• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overlay View

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  • Wu, Mu-Lin;Wang, Yu-Ming;Wong, Deng-Ching;Chiou, Fu-Shen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.551-554
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    • 2006
  • House management is very important in water resource protection in order to provide sustainable drinking water for about four millions population in northern Taiwan. House management can be a simple job that can be done without any ingredient of remote sensing or geographic information systems. Remote sensing and GIS integration for house management can provide more efficient management prescription when land use enforcement, soil and water conservation, sewage management, garbage collection, and reforestation have to be managed simultaneously. The objective of this paper was to integrate remote sensing and GIS to manage houses in a water resource protection district. More than four thousand houses have been surveyed and created as a house data base. Site map of every single house and very detail information consisting of address, ownership, date of creation, building materials, acreages floor by floor, parcel information, and types of house condition. Some houses have their photos in different directions. One house has its own card consists these information and these attributes were created into a house data base. Site maps of all houses were created with the same coordinates system as parcel maps, topographic maps, sewage maps, and city planning maps. Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET have been implemented to develop computer programs for house information inquiry and maps overlay among house maps and other GIS map layers. Remote sensing techniques have been implemented to generate the background information of a single house in the past 15 years. Digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000 overlay with house site maps are very useful in determination of a house was there or not for a given year. Satellite images if their resolutions good enough are also very useful in this type of daily government operations. The developed house management systems can work with commercial GIS software such as ArcView and ArcPad. Remote sensing provided image information of a single house whether it was there or not in a given year. GIS provided overlay and inquiry functions to automatically extract attributes of a given house by ownership, address, and so on when certain house management prescriptions have to be made by government agency. File format is the key component that makes remote sensing and GIS integration smoothly. The developed house management systems are user friendly and can be modified to meet needs encountered in a single task of a government technician.

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Application of GIS to Select Viewpoints for Landscape Analysis (경관분석 조망점 선정을 위한 GIS의 적용방안)

  • Kang, Tae-Hyun;Leem, Youn-Taik;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2013
  • The concern on environmental quality makes the landscape analysis more important than before ever. For the landscape analysis, selection of viewpoint is one of most important stage. Because of its subjectiveness, the conventional viewpoint selection method often missed some viewpoints of importance. The purpose of this study is to develop a viewpoint selection method for landscape analysis using GIS data and techniques. During the viewpoint selection process, spatial and attribute data from several GIS systems were hired. Query and overlay methods were mainly adapted for analysis to find out meaningful viewpoints. The 3D simulation analysis on DEM(Digital Elevation Model) was used for every selected viewpoint to examine wether the view target is screened out or not. Application study at a sample site showed some omissions of good viewpoints without any screening. It also exhibited the possibility to reduce time and cost for the viewpoint selection process of landscape analysis. For the progress of applicability, GIS data analysis process have to be improved and more modules such as automatic screening analysis system on selected viewpoint have to be developed.

Landslide Susceptibility Analysis in Baekdu Mountain Area Using ANN and AHP Method

  • Quan, Hechun;Moon, Hongduk;Jin, Guangri;Park, Sungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2014
  • To analyze the landslide susceptibility in Baekdu mountain area in china, we get two susceptibility maps using AcrView software through weighted overlay GIS (Geographic Information System) method in this paper. To assess the landslide susceptibility, five factors which affect the landslide occurrence were selected as: slope, aspect, soil type, geological type, and land use. The weight value and rating value of each factor were calculated by the two different methods of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and ANN (Artificial Neural Network). Then, the weight and rating value was used to obtain the susceptibility maps. Finally, the susceptibility map shows that the very dangerous areas (0.9 or higher) were mainly distributed in the mountainous areas around JiAnShi, LinJiangShi, and HeLongShi near the china-north Korea border and in the mountainous area between the WangQingXian and AnTuXian. From the contrast two susceptibility map, we also Knew that The accuracy of landslide susceptibility map drew by ANN method was better than AHP method.

Development of Strength and Durability Properties of Latex-Modified Concrete with Rapid-Setting Cement (초속경 시멘트를 사용한 라텍스 개질 콘크리트의 강도발현 및 내구특성)

  • 최성욱;홍창우;김동호;최상릉;장홍균
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.1029-1034
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to develop rapid setting cement latex modified concrete (RSLMC) which will be used to overlay bridge deck for maintaining and repairing. The main experimental variables were the types of rapid setting cement and variation of latex and antifoam agent contents were selected as admixture factor, then the properties of workability and strength development and durability properties were investigated. The results of this study show that latex content give increment of a slump due to surface tension in polymer particles and reduce unit weight of water for preservation of workability. In addition, When no and 1.6~3.2% antifoam agent were mixed, 8%, 2.0~3.8% were respectively obtained. An increasing the amount of latex produced concrete with increased flexural strength, but with slightly lower compressive strength. Rapid chloride permeability and freezing-thawing test carried out. As a results, according to increment of containing ratio antifoamer, strength of RSLMC increase, permeability showed lower value than ignorable 100 coulombs. Also, in the case of more than antifoamer 1.6%, the relativity dynamic modulus is mantained more than 90%, but in case of 0, 5%, it decrease. In consequence, with the view of strength and workability of RSLMC, it is considered that appropriate content ratio of antifoam agent and latex solid are respectively 1.6% by latex weight, 15% by cement weight.

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Case Study on the Void Characteristics of Concrete Bridge Decks on the Expressway (공용중인 교량 바닥판의 내구성에 공극특성이 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, Jin-Won;Rhee, Ji-Young;Kim, Hong-Sam;Lee, Byeong-Ju;Shin, Do-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 2008
  • Concrete bridge decks, as well as asphalt pavement, are directly exposed to traffic loads and environmental conditions like rain water and deiceing chemicals. In this reason, there are often observed the deteriorations of asphalt overlay and of concrete deck under pavement. In this reason, it is important to identify the clear cause of concrete quality from a practical point of view. Therefore, in this paper it was initiated to ultimately suggest a protocol offering guidance as to assurance the quality control of concrete bridge deck on the part of void characteristics of concrete. Examinations such as visual inspection, deteriorated depth, and various void characteristic performed from cored specimens of 19 concrete bridge decks of various local conditions on the expressway. This paper discuss that the bridge deck condition analyses from the testing results were compared to a foreign guide line.

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The Application of RS and GIS Technologies on Landslide Information Extraction of ALOS Images in Yanbian Area, China

  • Quan, He Chun;Lee, Byung Gul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2015
  • This paper mainly introduces the methods of extracting landslide information using ALOS(Advanced Land Observing Satellite) images and GIS(Geographical Information System) technology. In this study, we classified images using three different methods which are the unsupervised the supervised and the PCA(Principal Components Analysis) for extracting landslide information based on characteristics of ALOS image. From the image classification results, we found out that the quality of classified image extracted with PCA supervised method was superior than the other images extracted with the other methods. But the accuracy of landslide information extracted from this image classification was still very low as the pixels were very similar between the landslide and safety regions. It means that it is really difficult to distinguish those areas with an image classification method alone because the values of pixels between the landslide and other areas were similar, particularly in a region where the landslide and other areas coexist. To solve this problem, we used the LSM(Landslide Susceptibility Map) created with ArcView software through weighted overlay GIS method in the areas. Finally, the developed LSM was applied to the image classification process using the ALOS images. The accuracy of the extracted landslide information was improved after adopting the PCA and LSM methods. Finally, we found that the landslide region in the study area can be calculated and the accuracy can also be improved with the LSM and PCA image classification methods using GIS tools.

A Web Based Error Manager for Societal Security Service (웹 기반 사회 안전 서비스를 위한 오류 관리기)

  • Ko, Eung-Nam;Hong, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2014
  • This paper suggested a web based error manager for societal security service. This is a system that is suitable for detecting, sharing and recovering software error based on multimedia CSCW(Computer Supportes Cooperated Work). With error sharing system, a group cooperating users can share error applications. Our a web based error manager for societal security service enables user to share error objects through interaction awareness. This method has a file sharing, a window copy, a window overlay, or a window sharing. We implemented the web based error manager for societal security service so that the users participated in collaborative work may refer shared error objects as the same view to others.

Historical Transformation of Types of Hand-Drawing and Their Hybridization in Landscape Architectural Design (조경 설계에서 손 드로잉 유형의 역사적 변천과 혼성화)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2017
  • This work explores the historical transformation of manual landscape architectural drawings in terms of hybridization to uncover their inherent creative aspect. Landscape architectural drawing has duel functions; namely, scientific instrumentality and artistic imagination, which are relative, interchangeable, and transformable. These characteristics have been embodied in the forms of particular types of drawing, projections, perspective views, and diagrams, which are not so much clearly distinguishable as rather mutually complementary and hybridized. In particular, the pictorial views of plants in the forms of a perspective view or elevation were frequently hybridized to projection drawings of grounds and architectural structures, which is called planometrics. Particular drawing types have often emerged as suitable and thereby dominant forms, depending on the particular historical styles of landscape design. Sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance gardens and seventeenth-century French formal gardens were generally visualized in the form of projections. Eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century English landscape gardens were frequently represented in a pictorial perspective view. In nineteenth-century America, different drawing techniques such as competition drawing, photography, and map overlay were specialized depending on their respective functions. Twentieth-century American modernists began to explore the diagram to deploy design strategies. In such transformation, however, the planometric, which considers both the ground plane and plant's frontal identities simultaneously and thereby is suitable to landscape design, was frequently used as a hybridization technique. In the mid-nineteenth century, a top view of plants replaced the planometric, and then, in the twentieth century, plants were no longer represented artistically, instead reduced to the forms of standardized flat symbols. The use of instrumental visualizations thereby gradually increased rather than the use of an imaginative representation for landscape architectural drawings.

Establishment and Application of Landscape Control Point Selection Method for Landscape Assessment of Urban Development Projects (도시개발사업의 경관평가를 위한 조망점 선정체계 구축 및 적용)

  • Jang, Cheol-Kyu;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2011
  • This study furnishes basis data for plan foundation and proper valuation of view by presenting objective and concrete selection standards and ways of Landscape Control Point(LCP) on valuation of development projects. To sum up the results of study, it establishes the prospect, publicity and direction of view as a selection standard LCP on precedent studies. The prospect, which includes visual range, direction of view, geographical features, and visibility, sets up as a valuation basis picking out the available places which have alterations according to direction and distance in practice. In the case of publicity, to select the place as there presentative area where public activities often happen than others, thirteen evaluation indexes including administration facilities, educational facilities, commercial facilities and so on. And variation of landscape is set up as an assessment index to know how much the land has changed from the beginning to the end of development. To apply the selection standards to sample places, the preliminary LCP is founded by analyzing both the prospect and published; a series of courses for selecting the final LCP is founded by analyzing the preliminary LCP and variableness of landscape on a basic of placed which have many alterations of view. At last, in the case of a selection system for LCP, the preliminary LCP is founded by analyzing both the prospect and publicity; a series of courses for selecting the final LCP is found by analyzing the preliminary LCP and variableness of landscape. Applying selection standards and the assessment index to the Sam-deok 3 residence improvement area, in the case of prospect, the southern distant view area has the largest extent. Next, the results of the assessment using the system of publicity show that a five-lane road is taking up the largest area. Hence, a total of 48 preliminary LCPs are set up by analyzing both the prospect and publicity. The results of analyzing landscape variation, one of the valuation indexes, show that Sam-deok dong around the post office has the highest rate of variation at 28.07%. Finally, three LCPs in each part, which are close range, middle range and distance view, are selected; thus, a total of nine LCPs are selected. The selected LCPs that go through a series of practical courses like a GIS program have a lot of professional opinions and are expected to secure objectivity of landscape assessment.

Analysis of Frequency Response of Piezo Stages and Scanning Path Monitoring/Compensation for Scanning Laser Optical Tweezers (주사 레이저 광집게를 위한 압전 구동기 주파수 특성 분석과 주사 경로 추적 및 보상)

  • Hwang, Sun-Uk;Lee, Song-Woo;Lee, Yong-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2008
  • In scanning laser optical tweezers, high speed scanning stages are used to manipulate a laser beam spot. Due to the inertia of the stage, the output scanning signal decreases with increased frequency of the input signal. This discrepancy in the signals is difficult to observe since most of the energy from the laser beam is blocked out to avoid CCD damage. In this paper, we propose two methods to alleviate these problems. Firstly, frequency responses of piezo stages are measured to analyze the signal drops and the input signal is compensated accordingly. Secondly, an overlay of the scanning path is drawn on the live monitoring screen to enhance the visibility of the scanning path. The result is a drop-compensated scanning with clear path view.