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Development of Nondestructive Sorting Method for Brown Bloody Eggs Using VIS/NIR Spectroscopy (가시광 및 근적외선 전투과 스펙트럼을 이용한 갈색 혈란 비파괴선별 방법 개발)

  • Lee, Hong-Seock;Kim, Dae-Yong;Kandpal, Lalit Mohan;Lee, Sang-Dae;Mo, Changyeun;Hong, Soon-Jung;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was the non-destructive evaluation of bloody eggs using VIS/NIR spectroscopy. The bloody egg samples used to develop the sorting mode were produced by injecting chicken blood into the edges of egg yolks. Blood amounts of 0.1, 0.7, 0.04, and 0.01 mL were used for the bloody egg samples. The wavelength range for the VIS/NIR spectroscopy was 471 to 1154 nm, and the spectral resolution was 1.5nm. For the measurement system, the position of the light source was set to 30, and the distance between the light source and samples was set to 100 mm. The minimum exposure time of the light source was set to 30 ms to ensure the fast sorting of bloody eggs and prevent heating damage of the egg samples. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used for the spectral data obtained from VIS/NIR spectroscopy. The classification accuracies of the sorting models developed with blood samples of 0.1, 0.07, 0.04, and 0.01 mL were 97.9%, 98.9%, 94.8%, and 86.45%, respectively. In this study, a novel nondestructive sorting technique was developed to detect bloody brown eggs using spectral data obtained from VIS/NIR spectroscopy.

Materials Analysis of Furnace Wall Excavated from Songdu-ri Site in Jincheon, Chungbuk (충북 진천 송두리 유적 출토 노벽의 재료과학적 분석)

  • Jang, Won Jin;Han, Min Su
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the manufacturing process of a furnace wall excavated from the Songdu-ri Site in Jincheon, and the difference in material composition between the 11 layers of the wall using physicochemical analyses. Based on microstructure observations, these layers could be largely divided into three groups: an undercalcined first layer, calcined second to ninth layer with evidences of partial heat, and non-fired soil layers from the tenth to the eleventh layer. Particle size analyses revealed that the fired layer constituted a relatively higher content of coarse sand than the non-fired layer. This difference was further confirmed by the results of the curvature coefficient analysis. An analysis of the constituent minerals showed similar overall XRD diffraction patterns between the different layers, but variations in the intensity of the low-temperature and high-temperature minerals. This indicates that the degree of heat was different. The thermal analysis results demonstrated that the heating peak of mullite was only reached in the first and second layers of the wall, thus implying these as the layers to be finally used. Consequently, no significant difference could be observed between the materials of the various layers of the wall. Thus, it can be suggested that the furnace wall was constructed using clay, which had a composition similar to that of the soil present in the area. However, the shape and characteristics of the constituent particles between the layers displayed partial variations, and it is possible that some external materials might have been added.

Determination of Thermal Radiation Emissivity and Absorptivity of Thermal Screens for Greenhouse (온실 스크린의 장파복사 방사율 및 흡수율 결정)

  • Rafiq, Adeel;Na, Wook Ho;Rasheed, Adnan;Kim, Hyeon Tae;Lee, Hyun Woo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 2019
  • Greenhouse farmers often use thermal screens to reduce greenhouse heating expenses during the winter, and for shade during hot, sunny days in the summer, as it is an inexpensive solution to temperature control relative to other available options. However, accurate measurements of their emitted and absorbed radiations are important for the selection of suitable screens that offer maximum performance. Material's ability to save energy is highly dependent on these properties. Limited studies have investigated the measurement of these properties under natural conditions, but they are only applicable to materials having partial porosities. In this work, we describe a new radiation balance method for determining emissive power and absorptive capacity, as well as reflectivity, transmissivity and emissivity of materials having complete and partial transparency by using pyrgeometer and net radiometer. In this study, four materials with zero porosity, were tested. The emissivity value of PE, LD-13, LD-15 and PH-20 was 0.439±0.020, 0.460±0.010, 0.454±0.004, and 0.499±0.006, respectively. All tested samples showed high emitted radiation as compared to absorbed radiation.

Combined Treatment of Residual, Recurrent and Unresectable Gastric Cancer (수술후 잔존 위암, 재발성 위암 및 절제 불가능한 위암의 병용 요법)

  • Bae, Hoon-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 1990
  • A series of 25 patients with residual, recurrent, and unresectable gastric cancer received various combination of surgery, radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (CT), and hyperthermia (HT). They were placed into 7 categories; 1) CT and HT-14 patients; 2) RT and HT-15 patients; 3) surgery, RT and HT-2 patients; 4) surgery, RT, HT and CT-1 patient; 5) RT, HT and CT -1 patient; 6) RT and CT-1 patient; 7) RT alone-1 patient. Three patients had curative resection. 21 patients received irradiation with tightly contoured portals to spare as much small bowel, kidney and marrow as possible. Hyperthermia was applied regionally once or twice a week for 23 patients using 8 MHz radiofrequency capacitive heating device (Thermotron RF-8). HT was given approximately 30 min after RT 7 patients were treated with CT: 4 patients received HT and concomitant Mitomycin-C; 3 patients received HT and sequential 5-FU+Adriamycin+Mitomycin-C. There was not any treatment related deaths. There was also no evidence of treatment related problems with liver, kidney, stomach, or spinal cord except only one case of transient diabetic ketoacidosis. The tumor response was evaluable in 22 patients. None achieved complete remission.11 (50%) achieved partial remission. The response rate was correlated with total radiation dose and achieved maximum temperature. 9 of 14 (64%) received more than 4000 cGy showed partial remission; especially, all 3 patients received more than 5500 cGy achieved partial response.8 of the 12 patients (67%) who achieved maximal temperature more than 41C showed partial response in comparing with 25% (2 of 8 patients, below 41C). The numbers of HT, however, was not correlated with the response. 3 of the 25 patients (12%) remain alive. The one who was surgically unresectable and underwent irradiation alone is in progression of the disease with distant metastases. The remaining two patients with curative resection are alive with free of disease, 24 and 35 months, respectively. The median survival by response are 11.5 months in responders and 4.6 months in non-responders.

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Study on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Operated with LPG / Bio-diesel Blended Fuel (LPG/바이오디젤 혼합연료를 사용하는 직접분사식 디젤엔진의 성능 및 배기특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seok-Hwan;Oh, Seung-Mook;Choi, Young;Kang, Kern-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we experimentally investigated a compression ignition engine operated with Bio-diesel blended LPG fuel. In particular, the performance, emissions characteristics (including total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxides emissions), and combustion stability of a CI engine fueled with Bio-diesel blended LPG fuel were examined at 1500 rpm. The percentage of Bio-diesel in the fuel blend ranged from 20-60%. The results showed that stable engine operation was possible for a wide range of engine loads up to 40% Bio-diesel by mass. When the Bio-diesel content was increased, leading to a decrease in the lower heating value of the blended fuel, the cetane value increased, resulting in a advanced start of heat release. Exhaust emission measurements showed that THC and CO emissions were increased when using the blended fuel at low engine speeds due to partial burn from over-mixing. NOx emission was emitted less at lower loads and more at higher loads.

Investigation on the material properties of Waste Oyster Shell to use as an Adsorbent for Fluoride Ion (불소(弗素) 이온 흡착제(吸着劑)로서의 활용(活用)을 위한 폐(廢)굴껍질의 특성(特性) 분석(分析))

  • Lee, Jin-Suk;Seo, Myung-Soon;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.16 no.3 s.77
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2007
  • The material properties of waste oyster shell, which is largely generated from the treatment of marine products, have been investigated for its possible utilization as an adsorbent for fluoride ion-containing wastewater. The major composition of waste oyster shell was analyzed to be CaCO3 and loss of 46% in weight reduction occurred during its thermal treatment by the emission of moisture and CO2. The surface structure of oyster shell was decomposed by the heating and its surface potential was negatively increased with pH. As the pH of wastewater was increased, the adsorbed amount of fluoride ion onto oyster shell was decreased and the wastewater was found to be neutralized during adsorption process by CO23 which generated from the partial dissolution of oyster shell

STudies on the Cellulolytic Enzymes of Stachybotrys atra (Stachybotrys atra에서 추출한 섬유소분해효소에 관한 연구 II)

  • 김영민;김은수
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 1976
  • A cellulase fraction (F IV-1) purified to about 8-folds was obtained from crude cellulase prepared from the wheat bran culture of S.atra. The partial purification of the enzyme was made by DEAE Sephadex and Sephdex cloumn chromatography in conjuction with ammonium sulfate precipitation. After stading at various pH's for 22 hours at 20C, F IV-1 was most stable at pH 5.0 but when the enzyme fraction was stood for 74 hours, the point of pH stability was raised to around pH 6.0-7.0. After heating at various temperatures for 1 hour, F IV-1 was most stable at 20C. The optimal enzyme activities of F IV-1 were seen at pH 6.0 and 50C. The optimal concentrations of Zn++andCa++ for the activities of crude cellulase were 6 and 4 mM respectively, but Ca++ inhibited the enzyme activity at concentrations below 2 mM and above 6mM. Both Cu++andMn++ ions inhibited cellulase activities and a ocmplete inactivation of crude cellulase was achieved at concentratioins of 5 and 2 mM of ions respectively. When Na-CMC was used as substrate, the Km values of crude cellulase and F IV-1 were calculated to be 5×104and2×105mM, and V values 32 and 1.35 mmoles/hour, respectively. The Ki values of Mn++ for crude cellulase and F IV-1 were found to be 8×102and3×102mMwhilethoseofCu++wereat2×101and1×101mMrespectively.BothMn++andCu++ showed competitive inhibition with substrate.

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A Study on the Combined Heat Transfer and Analysis Fire Induced Combustion Gas in a partially Open Enclosure (개구부가 있는 밀폐공간내 화재의 복합열전달 및 연소가스 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Kuk;Chu, Byeong-Gil;Kim, Cheol
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 1997
  • The natural convection and combined heat transfer induced by fire in a rectangular enclosure is numerically studied. The model for this numerical analysis is partially opened right wall. The solution procedure includes the standard k-ε model for turbulent flow and the discrete ordinates method (DOM) is used for the calculation of radiative heat transfer equation. In numerical study, SIMPLE algorithm is applied for fluid flow analysis, and the investigations of combustion gas induced by fire is performed by FAST model of HAZARD I program. In this study, numerical simulation on the combined naturnal convection and radiation is carried out in a partial enclosure filled with absorbed-emitted gray media, but is not considered scattering problem. The streamlines, isothermal lines, average radiation intensity and kinetic energy are compared the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer. Comparing the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer analysis shows the stronger circulation than those of the pure convection. Three different locations of heat source are considered to observe the effect of heat source location on the heat transfer phenomena. As the results, the circulation and the heat transfer in the left region from heating block are much more influenced than those in the right region. It is also founded that the radiation effect cannot be neglected in analyzing the building in fire. And as the results of combustion gas analysis from FAST model, it is found that O2 concentration is decreased according to time. While CO and CO2 concentration are rapidly increased in the beginning(about 100sec), but slowly decreased from that time on.

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An Experimental Study for Supposed Heating Temperature of Deteriorated Concrete Structure by fire Accident (화재피해를 입은 콘크리트구조물의 수열온도 추정을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • 권영진
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2004
  • A fire outbreak in a reinforcement concrete structure looses the organism by the different contraction and expansion of hardened cement pastes and aggregate, and causes cracks by thermal stress, leading to the deterioration of the durability. So concrete reinforcement structure is damaged partial or whole structure system. Therefore diagnosis of deterioration is needed based on mechanism of fire deterioration in general concrete structures. Fundamental information and data on the properties of concrete exposed to high temperature are necessary for accurate diagnosis of deterioration. In this study, it was presented data for the accurate diagnosis and selection of repair and reinforcement system for the deteriorated concrete heated highly, various concrete such as standard design compressive strength, fine aggregate and admixture were exposed to a high temperature environment. And fundamental data were measured engineering properties such as explosive spatting, ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength.

Biomethanol Conversion from Biogas Produced by Anaerobic Digestion (혐기소화에 의한 Biogas 생산과 Biomethanol 전환에 관한 고찰)

  • Nam, Jae Jak;Shin, Joung Du;Hong, Seung Gil;Hahm, Hyun Sik;Park, Woo Kyun;So, Kyu Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2006
  • Biogas is a byproduct after anaerobic digestion of organic materials and has been used as an energy source for heating and generating electricity. Demands of methanol for fuel mixed with gasoline and reactant in biodiesel production are steadily being increased. In this review, we summarized recent advancements in direct partial oxidation of methane to methanol with the brief history of methanol synthesis. The steam reforming and the catalytic oxidation of methane to methanol were compared, the former of which are mainly used in industrial scale and the latter in a stage of research and development. On the basis of this review, the possibility of methanol conversion from biogas was proposed in the aspects of the technological feasibility and the economical practicability.

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