• Title/Summary/Keyword: Orange3

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Research on Characterizing Urban Color Analysis based on Tourists-Shared Photos and Machine Learning - Focused on Dali City, China - (관광객 공유한 사진 및 머신 러닝을 활용한 도시 색채 특성 분석 연구 - 중국 대리시를 대상으로 -)

  • Yin, Xiaoyan;Jung, Taeyeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2024
  • Color is an essential visual element that has a significant impact on the formation of a city's image and people's perceptions. Quantitative analysis of color in urban environments is a complex process that has been difficult to implement in the past. However, with recent rapid advances in Machine Learning, it has become possible to analyze city colors using photos shared by tourists. This study selected Dali City, a popular tourist destination in China, as a case study. Photos of Dali City shared by tourists were collected, and a method to measure large-scale city colors was explored by combining machine learning techniques. Specifically, the DeepLabv3+ model was first applied to perform a semantic segmentation of tourist sharing photos based on the ADE20k dataset, thereby separating artificial elements in the photos. Next, the K-means clustering algorithm was used to extract colors from the artificial elements in Dali City, and an adjacency matrix was constructed to analyze the correlations between the dominant colors. The research results indicate that the main color of the artificial elements in Dali City has the highest percentage of orange-grey. Furthermore, gray tones are often used in combination with other colors. The results indicated that local ethnic and Buddhist cultures influence the color characteristics of artificial elements in Dali City. This research provides a new method of color analysis, and the results not only help Dali City to shape an urban color image that meets the expectations of tourists but also provide reference materials for future urban color planning in Dali City.

Identification, Mycological Characteristics and Response to fungicides of Anthracnose Pathogen Isolated from Pepper and Boxthorn in Cheongyang (청양 지역 고추와 구기자에서 분리한 탄저병균의 동정, 균학적 특징 및 살균제 저항성)

  • Kim, Gahye;Kim, Joohyeng;Kim, Heung Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2015
  • It was conducted to identify all 47 isolates obtained from infected fruits of pepper and boxthorn, and to investigate the mycological characteristics and the response to fungicides. All of 11 isolates from pepper were identified as Colletotrichum acutatum included into A2 group. Among 36 isolates from boxthorn, 14 isolates were identified as C. gloeosporioides, and the others were done as C. acutatum, which were composed as A1 group with 15 isolates and A3 with 7 isolates. After incubating the isolates on PDA at $25^{\circ}C$ for 10 days, the colony color of C. acutatum was greyish white, while that of C. gloeosporioides was orange at center of colony and was gradually turned into an greyish white to the periphery. The rate of conidia showing ellongated ellipsoidal shape with round ends was over 95% in C. acutatum isolated from pepper. However, C. acutatum isolated from boxthorn produced ellongated ellipsoidal conidia with the rate of 75%, and the others were pointed at one or both ends. Regardless of species of Colletotrichum, all isolated used in this study was showed an optimal temperature at $25^{\circ}C$. $EC_{50}$ values of all isolates of Colletotrichum spp. to 2 fungicides as carbendazim and the mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb was investigated by an agar dilution method. With C. acutatum isolates from pepper belonged to A2 group, the mean of $EC_{50}$ value to carbendazim and the mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb was 0.68 and $3.16{\mu}g/ml$, respectively. In the case of C. acutatum isolates from boxthorn, which were divided into 2 groups as A1 and A3 group, that to carbendazim was 0.21 at A1 and $0.24{\mu}g/ml$ at A3, while that to the mixture was 1.52 and $3.35{\mu}g/ml$. Isolates of C. gloeosporioides showed the mean of $EC_{50}$ value was $0.12{\mu}g/ml$ to carbendazim and $0.92{\mu}g/ml$ to the mixture. The value of resistant factor was higher in the isolates of C. acutatum obtained in boxthorn than those from pepper.

The Effect of Root Zone Cooling at Night on Substrate Temperature and Physiological Response of Paprika in Hot Climate (고온기 야간시간 근권냉방이 파프리카 배지온도와 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ki Young;Ko, Ji Yeon;Choi, Eun Young;Rhee, Han Cheol;Lee, Sung Eun;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2013
  • This study examined a technique for cooling root zone aimed at lowering substrate temperature for sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L. 'Orange glory') cultivation in coir substrate hydroponics during hot season, from the $16^{th}$ of July to $15^{th}$ of October in 2012. The root zone cooling technique was applied by using an air duct (${\varnothing}12$ cm, hole size 0.1 mm) to blow cool air between two slabs during night (5p.m. to 3a.m.). Between the $23^{rd}$ of July and $31^{st}$ of August (hot temperature period), average daily substrate temperature was $24.7^{\circ}C$ under the root zone cooling, whereas it was $28.2^{\circ}C$ under condition of no cooling (control). In sunny day (600~700 W $m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$), average substrate temperatures during the day (6a.m. to 8p.m.) and night (8p.m. to 6a.m.) were lower about $1.7^{\circ}C$ and $3.3^{\circ}C$, respectively, under the cooling treatment, compared to that of control. The degree of temperature reduction in the substrate was averagely $0.5^{\circ}C$ per hour under the cooling treatment during 6p.m. to 8p.m.; however, there was no decrease in the temperature under the control. The temperature difference between the cooling and control treatments was $1.3^{\circ}C$ and $0.6^{\circ}C$ in the upper and lower part of the slab, respectively. During the hot temperature period, about 32.5% reduction in the substrate temperature was observed under the cooling treatment, compared to the control. Photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and leaf water potential of plants grown under the cooling treatment were significantly higher than those under the control. The first flowering date in the cooling was faster about 4 days than in the control. Also, the number of fruits was significantly higher than that in the control. No differences in plant height, stem thickness, number of internode, and leaf width were found between the plants grown under the cooling and control, except for the leaf length with a shorter length under the cooling treatment. However, root zone cooling influenced negligibly on eliminating delay in fruiting caused by excessively higher air temperature (> $28^{\circ}C$), although the substrate temperature was reduced by $3^{\circ}C$ to $5.6^{\circ}C$. These results suggest that the technique of lowering substrate temperature by using air-duct blow needs to be incorporated into the lowering growing temperature system for growth and fruit set of health paprika.

Monitoring of Soil Bacterial Community and Some Inoculated Bacteria After Prescribed Fire in Microcosm

  • Song Hong-Gyu;Kim Ok-Sun;Yoo Jae-Jun;Jeon Sun-Ok;Hong Sun-Hee;Lee Dong-Hun;Ahn Tae-Seok
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2004
  • The soil bacterial community and some inoculated bacteria were monitored to assess the microbial responses to prescribed fire in their microcosm. An acridine orange direct count of the bacteria in the unburned control soil were maintained at a relatively stable level $(2.0\~2.7\times10^9\;cells/g^{-1}{\cdot}soil)$ during the 180 day study period. The number of bacteria in the surface soil was decreased by fire, but was restored after 3 months. Inoculation of some bacteria increased the number of inoculated bacteria sev­eral times and these elevated levels lasted several months. The ratios of eubacteria detected by a flu­orescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method to direct bacterial count were in the range of $60\~80\%$ during the study period, with the exception of some lower values at the beginning, but there were no definite differences between the burned and unburned soils or the inoculated and uninoculated soils. In the unburned control soil, the ratios of $\alpha-,\beta-\;and\;\gamma-subgroups$ of the proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Fla­vobacterium and other eubacteria groups to that of the entire eubacteria were 13.7, 31.7, 17.1, 16.8 and $20.8\%,$ respectively, at time 0. The overall change on the patterns of the ratios of the 5 subgroups of eubacteria in the uninoculated burned and inoculated soils were similar to those of the unburned con­trol soil, with the exception of some minor variations during the initial period. The proportions of each group of eubacteria became similar in the different microcosms after 6 months, which may indicate the recovery of the original soil microbial community structure after fire or the inoculation of some bac­teria. The populations of Azotobacter vinelandii, Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas fluorescens, which had been inoculated to enhance the microbial activities, and monitored by FISH method, showed similar changes in the microcosms, and maintained high levels for several months.

Cryopreservation with Trehalose Reduced Sperm Chromatin Damage in Miniature Pig

  • Park, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Sung-Won;Hwang, You-Jin;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 2012
  • Miniature pig sperm cryopreservation is continually researched in biotechnology for breed conservation and reproduction. It is important to control the temperature at each stage of cryopreservation and cryoprotectant. It is also necessary to find the optimal cryoprotectant concentration and chemical elements of the extender. Recently, many studies have used various cryoprotectant materials, such as dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), ethylene glycol (EG), antifreeze protein (AFP), amides, and glycerol. Glycerol is a commonly used cryoprotectant. However, glycerol has critical cytotoxic properties, including osmotic pressure and it can cause irreversible damage to live cells. Therefore, We focused on membrane fluidity modifications can reduce cell damage from freezing and thawing procedures and evaluated on the positive effects of trehalose to the viability, chromatin integrity, and motility of boar sperm. Miniature pig sperm was separated from semen by washing with modified- Modena B (mMB) extender. After centrifugation, the pellet was diluted with the prepared first extender. This experiment was designed to compare the effects that sperm cryopreservation using two different extenders has on sperm chromatin. The control group used the glycerol only and it was compared with the glycerol and glycerol plus trehalose extender. Sperm viability and motility were evaluated using WST1 assays and computer-assisted semen assays (CASA). Chromatin structure was examined using acridine orange staining. For the motility descriptors, trehalose caused a significant (p<0.01) increase in total motility ($57.80{\pm}4.60%$ in glycerol vs. $75.50{\pm}6.14%$ in glycerol + trehalose) and progressive ($51.20{\pm}5.45%$ in glycerol vs. $70.74{\pm}8.06%$ in glycerol + trehalose). A significant (p<0.05) increase in VAP ($42.70{\pm}5.73{\mu}m/s$ vs. $59.65{\pm}9.47{\mu}m/s$), VSL ($23.06{\pm}3.27{\mu}m/s$ vs. $34.60{\pm}6.58{\mu}m/s$), VCL ($75.36{\pm}11.36{\mu}m/s$ vs. $99.55{\pm}12.91{\mu}m/s$), STR ($54.4{\pm}2.19%$ vs. $58.0{\pm}1.63%$), and LIN ($32.2{\pm}2.05%$ vs. $36.0{\pm}2.45%$) were also detected, respectively. The sperm DNA fragmentation index was 48.8% to glycerol only and 30.6% to glycerol plus trehalose. Trehalose added group showed higher percentages of sperm motility, stability of chromatin structure than glycerol only. In this study, we suggest that trehalose is effective in reducing freezing damage to miniature pig sperm and can reduce chromatin damage during cryopreservation.

Effect of Tyvex Mulching and Trickle Irrigation on Fruit Quality in Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Mark.) (온주밀감의 과실 품질에 미치는 타이벡 멀칭 및 점적관수의 효과)

  • Han, Sang-Heon;Kang, Hoon;Chae, Chi-Won
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigated effects of water relation of mulching and trickle irrigation on the external and internal fruit quality in Satsuma mandarin grafted on trifoliate orange rootstock in a orchard assigned to randomly three groups; whole period of Tyvex mulching (TM), Tyvex mulching with trickle irrigation once a week from October 22 to harvesting season (WM) and non-mulching treatment (NM). The average soil moisture content in the TM was lower than the WM during the time of trickle irrigation from Oct. 21 to Nov. 28. The leaf water potential was at the level of ${\Psi}max$ of -1.5 to -2.5 MPa during whole period of Tyvex mulching treatment but gradually increased at the point of supplement of water. The water and osmotic potential in juice vesicle was decreased by drought but increased again in response to the supply of water in WM. The total soluble solids (TSS) in fruit juice was increased by drought stress, but diminished in response to supply of water after drought. The content of titratible acidity was increased by drought stress but gradually decreased due to supplement of water after drought, reached it at the level of 1%. It was suggested that the accumulation of the total soluble solids compensates the degree of active osmoregulation and the decrease in content of acidity accounts for the fast respiration and water uptake resulted of the water after drought.

Comparison of the elastic modulus among three dentin adhesives before and after thermocycling (열시효 처리에 따른 상아질 접착 계면의 탄성계수의 변화 비교)

  • Chang, Ju-Hea;Lee, In-Bog;Cho, Byeong-Hoon;Kim, Hae-Young;Son, Ho-Hyun
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects on the elastic moduli of the adhesive and the hybrid layer from thermocycling. Twenty one human molars were used to create flat dentin surfaces. Each specimen was bonded with a light-cured composite using one of three commercial adhesives (OptiBond FL [OP], Clearfil SE Bond [CL], and Xeno III [XE]). These were sectioned into two halves and subsequently cut to yield 2-mm thickness specimens; one specimen for immediate bonding test without thermocycling and the other subjected to 10,000 times of thermocycling. Nanoindentation test was performed to measure the modulus of elasticity of the adhesive and the hybrid layer, respectively, using an atomic force microscope. After thermocycling, XE showed a significant decrease of the modulus in the adhesive layer (p < 0.05). Adhesives containing hydrophilic monomers are prone to hydrolytic degradation. It may result in the reduced modulus of elasticity, which leads to the mechanically weakened bonding interface.

Defect-related yellowish emission of un doped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunction light emitting diode

  • Han, W.S.;Kim, Y.Y.;Ahn, C.H.;Cho, H.K.;Kim, H.S.;Lee, J.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.327-327
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    • 2009
  • ZnO with a large band gap (~3.37 eV) and exciton binding energy (~60 meV), is suitable for optoelectronic applications such as ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors. However, the ZnO-based p-n homojunction is not readily available because it is difficult to fabricate reproducible p-type ZnO with high hall concentration and mobility. In order to solve this problem, there have been numerous attempts to develop p-n heterojunction LEDs with ZnO as the n-type layer. The n-ZnO/p-GaN heterostructure is a good candidate for ZnO-based heterojunction LEDs because of their similar physical properties and the reproducible availability of p-type GaN. Especially, the reduced lattice mismatch (~1.8 %) and similar crystal structure result in the advantage of acquiring high performance LED devices. In particular, a number of ZnO films show UV band-edge emission with visible deep-level emission, which is originated from point defects such as oxygen vacancy, oxygen interstitial, zinc interstitial[1]. Thus, defect-related peak positions can be controlled by variation of growth or annealing conditions. In this work, the undoped ZnO film was grown on the p-GaN:Mg film using RF magnetron sputtering method. The undoped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunctions were annealed in a horizontal tube furnace. The annealing process was performed at $800^{\circ}C$ during 30 to 90 min in air ambient to observe the variation of the defect states in the ZnO film. Photoluminescence measurements were performed in order to confirm the deep-level position of the ZnO film. As a result, the deep-level emission showed orange-red color in the as-deposited film, while the defect-related peak positions of annealed films were shifted to greenish side as increasing annealing time. Furthermore, the electrical resistivity of the ZnO film was decreased after annealing process. The I-V characteristic of the LEDs showed nonlinear and rectifying behavior. The room-temperature electroluminescence (EL) was observed under forward bias. The EL showed a weak white and strong yellowish emission colors (~575 nm) in the undoped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunctions before and after annealing process, respectively.

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Chronological Trends of Fashion and Make-up in 1990s for the Next Millennium (밀레니엄을 맞이하는 1990년대 패션과 메이크업의 경향)

  • 김수진;한명숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 1999
  • This paper analyzes the trend of fashion and make-up in 1990s and their relevancy to each other. Based on the chronological analysis, we propose a new category for the fashion and make-up trend in 1990s, which is 1) traditional ecology period(1990∼1994), 2) versatile trial or decadent period(1995∼1997), and 3) soft landing period based on the minimal neo-ecology and romanticism(1998∼2000). Between 1990 and 1994, there was no differentiation in seasons. It appeared that spring/summer and fall/winter trend have had no big differences. At the beginning in 1990s, it was basically based on ecology concept that emphasizes the natural image. However after 1995, seasonal differences in trend are appeared and there were various make-up designs. The trends of spring/summer in 1996 could be named as color revolution period that emphasized the unique and individual expression of each person. In 1997, black, pastel, and brown colors were the result of reinterpreting the classic and sexy images of 1960s to natural and modernistic image of 1997. Purple color started to be introduced to us. In 1998, pastel tone, pink, and purple color expresses the glamorous look based on the romantic feminism. S/S of 1999 is mainly represented by minimalism and avant garde. For fall/winter trends, brown color lines make-up comes to mix with romantic image and developed into wine, orange, neon colors in 1995 and 1996. These colors were the symbol of property and sentiment. Gold make-up emphasizing the eye area was the tendency of that period. In 1997, the fear of coming end of century was expressed as decadent image. At that time, ethnic and romantic image appeared with vivid color lines, gold, red and violet. In 1998, romanticism was popular again with modernism and ethnic mood. It expressed the romantic elegant image. The trend has returned to the ecology mood again in 1999. This ecology is somewhat different from the previous ecology. It adds a sofistaiced feeling and sportic fashion. To express natural and sportic image, they choose pink blush. In coming 2000 as a new millennium, the yellow color will be main the stream to express vision, dream, and happiness in both fashion and make-up as an accent color. The minimal design and minimal tools will be used for the design and make-up, respectively. In addition, the fusion concept will dominate the fashion and make-up industry in the globalized and boundariless age. Through this paper, we hope that make-up can be accepted as a part of total fashion in its relationship with other elements such as shoes, clothes and accessory and that it can be considered as a independent art that has direct influence on people and industry.

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A Study on Preference Analysis on Eating/Drinking Table Decoration - Centering on Color Image and Aesthetic Value (실용 테이블 데커레이션에 대한 선호 분석에 관한 연구 - 색채 조화의 이미지 및 심미성의 영향요소를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Young-Soon;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Kim, Tai-Ho
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.spc3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2006
  • This study has showed verified results on 'Survey into Observer Preference for Table Decoration for Eating and Drinking'. It is a preliminary study to look into interrelation of preference to color tables, image adjectives, aesthetic value, by giving color changes in a certain regularity to each influential factor in functional table decoration. The result has demonstrated that, as for color image and preference,'observers prefers mid/low dark-toned brown which gives a feeling of 'high-quality, and like to eat', and orange tone with a fooling of 'warm and colorful'. In evaluating interrelation between preference and aesthetic value, the study has revealed that ordinary people take the influential factor of 'unity and Gestalt' seriously, while non-professionals preferred 'uniqueness'. Stimulant No. 7 is one of constituent factors of functional table decoration, eliciting significance of images on colors ant aesthetic value. This study also has practical problems about insufficiency or inadequateness in producing mood suitable to T P O, according to depending upon color changes in picking up stimulants, or other problems in selecting stimulants, according to time, seasons and generational parameter in which the inquiry is conducted, but it will serve as a stepping stone for developing new design using both qualitative and quantitative data in 려nctional table decoration.

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