• Title/Summary/Keyword: P. thunbergii - Quercus serrata community

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Syntaxonomy of the Forest Vegetation and Surrounding Taegu, Korea (대구 인접지역에 대한 삼림식생의 군락분류)

  • Choung, Heung-Lak;Lee, Ho-Joon;Lee, Jae-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.407-421
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    • 2000
  • The forest vegetation surrounding Taegu area was investigated by the methodology of the ZM school of phytosociology, from September, 1994 to August, 1997. The forest vegetation was classified into 7 communities, 8 subcommunities and 5 afforestations as follows : Quercus mongolica community (Typical subcommunity, Carex siderosticta subcommunity), Quercus variabilis community, Quercus acutissima community, Quercus dentate community, Carpinus cordata-Acer mono community (Typical subcommunity, Quercus serrata subcommunity, Cornus controversa subcommunity), Pinus densiflora community (Typical subcommunity, Sanguisorba officinalis subcommunity, Rhododendron schlippenbachii subcommunity), Lespedeza maximowiczii-Rhododendron mucronulatum community , Robinia pseudo-acacia afforestation, Pinus rigida afforestation, Larix leptolepis afforestation, Pinus thunbergii afforestation, Pinus koraiensis afforestation. The differential species of the Quercus mongolica community were Quercus mongolica, Athyrium yokoscense, Rhododendron schlippenbachii, Fraxinus sieboldiana, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum, Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa, Astilbe chinensis var. davidii, Weigela subsessilis, and Melampyrum roseum, those of the Carpinus cordata-Acer mono community were Acer mono, Carpinus cordata, Carpinus laxiflora, and Staphylea bumalda, those of the Pinus densiflora community were Pinus densiflora, Quercus serrata, Cocculus trilobus, and Juniperus rigida. Constance degree of the Quercus serrate was especially high in shrub and herb layers of the Pinus densiflora community. The results of factor analysis by DCA showed that distribution pattern of the communities were similar to that by Z-M method and that communities were arranged according to soil moisture gradient. Rhododendron schlippenbachii subcommunity of the P. densiflora community and the Typical subcommunity of the Q. mongolica community were distributed in similar environments.

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Plant Community Structure Characteristic of the Evergreen Forest, Cheonjangsan(Mt.) at GeoJae (거제도 천장산 일대 상록활엽수림의 식물군집구조 특성)

  • Lee, Gyounggyu;Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Ji-Suk;Cho, Bong-Gyo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.708-721
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to understand the plant community structure characteristics of warm-temperate forest in Geoje Island. Survey sites were set up on ridges, valleys, and slopes where evergreen broad-leaved trees predominated or distributed in canopy, sub-canopy, or shrub layers at Chunjangsan(Mt.). Thirty-one sites were located in the areas, such as vegetation community, ridges, valleys, and slopes, to observe vegetation structure and location changes. The community classification with TWINSPAN identified six groups: Neolitsea sericea-Platycarya strobilacea, N. sericea-Styrax japonicus, N. sericea-Euonymus oxyphyllus, Pinus thunbergii-N. sericea, N. sericea-Quercus serrata, and Q. variabilis-P. strobilacea. Considering the results of previous studies that reported that the successional pattern of the warm temperate forests progressed from deciduous to evergreen forests, the regions predominated by deciduous communities such as P. thunbergii, Q. serrata, P. strobilacea, Zelkova serrata, and Q. variabilis, is likely to transform into the evergreen forest predominated by N. sericea. The relationship between the impact of the environmental factors and the vegetation distribution showed that slope, Na +, K +, electrical conductivity, and clay among physical properties had direct or indirect effects on vegetation distribution.

Identification of ecological characteristics of Deciduous broad-leaved forest, Garasan(Mt.)·Nojasan(Mt.) at GeoJae (거제도 가라산·노자산 일대 낙엽활엽수림의 생태적 특성 규명)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Cho, Bong-Gyo;Lee, Gyounggyu;Yeum, Jung-Hun;Oh, Chung-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.204-219
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate and analyze the characteristics of the plant community structure of vegetation distributed on the western slope and ridge connecting Mt. Noja to Mt. Gara. This basic research was executed not only to restore and manage forest vegetation, but also to monitor the trend of change in the long term. As a result of classifying the communitise in 86 survey quadrats, the Pinus thunbergii-Platycarya strobilacea comm. and P. thunbergii-P. densiflora comm. were distributed around the lowlands. The Carpinus tschonoskii-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Styrax japonicus-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Acer pictum subsp. Mono-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Deciduous broad-leaved comm., and Zelkova serrata comm. appeared in the valley and all stone areas. Quercus serrata comm., Q. serrata-S. japonicus comm., S. japonicus-Carpinus cordata comm., Euonymus oxyphyllus comm. were classified as being distributed on steep slopes with relatively high altitude. According to the succession trend of the forest, evergreen conifers will be transition to deciduous broad-leaved trees. However, deciduous broad-leaved arboreous forests, such as Carpinus tschonoskii, zelkova serrata, and Acer pictum subsp. Mono, were considered to maintain their current succession stage because not only the stratified structure was developed over about 50 years tree age, but also ecologically stabilized. As environmental factors, it was analyzed that altitude, pH, content of clay and silt, Mg++, Ca++, etc. directly or indirectly affect the distribution of plant communities.

Development of Ecological Restoration Model Consider Analysis on the Vegetation Structure of Burned Area (산불지역 식생구조 분석을 통한 식생복원 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Soo-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.400-414
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    • 2007
  • This study has analyzed the vegetation structure to suggest a vegetation ecological restoration model by using the case of the afforestation for erosion control area with Pinus koreaiensis and Betula platyphylla, etc., on the hills of the Young-in mountains after its great fire in 2000. Of the area having a dimension of $1,152,404.3m^2$ selected as a survey site for the existing vegetation, the forest fire area accounted for 69.2% among which, brushwoods accounted the most for 24.67%. As a result of analysis of the 27 surveyed unit plots[unit dimension: $100m^2$] set up in consideration of the existing vegetation pattern and damaged state from the forest fire, the surveyed area was classified into 10 communities. Shrub layer's vegetation was found to be dominant in forest fire areas and the surveyed sites were classified into 5 plant communities, i.e. P. koraiensis community, Quercus variabilis community, P. thunbergii community, Q. serrata community, B. platyphylla community in forest fire areas, while non-forest fire areas were classified into 5 plant communities, such as P. densiflora community, Q. acutissima community, Q. serrata community, Q. mongolica-Q. serrata community, B. platyphylla community. Species diversity of forest fire areas was $0.3679{\sim}0.5907$ and that of non-forest fire areas was $0.5728{\sim}0.8865$. In addition, the number of the species in the forest fire areas was $5{\sim}8$ and that of non-forest areas was $8{\sim}12$; however, the population of forest fire areas$(156{\sim}456)$ was higher than that of non-forest fire areas$(61{\sim}227)$. In the analysis of growth density per layer$[of\;100m^2]$, there appeared $1{\sim}8$ trees of Q. mongolica and $3{\sim}5$ trees of Q. serrata in the upper layer species; $2{\sim}4$ trees of Q. serrata and one tree of Q. mongolica in the canopy layer. As for the characteristics of soil, acidity of forest fire areas was pH 5.45 and that of non-forest fire was pH 5.25. By setting up the middle D.B.H range of Q. mongolica-Q. serrata community as the vegetation restoration model, planting species, planting density and planting models are suggested.

Vegetation Structure of the Paryeongsan (Mt.) Zone in Dadohaehaesang National Park (다도해해상국립공원 팔영산지구의 식생구조)

  • Kang, Hyun-Mi;Choi, Song-Hyun;Park, Seok-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.473-486
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    • 2013
  • Vegetational structure and successional sere were investigated for Paryeongsan Zone in the Dadohaehaesang National Park incorporated in National Park in 2011. To do so, seventy-five plots($100m^2$) were set up and surveyed. The surveyed plots were divided into six groups according to the analysis of classification by TWINSPAN; (I) Quercus acutissima community, (II) Q. serrata-Carpinus tschonoskii var. tschonoskii community, (III) Pinus densiflora-Q. mongolica community, (IV) Q. variabilis community, (V) P. rigida-Q. variabilis-P. densiflora community, (VI) Chamaecyparis obtusa community. The results of vegetation structure analysis were. I, IICommunity, were expected that the deciduous oak trees with deciduous oak trees or Carpinus tschonoskii var. tschonoskii competing with oak trees would flourish in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. III, VCommunity, were expected that the P. densiflora and P. rigida competing with oak trees would flourish in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. IVCommunity, have expanded the influence of Q. variabilis, but understory will be developed next ecological succession by a high percentage of Machilus thunbergii in frequency of warm-temperate trees. VI Community, Chamaecyparis obtusa community were expected continue. This Chamaecyparis obtusa community is picked thinning Chamaecyparis obtusa as moving purpose of National Park, it will be inducement a plant vegetation succession to the natural forest. Frequency of warm-temperate trees in the Paryeongsan Zone of warm temperate climate zone was a total 9 species, Machilus thunbergii, Eurya japonica, Elaeagnus macrophylla, etc.

Vegetation Characteristics in Cheongwansan Provincial Park (천관산도립공원의 식생 특성)

  • Ji-Woo Kang;Hyun-Mi Kang
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to understand the vegetation characteristics of Cheongwansan Provincial Park through the analysis of the plant community structure and to build data necessary for the continuous management and protection of Cheongwansan Provincial Park. The TWINSPAN and DCS analyses of the plant community structure of 63 survey districts in Cheongwansan Provincial Park identified eight colonies, including Cryptomeria japonica Community (I), Chamaecyparis obtusa-Pinus densiflora Commuity (II), P. rigida-P. densiflora Community (III), mixed coniferous and broad-leaved Community (IV), P. densiflora Community (V), deciduous broad-leaved such as Quercus spp. Community (VI), Q. mongolica-P. densiflora Community (VII) and P. thunbergii Community (VIII). The colonies can be grouped into afforestation communities (I, II, and III) dominated by C. obtusa, C. japonica, and P. rigida and natural forest communities (IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII) dominated by native species. Although Cheongwansan Provincial Park is a provincial park area that can represent natural ecosystems and landscapes, the rate of artificial forests is higher than that of other provincial parks. Most of the artificial forest communities are expected to maintain their current state, but since native species such as Machilus thunbergii, Neolitsea sericea, and deciduous broad-leaved, which are warm-temperate trees introduced through surrounding natural forests, appear in the lower layer, it is determined that it is possible to induce succession to natural forests suitable for climatic characteristics through management, and monitoring for continuous management is also necessary. Deciduous broad-leaved such as Quercus spp. Copete with P. densiflora in most natural forest communities. The vegetation series in the warm-temperate region of Korea appears to be in the early stages, and it is believed that the succession to Q. serrata or Q. mongolica, which appears next to coniferous in the series, is in progress. However, M. thunbergii and N. sericea, which appear in the middle stage of the succession in the warm-temperate region, have started to appear, and since Jangheung-gun belongs to the warm-temperate region considering the climate characteristics, the eventual succession to the warm-temperate forests dominated by evergreen broad-leaved is also expected. In this study, we built vegetation data from Cheongwansan Provincial Park, which lacks research on vegetation. However, since vegetation research in Cheongwansan Provincial Park is still insufficient, it is believed that further research should be continuously conducted to establish forest vegetation data and observe vegetation changes.

Analysis of Vegetation Structures and Vegetation-Environment Relationships of Medicinal on Short-term Income Forest Products, in Korea - Cudrania tricuspidata (Carrière) Bureau ex Lavallèe·Sorbus commixta Hedl.·Hovenia dulcis Thunb. - (임산물 약용수의 자생지 식생 구조와 환경과의 상관관계 분석 - 꾸지뽕나무·마가목·헛개나무 -)

  • Hyoun-Sook Kim;Sang-Myong Lee;Kil-Nam Kang;Seog-Gu Son;Si-Chul Ryu;Kyung-Joon Lee;Jong-Hoon Lee;Byung-Seol Lee;Joong-Ku Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.347-366
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    • 2023
  • In the present study, the vegetation was classified using the phytosociological method and canonical-correlation analysis (CCA) was implemented to analyze correlation between community structure and environmental factors in the natural habitats of forest byproducts, especially medicinal plants, such as Cudrania tricuspidata, Sorbus commixta, and Hovenia dulcis, in 2021-2022 to provide primary ecological data to establish environmental conditions for wild vegetable cultivation. A total of 11 plots in five regions, 8 plots in three regions, and 17 plots in 5 regions were selected for the natural habitats of C. tricuspidata in southern Korea, S. commixta in high mountains, and H. dulcis in valleys of central Korea, respectively. The importance value in each community was respectively analyzed as follows, in C. tricuspidata community, the importance value of C. tricuspidata (61.10) was the highest, followed by Celtis sinensis, Pinus thunbergii, Neolitsea aciculata, Styrax japonica, Carpinus coreana, Quercus serrata, and Q. acutissima. In Sorbus commixta community, Q. mongolica (57.21) was the highest, followed by, S. commixta (42.58), Betula ermani, Tilia amurensis, A. pseudosieboldianum, A. tschonoskii var. rubripes, Cornus controversa, Magnolia sieboldii, and Taxus cuspidata. In H. dulcis community, H. dulcis (64.58) was the highest, followed by Zelkova serrata, Cornus controversa, A. mono, Q. serrata, C. cordata, and Juglans mandshurica. As the result of the analysis on DBH of the major species having the high importance value, in C. tricuspidata community, C. tricuspidata, C. sinensis, Neolitsea aciculata, and C. coreana show the density of normal distribution, so the dominant status of these species is likely to continue. In S. commixta community, S. commixta show the density of reverse J-shaped curve, so the dominant status of these species is likely to be stable, and Q. mongolica, B. ermani and T. amurensis, show the density of normal distribution, so the dominant status of these species is likely to continue. In H. dulcis community, C. cordata, and J. mandshurica show the density of reverse J-shaped curve, so the dominant status of these species is likely to be stable, and H. dulcis, Z. serrata, C. controversa and A. mono had a formality distribution, suggesting a continuous domination of these species over the other species for the time being. The results of CCA ordination analysis using 11 environmental factors and 30 communities of three taxa classified by TWINSPAN analysis revealed that the altitude showed the strongest correlation with the vegetation. C. tricuspidata community was distributed on the moderate and gentle northeastern slope at low altitude with the highest pH, C.E.C, Ca2+, and Mg2 and various P2O5, whereas S. commixta community was distributed on the steep slope at high altitude with the highest O.M and T-N and lower P2O5, Ca2+, Mg2+, C.E.C and pH, which is the opposite tendency of the environment of C. tricuspidata community. H. dulcis community was distributed on the gentle northern slope at lower altitude with an average pH, O.M, T-N, Ca2+, Mg2+, and C.E.C, except higher P2O5.

Synecology of the Forest Vegetation of Yeongjongdo (영종도 삼림식생의 군락생태)

  • 이호준;김종홍;전영문;정흥락
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.223-236
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    • 2003
  • The vegetation in this study area was divided into 10 plant communities: Pinus thunbergii, P. densiflora, Quercus acutissima, Q. mongolica, Q. serratea, Q. variabilis, Q. aliena, Q. dentata, Carpinus coreana, Betula davurica and 3 afforestations; Pinus rigida, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Castanea crenata. The dominant species in each stratum as determined by R-NCD appeared to be Q. acutissima, P. densiflora, Platycarya strobilacea, Sorbus alnifolia and Q. aliena in the tree-2 layer, Rhododendron mucronulatum, P. strobilacea, Q. serrata, Q. aliena and Q. acutissima in the shrub layer, and Carex lanceolata, C. humilis, R. mucronulatum, Mischanthus sinensis var. purpurascens and Oplismenus undulatifolius in the herb layer. The distribution of diameter at breast height(DBH) showed the highest percentage (56%) in the range of 2∼10㎝ in the study area and it was investigated as being in the restoration phase after disturbance. The average of the age of trees was under 40-years-od. The pH of soil collected at each site appeared to be within the range between 4.53 and 5.10(the average of 4.73) in each community, organic matters appeared higher than the value in Q. mongolica, P. rigida, C. crenata communities compared to P. thunbergii, P. densiflora communities. And soil organic matters and total nitrogen were highly correlated with their contents.

Analysis of Plants Social Network for Vegetation Management on Taejongdae in Busan Metropolitan City (부산 태종대 식생관리를 위한 식물사회네트워크 분석)

  • Sang-Cheol Lee;Hyun-Mi Kang;Seok-Gon Park;Jae-Bong Baek;Chan-Yeol Yu;In-Chun Hwang;Song-Hyun Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.651-661
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    • 2022
  • Plants social network analysis, which combines plants society and social network analyses, is a new research method for understanding plants society. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between species, using plant social network analysis targeting Taejongdae in Busan, and build basic data for management. Taejongdae, located in the warm temperate forest in Korea, is a representative coastal forest of Busan Metropolitan City, and the Pinus thunbergii-Eurya japonicacommunity is widely distributed. This study set up 100 quadrats (size of 100m2each) in Taejongdae to investigate the species that emerged and analyzed the interspecies association focusing on major species. Based on the results, a sociogram was created using the Gephi 0.9.2, and the network centrality and structure were analyzed. The results showed that the frequency of appearance was high in the order of P. thunbergii, E. japonica, Quercus serrata, Sorbus alnifolia, Ligustrum japonicum, and Styrax japonicusand that many evergreen broad-leaved trees appeared due to the environmental characteristics of the site. The plants social network of Taejongdae was composed of a small-scale network with 50 nodes and 172 links and was divided into 4 groups through modularization. The succession sere identified through a sociogram confirmed that the group that include P. thunbergiiand E. japonicawould progress to a deciduous broadleaf community dominated by Q. serrataand Carpinus tschonoskii, using hub nodes such as Prunus serrulataf. spontaneaand Toxicodendron trichocarpum. Another succession sere was highly likely to progress to an evergreen broad-leaved community dominated by Machilus thunbergiiand Neolitsea sericea, using M. thunbergiias a medium. In some areas, a transition to a deciduous broad-leaved community dominated by Celtis sinensis, Q. variabilisand Zelkova serratausing Lindera obtusilobaand C. sinensisas hub nodes was expected.