• Title/Summary/Keyword: Paddock

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Spatial Distribution of Urination by Cattle in a Daytime Grazing System

  • Hirata, M.;Higashiyama, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 1997
  • Spatial distribution of urination by Japanese Black heifers and steers was investigated, and compared with the distribution of defecation. The animals grazed a bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum $Fl\ddot{u}gge$) pasture in the daytime, and spent the rest of the day in a barn. The distribution of urination to the pasture was greater than that expected from the proportion of time that the animals spent in the pasture. Correspondingly, the distribution was smaller in the barn. Such a distribution pattern of urination to the pasture and barn was similar to that of defecation, and affected by the intake of supplement on the previous day. The distribution of urination within the pasture, i.e. the distribution to the paddock, alley and resting area, was often uneven on an area basis. The animals often urinated sparsely in the alley and resting area, while they urinated in the paddock almost proportionally to its area. This was a clear contrast to the distribution pattern of defecation, which was sparse in the paddock and dense in the resting area. The degree of aggregation of urination in the paddock, alley and resting area varied with the meteorological factors and the intake of supplement.

The Effect of Living Conditions on Stress and Behavior of Horses

  • Park, Sang-Kook;Jung, Hee-Jun;Choi, You-Lim;Kwon, Oh-Sub;Jung, Young-Hun;Cho, Chung-Il;Yoon, Minjung
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2013
  • Providing an adequate environment for horses is important to minimize the level of stress for domesticated horses. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the effect of living conditions on stress level of horses, 2) to observe the effect of one month confinement on self-maintenance behavior and stereotypic behavior of horses. The experiment was conducted at National Institute of Animal Science, Equine Field Station (Seonghwan-eup, Korea). Horses were staying in the paddock prior to the experiment. On day 1, five horses were randomly selected and housed in metal fence panels stall. Six horses remained in the same paddock. The ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte (on day 15) and cortisol (on day 1 and 29) from stalled horses were significantly higher than horses in the paddock. Duration or frequency of self-maintenance behaviors such as feeding, drinking, resting, walking was not significantly different between day 1 and day 29. However, the frequency of urination significantly decreased (p<0.05) on day 29 compared with day 1. The frequency of stereotypic behaviors was not different between day 1 and 29. Our data indicate that horses may be more stabled when they are staying in the paddock rather than staying in the stall, but the stress level of horses in the stall during one month confinement was not effective for horses to adapt stereotypic behavior. In conclusion, providing an adequate environment and stress-less horse management techniques can minimize the stress level of horses.

A Case of Fence Entrapment Associated with Anti-Welfare in a Thoroughbred Colt with Misbehavior at a Paddock (행동장애를 가진 Thoroughbred 수망아지에서 반동물복지와 연관된 펜스함정 1례)

  • Yang, Jae-Hyuk;Park, Yong-Soo
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2016
  • The welfare of horses depends on satisfying both the physiological and psychological needs of the animal. The object of this study was to evaluate fence safety at the horse farm. A Thoroughbred colt with cribbing was found dead in a paddock. The fence of paddock is a four-pipe fencing. He cribbed the 2nd pipe from the top. But he couldn't pull his face because his incisors acted as hooks and two ramuses of the mandible was entrapped in a top pipe. So he was embarrassed and went down while he terribly struggled to get out his face. Finally, he was strangulated to death. Safe fencing is essential on a horse farm. The function of these fences are to protect the horses but it was more of a hazard. In order to safe management of horses, facial length of the horse and the pipe interval of the fence should be considered. Further research is needed to put a muzzle on the horses while they are at a paddock. This study provides important benchmarks for the equine industry to consider fence type and evaluate fence safety.

The Effects of Components of Grazing System on Welfare of Fattening Pigs

  • Tozawa, Akitsu;Tanaka, Shigefumi;Sato, Shusuke
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.428-435
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to clarify the most effective component of grazing for improving welfare of fattening pigs. This study compared welfare indicators of 20 fattening pigs aged 100 to 124 days (the prior period) and 138 to 164 days (the latter period) in an indoor housing system (IS), an outdoor pasturing system (OP), a concrete floor paddock system (CF), a concrete floor paddock system with fresh grass (FG), or a soil floor paddock system (SF). The last three treatments include important components of a grazing system: extra space, grass feed, and soil floor. Behavior, wounds on the body, and performances, measured as average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio, were observed. CF pigs behaved similarly to IS pigs. FG pigs showed higher levels of foraging, chewing and activity. SF pigs engaged in higher levels of foraging, exploring, activity, and rooting, and showed a similar amount of playing behavior as OP pigs. ADG was the same in all treatments at the prior period, and increased in the order FG, IS, CF, SF, and OP at the latter. The behaviors and performance of SF pigs resembled those of OP which seemed to indicate a consistently higher standard of welfare than the other treatments. In conclusion, the existence of a soil floor is the most important component of a pasture for improving the welfare of pigs.


  • Hirata, M.;Higashiyama, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.603-610
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    • 1996
  • Spatial distribution of faeces by Japanese Black heifers and steers was investigated. The animals grazed a bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum $Fl\ddot{u}gge$) pasture in the daytime from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and spent the rest of the day in a barn. The pasture consisted of three paddocks, an alley and a resting area, and the paddocks were grazed rotationally. The number of defecations and the faecal weight excreted in the pasture were greater than those expected from the proportion of time that the animals spent in the pasture. These values were correspondingly smaller in the barn. The distribution of faeces to the paddock, alley and resting area of the pasture was usually not proportional to the area of the respective places. The number of defeations and the faecal weight were usually distributed less densely in the paddock than in the resting area. The degree of aggregation of defecation in the paddock, alley and resting area varied with the meteorological factors such as the air temperature, solar radiation and rainfall during the grazing, and the intake of hay supplement of the previous day.

A Study on the Improvement of Pasture Productivity in a horse grazing low productive pasture (말방목 부실초지의 목초생산성 향상 연구)

  • Kim, Young Jin;Song, Sang Taek;Hwang, Kyung Jun;Kim, Si Hyun;Park, Nam Gun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.266-272
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we created grassland establishment(paddock No.39), grassland improvement(Paddock No.44), and tall fescue seeding(paddock No.64), and the rate botanical composition, DM yield, nutritive value were examined through 2016 to 2017. The rate of botanical composition was 81% in 2016, 75% in 2017, up to 21% higher than No.39 67%, 60%, No.44 58% and 54%. The annual average DM yield was the highest at 13,234kg/ha in the district, followed by No.39, No.44, followed by 10,636kg/ha and 10,235kg/ha, respectively. The crude protein content was the highest at No.39 12.16%, with No.44 and No.64 showing 10.7%, respectively. NDF content (average for two years) was 55.90% in No.44 and No.39, slightly lower than 58.42% and 57.00%, respectively. The two-year ADF average content was 31.07% for the same trend as the NDF capacity in the No.44, below 31.71% and 32.65%, respectively. To sum up the results, Although there was a high level of incentive sowing plot(No.39) in nutritive value, considering the botanical composition and productivity of the pasture, it is also deemed desirable to have a tall fescue plot(No.64).

Behaviour of twin- and triplet-born lambs and their dam 3 to 18 hours after birth is not a useful predictor of lamb survival to weaning

  • Gronqvist, G.V.;Hickson, R.E.;Kenyon, P.R.;Morris, S.T.;Stafford, K.J.;Corner-Thomas, R.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.1848-1857
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    • 2020
  • Objective: An experiment was designed to determine if behaviour traits expressed by twin- and triplet-bearing lambs and their dams at 3 to 18 hours of age (after the immediate ewe-lamb bonding had occurred) were associated with lamb survival to weaning. Methods: The behaviour of twin and triplet lambs and their dams was assessed in the paddock at 3 to 18 hours after birth. Observations were made of the number of high- and low-pitched bleats, time to stand, make contact with dam, suck from dam and follow dam were recorded for each lamb. The maternal behaviour score of each dam was assessed. A random sub-sample of lambs were assessed during a maternal-recognition test at 12 or 24 hours of age. Traits included time spent standing, sitting, walking, time taken to reach the ewes and time spent with the ewes as well as the number of high- and low-pitched bleats emitted by the lamb. Results: In the paddock, for each additional second required for twin-born lambs to follow their dam, lambs were 1.004 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.000 to 1.008) times more likely to survive to weaning (p<0.05). The opposite relationship, however, was seen in triplet lambs. For each additional second required for triplet-born lambs to follow their dam, lambs were 0.996 (95% CI 0.993 to 0.999) times as likely to survive to weaning (p<0.05). During the maternal recognition test, twin-born lambs were 0.989 (95% CI 0.979 to 1.000) times as likely to survive to weaning for every additional second they took to reach the contact zone (p<0.05). Similarly, triplet-born lambs were 0.994 (95% CI 0.989 to 0.999) as likely to survive for every additional second they took to reach their dam (p<0.05). Conclusion: All ewe behaviours and the majority of lamb paddock and test behaviours were not associated with the survival of twin- or triplet-born lambs and, therefore, are of little use as indicators of lamb survival to weaning.

A Study on the Grazing Behavior of Thoroughbred Mares Grazed in Pasture at Summer Season of Jeju Island (제주지역에서 사육중인 더러브렛 종빈마의 여름철 방목행동에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Byong-Tae;Kim, Myeong-Hwa;Park, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Moo;Sung, Si-Heung;Kim, Sung-Jin;Moon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.355-364
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    • 2009
  • This research was conducted to investigate the group and individual behavioral patterns of thoroughbred mares which are important for raising race-horses, in paddoks (pregnant) and pastures (nursing). In a group of nursing mare, eating 62%, standing resting 31%, drinking 3%, lying resting 1%, walking 1% and nursing 2% were observed, although no running was observed. Average time spent on individual behavior of mares (3 heads) was eating 295 min (55%), standing resting 193 min (36%), walking 18 min, drinking 18 min (3%), nursing 13 min (2%), lying resting 6 min (1%). Average 11 times of grooming, 2 times of urinating, and 1 time of feces were observed for mare in pasture. 48% of standing resting, 44% of eating, 2% of lying resting, 4% of walking, and 2% of drinking were revealed for pregnant mares in paddock. Average individual behavioral pattern of pregnant mares (3 heads) was 52% of eating, 40% of standing, 6% of walking, and 2% of drinking. Average 15 times of grooming, 1 time of urinating, 3 times of feces, 1 time of fighting, and 2 times of rolling were observed for pregnant mares in paddock. For moving patterns, pregnant mares were inclined to concentrate on where the nearby paddok is close to.

Effect of Declawing on Behavior of Farmed Emus

  • Glatz, P.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 2001
  • The behavior of declawed emus in a farm environment has not been described despite its importance in the husbandry and welfare of the emu. This study examined whether declawing of emus causes chronic pain resulting in permanent changes in the locomotor and general behavior of declawed yearling emus compared to emus not declawed. One group of 40 emus were declawed on the day of hatch by removing the distal phalangeal joint using a Lyon beak-trimming machine. Another group of 40 emus not declawed were the controls. Declawed emus one year of age were allocated to a paddock $250m{\times}125m$, while the control group was placed in an adjoining paddock of the same dimensions. One hour video records of individual emus from each treatment were made from 08:00 and 17:00 h over 2 periods; firstly when food and water was available and secondly during a period when food and water was not available after being withdrawn overnight. Inactive, ingestive, posture change, grooming, aggressive and locomotor behaviors were monitored from the videotape. There was no behavioral evidence to indicate loss of locomotor ability of declawed emus or to suggest declawed emus were suffering from severe chronic pain as indicated by declawed emus engaging in significantly more bouts (p<0.05) and time of searching (p<0.05). Declawed emus also engaged in less stereotype pacing (p<0.05) indicating they were under less stress and not as frustrated as control birds which engaged in more step pushing behavior (p<0.05). Modelling analysis showed that pecking behavior in birds was most closely related to foraging behavior. Birds subject to pecking attacks demonstrated higher levels of stereotype behavior presumably as a method to cope with stress. The behavioral evidence in this study would indicate that declawing does not compromise the locomotor ability of emus and has the benefit of improving the social structure in the groups by reducing stereotype behavior and aggression.

Geoscientific land management planning in salt-affected areas* (염기화된 지역에서의 지구과학적 토지 관리 계획)

  • Abbott, Simon;Chadwick, David;Street, Greg
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2007
  • Over the last twenty years, farmers in Western Australia have begun to change land management practices to minimise the effects of salinity to agricultural land. A farm plan is often used as a guide to implement changes. Most plans are based on minimal data and an understanding of only surface water flow. Thus farm plans do not effectively address the processes that lead to land salinisation. A project at Broomehill in the south-west of Western Australia applied an approach using a large suite of geospatial data that measured surface and subsurface characteristics of the regolith. In addition, other data were acquired, such as information about the climate and the agricultural history. Fundamental to the approach was the collection of airborne geophysical data over the study area. This included radiometric data reflecting soils, magnetic data reflecting bedrock geology, and SALTMAP electromagnetic data reflecting regolith thickness and conductivity. When interpreted, these datasets added paddock-scale information of geology and hydrogeology to the other datasets, in order to make on-farm and in-paddock decisions relating directly to the mechanisms driving the salinising process. The location and design of surface-water management structures such as grade banks and seepage interceptor banks was significantly influenced by the information derived from the airborne geophysical data. To evaluate the effectiveness ofthis planning., one whole-farm plan has been monitored by the Department of Agriculture and the farmer since 1996. The implemented plan shows a positive cost-benefit ratio, and the farm is now in the top 5% of farms in its regional productivity benchmarking group. The main influence of the airborne geophysical data on the farm plan was on the location of earthworks and revegetation proposals. There had to be a hydrological or hydrogeological justification, based on the site-specific data, for any infrastructure proposal. This approach reduced the spatial density of proposed works compared to other farm plans not guided by site-specific hydrogeological information.