• Title/Summary/Keyword: PESTICIDES

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Applicability of Using GC-PDD (Pulsed Discharge Detector) for Multiresidual Pesticides Analysis

  • Oh, Chang-Hwan
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.959-966
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    • 2006
  • The electron-capture detector (ECD) of gas chromatographs (GC) has been used widely in pesticide analysis. However, as ECD relies on radioactive material, it is troublesome to purchase and maintain. Therefore, potent replacements for ECD were investigated. A Pulsed-discharge detector (PDD) for ECD was tested and the analytical results of PDD (ECD mode), ${\mu}ECD$, and nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) were compared for 107 pesticides including organochroline, organophosphorus, pyrethroids etc. The number of pesticides identified at the lowest limit of detection (LOD) was 36, 29, and 2 for PDD, ${\mu}ECD$, and NPD, respectively. The remaining pesticides showed same response to PDD and ${\mu}ECD$. The GC-PDD analysis of pesticides spiked into representative agricultural products (brown rice, spinach, and mandarin oranges) also showed good and/or equivalent recoveries using $GC-{\mu}ECD$.

Screening of Insecticide to Control Rhophalosiphum nymphaeae for Alisma plantago as Second Crop in Paddy Field

  • Kwon, Byung-Sun;Lim, June-Taeg;Shin, Jeong-Sik
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.17-19
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of pesticides on insect pest control of Rhophalosiphum nymphaeae, growth characteristies and dry root yield from the cultivated after early maturing rice cropping. All pesticides treated had no effect on the growh period, flowering rate of Alisma plantago. The major pesticides were methomyl-Lf, 24.1 %, imidacloprid-Wp, 10%, carbosulfan-Wp, 20%, and methomyl-Wp, 45%. Dry yield of root were increased largely with imidacloprid-Wp, 10% (10g/20$\ell$), pesticide than the other pesticides and control. All pesticides were had no injury with recommended concentration. On the other hand all pesticides were slightly harmful in the double dosage level for the Alisma plantago.


  • Kim, Y. W.;S. H. Noh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11c
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    • pp.525-532
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    • 2000
  • A new spectroscopic method for pesticide residues detection on agricultural products was developed. The general determination methods are high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC) or GC-mass spectrometry. They have provided relatively good detection limit and accuracy with complicated and time-consuming (5hrs above) procedures. In addition freshness is very important for evaluating qualities of agricultural products. This requires a simple and fast method for detection of pesticides. Reflectance, transmittance and fluorescence spectrometry of pesticides were tested using UV range because most of pesticides contain conjugation band in the molecular structures. Fluorescence spectrometry showed better sensitive to detect pesticide residues than did reflectance and transmittance spectrometry. Intensity and shape of fluorescence spectra showed different patterns with different structures of pesticides. Detection limit for fluorescence spectrometry was 0.1 ppm to 10 ppm depending on the structures of pesticides. Application of fluorescence spectrometry appears to be an easy method for detection of pesticide residues on agricultural products.

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Distribution of Organophosphorus Pesticides in some Estuarine Environments in Korea

  • Yu Jun;Lee Dong Ho;Kim Kyung Tae;Yang Dong Beom;Yang Jae Sam
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2001
  • To study the distribution of organophosphorus pesticides which are extensively used for agriculture in Korea. Sea water samples were taken from 4 coastal areas during May and August of 1997 and sediment samples were collected from two coastal areas in August of 1997. These samples were analyzed using a Gas Chromatography/Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (GC/NPD). In August the most commonly found organophosphorus pesticides in the surface waters of Kunsan area were IBP < S-Benzyl O,O-di-isopropyl phosphorothioate > $(m=432.5ng\;L^{-1})$ and EDDP < O-ethyl S,S-diphenyl phosphorodithioate > $(m=37.4ng\;L^{-1}) $ which are largely used between June and September to prevent rice blast disease. In Danghang Bay, dry fields located near the mouth of the estuary seemed to affect the concentrations of certain organophosphorus pesticides in the surface waters. Since organophosphorus pesticides applied in the watershed are rapidly decomposed while being transported along freshwater streams, watershed size is not proportional to the concentrations of these pesticides in the coastal waters. Pesticides concentrations measured in August were compared with those in May. IBP concentrations in coastal waters were about an order of magnitude higher in August than in May. Temporal and geographical distribution of individual organophosphorus pesticides is likely to be affected by types of agricultural practices in the watershed. Chloropyrifos was the most important of the organophosphorus pesticides in the sediments of the study area because of its persistent nature and high affinity to particulates.

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Feasibility of New Pesticide Development in Korea (우리나라에서의 신농약 개발전망)

  • Park Young-Sun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.22 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 1983
  • Under the limited arable land, the enhancement of agricultural productivity is indispensable to provide the food demand which is concomitant with the rapid increase in population. From this viewpoint, the upbringing and dissemination of high-yielding varieties has been promoted continuously and several modifications in cultural practices, including heavy fertilization, dense planting, and early transplanting, also have been gradually developed. However these changes in cultivation have led to the increased outbreak of insect pests and diseases. And this unexpected results have accelerated the number and complexity of pesticides employed as well as their consumption. Even though pesticides are essential materials contributing to the steady production of agricultural crops, large scale consumption of them has given rise to several adverse impacts, such as mammalian hazard and/or environmental contamination. In this respect, recent development of new pesticides has been concentrated on 'safe pesticide', as it were, that has the highly selective properties without unfavorable side influences on other ecosystem. According to literature cited up to now, feasibilities of safe pesticide development would be summarized as two categories. One of them is the development of chemical pesticides, which include the molecular structure modification of established pesticides for increased safety and synthesis of new safe chemicals which can attack the vulnerable point of physio-ecological characteristics in insect pests and diseases. The other is the biological pesticides which comprise natural enemies and microorganisms to act selectively on confined insect pests and diseases, In addition, improvement of physico-chemical properties of available pesticide formulations would be one of the desirable means for safe pesticide development in view of efficacy enhancement and minimization of hazardous properties or safe pesticide development, various approaches are feasible and needed to study, however, long period and much financial outlay are necessary to develop a new item. And under the present situation in Korea, there are many difficulties for performing research on all the possible routes. Therefore, combined pesticides by the reasonable combination of already registered resticides evaluated as the fairly safe pesticides and safe formulation based on their physico-chemical properties would be developed primarily. And many efforts would be given gradually for the development of new chemical and biological pesticides.

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Evaluation of DNA damage in Pesticide Sprayers using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis (단세포전기영동법(single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay)을 이용한 농약 살포자의 DNA손상 평가)

  • 이연경;이도영;이은일;이동배;류재천;김해준;설동근
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2001
  • Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay, also called comet assay, is a rapid and sensitive method to detect DNA damage in single cell level. To evaluate the DNA damage of lymphocytes of pesticides sprayers, SCGE assay was carried out for 50 pesticides sprayer and 58 control subjects. They were interviewed with structured questionnaire to get the information about the kinds and amount of pesticide. Insecticides and fungicides were predominant among pesticides. Major components of pesticides were organophosphorus, organosulfate, cartap, carbamates, and triazole. Sprayed pesticides were classified into two groups. Group I included organophosphorus, organoarsenic, organotin, tetrazine, triazole and gramoxone, which were known to cause DNA damages. Group II pesticide were carbamates, surfactants, organosulfates, etc., which were not found as DNA damaging agents in scientific documents. Olive tail moments of 100 lymphocytes were measured by KOMET 3.1 program for each person. The means of tail moments were compared between farmers exposed to pesticides and control subjects. Farmers showed higher tail moments than control subjects (2.07$\pm$1.40 vs 1.53$\pm$0.77, p<0.05). The means of tail moments also were compared among group I sprayers (n=36), group II sprayers (n=24) and, control subject, and the means or tail moments were 3.4s$\pm$3.2o, 2.66$\pm$2.20 and 1.53$\pm$0.77 respectively. The difference between means of group I sprayers and controls was statistically significant (p<0.05). In conclusion, this study showed higher DNA damage in farmers exposed to pesticides than control subjects, and comet assay could be useful as a biological monitoring method of genotoxic pesticides for farmers.

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Analysis of 2002 year's Pesticides Poisoning Deaths' data of Korea National Statistical Office and Counterplan to Prevent Deaths Due to Herbicides Poisoning (2002년 농약중독 사망자 통계청 자료 분석 및 제초제 중독으로 인한 사망사고 예방 대책)

  • Kim Uk Jin;Kim Hyo Yun;Kim Seung Hwan;Kim Sun Wook;Cho Young Soon;Chung Sung Pil;Lee Hahn Shick
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2004
  • Backgrounds: Deaths from pesticides poisoning has increased annually, but no studies have been reported. Especially paraquat is suspected to be a major material in pesticide poisoning deaths. In Korea, simple epidemiology of pesticides poisoning is not well known. So, there is no effective method to prevent pesticides poisoning. We tried to investigate the present status of pesticides poisoning with data from Korea National Statistical Office and suggest an effective counterplan. Methods: We analysed death cause data derived from Korean Statistical association, deaths causes being pesticides poisoning in the year 2002. Also, we investigated data from internet, mainly from Korea National Statistical Office home page. Results: Total 2,875 persons died after pesticides poisoning in 2002 year. Average age is 54.2 year, standard deviation being 17.7 year. Many victims (about $41\%$) died during the herbicides' non-necessary period (JanuaryMarch, October-December) Conclusion: Herbicides sale should be restricted only during herbicides' necessary period, and so called a pesticides safety supervisor system shall effectively prevent herbicides poisoning.

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Residue of Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticides in Fresh Ginseng and Red Ginseng Extract (수삼과 홍삼농축액 중 유기인계와 유기염소계 농약의 잔류)

  • Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.337-342
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    • 2007
  • To obtain the data on the risk assessment of residue levels of organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides in fresh ginseng and red ginseng extract, the residual pesticides in samples are surveyed with GC-NPD and GC-ECD for quantitative analysis and GC-MSD for qualitative analysis. The residual organophosphorus pesticides, such as diazinon, pyrimethanil, tolclofos-methyl, metalaxyl, diethofencarb, parathion, cyprodinil, tolylfluanid and kresoxim-methyl, are not detected in fresh ginseng from Punggi. The residual organophosphorus pesticides except tolclofos-methyl are not detected in fresh ginseng from Sangju. Average amount of tolclofos-methyl in fresh ginseng from Sangju are $0.054{\pm}0.008\;mg/kg$, representing $18{\pm}2%$ of MRL of 0.03 mg/kg on fresh ginseng in Korea. The residual organochlorine pesticides, such as BHC isomer, DDT isomer, aldrin, azoxystrobin, captan, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, dieldrin, difenoconazole, endosulfan-sulfate, endrin, fenhexamid, quintozene, ${\alpha}$-endosulfan and ${\beta}$-endosulfan, are not detected in fresh ginseng from Punggi and Sangju. The residual organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides in red ginseng extract from Punggi and Sangju are not detected.

The Recognition Level of Food Contamination with Residual Pesticides and Hazardous Heavy Metals in Taejon Area (식품의 잔류농약 및 유해중금속의 오염인식도 -대전지역을 중심으로-)

  • 한장일;김성애
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.454-465
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    • 1998
  • This study was to investigate the recognition level of food contamination with residual pesticides and hazardous heavy metals from 365 male and female adults in Taejon area using questionnaires. Among the recognizing level of residual pesticides in overall foods, 69.1% were 'serious', 25.6% were 'average' and 5.3% were 'not serious'. Over 94.7% of the subjects recognized residual pesticides pollution infoods. for hazardous heavy metals in food, 47.8% responsed as 'serious', 40.5% as 'average' and 11.8 as ' not serious' . Over 88.3% of the subjects recognized contaminated pesticides seriously in fruits, 72.1% in vegetables and 51.7% in cereals, whereas 55.7% of the subjects recognized hazardous heavy metal contamination seriously in fruits, 53.4% in vegetables, 40.8% in fishes and shellfishes and 35.0% in seaweeds. The subjects recognized residual pesticides contamination more seriously in overall foods, cereal, potatoes and starches, bean, vegetables and fruits, whereas hazardous heavy metal contamination was recognized more seriously in fishes and shellfishes, and seaweeds food groups. Comparisons were shown based on individuial's occupation. Farmer, forester, iner and fisher showed the lowest recognizing level of food contamination in most food groups. The mean score of the dietary effect by mass media's information on food contamination from residual pesticides and hazardous heavy metals were 3.51±0.96 out of 5 points. By Duncan's multiple range test, sex, age, marriage, food cost per month, concerns about health and nutrition knowledge showed significant differences in the mean effect score at p<0.05. According to a pesticides contamination in several food groups were affected by food cost per month, mass media's information on food contamination, health status, and concerns about health, But a recognition level of hazardous heavy metals in food were affected by income and, food cost per month mass media's information on food contamination, health status, concern about health and nutrition knowledge. People who need to take extreme precautions of food contamination were in order of producers, government officials, homemakers, the consumer's association and consumers.

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Research for the Analytical Method of Various Pesticides in Raw Milk by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MSD를 사용한 원유 내 잔류농약의 분석법 연구)

  • Oh, N.S.;Shin, Y.K.;Baick, S.C.
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.482-486
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to optimize a simple, fast, and economical analysis procedure for the determination of 16 different pesticides in raw milk via GC/MSD. Analyses were performed via gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometric detection in the selected ion monitoring mode (GC/MSD-SIM) using Pentachloronitrobenzene as the internal standard. The modified sample preparation methodology was based on the Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM) of the FDA concerning fat extraction, ACN-ether partitioning, and clean-up of the Sep-Pak florisil cartridge. The modified methodology for the determination of the 16 pesticides was validated. The range of LOQs of the 16 pesticides was likely three times lower than their Maximum Residence Levels (MRLs). The recoveries of most of the pesticides were acceptable at the fortification levels of 0.5 and 1.0 ${\mu}g/mL$ and their RSD (%) level was less than 20%. None of the 16 pesticides were detected in the selected raw milk samples.