• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optimization algorithm

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복잡한 환경에서 MTCNN 모델 기반 얼굴 검출 알고리즘 개선 연구 (Research and Optimization of Face Detection Algorithm Based on MTCNN Model in Complex Environment)

  • 부옥매;김민영;장종욱
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2020
  • 현재 심층 신경망 이론 및 응용 연구의 빠른 개발로 얼굴 인식의 효과가 향상되고 있다. 그러나 심층 신경망 계산의 복잡성과 탐지 환경의 복잡성으로 인해 얼굴을 빠르고 정확하게 감지하는 방법이 주요 문제가 된다. 이 논문은 FDDB, LFW 및 FaceScrub 공개 데이터 세트를 훈련 표본을 사용하는 단순한 MTCNN 모델을 기반으로 둔다. MTCNN 모델을 분류하고 소개하면서 학습 훈련 속도를 높이고 성능을 향상하는 방법을 모색합니다. 본 논문에서는 다이내믹 이미지 피라미드 기술을 이용하여 기존 이미지 Pyramid 기술을 대체하여 샘플을 분할하고 MTCNN 모델의 OHEM을 훈련에서 제거하여 훈련 속도를 향상시켰다.


  • Alghamdi, Anwar;Alzahrani, Ahmed;Thayananthan, Vijey
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2021
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is at the forefront of present and future research activities. The huge amount of sensing data from IoT devices needing to be processed is increasing dramatically in volume, variety, and velocity. In response, cloud computing was involved in handling the challenges of collecting, storing, and processing jobs. The fog computing technology is a model that is used to support cloud computing by implementing pre-processing jobs close to the end-user for realizing low latency, less power consumption in the cloud side, and high scalability. However, it may be that some resources in fog computing networks are not suitable for some kind of jobs, or the number of requests increases outside capacity. So, it is more efficient to decrease sending jobs to the cloud. Hence some other fog resources are idle, and it is better to be federated rather than forwarding them to the cloud server. Obviously, this issue affects the performance of the fog environment when dealing with big data applications or applications that are sensitive to time processing. This research aims to build a fog topology job scheduling (FTJS) to schedule the incoming jobs which are generated from the IoT devices and discover all available fog nodes with their capabilities. Also, the fog topology job placement algorithm is introduced to deploy jobs into appropriate resources in the network effectively. Finally, by comparing our result with the state-of-art first come first serve (FCFS) scheduling technique, the overall execution time is reduced significantly by approximately 20%, the energy consumption in the cloud side is reduced by 18%.

분해옵션 포함 서비스부품 로트사이징 휴리스틱 (A Heuristic for Service-Parts Lot-Sizing with Disassembly Option)

  • 장진명;김화중;손동훈;이동호
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.24-35
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    • 2021
  • Due to increasing awareness on the treatment of end-of-use/life products, disassembly has been a fast-growing research area of interest for many researchers over recent decades. This paper introduces a novel lot-sizing problem that has not been studied in the literature, which is the service-parts lot-sizing with disassembly option. The disassembly option implies that the demands of service parts can be fulfilled by newly manufactured parts, but also by disassembled parts. The disassembled parts are the ones recovered after the disassembly of end-of-use/life products. The objective of the considered problem is to maximize the total profit, i.e., the revenue of selling the service parts minus the total cost of the fixed setup, production, disassembly, inventory holding, and disposal over a planning horizon. This paper proves that the single-period version of the considered problem is NP-hard and suggests a heuristic by combining a simulated annealing algorithm and a linear-programming relaxation. Computational experiment results show that the heuristic generates near-optimal solutions within reasonable computation time, which implies that the heuristic is a viable optimization tool for the service parts inventory management. In addition, sensitivity analyses indicate that deciding an appropriate price of disassembled parts and an appropriate collection amount of EOLs are very important for sustainable service parts systems.

절대안정도를 보장하는 최적 PID 제어기 설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Optimal PID Controller Design Ensure the Absolute Stability)

  • 조준호
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문에서는 절대 안정도를 보장하는 최적의 제어기 설계에 대해 제안하였다. 논문의 적용 순서는 지연시간의 포함여부를 판단하고, 지연시간이 포함되었을 경우 Pade 근사법을 통해서 지연시간을 근사화 한다. 그 다음 공정모델과 제어기 전달함수에 대한 개루프 전달함수를 구하며, Routh-Hurwitz 판별법에 의해서 절대 안정도 구간을 계산한다. 마지막 단계에서는 앞 단계에서 구한 구간을 활용하여 유전자 알고리즘으로 최적의 PID 제어파라미터 값을 구한다. 그 결과 제안 된 방법은 안정성이 보장되며, 최적의 제어기를 설계하여 기존의 방법보다 성능 지표에서 우월함을 확인하였다. 향후 지연시간에 대한 보상방법이 연구된다면 더욱 좋은 성능지표를 얻을 것으로 판단된다.

J2 와 J3 불변량에 기초한 항복함수의 제안과 이방성 판재에의 적용 (Yield Functions Based on the Stress Invariants J2 and J3 and its Application to Anisotropic Sheet Materials)

  • 김영석;눙엔푸반;김진재
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.214-228
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    • 2022
  • The yield criterion, or called yield function, plays an important role in the study of plastic working of a sheet because it governs the plastic deformation properties of the sheet during plastic forming process. In this paper, we propose a novel anisotropic yield function useful for describing the plastic behavior of various anisotropic sheets. The proposed yield function includes the anisotropic version of the second stress invariant J2 and the third stress invariant J3. The anisotropic yield function newly proposed in this study is as follows. F(J2)+ αG(J3)+ βH (J2 × J3) = km The proposed yield function well explains the anisotropic plastic behavior of various sheets by introducing the parameters α and β, and also exhibits both symmetrical and asymmetrical yield surfaces. The parameters included in the proposed model are determined through an optimization algorithm from uniaxial and biaxial experimental data under proportional loading path. In this study, the validity of the proposed anisotropic yield function was verified by comparing the yield surface shape, normalized uniaxial yield stress value, and Lankford's anisotropic coefficient R-value derived with the experimental results. Application for the proposed anisotropic yield function to aluminum sheet shows symmetrical yielding behavior and to pure titanium sheet shows asymmetric yielding behavior, it was shown that the yield curve and yield behavior of various types of sheet materials can be predicted reasonably by using the proposed new yield anisotropic function.

Neural network based numerical model updating and verification for a short span concrete culvert bridge by incorporating Monte Carlo simulations

  • Lin, S.T.K.;Lu, Y.;Alamdari, M.M.;Khoa, N.L.D.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제81권3호
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2022
  • As infrastructure ages and traffic load increases, serious public concerns have arisen for the well-being of bridges. The current health monitoring practice focuses on large-scale bridges rather than short span bridges. However, it is critical that more attention should be given to these behind-the-scene bridges. The relevant information about the construction methods and as-built properties are most likely missing. Additionally, since the condition of a bridge has unavoidably changed during service, due to weathering and deterioration, the material properties and boundary conditions would also have changed since its construction. Therefore, it is not appropriate to continue using the design values of the bridge parameters when undertaking any analysis to evaluate bridge performance. It is imperative to update the model, using finite element (FE) analysis to reflect the current structural condition. In this study, a FE model is established to simulate a concrete culvert bridge in New South Wales, Australia. That model, however, contains a number of parameter uncertainties that would compromise the accuracy of analytical results. The model is therefore updated with a neural network (NN) optimisation algorithm incorporating Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to minimise the uncertainties in parameters. The modal frequency and strain responses produced by the updated FE model are compared with the frequency and strain values on-site measured by sensors. The outcome indicates that the NN model updating incorporating MC simulation is a feasible and robust optimisation method for updating numerical models so as to minimise the difference between numerical models and their real-world counterparts.

CNN 잡음감쇠기에서 필터 수의 최적화 (Optimization of the Number of Filter in CNN Noise Attenuator)

  • 이행우
    • 한국전자통신학회논문지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문은 잡음감쇠기에서 CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) 계층의 필터 수가 성능에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다 이 시스템은 적응필터 대신 신경망 예측필터를 이용하며 심층학습방법으로 잡음을 감쇠한다. 64-뉴런, 16-커널 CNN 필터와 오차 역전파 알고리즘을 이용하여 잡음이 포함된 음성신호로부터 음성을 추정한다. 본 연구에서 필터 수에 대한 잡음감쇠기의 성능을 검증하기 위하여 Keras 라이브러리를 사용한 프로그램을 작성하고 시뮬레이션을 실시하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과, 본 시스템은 필터 수가 16일 때 MSE(Mean Squared Error) 및 MAE(Mean Absolute Error) 값이 가장 작은 것으로 나타났으며 필터가 4개 일 때 성능이 가장 낮은 것을 볼 수 있다. 그리고 필터가 8개 이상이 되면 필터 수에 따라 MSE 및 MAE 값이 크게 차이나지 않는 것을 보여주었다. 이러한 결과로부터 음성신호의 주요 특징을 표현하기 위해서는 약 8개 이상의 필터를 사용해야 한다는 것을 알 수 있다.

Nonlinear creep model based on shear creep test of granite

  • Hu, Bin;Wei, Er-Jian;Li, Jing;Zhu, Xin;Tian, Kun-Yun;Cui, Kai
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2021
  • The creep characteristics of rock is of great significance for the study of long-term stability of engineering, so it is necessary to carry out indoor creep test and creep model of rock. First of all, in different water-bearing state and different positive pressure conditions, the granite is graded loaded to conduct indoor shear creep test. Through the test, the shear creep characteristics of granite are obtained. According to the test results, the stress-strain isochronous curve is obtained, and then the long-term strength of granite under different conditions is determined. Then, the fractional-order calculus software element is introduced, and it is connected in series with the spring element and the nonlinear viscoplastic body considering the creep acceleration start time to form a nonlinear viscoplastic creep model with fewer elements and fewer parameters. Finally, based on the shear creep test data of granite, using the nonlinear curve fitting of Origin software and Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm, the parameter fitting and comparative analysis of the nonlinear creep model are carried out. The results show that the test data and the model curve have a high degree of fitting, which further explains the rationality and applicability of the established nonlinear visco-elastoplastic creep model. The research in this paper can provide certain reference significance and reference value for the study of nonlinear creep model of rock in the future.

A Bi-objective Game-based Task Scheduling Method in Cloud Computing Environment

  • Guo, Wanwan;Zhao, Mengkai;Cui, Zhihua;Xie, Liping
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제16권11호
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    • pp.3565-3583
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    • 2022
  • The task scheduling problem has received a lot of attention in recent years as a crucial area for research in the cloud environment. However, due to the difference in objectives considered by service providers and users, it has become a major challenge to resolve the conflicting interests of service providers and users while both can still take into account their respective objectives. Therefore, the task scheduling problem as a bi-objective game problem is formulated first, and then a task scheduling model based on the bi-objective game (TSBOG) is constructed. In this model, energy consumption and resource utilization, which are of concern to the service provider, and cost and task completion rate, which are of concern to the user, are calculated simultaneously. Furthermore, a many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a partitioned collaborative selection strategy (MaOEA-PCS) has been developed to solve the TSBOG. The MaOEA-PCS can find a balance between population convergence and diversity by partitioning the objective space and selecting the best converging individuals from each region into the next generation. To balance the players' multiple objectives, a crossover and mutation operator based on dynamic games is proposed and applied to MaPEA-PCS as a player's strategy update mechanism. Finally, through a series of experiments, not only the effectiveness of the model compared to a normal many-objective model is demonstrated, but also the performance of MaOEA-PCS and the validity of DGame.

Personalized Diabetes Risk Assessment Through Multifaceted Analysis (PD- RAMA): A Novel Machine Learning Approach to Early Detection and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Gharbi Alshammari
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제23권8호
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2023
  • The alarming global prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has catalyzed an urgent need for robust, early diagnostic methodologies. This study unveils a pioneering approach to predicting T2DM, employing the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm, renowned for its predictive accuracy and computational efficiency. The investigation harnesses a meticulously curated dataset of 4303 samples, extracted from a comprehensive Chinese research study, scrupulously aligned with the World Health Organization's indicators and standards. The dataset encapsulates a multifaceted spectrum of clinical, demographic, and lifestyle attributes. Through an intricate process of hyperparameter optimization, the XGBoost model exhibited an unparalleled best score, elucidating a distinctive combination of parameters such as a learning rate of 0.1, max depth of 3, 150 estimators, and specific colsample strategies. The model's validation accuracy of 0.957, coupled with a sensitivity of 0.9898 and specificity of 0.8897, underlines its robustness in classifying T2DM. A detailed analysis of the confusion matrix further substantiated the model's diagnostic prowess, with an F1-score of 0.9308, illustrating its balanced performance in true positive and negative classifications. The precision and recall metrics provided nuanced insights into the model's ability to minimize false predictions, thereby enhancing its clinical applicability. The research findings not only underline the remarkable efficacy of XGBoost in T2DM prediction but also contribute to the burgeoning field of machine learning applications in personalized healthcare. By elucidating a novel paradigm that accentuates the synergistic integration of multifaceted clinical parameters, this study fosters a promising avenue for precise early detection, risk stratification, and patient-centric intervention in diabetes care. The research serves as a beacon, inspiring further exploration and innovation in leveraging advanced analytical techniques for transformative impacts on predictive diagnostics and chronic disease management.