site, treatment modality and with or without nerve ana bone invasion have influenced on prognosis.

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