• Title/Summary/Keyword: Palace Pond

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An Interpretation on Landscape Forms and Spatial Scope of the Capital City of Silla Dynasty -Some Clues From Excavation of Yonggang-Dong Pond Site of Gyongju- (신라왕경의 경관형식과 공간 범역의 해석 -경주시 용강동 원지 발굴을 중심으로-)

  • 조세환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to define the spatial scope and landscape structure of the capital city of Shilla Dynasty. We have tried to analyze the locational characteristics, the location and landscape form of the Yonggang-Dong pond site which was assumed a part of a king's place, and had the important implicitness in delineating the spatial scope of capital city of Shilla Dynasty. The research took the theory of landscape cognition as a tool, and processed with the book review related simultaneously. The results of study are as follows; 1) It has been almost conformed that the Yonggang-Dong Pond Site was a part of the North Palace of Shilla Dynasty, and it took the form of fully enclosed by the forest, such as the names of Imjungsu and Gosungsu, and so on. This fact has leaded to the special landscape form of 'Forest with Palace' that is an similar pattern of Forest with Tumulus, Forest having Well, Forest having Well, Forest having Mountain. Each of them is symbolizing the place of holiness in the Shilla Dynasty. 2) The Yonggang-Dong Pond site and its surrounding forests made them together be the north border of the Capital City of Shilla Dynasty. This fact made it possible to consider the form of landscape of the Najung Forest with Posugjung Pavilion as the same on which was on the southern border of the city. 3) The above mentioned facts lead to clues that the border of the capital city of Shilla Dynasty does mean that it was not the mere functional one, but symbolic one. Thus, this paper suggests that the spatial scope of the capital city of Shilla Dynasty should include not only the area of block system, but also the surrounding natural area of mountains, forests, and so on, including the artificial elements of palace and pavilion. 4) This type of borders with the natural elements show basically the different type and function. We could find out some examples from China's and Japan under the same block systems and in the same era. It should be more identifiable in the form and the meaning of landscape of the capital city of Silla Dynasty in ancient Korea.

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Study on the Transformation of Ponds and the Account of Reconstruction at Jondeokjeong Area in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 후원 존덕정 일원 지당의 변형과 조영경위에 관한 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Song, Suk-Ho;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to find the changed contents and details of the ponds at Jondeokjeong area in the Changdeok Palace, where was modified during the reign of King Gojong(高宗, 1863~1907), and considered the internal context through the diachronic views about royal garden building in the Joseon Dynasty. The results were as belows. First, this study found that the transformed time of the ponds at Jondeokjeong area was the 21th year of King Gojong(1884) based on the pictures taken in the last half of the 19th century and the records of "Gojongsilrok(高宗實錄: Annals of the King Gojong)". Second, this study also found that the remodeled ponds at Jondeokjeong area by King Gojong were followed the landscape of Geoncheong Palace(乾淸宮) and Hiangwon-pond(香遠池) in Gyeongbok Palace because the remodeled ponds of Jondeokjeong area had the spatial organization similar to Hiangwon-pond. Third, the bridge of remodeled ponds at Jondeokjeong area was utilized as the expedient to expand the function of rear garden, which combines the areas of Yungyungdang(演慶堂) and Jondeokjeong. This was the same method that Konchunggung(乾淸宮) in Gyeongbok Palace had occupied the whole area through the Chui-hiang bridge(醉香橋) which connects to the Hiangwonjeong(香遠亭). Fourth, ponds at Jondeokjeong area and Hiangwonjeong that were created during the year of King Gojong promised the use of Yungyungdang and Konchung Palace, and reflected the statuses of the two building-blocks. Lastly, this study concluded the remodeled Jondeokjeong ponds were not only to create the necessary spaces of the landscape for King Gojong, but also to build the space on the context of Huwonjeongdang(後苑政堂: political structure in rear garden), which has been passed down from their ancestors.

Isotopic palaeodiet studies of human bone from Gyeongju Donggung Palace and Wolji pond site (pond No.3), Goryeo period (경주 동궁과 월지 3호 우물 출토 옛사람 뼈의 동위원소에 기록된 고려시대 식생활 양상)

  • Choe, Hyeon Goo;Shin, Ji Young
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2019
  • The stable isotopic composition of bone collagen plays an important role in reconstructing palaeodiet, nutrition, palaeoenvironment and their lifestyle. This is the first case in extracting palaeodietary information and breastfeeding pattern of Goryeo people using stable isotope analysis due to the lack of human remains in this period. We analyzed human bone collagen excavated from Gyeongju Donggung palace and Wolji pond No.3. The average values of δ13C and δ15N are as follows: (δ13C(‰) = -19.5 ± 0.9‰, δ15N(‰) = 11.1 ± 1.1 ‰, (n = 4). Stable carbon isotope values shows a mainly C3 based diet such as rice and barley. Stable nitrogen isotope results implies the protein sources attributed to terrestrial animals. There are various age groups in this study, which are adult, child and infant. Two individuals within early childhood age ranges (< 3 years) shows more elevated δ15N values than that of adult and this result implies the continuation of breastfeeding in this group until the age of 3. The results provide new insight into the breastfeeding pattern of Goryeo people, where breastfeeding and weaning practices have important implication for fertility, population dynamics, migration pattern and disease.

A Study on aspect of development and the ideological backgrounds of a pond a place of Korea (한국(韓國) 고대(古代) 궁원지(宮苑池)의 전개양상(展開樣相)과 사상적(思想的) 배경(背景)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Seung-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.65-89
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    • 2004
  • Up to now, the studies for a pond of ancient palace of Korea are mainly achieved in a landscape architectural field. In fact, we can't grasp the general aspects but we are only heard about the fragmentary ruins and remains by the people who are in charge of an archaeological excavation. In this thesis, therefore, I attempt to grasp the relational categories of the ponds of an ancient palace of Korea, and find out the ideological backgrounds of the ponds of a palace construction through classify them excavated so far. The ancient ponds of Korea are divided to the class of square ponds(I) and curved ponds(II) according a shapes of planes. The class of square ponds(I) are subdivided to the form IA of the class of square ponds and form IB of the class of square ponds by whether it has an island, artificial hill and ornamental stone or not. And the class of the curved ponds(II) are divided to the form IIC that is only composed of curves in shore and the form IID that is composed of curves and straight lines. According the size, it is divided to a small size that is below the maximal diameter, 20m, and a large size that is more than 45m, after all, the ponds of the ancient palaces are devided to IAa, IAb, IBa, II Ca, IICb, IIDa. The square ponds and the curved ponds are co-exist from the initial stage when a pond of a place was found in our country and are succeeded or changed after Silla unified the three Kingdoms. In other words, we can infer a continuity from the earlier stage from the fact that there is a flat figure ground mainly constituted by the ponds of a palace mixed up of a straight line and a curved line in United Silla Kingdom while it succeeds the ponds of a palace that has a square form of Goguryo in Balhai. Different from the successional relation of the flat figure grounds, in an aspect of the elements of the construction, the site of the arbor at the top of the island and the bridge facilities in a field of a palace those are not exist in three Kingdoms period are appeared in United Silla Kingdom. The point that this aspect is simultaneously appeared in a neighboring country, or Japan, allows us to infer that there may be some motivations cause the changes in a construction of the ponds of a palace of Korea, China and Japan from the latter half of the 7th century to the first half of the 8th century. The ideological backgrounds of the ponds of a palace construction are divided roughly into Taoism and Buddhism. We can recognize that the ponds of a palace made up of the islands, the artificial hills and the garden rocks reflect Taiosm, considering the records of the ponds a palace of Korea and China are all use the term, Taoism, or the concrete statement represents that the islands, the artificial hills and the garden rocks are used in the description of the ponds of a palace of Korea. Both two are, therefore, obviously differentiated from the ponds of a palace that doesn't include them. We can conclude that the ponds of a palace that doesn't include them are colored by Buddhism since they are overtly distinguished from the class of curved ponds that reflect Taoism at the same period and they are identical with the site of an ancient temples in an aspect of their type and construction.

A Re-discussion on the Construction and Identity of Gwallamji Pond in the Rear Garden of Changdeokgung Palace (창덕궁 후원 관람지(觀纜池)의 조영과 실체에 관한 재고(再考))

  • Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.32-48
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the construction pattern and historical reality of Gwallamji Pond(觀纜池) in the rear garden of Changdeokgung Palace(昌德宮), which has been received as distorted information and has not received sufficient attention. The main topics consisted of the construction period and reorganization in the pond garden, changes in the installed wooden bridge, the existence of the berthing facility, and whether the plan shape was deformed. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the Gwallamji Pond was already completed before the Gapsin Coup, which occurred in the year of King Gojong. Since then, the Gwallamji Pond area, including the surrounding facilities, has been neglected for a while and was extensively renovated in the early 1900s. It is difficult to find a clear basis for the suspension and resumption of the Gwallamji Pond construction proposed in the previous discussion. Second, three types of wooden bridges with different shapes and structures were installed sequentially in the Gwallamji Pond. In particular, the second wooden bridge, which installed after the maintenance of the Gwallamji Pond, is judged to be the pontoon bridge depicted in Donggweoldohyeong(東闕圖形), and the railing of the bridge was decorated to symbolize the imperial family of the Korean Empire. The third wooden bridge, which appeared intensively in Japanese colonial era, was a Japanese-style bridge. Third, a berth facility for boarding and disembarking existed on the eastern shore of the Gwallamji Pond. The berth facility is also described in Donggweoldohyeong and it remained until the Japanese colonial period. However, as the maintenance work of the Gwallamji Pond was carried out several times after liberation, the berth facility was gradually damaged, and there are no traces left now. Fourth, The Gwallamji Pond was originally constructed in a planar shape of the Korean Peninsula similar to the present. It is necessary to reconsider the conventional theory that the Gwallamji Pond, made in the shape of a gored-shaped bottle, was renovated in the shape of the Korean Peninsula in Japanese colonial era. Even when the term Pandoji Pond(半島池) first appeared, there was no view that the Japanese intentionally modified the Gwallamji Pond.

Consideration of Landscape Change Estimation in Donggung-Palace and Wolji-pond of Shilla, Using Materials from Japanese Ruling Period (신라 동궁과 월지의 경관변화 추정에 관한 고찰)

  • Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2015
  • After the great King Munmu constructed Donggung-palace and Wolji-pond in 674, original landscape could not be estimated due to lack of related materials for some 1,250 years until it was surveyed in 1922. Accordingly, the study, to estimate changes of Wolji-pond landscape more accurately, analyzed the study of Hara(1932) and pictures in the Japanese ruling period etc. - these had not been studied so far. The study results are as follows. As a result of comparing survey maps of 1922 and one of 1975, it was found that during 53 years, whole area excluding island showed eroded part by 2~4m, severely, there was mounding area which was lowered by 10m. And it was identified through survey map of 1922 and pictures of the 1950's that inside southern shore protection of the No. 1 construction site were many landscape-stones(景石) which can make imagine a hill; here was water path. Trace of such path etc. remained just before excavation. 2) The construction site No. 3 and 5 in peak shape were higher than construction site No. 1, 2, and 4. Accordingly, there is high possibility that construction stood on high stylobate. So it is wrong that construction site No. 3 and 5 are restored in same height as other construction sites. Comprehensive restoration basic plan made in 2012 was also wrong. As a result of estimating changes of landscape through pictures before excavation of Wolji-pond, the author could identify changes of landscape in mound area and pumice stones which showed much changes in drawing. The study has limit due to lack of space. But if more pictures can be analyzed, it could further help for estimating original landscape of Wolji-pond.

A Study on the Characteristics and Model of Lotus Pond in Joseon Royal Tombs (조선왕릉 연지(蓮池)의 특성과 전형)

  • Ko, Seung-Kwan;Koo, Bon-Hak;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the characteristics(form, material, structure, method of construction, vegetation) and model of lotus pond in Joseon Royal Tombs for conservation and restoration. The objects of study are the lotus pond of Namyangju Gwangreung, Hyoreung, Gimpo Jangreung and Sungreung that are well-preserved and the record is remaining. The form is two plane types, square shaped include an island and square shaped. The pond is 7.5~81m in width and 6.5~45m in length and the island is 8~16m in diameter. The depth of water is 0.5~1.2m and the cross section form is narrow bottom and wide top. The material of shore protection is soil in Hyoreung, Gimpo Jangreung and Sungreung. The bottom is mud in all sites. I think that the main material of the lotus pond in Joseon Royal Tombs is soil. The lotus pond is built by soil bank in the structure and method of construction. The water supply and drainage are worked through the culvert. There are many kinds of plants in the lotus pond today, however I think that the model of vegetation of lotus pond in Joseon Royal Tombs is lotus the inside, pine tree, fir tree and flowers the around and pine tree the inside of island in compared the present and the old literature. In comparison with the lotus pond in Joseon Royal Tombs and the lotus pond in the Joseon palace, the material is the biggest difference. The main material is soil in Royal Tombs but isodomic in Royal Palace. I think that the difference of material in between two causes the difference of structure and method of construction. The Royal Tombs is valuable in architecture, landscape and esthetics, this study investigated the characteristics and model of lotus pond in Joseon Royal Tombs. I think that this study serves as a momentum to find a traditional technique in Royal water space and offer the foundation to plan in the contemporary water space.

Historical Studies on the Characteristics of Jondeokjeong in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 후원 존덕정(尊德亭)의 조영사적 특성)

  • Song, Suk-Ho;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2014
  • The purposes for this research were to find the correct building background of Jondeokjeong(尊德亭) in the rear garden of Changdeok Palace(昌德宮) based on the historical facts for the area of Jondeokjeong and investigate the internal theory of construction through the metaphysical consideration. The results were as follows. 1. Building background of Jondeokjeong was related to Sohyunseja(昭顯世子) and Bongrimdaegun(鳳林大君) as forms of rear garden where was not built in the area of Jondeokjeong, bamboo pavilion, hexagonal pavilion, octagonal pavilion, etc. They were built two or three times after returning of Sohyunseja and Bongrimdaegun from China, and the area of Jondeokjeong was continuously developed by building Chunhyanggak(天香閣), Mangchunjeong(望春亭) and Cheoknoidang(滌惱堂) after Hyojong(孝宗) succeeded the royal authority of Hyunjong(顯宗) who was born in Shenyang(瀋陽) and hung a signboard of Jondeokjeong after then, etc. 2. Dazhengjeon(大政殿) of Shenyang Palace(瀋陽故宮, 1625) played the roles of major hall, Jeongjeon(正殿) which held national big events as a one-storied building with two piles of roof similar with Jondeokjeong (1644). Also, it was the building encountered when Sohyunseja and Bongrimdaegun participated in breakfasts held in the palace or banquets supervised by a king, so building background of Jondeokjeong was judged to be related with Dazhengjeon. 3. In consideration of characteristics which are shown commonly in Jondeokjeong and Dazhengjeon, relations of two buildings were verified and characteristics of Jondeokjeong were examined. First, dragon which is representatively symbolizing royal authority was formed. Therefore, Jondeokjeong was judged as a garden building which purposes were to obtain and train natural reasons, govern the nation and let people comfortable. Second, the purposes of sun dial, Ilyoungdae(日影臺) were judged to examine the accurate time and express appropriateness of the king. Third, Taechungmun(太淸門) around there is related to Samcheong(三淸) of Taoism and judged to be caused by floral wall and secular happiness accomplishment for king's longevity without disease. Fourth, for building style, one-stories pavilion of duplicated roof and building with only cylinder were to king's embodiment of supporting the sky and governing the nation.4) 4. By examining the differences between Jondeokjeong and Dazhengjeon, Jondeokjeong's own characteristics were considered. First, constructive characteristics of Jondeokjeong were changed by existing of pond and it was changed for characteristics, location and function of pavilion built in the garden while accepting oversea culture and embodied by absorbing to Joseon culture. Second, the appearance of the pond in Jondeokjeong was shown as the situation that half moon typed pond with the form of young moon is full by stream to the East. It was to express movement of moon which was always changed through the form of pond and stream of water iconographycally and it was considered as an imaginary environment method of the period.

Study on the Prototype of the Rear Garden in Changdeok Palace through Gang Sehwang's "Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden" (강세황의 "호가유금원기(扈駕遊禁苑記)"로 살펴본 창덕궁 후원의 원형경관 탐색)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Oh, Lee-Chun;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to find the prototype of the rear garden in Changdeok Palace during King Jungjo's reign through Gang Sehwang's "Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden", and the site of this study included the whole areas of Ongnyucheon(玉流川), Mansongjeong(萬松亭), Mangchunjeong(望春亭), Jondeokjeong(尊德亭), Pyemwoosa and Taichungmun(太淸門). The characteristics of the area of Ongnyucheon described in Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden was the shape of Wiyiam expressed three-dimensional mountain such as the fence surrounding Soyojeong(逍遙亭) and the painting techniques of Fu Pi' ts'un and pond in front of Taegeukjeong(太極亭). The pond in front of Taegeukjeong(which was described by Gang Sewhang) is also identified in Donggwoldo(東闕圖) and this study judged that the pond was removed during the maintenance process of Ongnyucheon, where was scheduled as the place of entertainment when Chinggyong-Yesik(稱慶禮式: Royal court rites) was held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of King Gojong's reign. The characteristics of the whole area of Mangchunjeong where was the attraction point for flower viewing in the forbidden garden was surrounded by the sculptured fence, and Mangchunjeong which was hexagonal structure was located in the inside of the structure on both sides of the main building. The cornerstone was carved with white jade. Also a corridor assumed as Chunhyanggak(天香閣) was adjacent to Mangchunjeong. Gang Sehwang confirmed the space organization appeared in Donggwoldo by describing the attached building of Pyemwoosa, Taichungmun, and surrounding fence in detail.

Traditional Korean landscape garden with special attention (역사적 문화환경의 창조 -고대정원문화를 중심으로-)

  • 민경현
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 1985
  • Korean Landscape Garden may be described according to its stage of development. In the primitive agricultural era, the garden was preceded by vegetable yards and at this time rock arranging (Soo-Sok garden) was initiated together with the megalithis culture of dolmens, heavenly altars and tumuli. In the early Three Kingdom period palace gardens were built on a grand scale and toward the end of fourth century temple garden were introduced along with Buddhism. These gardens evolved to the flourishment of "HWAGE"(terraced gardens) rock arrangements of ZEN, early KOR-YO period. Especially since the middle of KOR-Yo period the "IM-CHUN"(forest and pond) garden became popular, while during Cho-Son period "HWAGE" in the back yard, pond and pool garden and "IM-CHUN" style country villa became fashionable. The Korea traditional Landscape garde may be characterized that first it is a nature Landscape style, which makes the maximum accomodation with the surrounding nature. Secondly, the Korean garden is built creatively by utilizing the elements of its climate and topography, Kogu-Ryo, Paik-Je great-Kaya and Sil-Ra had developed original a castle town plans and beautiful gardens rock arrangements which precede the equivalent style of China and set the prototype for Japan. The Landscape art of waterfalls and rock arrangements at An-Ap-Chi garden of 7th century has no equals in China and set the origin of pond style of Japanese garden.

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