• Title/Summary/Keyword: PLANTED TREE

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Converting Lands that are damaged by Graveyards into Tree Burial Sites in order to Restore Green Areas (산지묘지의 훼손지 복원을 위한 수목장지로의 전환)

  • Woo, Jae-Wook;Byun, Woo-Hyuk;Kim, Hak-Beom;Park, Won-Kyoung;Kim, Min-Su;Norsyuhada, Norsyuhada
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper was to study the issues related to converting the graveyards within forests into spaces intended for tree burials by means of planting, given the situation that the graveyards have encroached on land and damaged the environment. For the reason, a field survey was performed to determine the width, length, and distance to the nearest tree of 205 graveyards in the capital area. Through this, it was determined that the domestic lands damaged by graveyards amounted to $862km^2$, including the areas that were deforested to manage the graves. This only confirms that land encroachment by graveyards is a serious issue. The methods for making tree burial sites were examined from the perspective of how to meet public demands given the graveyard's spatial distinctiveness. As a result, this study suggested different methods to establish tree burial sites according to the degree of transformation and the term of its formation. This study also classified the graveyards into three types, and identified the planting methods that harmonized the safe growth of trees and the scenic beauty of memorial places based on the standard. This is in order to plant trees that are shade-tolerant and suitable to the forest line, along with which other tree line was and also, to plant aesthetic trees around the empty space. Through applying the developed methods, this study established and monitored two exemplary sites in Yongin and Boryeng. Aesthetic trees were planted in Yongin site which was located in an open area, aod the shade-tolerant trees were planted in Boryeong, which was located in a forest area. As a result, the image of a garden appeared at Yongin site and the image of a tree colony harmonized with the near forest emerged at Boryeong site. Therefore, it is confirmed that the method of planting according to the distribution status of neighboring trees was effective. As a result of monitoring, mulching wood chips were suitable for sites that were small or easy to approach. This is because the weeds were controlled in Yongin site by mulching. Furthermore, by monitoring the growth of 11 species of vegetation, this study confirmed that low and cover-type vegetations were suitable for tree burial sites. In Boryeong site, the wild cherry trees, which were planted as adult trees, all died, and the tilling of snake's beard, which were planted as cover vegetation, was slow. Therefore, this study found that seedlings were more suitable to plant in forest graveyards than adult trees, which were large and difficult to approach, and it was effective to use the remaining lawn and form a low vegetation after the crown of trees had expanded to such places.

A Study on the Planting Records of Needle Fir in Gwangneung (광릉 전나무 식재기록에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyoung;Lee, Hae-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2019
  • The study was done to analyze the records of planting time of Gwangneung needle firs referring to the historical literatures, the Annals of Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄), Seungjeongwonilgi(承政院日記: Journal of the Royal Secretariat). Bibyeonsadeungnok(備邊司謄錄: Records of the Bibyeonsa Defense Council, a government agency during the Joseon Dynasty), Ilseongnok(日省錄: Journal on Dynasty affairs of the kings in the 36th year of Youngjo to 1910) to lay the historical ground for needle firs in Gwangneung. The following results were derived from previous research, Report on Gwangneung Forest Ecosystem, and overlaid fir tree rings. The research findings are as follow. First, since the system of making the grave is the most conservative system, the planting during the Gwangneung construction would have been preceded by precedent. Second, the problem of cutting the tree in the late Joseon Dynasty became serious. It is published the Law of Muo In the 22nd year of Jeongjo, and then planted trees regularly in spring and autumn. Third, the Law of Muo was preserved for 31 years during the reign of King Gojong, and the type of specific tree, the number of trees, from the 22nd year until the 25th year of King Gojong, four years of fir trees were planted in Gwangneung, and Gwangneung was the only place where korean pine trees were planted. Fourth, it was possible to identify the age of the tree through fallen fir tree rings, and the period of planting fir trees growing in the existing mausoleum is judged to be the equivalent year of King Gojong's reign from the 10th year of King Cheoljong's reign.

A Study on Improvements of Local Governments' Planting Regulations in Korea (우리 나라 지방자치단체 식재 조례 기준의 현황 및 개선방향)

  • 최일홍;황경희;이규목
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.194-206
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    • 1998
  • In 1977, Local governments' planting regulations for the development projects were established in accordance with the revised building law in Korea. A landscaped area, planting densities of trees and shrubs, a percentage of evergreen plants, minimum tree size and species were prescribed in the planting regulations. But the clauses for an excessive planting density and a high ratio of evergreen trees that the regulations includes, have been gradually in the way to a creative planting design, and raise a problem of poor growth of trees an a disordered planting landscape. Therefore, in this study the present planting regulations of 124 local governments throughout the country were analyzed and compared with 13 foreign local governments' of 4 countries ; Japan, the United States of America, Canada and Singapore. And the linitations and characteristics of the regulations are drawn as follows ; 1. The regulations focus on controlling the green spaces and plantings by quantitative methods such as controlling the number of trees and the landscaped area, which are inadequate for estimating the crown coverage of mature trees, and which areinadequate for estimating the crown coverage of mature trees, and implementing the function of polantings and the use of green spaces. 2. Minimums of tree densities are higher than those of foreign countries, especially higher about 10 times to 100 times than those of the United States of America. 3.Excessive number of evergreen trees and fruit trees should be planted under the present planting regulations, that results in constricting the creativity in planting design. 4. An article for using specific tree size, 2.0ms over in height makes it difficult to use a wide variety of different sizes of trees. And there is no incentive measures when larger trees are planted. To enhance the quality of green spaces and plantings, it is needed that the function and locating of green spaces and plantings have to be emphasized, and the planting density should be concerned about the mature tree size. The incentive measure to use various sizes of trees is also needed, and the regulations to use excessive number of evergreen trees or fruit trees should be loosened.

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Analysis of the Exterior Spatial Organization and Residents\\\\` Satisfaction Degree to the Apartment Complex in Teagu (대구시 아파트 단지의 외부공간구성 및 만족도에 관하여)

  • 권태식;김영수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the more rational and practical basic theory for the landscape planning in the aparment complex. In this study, the actual conditions of exterior space, the residens' satisfaction degree and the correlation between exterior space and the residents' satisfaction defree were investigated and analyzed on the 13apartment complexes in Taegu City. Through the statistical analysis, the main results were obtained as fellows : It was found that the size of green area ratio in the apartment complexes were in the order of Jugong Apt. (Korean Housing Corporation), Siyoung Apt. (City Operation), Minyoung high-rise Apt. (Private Business) and Minyoung low-rise Apt. (Private Business) complex. The highest ratio of footway and Parking area were shown in Minyoung high-rise Apt. complex. The important factors at the exterior space of apartment complex were composed by 6 major factors, importance degrees of which are Visual, Practical, Convenient, Sentimental, Recreational and Spatial factors for teenagers in orders. The residents' satisfaction degrees to the exterior space were highly correlated with the spatil organization, size of green area and quantity of trees, view, management situation, defensibility of outside noise, rest place, water landscapings by turns. In order to get more than the average satisfaction degree 18 exterior space, the green area should be occupied by 35% of the apartment complex area and more than 76% of the green area (i. e. 16% of the apartment complex area) should be planted with trees. In the Taegu City regulation, the ratio of tree composition is proposed for only the number of tree. But it was shown that the satifaction degree are more correlated with the species and afforestation of trees than the nuts her of trees in this study. therefore, the species of tree and the afforestation of tree should be considered when the landscape planning of the apartment complex begins. It was found that the ratio of afforestation to make the more desirable exterior space In the apartment complex shoule be 8 to 2 in the ratio of arbor to shrub. It was also required that 30 species of arbor and 15 species of shrub should be planted for the more desirable landscape of the apartment complex.

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Dry Season Evaporation From Pine Forest Stand In The Middle Mountains Of Nepal

  • Gnawali, Kapil;Jun, KyungSoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.330-330
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    • 2016
  • The quantification of dry season evaporation in regions, where the magnitude of dry season flows is key to the regional water supply, is essential for good water management. Also, tree transpiration has a significant role in the water balance of a catchment whenever it is tree populated, especially in water limited environments. Such is the case in the Middle Mountains of Nepal where dry season flows play a significant role in downstream water provisioning and their proper functioning is key to the welfare of millions of people. This research seeks to study the transpiration of a pine forest stand in the Jikhu Khola Watershed in the Middle Mountains of Nepal. To the author's knowledge, no single study has been made so far to estimate the dry season evaporation from the planted forest stand in the Middle Mountains of Nepal. The study was carried out in planted pine forest embedded within the Jikhu Khola Catchment. Field campaigns of sap flow measurements were carried out from September, 2010 to February, 2011 in the selected plot of 15*15m dimension, to characterize dry season evaporation. This was done by measuring sap fluxes and sapwood areas over the six trees of different Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) classes. The sap flux was assessed using Granier's thermal dissipation probe (TDP) technique while sapwood area was determined using several incremental core(s) taken with a Pressler borer and immediately dyeing with methyl orange for estimating the actual depth of sapwood area. Transpiration of the plot was estimated by considering the contribution of each tree class. For this purpose, sap flux density, sapwood area and the proportion of total canopy area were determined for each tree class of the selected plot. From these data, hourly and diurnal transpiration rates for the plot were calculated for experimental period. Finally, Cienciala model was parameterized using the data recorded by the ADAS and other terrain data collected in the field. The calibrated model allowed the extrapolation of Sap flux density (v) over a six month period, from September 2010 to February 2011. The model given sap flux density was validated with the measured sap flux density from Grainier method.

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Studies on the Tree Growth and Soil Environmental Characteristics in the Planting Zone on the Back Slope of Dam (댐체 비탈면 녹화지역의 수목 생장 및 토양환경 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Bahn, Gwon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the characteristics of tree growth and soil environment were analyzed at 5 sites that had been planted on the back slope of dam for more than 15 years in Korea. First, as a result of investigating the growth of 15 trees planted on the back slope of the dam, the average height was 10.6m, diameter at roots was 27.3cm, and DBH was 22.9cm, showing good growth status of most of the trees. In particular, the growth levels of pine, hackberry, and oak were similar or better than those of general forests and artificial ground. As a result of excavating and investigating the roots of trees, horizontal roots grew well in the left and right directions of the back slope of the dam, and the growth of vertical roots was insufficient. Currently, the roots of trees do not directly affect dam safety, but they may continue to grow in the long term and interfere with dam management. Second, the physicochemical characteristics of the soil on the back slope of dam were generally above the intermediate level in terms of landscape design standards, and were similar to those of the domestic forest soil. Therefore, although it was judged to be suitable for plant growth, isolation of the site, soil acidification, and nutrient imbalance may affect tree growth and forest health in the long term. Through this study, it was possible to confirm the potential and applicability of planting area on the back slope of dam as an ecological base. Continuous monitoring is required for safety management and ecological value of dams in the future, and through this, it will be possible to secure the feasibility of planting trees on the slopes of new or existing dams and improving management.

Correlation of Above- and Below-ground Biomass Between Natural and Planted Stands of Pinus densiflora for. erecta of One Age-class in Gangwon Province (강원지역 1영급 금강소나무에 대한 천연림과 인공림의 지상부와 지하부 상관관계)

  • Na, Sung-Joon;Kim, Chang-Soo;Woo, Kwan-Soo;Kim, Hye-Jin;Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to analyze correlation of above- and below-ground biomass and to drive regression equation suitable for estimating standing tree biomass between natural and planted stands of Pinus densiflora for. erecta of one age-class in Gangwon province, Republic of Korea. Total 40 trees, 10 from the naturally regenerated and 10 from the planted stands in each of two studied sites, were uprooted to measure height, diameter at root color (DRC), and the dry weights of stem, branches, and needles. The length, weight, and volume of the main and horizontal roots were also measured. Most of the above-ground traits except height were highly correlated with most of the other above-ground traits and the below-ground traits except the length of roots (p < 0.05). Especially, the DRC, which is measured easily on the standing tree, was highly correlated with most of the traits in all studied stands (p < 0.01). Thus, the DRC would be the most desirable trait to estimate not only above-ground biomass but also below-ground biomass. However, height was not a good variable to estimate standing tree biomass of Pinus densiflora for. erecta of one age-class in Gangwon province because it was not correlated with most of other traits. Regression equations derived from the current study could be used effectively as a basic data for estimating above-ground and below-ground biomass using DRC.

Exploring Planting Strategies through Monitoring of a Greenspace Established in the Riparian Zone - The Case of an Implementation Site in Gapyeong County - (수변구역 조성 녹지의 모니터링을 통한 식재방안 모색 - 가평군 시공지를 대상으로 -)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Park, Hye-Mi
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1689-1699
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    • 2016
  • The growth conditions of planted trees, invasion of nuisance herbaceous species, competition between species, and effects of erosion control were monitored over five years in a riparian greenspace in Gapyeong County that was established through multilayered and grouped ecological planting. Of 156 trees planted in the upper and middle layers, 5.8% died. This tree death was attributed to poor drainage or aeration in the rooting zone from the clay-added root ball and too deep planting as well as a small-sized root ball and scanty fine roots. Of all the trees, 21.6% grew poorly due to transplant stress in the first year after planting, but they started to grow vigorously in the third year. This good growth was largely associated with soil improvement before planting, selection of appropriate tree species based on growth ground, and control of dryness and invasive climbing plants through surface mulching and multilayered/grouped planting. Mixed planting of fast-growing species as temporary trees was desirable for accelerating planting effect and increasing planting density. Thinning of fast-growing trees was required in the fifth year after planting to avoid considerable competition with target species. To reduce the invasion of herbaceous and climbing plants that oppress normal growth of planted trees, higher density planting of trees (crown opening of about 15%), woodchip mulching to a 10-cm depth, and edge planting 2 m wide were more effective than lower density planting (crown opening of 70%), no surface mulching, and no edge planting, respectively. This reduction effect was especially great during the first three years after planting. Nuisance herbaceous plants rarely invaded higher density planting with woodchip mulching over the five years. Higher density planting or woodchip mulching also showed much greater erosion control through rainfall interception and buffering than lower density planting with no mulching did. Based on these results, desirable planting and management strategies are suggested to improve the functions of riparian greenspaces.

An Analysis of Status Quo on the Multi-layer Planting at the landscape Planting Area in Apartment and Neighborhood Parks in Seoul Metropolitan Area (조경식재공간에서 다층식재의 실태분석 -수도권 아파트와 근린공원을 중심으로-)

  • 심우경;이동익
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 2001
  • This study based on the theoretical understanding of multi-layer planting which have engineering, ecological and landscape benefits, was conducted to find out the status of multi-layer planting in the apartment and neighborhood park in Seoul. This study was also aimed to seek for the problematic matters, and suggest a solution on the current multi-layer planting. The results of this study were as follows; 1) Since landscape woody plants have been classified just as tree and shrub in Korea, the classification for the multi-layer planting has been unreasonable, and landscape woody plants might have been classified as tree, sub-tree and shrub, or upper, middle, and lower-layer, It could be defined that upper layer is over eight meters in full growth, middle over 3-8 meters and lower under 3 meters. 2) In apartments, the upper layer consisted of eighteen species, the middle and lower layer seven species each. In neighborhood parks, the upper layer consisted of fifteen species, and the middle and lower layer five species each. 3) In terms of planting year of the surveyed areas, there were no differences in the number of species when planting year of the apartment was divided into two groups, the first half(1900-1995) and the second(1996-2000). But, in terms of individual occupation, the percentage was decreased in upper layer, while there was increasing in middle and lower layer. 4) As the result of survey of multi-layered area, it appeared that apartment was shown 0.65 percent and neighborhood park 0.61 percent of the planted area, which was less than 1 percentage of landscape architecturally planted area. 5) In apartment, the number of individual in middle layers has been increased in the first half and the second, but with respect to the correlation with multi-layered area, the apartments had the "$\rho$=0.208", saying that increasing middle layer was scattered planting instead of multi-layered planting. 6) In planting at the apartments in Korea, the planting density was limited, because the layer division was restricted to only tree and shrub. On the contrary, it was divided into upper, middle and lower tree in Japan. Therefore, in Korea, it should be classified as the planting density by dividing into tree, sub-tree, and shrubs, or upper, middle and lower tree by the law. And, it should be considered that the multi-layered planting has a proper organic relation as well as the planting density.g density.

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Optimum Crop Load in Different Planting Densities of Adult 'Fuji'/M.9 Apple Tree for Preventing Biennial Bearing and Stabilizing Tree Vigor (성목기 '후지'/M.9 사과나무의 해거리 방지와 수세안정을 위한 재식거리별 적정 착과 수준)

  • Sagong, Dong-Hoon;Yoon, Tae-Myung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted in three years (7-9 years after planting) to investigate vegetative growth, yield, fruit quality, and return bloom for optimum crop load based on different planting densities of adult 'Fuji'/M.9 apple trees. As plant materials, 'Fuji'/M.9 apple trees planted at $3.5{\times}1.5m$ (190 trees per 10 a), $3.5{\times}1.2m$ (238 trees per 10 a), and $3.2{\times}1.2m$ (260 trees per 10 a) spacing and trained as slender spindles were used. The crop load was assigned to five different object ranges as follows: 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85-94, and 95-104 fruit per tree. TCA increment, total shoot growth, return bloom, yield per tree, and yield efficiency tended to increase as planting density decreased, and fruit weight and soluble solid content tended to increase as the object range of crop load decreased. Fruit red color tended to increase as shoot growth decreased. For apple trees planted with 238 trees and 260 trees per 10a, biennial bearing occurred when the crop load was over 85-94 and 75-84 fruits, respectively. However, biennial bearing did not occur when the crop load was 95-104 fruits in apple trees planted with 190 trees per 10a. Accumulated yield tended to increase as planting density and crop load increased, but that of biennial bearing did not show such a difference. Based on our results, optimum crop load recommendations are to set 95-104 fruits per tree in 'Fuji'/M.9 mature apple trees planted at 190 trees per 10a, 75-84 fruits per tree at 238 trees per 10a, and 65-74 fruits per tree at 260 trees per 10a.