1. The forest vegetation of the Mt. Baek-Hwa situated in the northwestern Kyungsangpookdo of Korea, on 36∘16′00′′∼36∘19′20′′N and 127 53'20"~127 56'30"E was studied by the method of Zurich-Montpellier School. In the present time, the original vegetation have almost been dominated by substitutional communities such as secondary forests of Pinus, Quercus, Zelkova, Acer or Fraxinus and Pinus rzgida plantations. Some secondary forests developing along the ravine and in northwestern part of slope are, however, maintained in natural condition, and contain some species of the original climax vegetation. They are classified as follows : I. Quercus mongolica-Fraxinus siebol diana community(Mountain forests), I-A. Acer pseudo-sieboldianum -Carex okamotoi group, I-B. Pinus densiflora group, I-B-a. Typical subgroup, I-B-b. Rhododendron schlippenbachii subgroup, II. Fraxinus rhynclzophylla-Acer mono community(Valley Forests), II-A. Acer pseudo-sieboldianum group, II-B. Zelkova serrata group, II-B-a. Typical subgroup, II-B-b. Lindera erythrocarpa subgroup, II-C. Querczrs serrata-Platycarya strobilacea group, II-C-a. Typical subgroup, II-C-b. Lindera erythrocarpa subgroup. 2. Judging from the coincidence method, the structure and distribution of the forest communities was more related to topography than altitude. 3. Considering the actual vegetation, relict species, occurrence of natural seedlings and saplings, climate, successional trends of trees and topographic or edaphic climax conditions, it seems that potential natural vegetation of the area mainly composed of Quercus mongolica, Carpinus laxiflora, Zelkova serrata, Fraxinus rhynchophylla. 4. The flora of the vascular plants collected from this area consists of 108 families, 371 genera, 613 species, 2 subspecies, 88 varieties, 6 forms and 709 taxa in total.