• Title/Summary/Keyword: Open boundary

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Boundaries and Differences in the Narrative of Passing: James W. Johnson and Nella Larsen (패싱, 경계와 차이의 서사 -제임스 W. 존슨과 넬라 라선)

  • Kang, Hee
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.307-333
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    • 2007
  • When W. E. B. Du Bois says that "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line," such a statement clearly recognizes the significance of the issue of racial identity, a cultural phenomenon called 'passing.' Both Johnson in The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and Larsen in Passing confront this issue. Both novels, using the metaphor of passing, not only trace the racial anxiety and race politics of the time but also expose the unstable landscape of the established social and cultural boundaries of racial identity. Mapping out multiple meanings and various dimensions of passing, this paper argues how Johnson's and Larsen's narratives display the ambivalence of color line while they at the same time complicate, problematize, and destabilize the mainstream racial boundaries and differences. It furthers to delineate how the two writers, with difference, deal with the problem of passing, the significance of racial identity, and black middle class values along with its intraracial differences. Rather than draw a clear definition of and a definitive closure on passing narrative, this paper focuses on its complexities and undecidability, challenging every dimension of its established significations. It also explores the complex dynamic between passing act and individual identity, for passing here is not just a racially signified term but extends its significance to the other factors of identity, such as class and even sexuality. Johnson and Larsen open up a site for a newly emergent, modern racial identity for black middle class in the twentieth century American urban spaces. Both writers, illuminating the subversive and slippery nature of language in their passing narrative, clearly herald new, different forms of Afro-American writings and themes for the different century they face.

An Aspect of Medical Life and Yakro in Joseon in the 19th Century Based on the Records of Sin Dae-woo's Family, Seo Yugu, and Lee Kyugyung (19세기 조선 의약 풍경과 '약로(藥露)' - 신대우 가계 기록물과 서유구, 이규경의 저술을 중심으로)

  • JEON Jong-wook
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2022
  • Sin Dae-woo was a scholar representing the Ganghwa School in the late Joseon Dynasty. He was Jeong Je-du's grandson-in-law and also in charge of organizing Jeong Je-du's collection of writings. His three sons had a particularly close relationship with their father, so even when they published a collection of writings after his father's death, the names of the three were combined and marked as Jin-jak-shin. The records they left include Seokcheon Il-seung, who described the history of the family along with the collection of writings, Seongdo Il-rok, a diary of the time of Seongcheon Busa, and many letters exchanged over time. These records draw attention as they contain records of medical life, such as eye diseases that the family suffered, infectious diseases that caused many casualties, and Yakro (distilled herbal essence) that showed records of being used for treatment at the time. In this paper: 1) We examine the medicines, prescriptions, acupuncture, and medication used to treat eye diseases. 2) We carefully examine the epidemic, the responses of the parties to it, and the attitudes of those who stood at the boundary between death and life. 3) We look for clues to the use of Western-origin drugs called Yakro. Intellectuals of the time looked deeper into Lee Kyugyung's book and Seo Yu-gu's book on how they were reflected in Joseon's medical life. In conclusion, in the 18th and 9th centuries, we see that the influential families of the Ganghwa school freely brought in famous acupuncturists, used prescriptions that were included in medical books or not, and used Yakro from western origin that were not traditional methods of Joseon. Thus, we reveal that doctors of the Joseon had the capacity to pursue their medical life more actively and had open-minded exchanges than our existing perceptions.

Mean wind and turbulence profiles over the ocean with roughness saturation

  • John D. Holmes
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2024
  • This paper reviews measurements of wind profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer in strong wind (thermally neutral) conditions over open water and the ocean, and the variation of the roughness parameters with mean wind speed. Based on the wind data recorded on the coast of the island of Frøya (Norway) in the 1980s, and dropwindsonde profiles in hurricanes, the paper shows that 'capping', or saturation, of the surface drag coefficient becomes apparent at a mean wind speed at 10m height of about 25 m/s. Wind speed models used in the offshore industries were investigated, (the ISO model, the API 'tropical cyclone' model and the IEC model). The ISO model, although based on good quality data from Frøya, does not allow for the saturation of the roughness above about 25-30 m/s, even though that was apparent in the Frøya data. 'Capping' of the aerodynamic roughness length for wind speeds greater than 28 m/s is represented appropriately in the API 'tropical cyclone'model, and hence the model represents the mean wind properties reasonably well in severe tropical cyclone conditions. However, the turbulence intensities in the API 'tropical cyclone' model, based on over-land measurements (ESDU), are overpredicted for winds over the ocean, at heights above 20m. The IEC models are entirely based on over-land measurements, and hence are not representative of over-water conditions such as those required for offshore wind farms. New model profiles for over-ocean strong winds are proposed for wind speeds up to hurricane strength, based on the ISO profiles, but with capping of the surface drag coefficient at a value of 0.0025, at a mean wind speed at 10m height of 25 m/s. The proposed turbulence intensity model is also a revision of the ISO profile, also with capping above 25 m/s. The proposed model profiles are in better general agreement with recorded data in strong winds than those currently specified in international standards, and are applicable to all wind speeds in synoptic-scale events, including those in tropical cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes. As well as the Frøya data, the revised strong-wind models are supported by measurements from Atlantic hurricanes, gales in the North Sea, landfalling typhoons in Japan and Cyclone 'Yasi' in Queensland, Australia.

Design Characteristics of Augmented Reality Digital Fashion (증강 현실 디지털 패션의 디자인 특성)

  • Eunjeong Kim;Seunghee Suh
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2024
  • The aim of this study was to analyze contemporary sociocultural phenomena and values through characteristics of augmented reality (AR) digital fashion design. The research method included a literature review on the metaverse and augmented reality, combined with a case study using both quantitative analysis through big data text mining and qualitative analysis through constant comparison. Data analysis was conducted using Python-based open-source tools: First, 6,725 data entries were collected from AR digital fashion platforms and brands identified in articles from Vogue and Vogue Business containing keywords of 'augmented reality' and 'digital fashion. Second, text preprocessing involved stop word removal, tokenization, and POS-tagging of nouns and adjectives using the NLTK library. Third, top 50 keywords were extracted through term frequency (TF) and TF-IDF analysis, with results visualized using a word cloud. Fourth, characteristics of products' external design and internal concepts that contained top keywords were classified, with their value examined through repeated comparison. Results indicate that AR digital fashion design has the following characteristics. First, it embodies surreal fantasy through designs that mimic natural biological patterns using 3D scanning and modeling technology. Second, it presents a trans-boundary aspect by utilizing the fluidity of body and space to challenge vertical and discriminatory social structures. Third, it imagines a new future transcending traditional sociocultural concepts by expanding perceptions of space and time based on advanced technological aesthetics. Fourth, it contributes to sustainability by exploring alternatives for the fashion industry in response to climate change and ecological concerns.

Prediction of Seabed Topography Change Due to Construction of Offshore Wind Power Structures in the West-Southern Sea of Korea (서남해에서 해상풍력구조물의 건설에 의한 해저지형의 변화예측)

  • Jeong, Seung Myung;Kwon, Kyung Hwan;Lee, Jong Sup;Park, Il Heum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2019
  • In order to predict the seabed topography change due to the construction of offshore wind power structures in the west-southern sea of Korea, field observations for tides, tidal currents, suspended sediment concentrations and seabed sediments were carried out at the same time. These data could be used for numerical simulation. In numerical experiments, the empirical constants for the suspended sediment flux were determined by the trial and error method. When a concentration distribution factor was 0.1 and a proportional constant was 0.05 in the suspended sediment equilibrium concentration formulae, the calculated suspended sediment concentrations were reasonably similar with the observed ones. Also, it was appropriate for the open boundary conditions of the suspended sediment when the south-east boundary corner was 11.0 times, the south-west was 0.5 times, the westnorth 1.0 times, the north-west was 1.0 times and the north-east was 1.0 times, respectively, using the time series of the observed suspended sediment concentrations. In this case, the depth change was smooth and not intermittent around the open boundaries. From these calibrations, the annual water depth change before and after construction of the offshore wind power structures was shown under 1 cm. The reason was that the used numerical model for the large scale grid could not reproduce a local scour phenomenon and they showed almost no significant velocity change over ± 2 cm/s because the jacket structures with small size diameter, about 1 m, were a water-permeable. Therefore, it was natural that there was a slight change on seabed topography in the study area.

A feasibility modeling of potential dam site for hydroelectricity based on ASTGTM DEM data (ASTGTM 전지구 DEM 기반의 수력발전댐 적지분석 사전모델링)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2020
  • A feasibility modeling for potential hydroelectric dam site selection was suggested using 1 sec ASTGTM (ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model) and Terra/Aqua MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) derived land use (MCD12Q1) data. The modeling includes DEM pre-processing of peak, sink, and flat, river network generation, watershed delineation and segmentation, terrain analysis of stream cross section and reservoir storage, and estimation of submerged area for compensation. The modeling algorithms were developed using Python and as an open source GIS. When a user-defined stream point is selected, the model evaluates potential hydroelectric head, reservoir surface area and storage capacity curve, watershed time of concentration from DEM, and compensation area from land use data. The model was tested for 4 locations of already constructed Buhang, BohyunMountain, Sungdeok, and Yeongju dams. The modeling results obtained maximum possible heads of 37.0, 67.0, 73.0, 42.0 m, surface areas of 1.81, 2.4, 2.8, 8.8 ㎢, storages of 35.9, 68.0, 91.3, 168.3×106 ㎥ respectively. BohyunMountain and Sungdeok show validity but in case of Buhang and Yeongju dams have maximum head errors. These errors came from the stream generation error due to ASTGTM. So, wrong dam watershed boundary limit the head. This study showed a possibility to estimate potential hydroelectric dam sites before field investigation especially for overseas project.

Uncertainty Analysis of a Coastal Physical Model in Gyeonggi Bay and Han River Estuary (경기만 및 한강하구 연안 물리적 모형의 불확실성 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Dae;Jeong, Shin-Taek;Cho, Hong-Yeon;Jung, Kyung-Tae;Ko, Dong-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 2008
  • A model has been constructed in this study for the investigation of physical characteristics of the Gyeonggi Bay and Han River estuary. MIKE 21 HD (HyDrodynamics) has been used for the uncertainty analysis of the tide of the Gyeonngi Bay and Han River estuary. A total of 15 model experiments have been performed for the hydrodynamic parts and the analysis of results have been made in terms of RMSD (Root-mean square deviation) which has been frequently employed in the suitability analysis of hydrological data since the introduction by NERC(1975), U.K. A smaller value of RMSD indicates the more suitability of a parameter to the model. Analysis of the hydrodynamic results has shown that RMSD of the mean tidal range has the largest value of 0.1148 at Yeomha channel while has the smallest value of 0.0400 at Yeonphyong-do, indicating that the uncertainty in the mean tidal range on near-shore side is larger than that of offshore side. Experiment with reduced water depth by 10% has produced a most significant increase in RMSD. It is therefore implied that the model response changes more sensitively to water depth rather than grid sizes, open boundary forcing and river discharge.

Littoral Drift by the combined impact of Wind, Wave and Current ant the coastal Development Environment (해안개발환경하에서 바람 ${\cdot}$ 파랑 ${\cdot}$ 흐름의 중첩에 의한 연안표사)

  • Lee, Seung-Chul;Lee, Joong-Woo;Kim, Ki-Dam;Kang, Seok-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2007.12a
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    • pp.141-142
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    • 2007
  • In recent years, the rate of mean sea level rise is increasing rapidly from the phenomena of global warming, together with the increasing trend of the storm scale. The issue of sea level rise is multifaceted and produces a range of environmental problems. Especially, high tides and the tidal currents become higher, and wave base increases, so the energy received at the coastal boundary may increase. This brings that many coastal environments go into disequilibrium, such as damages to the structures, erosion, and deposition Similarly it was known that the problems of nearshore processes and damage of berth and counter facilities during storm period had appeared at the small fishery port. Here we try to analyze the impact of the rearrangement of counter facilities and berth layout adopted for tranquility of its'inner harbor. Because this harbor is being connected to channel and open sea, the rearrangement of the structures might affect to the current speed and direction and wave height, so do to the sea bottom undulation. Therefore, we made model test for the several layouts of the berth and breakwater in this area.

  • PDF

Parameter Optimization and Automation of the FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model for Atmospheric Back-trajectory Analysis (공기괴 역궤적 분석을 위한 FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Dispersion 모델의 최적화 및 자동화)

  • Kim, Jooil;Park, Sunyoung;Park, Mi-Kyung;Li, Shanlan;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Jo, Chun Ok;Kim, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Kyung-Ryul
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2013
  • Atmospheric transport pathway of an air mass is an important constraint controlling the chemical properties of the air mass observed at a designated location. Such information could be utilized for understanding observed temporal variabilities in atmospheric concentrations of long-lived chemical compounds, of which sinks and/or sources are related particularly with natural and/or anthropogenic processes in the surface, and as well as for performing inversions to constrain the fluxes of such compounds. The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART provides a useful tool for estimating detailed particle dispersion during atmospheric transport, a significant improvement over traditional "single-line" trajectory models that have been widely used. However, those without a modeling background seeking to create simple back-trajectory maps may find it challenging to optimize FLEXPART for their needs. In this study, we explain how to set up, operate, and optimize FLEXPART for back-trajectory analysis, and also provide automatization programs based on the open-source R language. Discussions include setting up an "AVAILABLE" file (directory of input meteorological fields stored on the computer), creating C-shell scripts for initiating FLEXPART runs and storing the output in directories designated by date, as wells as processing the FLEXPART output to create figures for a back-trajectory "footprint" (potential emission sensitivity within the boundary layer). Step by step instructions are explained for an example case of calculating back trajectories derived for Anmyeon-do, Korea for January 2011. One application is also demonstrated in interpreting observed variabilities in atmospheric $CO_2$ concentration at Anmyeon-do during this period. Back-trajectory modeling information introduced in this study should facilitate the creation and automation of most common back-trajectory calculation needs in atmospheric research.

Re-reading Chuncheon G5 International Design Competition from a Viewpoint of Landscape Urbanism (랜드스케이프 어바니즘의 관점으로 본 춘천 G5 국제설계경기 출품작 분석)

  • Kim Ah-Yeon;Koh Mi-Jin;Oh Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.120-138
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    • 2006
  • A city evolves over time. It grows, transforms, and sometimes degrades. Chuncheon is at a turning point from a city souggling with regulations regarding clean water supply and a military encampment to a masterpiece city with a sustainable vision. The city is getting ready to restructure itself to become a world-famous culture and tourism complex expanding its physical boundary across the Camp Page site and absorbing Jungdo as a major tourist attraction. The landscape in the future blueprint of Chuncheon will play a great role in restructuring urban form. The regenerated in will have a new networked open space system as well as re-evaluated landscape resources. The hybrid theoretical practice called 'landscape urbanism' burgeoning in the fields between 'landscape architecture' and 'urbanism' can guide us in considering the terms of the relationship between a city and landscape when we design a future city Landscape urbanism is considered to be an effective framework by which we can diagnose the current status of a landscape in our contemporary urban design practice in Korea. This paper tries to provide a different perspective from the viewpoint of landscape urbanism to decipher the hidden implications of the social agreement on the role of landscape in urban structure by re-reading eight design proposals presented for the ChunCheon G5 international design competition based on the main principles of landscape urbanism. The G5 design competition is a great opportunity to test out new ideas on a city, demonstrating the relative values among various urban-design professional realms. First, this paper provides an overview of the main ideas of landscape urbanism based on the literature review and case studies. Second, framework categories are suggested in order to extract the explicit and implicit ideas on the landscape. Third, eight proposals are reviewed according to the suggested categories to situate the current landscape design of Korea within the mainstream of contemporary practice of landscape urbanism. Based on the review of eight proposals, the following diagnostic conclusions are made; first, the ideas of landscape urbanism have not been actively introduced in large-scaled urban landscape projects in Korea like Chuncheon G5. Second, it remains to be a big task for landscape professions to be able to participate in design consortiums on an equal footing. Third, In order to introduce and reify the ideas of landscape urbanism in Korea, it is inevitable and critical to test the ideas in both academic fields and professional practices to find the appropriately adjusted model of landscape urbanism.