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Confidence Improvement of Serial Cadastral Map Edit Using Ortho Image (정사영상을 이용한 연속지적도 편집의 신뢰성 향상 방안)

  • Kim Kam Lae;Ra Yong Hwa;Ahn Byung Gu;Park Se Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2004
  • The sheetwise cadastral map data needs to become a Serial Cadastral Map (SCM) database for the promotion of the reliability of cadastral surveying, for the efficient operation of the Parcel Based Land Information System, and for the convenient use of land information as well. A large amount of money and time are required for the editing process of producing SCM DB in accordance with the Guideline for the Production of Serial Cadastral Maps by the Ministry of Construction & Transportation if any of field surveying techniques is accompanied by. In addition, a boundary line that extends to a neat line does not meet the counterpart of the neighboring map sheet at a point. Such cases frequently occur and are much dependent upon the decisions of individuals in charge of editing or inspecting. The core processes of the research, firstly overlay SCM produced by the edition of the sheetwise cadastral maps with Autodesk Map on orthophoto images, secondly adjust the parcel boundaries which are delineated over more than one map sheet, and lastly compare the original boundary coordinates and areas with the corresponding adjusted ones and calculate root mean square errors (RMSEs). The research aims at promoting the quality of SCM by minimizing the inconsistency of parcel boundaries by means of the comparative analysis of the calculated RMSEs.

Design of Data-centroid Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Extended Polynomial Type and Its Optimization (데이터 중심 다항식 확장형 RBF 신경회로망의 설계 및 최적화)

  • Oh, Sung-Kwun;Kim, Young-Hoon;Park, Ho-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Tae
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.639-647
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we introduce a design methodology of data-centroid Radial Basis Function neural networks with extended polynomial function. The two underlying design mechanisms of such networks involve K-means clustering method and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO). The proposed algorithm is based on K-means clustering method for efficient processing of data and the optimization of model was carried out using PSO. In this paper, as the connection weight of RBF neural networks, we are able to use four types of polynomials such as simplified, linear, quadratic, and modified quadratic. Using K-means clustering, the center values of Gaussian function as activation function are selected. And the PSO-based RBF neural networks results in a structurally optimized structure and comes with a higher level of flexibility than the one encountered in the conventional RBF neural networks. The PSO-based design procedure being applied at each node of RBF neural networks leads to the selection of preferred parameters with specific local characteristics (such as the number of input variables, a specific set of input variables, and the distribution constant value in activation function) available within the RBF neural networks. To evaluate the performance of the proposed data-centroid RBF neural network with extended polynomial function, the model is experimented with using the nonlinear process data(2-Dimensional synthetic data and Mackey-Glass time series process data) and the Machine Learning dataset(NOx emission process data in gas turbine plant, Automobile Miles per Gallon(MPG) data, and Boston housing data). For the characteristic analysis of the given entire dataset with non-linearity as well as the efficient construction and evaluation of the dynamic network model, the partition of the given entire dataset distinguishes between two cases of Division I(training dataset and testing dataset) and Division II(training dataset, validation dataset, and testing dataset). A comparative analysis shows that the proposed RBF neural networks produces model with higher accuracy as well as more superb predictive capability than other intelligent models presented previously.

A Report of a Rural Construction with Sight-seeinng Development as Leading Project and Methodical Activities of Inhabitants -The Case of Odaira Hamlet, Oomama Town, Gumma Prefecture- (觀光開發を核としたむらづくりと住民の組織的活動 -大間間町小平集落を事例として-)

  • KANIE, Yoshihiro
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 1999
  • It is a important problem that the adjustment of a rural settlementas a unit of rural community, and many number of researcher tackled its. The aim of this paper is to verificate the process of rural con-struction, that is applied the regional resources, and to introduce the situation of attending inhabitants, and their employments as a results of this planning. We chose Odaira hamlets in Oomama town, it is located in Gunma prefecture as an object of this study. Odaira is a small village in the mauntain, and it is composed only 135 families. Odaira is an underpopulated hamlet. It is engaged no lively farming and forestry. Most of inhabitants are commuting to the cities around here. Inhabitants of Odaira who are conscious of the conditions of declining hamlet organized a group to improve it. This group have investigated all around the hamlet as a system of workshop. And they found the resources for sight-seeing, crops as the regional products, and other resources for rural planning under three keywords ; resources for the sight-seeing, the rigional products, and theimprovement of environments. In many resources, most important thing was the existens of a stalactite cave come down as a legend from old time. Local government of Oomama town and the inhabitants tried to explorate of stalactite cave and succesed to excavate it. They have constructed two facilities for management, parkaround the stalactite cave and these have been a new place of work for inhabitants. Arrangement of the rural constructions developed to other items schemed acording to the master plan, like as a camping ground, bungalows, a wet botanical garden, and a park beside a river. These also produced the new places of work for 54 people as a result of this rural planning. The most of them were the aged peoples and the women of farmer. The highest age was 83 years old, he is working at the camping ground. In the employment system at Odaira, people who desire to work and desire to employ both registrate to a commission of management of Odaira, and this commission arrange them in case of needs.

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Assessment on the Mechanical-Chemical Stabilities of Coal Ash Blocks in Sea Water (석탄회 블록의 해양환경에서 역학적-화학적 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Pil-Geun;Sung, Kyu-Youl;Park, Maeng-Eon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to evaluate the mechanical-chemical stability of used coal ash blocks, for improving fishing grounds. The surface of weathered ash blocks in seawater showed a decrease in the Ca and an increase in the Mg contents, compared to that of fresh blocks. This result reflects the substitution of Ca by Mg in seawater. The compressive strengths of ash blocks submerged into seawater during 12 months ranged from 235.23 to 447.43kgf/cm2; this is higher than the standard strength of wave-absorbing blocks(180kgf/cm2) that are used for harbor construction. In addition, the compressive strength of ash blocks tends to increase with increasing installation time in seawater. The result of leaching experiments on coal ash blocks by Korean Standard Leaching Test(KSLT) method showed that leached concentrations of most metals except Cr(that leached up to 50 ppb, approaching standard concentration) do not exceed the seawater quality standards. A long-term(112 days) heavy metal leaching test to analyze seawater without mixing-dilution also showed that the concentrations of leached heavy metals, except for Cu, under anaerobic conditions do not exceed the seawater quality standards. Accordingly, the use of coal ash blocks in marine environments appears to be safe from chemical and mechanical factors that decrease the efficiency of concrete. Also, leaching concentration of Cu seems to be stable by decrease of leaching concentration due to dilution of seawater.

The Effects of R&D Project Managers' Leadership on Product Development Performance: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Project Sponsor Roles (R&D 프로젝트 관리자의 리더십이 제품개발 성과에 미치는 영향: 프로젝트 스폰서 역할의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Rok;Jun, In-Sun;Park, Ju-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effects of the R&D project managers' leadership on the product development performance. A survey was carried out empirically on a group of 175 experts associated with project management R&D operations in the field of manufacturing, construction engineering, shipbuilding, plant, and IT. The survey results showed that the effects of the R&D project managers' leadership on the product development performance were not significant, and the mediating effects of the project sponsor roles were significant. This means that the leadership of leaders, which requires efficient control and management based on complicated intergroup relationships and roles, is important in a project involving experts from the professional field. This suggests that the efficient leadership of leaders can improve the performance through the cooperation of members in the organization and aggregation of their core competencies in a limited time. Overall, the key results of this study mean that project leaders should play an active mediating role to maximize their leadership and enhance the role of project sponsors. In addition, the mediating role of project sponsors has an effect on the leadership of project managers, affecting the project performance quality.

Dynamic response of nano-scale plates based on nonlocal elasticity theory (비국소 탄성 이론을 이용한 나노-스케일 판의 강제진동응답)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyu;Han, Sung-Cheon;Park, Weon-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.436-444
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    • 2013
  • This article presents the dynamic response of nano-scale plates using the nonlocal continuum theory and higher-order shear deformation theory. The nonlocal elasticity of Eringen has ability to capture the small scale effects and the higher-order shear deformation theory has ability to capture the quadratic variation of shear strain and consequently shear stress through the plate thickness. The solutions of transient dynamic analysis of nano-scale plate are presented using these theories to illustrate the effect of nonlocal theory on dynamic response of the nano-scale plates. The relations between nonlocal and local theories are discussed by numerical results. Also, the effects of nonlocal parameters, aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio, size of nano-scale plate and time step on dynamic response are investigated and discussed. The amplitude and cycle increase when nonlocal parameter increase. In order to validate the present solutions, the reference solutions are used and discussed. The theoretical development as well as numerical solutions presented herein should serve as reference for nonlocal theories as applied to the transient dynamic analysis of nano-scale structures.

The Status, Problems, and the Direction of Development of Land Use in Reclaimed Land - Survey for Local Governments and the KRC Branch in Chungnam, Jeonbuk, and Jeonnam Province - (간척지의 토지이용 현상과 문제점 파악 및 발전방향 - 충남, 전북, 전남 지역 지자체 및 한국농어촌공사 지사 대상 설문조사 -)

  • Son, Jae-Gwon;Jeong, Chan-Hee;Lee, Dong-Ho;Go, Seung-Hwan;Song, Jae-Do;Lee, Gi-Sung;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the problems of reclamation sites and the prospects of farming in reclamation areas seen by local governments and the KRC branches in Chungnam, Jeonbuk, and Jeonnam provinces. A mail survey method was used. The survey items were set for 15 items regarding the reclamation site situation, problems, and prospects. Seventy-five copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the local government, and 90 copies were sent to the KRC 165 copies in total. In response to the questionnaire, 72 recipients of the local governments responded, showing a 96% response rate, and 74 (82.2%) of the KRC responded. The overall response rate was 88.5%. The opinions on the rental method of the reclaimed land were found to differ according to the geographic conditions of the reclaimed land, the construction conditions, and the time. Regarding the survey on crops preferred for cultivation, rice was highest in both local governments (61%) and KRC (46%). When cultivating field crops in reclaimed land, 56% of local governments and 57% of KRC considered salinity as the most problematic or resolvable problem. Regarding growing other field crops in reclaimed land, salt and drainage problems were recognized as the biggest obstacles in all reclaimed land. As for technologies that need to be applied first for the future agriculture of reclamation land, KRC responded with automatic water management (48%) and local governments responded with unmanned agricultural machinery (32%). In order to diversify the land use in the reclamation area, it is necessary to reduce salt damage and ensure systematic maintenance, employing, for example, automatic water management facilities and drainage improvement methods. The results of this study can set a land use direction for reclamation sites and provide useful information for use in various forms.

Empirical Mode Decomposition using the Second Derivative (이차 미분을 이용한 경험적 모드분해법)

  • Park, Min-Su;Kim, Donghoh;Oh, Hee-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 2013
  • There are various types of real world signals. For example, an electrocardiogram(ECG) represents myocardium activities (contraction and relaxation) according to the beating of the heart. ECG can be expressed as the fluctuation of ampere ratings over time. A signal is a composite of various types of signals. An orchestra (which boasts a beautiful melody) consists of a variety of instruments with a unique frequency; subsequently, each sound is combined to form a perfect harmony. Various research on how to to decompose mixed stationary signals have been conducted. In the case of non-stationary signals, there is a limitation to use methodologies for stationary signals. Huang et al. (1998) proposed empirical mode decomposition(EMD) to deal with non-stationarity. EMD provides a data-driven approach to decompose a signal into intrinsic mode functions according to local oscillation through the identification of local extrema. However, due to the repeating process in the construction of envelopes, EMD algorithm is not efficient and not robust to a noise, and its computational complexity tends to increase as the size of a signal grows. In this research, we propose a new method to extract a local oscillation embedded in a signal by utilizing the second derivative.

Analytical Study on the Potential Risks from Right-Handled Vehicle Drivers (우측핸들차량 운전자의 잠재적 위험성 분석연구)

  • Park, Jun-Tae;Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Kang, Young-Kyun;Kim, Jang-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2012
  • The current traffic regulations in Korea stipulate that traffic should keep to the right according to the Road Traffic Act; thus, customarily, the 'seat-on-the-left' system has been maintained. However, an increased number of 'seat-on-the-right' vehicles are being imported via a variety of routes from foreign countries, especially from Japan. According to the data from July 2004, 1,343 cargo vehicles and 593 passenger vehicles (for diplomats, etc.) were currently being driven on domestic road. As these 'seat-on-the-right' vehicles are not compatible with the domestic transportation system of driving on the right side of the road, there is a high risk of accidents. Experiments show that such system-driver mismatch causes longer operation time for directional signals, higher error frequency in yielding due to additional mental adjustments for 'seat-on-the-right' vehicle drivers. These are, therefore, influential factors which can lead to possible accidents. Furthermore, when the experiments test the visual range during overtaking maneuvers, the visual range of the drivers in the 'seat-on-the-left' vehicle was 2.95 meters as opposed to 1.7 meters for the drivers in the 'seat-on-the-right' vehicle. (In the experiment, the drivers were instructed to look at the paper cup 10 meters away from the back of drivers' seat.) The results demonstrate that it is necessary to have additional safety measures be implemented for the 'seat-on-the-right' vehicles.

Field Appliciability Evaluation of Eco-friendly Mixed Soil (친환경 혼합토의 현장적용성 평가)

  • Park, Kyungsik;Oh, Sewook;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, it were performed an unconfined compression test and a field applicability test according to a mixed ratio of SS, soil type and curing period to analyze strength and deformation characteristic in order to evaluate engineering characteristics of soil mixed pavements using the eco-friendly soil stabilizer (SS). The test results revealed that SS mixed soil shows fast strength development at the initial curing time while 28-day strength amounted for 97% of the final strength. Furthermore, coarse-grained dredged sand (DS) and weathered granitic soil (WGS) have a larger ratio of deformation coefficient with respect to unconfined compressive strength than fine-grained dredged clay (DC) and organic soil (OS). Moreover, a comparison test between natural and forced drying conditions was conducted and test result showed 54% to 67% of strength degradation while having 55% to 63% of strength degradation in the freezing and thawing test result. Finally, a repeated loading test result showed that DS experiences up to 35% of strength reduction compared to initial strength under 10,000 times loading in maximum. Thus, it was validated that an appropriate amount of fine-grained sand is necessary to secure resistance capability to repeated loading.