• Title/Summary/Keyword: PCR sexing

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Bovine Embryo Sexing by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP

  • Kojiya, S.;Watanabe, K.
    • Proceedings of the KSAR Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.183-183
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    • 2004
  • In the bovine embryo transfer industry, sexing preimplantation embryos is an important management tool. Several methods for bovine embryo sexing utilizing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have been developed. However, they were not popularized because the methods requiretechnical skills and expensive instruments, and are time consuming. PCR also has the risk of false positives due to DNA contamination during the electrophoresis. (omitted)

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Sex Determination of Hanwoo IVM/IVF Embryos by PCR (PCR 기법을 이용한 한우 체외수정란의 성판별)

  • 조은정;박동헌;박춘근;정희태;김정익;양부근
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed 1) to establish the optimal PCR condition of sex determination in Hanwoo IVM/IVF embryos, 2) to examine the sex determination and sex ratio to the developmental stages of Hanwoo IVM/IVF embryos by two-step PCR method. The sexing of bovine IVF embryos were accurately determined by PCR methods using Y chromosome specific DNA primer(BOV 97M, 141bp) and bovine specific DNA primer(216bp). The fregment size were shown at 141 and 216 base pairs(bp) in male, and 216 bp in female. Two-steps PCR method in which the samples were amplified by 15 cycles with Y chromosome specific DNA primer and then amplified by additional 30 cycles with bovine specific DNA primer was effective in the sexing of bovine IVF embryos. The zona-free embryos were more effective than zona-intact embryos in bovine IVF embryo sexing. The appearance of Y chromosome specific band was 45.2% in embryos treated with protease K and 53.3% in embryos treated with freezing and thawing repeatedly. The optimun volume of DNA for sexing of Hanwoo IVF embryos were 2 to 10 $\mu$1 in Zona-free embryos and 12 to 13 $\mu$1 in zona-intact embryos. The sexing rate of bovine IVF embryos by PCR was 96.0% and questionable rate not identified sex was 4.0%, respectively. Among the sexed embryos, the percentage of male and female was 49.7% and 46.3%, respectively, the sex ratio was 1: 1.1. The successful rate of embryo sexing was increased to the developmental stages.

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The Improvement of Sexing PCR Conditions and Survival Rate of Blastomere Separation Method in the Bovine Embryo (소 수정란의 할구 분리방법에 따른 생존율 및 성판별 PCR의 개선)

  • Kim, Sang-Hwan;Kim, Kyong-Lae;Lee, Ho-Jun;Jung, Kyoung-Sub;Baek, Jun-Seok;Jung, Duk-Won;Kim, Dae-Eun;Lee, Deuk-Hwan;Yoon, Jong-Taek
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2013
  • The present study was conducted to compare on embryo survival rates by blastomere isolation methods, and establish the optimal PCR procedure for perform the sexing of bovine blastocysts produced by IVF. IVF embryos used in the study was used the Bisected or Sliced methods for blastomere isolation, and the survival rates of blastocyst with rapid way of sexing PCR was assessed. In the present study for survival rates in blastocyst was the total cleavage rate was 75% and a blastocyst development among cleaved embryos was 40%. Survival rate of embryos treated with intact, bisected or sliced method was 100, 63.3 or 81.3%, respectively. Therefore, survival rate of embryos treated with sliced method was higher compared to that of embryos treated with bisected method. The sexing rate of female or male was not significantly different between S4BFBR primer and BSY + BSP primer (1.75 : 1 vs. 1.43 : 1), respectively. Because of the PCR amplification using the S4BFBR primer was simpler method than multiplex PCR amplification method. Furthermore, the accuracy of sexing rate and reduction of PCR work time between 2-step and 3-step of PCR methods was 98.0% / 1.5 hr and 97.0% / 3.5 hr, respectively. Based on these results, it can be suggested that the sliced and PCR methods we developed was very effective method to reduce time consuming and procedure of PCR amplification for sexing with the increase of survival rate on the blastocyst.

Embryo sexing methods in bovine and its application in animal breed

  • Bora, Shelema Kelbessa
    • Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2022
  • The ability to determine the sex of bovine embryos before the transfer is advantageous in livestock management, especially in dairy production, where female calves are preferred in milk industry. The milk production of female and male cattle benefits both the dairy and beef industries. Pre-implantation sexing of embryos also helps with embryo transfer success. There are two approaches for sexing bovine embryos in farm animals: invasive and non-invasive. A non-invasive method of embryo sexing retains the embryo's autonomy and, as a result, is less likely to impair the embryo's ability to move and implant successfully. There are lists of non-invasive embryo sexing such as; Detection of H-Y antigens, X-linked enzymes, and sexing based on embryo cleavage and development. Since it protects the embryo's autonomy, the non-invasive procedure is considered to be the safest. Invasive methods affect an embryo's integrity and are likely to damage the embryo's chances of successful transformation. There are different types of invasive methods such as polymerase chain reaction, detection of male chromatin Y chromosome-specific DNA probes, Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), cytological karyotyping, and immunofluorescence (FISH). The PCR approach is highly sensitive, precise, and effective as compared to invasive methods of farm animal embryonic sexing. Invasive procedures, such as cytological karyotyping, have high accuracy but are impractical in the field due to embryonic effectiveness concerns. This technology can be applicable especially in the dairy and beef industry by producing female and male animals respectively. Enhancing selection accuracy and decreasing the multiple ovulation embryo transfer costs.

Sexing Goat Embryos by PCR Amplification of X- and Y- chromosome Specific Sequence of the Amelogenin Gene

  • Chen, A-qin;Xu, Zi-rong;Yu, Song-dong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.1689-1693
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was to develop a simplified, efficient, and accurate protocol for sexing goat embryos. Based on the amelogenin gene located on the conservation region of X- and Y- chromosomes, a pair of primers was utilized and the system of PCR was established to amplify a 262 bp fragment from the X- chromosome in female goats, and a 262 bp fragment from X- chromosome and 202 bp fragment from the Y- chromosome in male goats, respectively. The accuracy and specificity of the primers were assessed using DNA template extracted from goat whole blood sample of known sex. 100% (10/10) concordance was obtained by using the PCR assay. Fifty-one biopsied embryos were transferred into 25 recipient goats on the same day that the embryos were collected and sex of the kid was confirmed after parturition. Eighteen kids of predicted sex were born. The biopsied samples from 51 goat embryos were amplified with 100% efficiency and 94.7% accuracy. In conclusion, our results indicated that PCR sexing protocols based on the amelogenin gene is highly reliable and suitable for sex determination of goats.

Use of the Non-electrophoretic Method to Detect Testis Specific Protein Gene for Sexing in Preimplantation Bovine Embryos

  • Huang, Jinming;You, Wei;Wu, Naike;Tan, Xiuwen
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.866-871
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    • 2007
  • Testis-specific protein (TSPY) is a Y-specific gene, with up to 200 copy numbers in bulls. In order to make bovine embryo sexing under farm condition more feasible, the possibility of using a non-electrophoretic method to detect the TSPY gene for sexing bovine early embryos was examined. Primers were designed to amplify a portion of the TSPY gene and a common gene as an internal control primer. PCR optimization was carried out using a DNA template from bovine whole blood. Furthermore, embryo samples were diagnosed by this method and the sexing results were contrasted with those of the Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) method. The results showed that TSPY was as reliable a sexing method as LAMP. Forty-three morula and blastocyst embryos collected from superovulated donor dairy cattle were sexed by this method, and twenty-one embryos judged to be female embryos were transferred non-surgically to recipients 6 to 8 days after natural estrus. Out of 21 recipients, 9 were pregnant (42.86%) and all delivered female calves. The results showed that the sex predicted by this protocol was 100% accurate. In conclusion, the TSPY gene was a good male specific marker and indicated that a non-electrophoretic method was feasible and accurate to detect the TSPY gene for sexing preimplantation bovine embryos.

Production and Cryopreservation of Sexed Embryos after Micromanipulative Biopsy and PCR (미세조작 및 PCR 기법을 이용한 성판별 수정란의 생산 및 동결)

  • 이홍준;서승운;김기동;이상호
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2000
  • The possible use of micromanipulative biopsy and PCR of the biopsied embryonic cells was tested to produce sexed bovine embryos in practical terms. By micromanipulation and PCR techniques, higher survival rate and accurate sexing of demi-embryos were btained. Bovine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro were co-cultured with bovine oviductal epithelial cell (BOEC) monolayer in USU-6 medium supplemented with 15% FBS, and the embryos of 37% (327/885) were developed to blastocysts. Among 111 blastocysts produced by invitro, only 7 (6.3%) embryos were found unable to determine their sex, probably due to the loss of cells, since no PCR product was found from those cells. All the remaining 104 (93.7%) demi-embryos survived micromanipulation and demonstrated male-specific product or bovine-specific product alone suggesting that correct sexing of the sample. Forty-three point one percent(25/58) of manipulated and cryopreserved demi-embryos after thawing were survived. Final verification of the sexed embryos is necessary to make sure the same sex in fetus and newborn calf upon embryo transfer. The established sexing method on a large number of bovine embryos from previous and this study suggests that this a could be used practically in the field.

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Comparison of Sexing Analysis between Karyotyping and Blasomere-PCR in Bovine embryos

  • Chang, Suk-Min;Lee, Jong-Ho;Park, Joong-Hoon;Park, Wha-Sik;Park, Chang-Sik;Jin, Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 2003
  • Accurate analysis of nuclear status is needed when biopsied-blastomeres are used for embryo sexing. In this study, the nuclear status of blastomeres derived from 8- to 16-cell stage IVF bovine embryos was analyzed to evaluate the representative of single blastomere for embryo sexing. When 55 embryos were analyzed by PCR following biopsy, the coincident rate of sex determination between biopsied-single blastomere and matched blastocyst by PCR was 80 %. Karyotyping of biastomeres in 8- 16-cell stage bovine embryos was conducted to assess chromosome status of IVF embryos. To establish karyotyping of blastomeres, concentrations of vinblastine sulfate and duration of exposure time for metaphase plate induction with 8- to 16-cell stage bovine embryos were tested. The most effective condition for induction of metaphase plate (>45%) was 1.0 ug/ml vinblastine sulfate treatment for 15 h. In 22 embryos under the condition, only 8 embryos out of ten that had a normal diploid chromosome complement showed a sex-chromosomal composition of XX or XY (36.4%) and 2 diploid embryos showed mosaicism of the opposite sex of XX and XY in blastomeres of embryo (9.1%). One haploid embryo contained only one X-chromosome (4.5%). Four out of the other 11 embryos having a mixoploid chromosomal complement contained haploid blastomere with wrong sex chromosome (18.2%). These results suggested that morphologically normal bovine embryos derived from IVF had considerable proportion of mixoploid and sex-chromosomal mosaicism which could be the cause of discrepancies of the sex between biopsied-single blastomere and matched blastocyst by PCR analysis.

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Sex determination of in vivo- and in vitro-derived bovine embryos (체내 및 체외 수정란의 할구를 이용한 성 판별)

  • Han, Rong-Xun;Kim, Hong-Rye;Diao, Yun-Fei;Jin, Dong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to develop a rapid and reliable PCR method for sexing of morula or blastocyst stage bovine embryo. BOV97M and bovine 1.715 satellite DNA sequences were selected for amplification of male and bovine specific DNA, respectively. But the unbalanced number of copies of these two repetitive sequences required some modification of PCR method. Karyotyping of blastomeres were carried for the confirmation of sex determination in bovine embryos. The coincidence rate of sex between biopsied-single blastomere and matched blastocyst was 80.0%. When in vivo- and in vitro- derived embryos were compared, 61.8% and 56.7% were male in in vitro- and in vivo-derived embryos, respectively. In vivo-derived embryos showed better hatching rate than in vitro-derived embryos following biopsy of blastomeres. In conclusion, rapid and effective PCR could be applied to sexing of bovine preimplantation embryos using single blastomere. The sensitivity of this assay may eliminate the need for biopsy of more than one nucleated blastomere and reduce trauma to the embryos derived from biopsy procedure.