• Title/Summary/Keyword: PESTICIDES

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골프장 농약 검사를 위한 다성분동시시험방법 확립에 관한 연구

  • 이민효;노회정;박종겸;윤정기;김찬섭
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2002년도 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 2002
  • The possibility of simultaneous analysis of 24 pesticides out of 30 residual pesticides which are subjected to test in the golf courses was examined. The utility of the simultaneous analysis of multi-residue pesticides was evaluated by recovery test through a standard addition method of pesticides in water, soil, and lawn grass. The experimental results of the recovery rates for individual pesticides are as follows : The number of pesticide of which average recovery was over 70% regardless of medium was 16 pesticides. These pesticides were composed of 8 organophosphorus pesticides(Chlorpyrifos, Chlorpyrifos-methyl, Diazinon, EPN, Fenitrothion, Phenthoate, Phosalone, and Toclofos-methyl). 4 organochlorinated pesticides(Daconil, Captan, Endosulfan, and Tetradifon), 2 pyrethroid pesticides(Fepropathrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin) and 2 other pesticides(Bromopropylate, Pendimethalin). On the other hand, in case of Dicofol, average recovery by medium was over 70% for water and lawn grass but was only 53.3% for soil. Therefore, the simultaneous analytical method applied in this experiment is not appropriate for analysis of Dicofol in soil. Furthermore, among 7 pesticides, 2 pesticides(Amitraz and Pyraclofos) showed that theirs average recovery rates deviated from criteria(70~130%) at almost all media, while 5 pesticides(Bensulide, Deltamethrin, Iprodione, Phosphamidon and Tralomethlin) were not detected from all media by selected GC detector(NPD or ECD).

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국산다류중 유기염소제 및 유기인제 농약의 잔류량 (A Study on Organochlorine and Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues of Korean Commercial Teas)

  • 이철원;박건상;신효선
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 1996
  • An attempt was made to determine the residual distribution of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in the various kinds of Korean tea which were purchased form the maket. The organochlorine pesticides investigated in this study were BHC, DDT and dicofol and the organophoshorus pesticides were diazinon, EPN, fenitrothion and parathion. The pesticide residues were determined by GC-ECD and BHC was detected in all the samples and it's level were ranged from 0.00064 po 0.05995 ppm and it's average was 0.00682 ppm and DDT, dicofol and organophosphorus pesticides were not detected in all samples. The organophophorus pesticides were detected(0.0035∼0.0983 ppm) in raw materials but were not in the manufactured material and it is considered that the largely components of the pesticides is removed by drying and high temperature while the tea was manufactured. The recovery tests of the pesticides gave satisfactory results showing an average yield of 97.6% with organochlorine pesticides and 92.5% with organophoshorus pesticides and the detection limits level were 0.00008 ppm to 0.0010 ppm.

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Current Status of Botanical Pesticides for Crop Protection

  • Dang, Quang Le;Lim, Chi-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Cheol
    • 식물병연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2012
  • The problems caused by synthetic pesticides have led the need for effective biodegradable pesticides with greater selectivity. Botanical pesticides are generally recognized as safe in agriculture systems. Thus, they have been regarded as attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides for the pest management. Both lower efficacy and higher costs of production make botanicals more expensive to use than conventional pesticides. Moreover, only a small portion of plant-derived metabolites among a number of bioactive metabolites are in use because commercialization of botanicals is inhibited by several problems such as toxicity, or high production cost. However, with the growing acceptance of botanical pesticides as an efficient crop protection alternative resulting in increasing demand, plant-based pesticides will play a significant role in achieving sustainable agriculture in future.

An Evaluation of Liquid Chromatography/Mass Specrometry with Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionizarion for the Rapid and Simultaneous Measurement of Carbamate Pesticides and Organophosphorus Pesticides

  • 김병주;소현영
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2000
  • Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface (LC/APCI/MS) is evaluated for the simultaneous determination of carbamate pesticides and organophosphorus pesticides in a single chromatographic analysis. APCI mass spectra of those compounds were obtrained to study their ionization characteristics. APCI provided abundant ions such as protonated molecules and characteristic fragment ions for carbamate pesticides and organophosphorus pesticides. To evaluate the feasibility of the LC/APCI/MS for a routine quantitative analysis, the linearity and repeatability of LC/APCI/MS were examined by measuring standard solution mixtures of five carbamate pesticides and four organophosphorus pesticides over the range of 1 to 100 ㎍/mL. Teh peak areas in chromatograms of characteristic ions for those compounds showed less than 3% of variation from run to run. The standard calibration curves for the nine pesticides show good linearity in the concentration range. The detection limits of the LC/APCI/MS system for those compounds range from 0.006 to 0.2 ng.

제주도 토양 중 이온계 농약의 흡착 및 용탈 특성 (Adsorption and Leaching Characteristics of Ionic Pesticides in the Soils of Jeju Island, Korea)

  • 전시범;현익현;감상규
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제28권8호
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    • pp.689-700
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    • 2019
  • The adsorption and leaching characteristics of five ionic pesticides including four acidic pesticides (2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA, and MCPP) and one amphoteric pesticide (imazaquin) in agricultural soils were investigated. Soils around spring waters that were heavily affected by pesticide run-off and soils around wells considering the regional characteristics in Jeju Island were collected at 24 stations. The Freundlich constant, $K_F$ value, which is a measure of the adsorption capacity, decreased in the order of 2,4-D > MCPA > MCPP > dicamba > imazaquin. The adsorption capacity of these ionic pesticides decreased with increasing pH owing to the effects of ionization of pesticides and different ionizable functional groups of soils. The leaching of ionic pesticides in the soil column showed a reverse relationship with their adsorption in soils, namely, the ionic pesticides were leached more quickly for the pesticides with lower adsorption capacity. The groundwater contamination potential of the ionic pesticides was evaluated in the order of imazaquin > MCPA > MCPP > dicamba > 2.4-D according to the groundwater ubiquity score based on soil Koc and the half-life of the pesticide.

고추 주산지 중심으로 고춧가루의 잔류농약 모니터링 및 위해도 평가(2015-2016) (Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Red Pepper Powder Focused on Red Pepper's Major Production Area in Korea (2015-2016))

  • 계현진;이동헌;정민홍;변지은
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to monitor the residual pesticides on red pepper powder produced in five regions, which are the major producers of red pepper in Korea, such as Ham-pyeong, An-dong, Yeong-yang, Yeong-gwang, and Cheongyang from 2015 to 2016. Residual pesticides were detected on all samples. Among the 286 pesticides tested, 58 pesticides were detected, with the most frequently detected being chlorfenapyr (93.7%). Twelve types of pesticides (chlorfenapyr, cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, pyraclostrobin, cyhalothrin, tebuconazole, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, lufenuron, azoxystrobin, and indoxacarb) were detected in all regions, and 14 types of pesticides were used only in certain regions. An analysis of the residual pesticides showed that none of the pesticides detected exceeded the MRL (Maximum Residue Limits). The Positive List System (PLS) requirements were applied to eight pesticides that had no set MRLs. 0.01 mg/kg (PLS requirements) was exceeded in 12 cases. A comparison of the estimated daily intake (EDI) of pesticides with the acceptable daily intake (ADI) to access their risk revealed %ADI values of 0.001-0.756. Carbofuran showed the highest (0.756%), but most pesticides were below 1%. The results show that residual pesticides in red pepper powder are at safe levels.

기체플라즈마에 의한 농약분해특성 연구 (Degradation of the Selected Pesticides by Gas Discharge Plasma)

  • ;홍수명;목철균;임건재
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2012
  • 식량증산을 위해 농약사용량이 증가함에 따라, 식품 중 잔류농약의 안전성 문제에 대한 관심은 날로 증가하고 있지만 효율적인 잔류농약 저감화 방법은 보급되지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 최근에 기체 플라즈마에 의한 오염물질 제거는 고효율성과 환경친화성으로 많은 주목을 받고 있다. 특히 플라즈마는 수질 및 고체 표면 중 유기인계살충제, 페놀, 벤조산, 염료, 니트로벤젠과 같은 오염물질의 제거에 큰 효과가 있는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 본 연구는 플라즈마를 이용하여 농식품 중에 잔류되는 농약의 제거 가능성을 알아보고자 대기압 및 감압플라즈마 플라즈마 발생 상태에서 60종의 농약을 대상으로 분해양상을 파악해보고자 시도하였다. 시험용 농약을 유리판에 도포 후 대기압 및 감압 플라즈마 발생기에서 5분간 조사 후 잔류량을 확인 한 결과 대조구의 회수 분석결과가 70% 미만인 18종을 제외한 41종의 농약 분해율이 66.88-100%를 나타내었고, clothianidin은 감압플라즈마하에서 26.9%이 분해율을 보였다.

잔류농약 다성분 동시분석을 위한 흡착 크로마토그래피의 적용 (Adsorption Column Chromatography for Simultaneous Determination of Multi-pesticide Residues)

  • 김찬섭;임양빈;최주현;이경미;이영득
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.347-360
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    • 2010
  • 잔류농약 다성분 동시분석을 위하여 국내에 등록되어 사용되고 있는 농약 180종을 대상으로 서로 다른 흡착제를 사용하는 2종의 흡착크로마토그래피 체계를 확립하고자 하였다. 유럽과 미국, 우리나라의 흡착크로마토그래피 방법을 참고하여 Florisil과 silica-gel 크로마토그래피 용출용매체계를 정한 후 농약성분별 용출양상을 확인하였다. 칼럼정제실험 결과 Florisil 체계와 silica-gel 체계에서 각각 대상농약의 145와 137종이 70-120% 범위의 회수율을 나타내었다. 인접분획에 걸쳐 용출된 경우를 중복 계수하여 얻은 용출분획별 분포율은 용출분획 순서별로 Florisil 체계의 경우 12, 76, 81, 60 및 30성분 순이었고, silica-gel 체계의 경우는 22, 59, 102, 46 및 8성분 순이었다.

일부 경주지역 농민의 농약사용실태 및 농약의 위험성에 대한 인식 조사 (A Survey on the Pesticide Use and Perceptions about the Hazards of Pesticiedes among the Farmers in Kyoungju Area, Korea)

  • 이경무;정문호
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2000
  • This study was done for the purpose of investigating the status of the use and perceptions of pesticides among the farmers who spray them in person. And it was also done to provide the basic statistics for the Agricultural Health Policy and study. Over the part of agricultural area in Kyungju and Ulsan City, Korea, from July to September 1999, 1032 questionnaires were distributed and 561 of them were collected and 447 were analysed. Major results of this study are as follows. The proportion of those who have special location for pesticides storage was only 5.3%, and that of those who lock hte storage location was only 13.6%. As to the treatment of bottles after use, most common response was 'burn in home'(47.7%). Most farmers purchase pesticides through 'pesticide store' or 'Agricultural Cooperatives'. The knowledge and Usage of pesticides depends in large part on experiences. The farmers who cultivate orchard spray pesticides more frequently than those cultivate paddy rice mainly. Most common pesticides in use are oganophosphates and carbamates. And also the pesticides that contains so-called 'Environmental Hormone' are used. The perception about the hazards of pesticides is rather superficial and insufficient. 'Herbicide(Gramoxon·Paraco)'(38%) is accepted as the most hazardous by farmers.

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농약의 독성에 대한 농민과 도시민의 인지도 분석 (Recognition of Farmer and Urban Resident on Pesticide Toxicity)

  • 조택수;문영희
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2000
  • 도시민과 농민의 농약 독성에 대한 인지도를 설문을 통하여 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 응답 도시민의 60%는 우리나라의 식량 자급률이 50% 이상 되는 것으로 생각하고 있었다. 또 농업에서 농약이 필요하다고 답한 도시민은 응답자의 60% 정도로 나타났다. 도시민은 농민이 농약을 과다하게 사용하고 있으며 또 농작물에 농약이 잔류된다고 생각하고 있었다. 잔류농약이 만성독성을 유발시키거나 암의 원인이 된다고 대답하였다. 상당수의 도시민은 유기 농산물을 선호하는 편이었으나 완전한 무농약 재배라고는 믿지 않았다. 농민에 대한 설문 조사 결과 농민은 농약이 농업에 절대적으로 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 응답 농민의 반 정도는 추천 사용량의 2배 정도의 농도로 농약을 처리하는 것으로 나타났다. 농민들 역시 농작물에 농약이 어느 정도는 잔류되는 것으로 생각하고 있으나 농약이 잔류허용량 이상으로 잔류된 농작물을 유통시켰을 때 처벌되는 것에 대하여는 모르고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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