• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online education space

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A Design and Demonstration of Future Technology IT Humanities Convergence Education Model (미래기술 IT인문학 융복합 교육모델 설계 및 실증)

  • Eunsun Choi;Namje Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2023
  • Humanities are as crucial as the technology itself in the intelligent information society. Human-centered convergence information technology (IT), which reflects emotional and human nature, can be considered a unique technology with an optimistic outlook in the unpredictable future. Based on this research background, this paper proposed an education model that can improve the IT humanities capabilities of various learners, including elementary and secondary students, prospective teachers, incumbent teachers, school managers, and the general public, through analysis of previous studies on convergence education models. Furthermore, the practical aspects of the proposed model were closely examined so that the proposed education model could be stably incorporated and utilized in the educational field. There are seven strategies for implementing the education model proposed in this paper, including research on textbooks, teaching and learning materials, activation of research results, maker space creation, global joint research, online education operation, developing living lab governance, and diversification of self-sustaining platforms for sustainable and practical education. In the future, validity verification through expert Delphi is required as a follow-up study.

Development of a Educational Project-Based WebSite Using Multimedia Materials (멀티미디어 자료를 활용한 교육용 프로젝트기반 웹사이트 개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Soo;Yu, Jeong-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.537-545
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    • 2004
  • In spite of the fact that project-based learning has had positive effects on improvement of creation power and expansion of the spirit of inquiry, the project-based learning lesson was difficult to carry out in the classroom. The web overcomes time and space limitations in traditional schools. This study has developed and implemented an online project-based website of children's education, based upon the extensive classroom use of multimedia materials to further students participation and interest in projects of discovery. The developed website shows the entire process used through out the project. This paper presents the project's activities and students' learning, using multimedia and web. This study was conducted in fourth grade of an elementary school for a month. The results of this study suggest that the effects of using the project-based website were improved self-directed learning and generation of new ideas.

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Face detection system for the degree of concentration checking and analysis of learning attitude of learners in online learning (온라인 학습에서 학습자 학습태도 분석 및 집중도 체크를 위한 얼굴 검출 시스템)

  • Kim, Geun-Ho;Chung, Jung-In;Kim, Eui-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.420-424
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    • 2016
  • Recently, with the development of Internet technology and multi-media technology, the Internet is going to develop in many areas, a new application areas. In particular, in the area of education, has made a Epoch-making development in the Internet applications, it has presented the instructional methods of the new paradigm. Study using the online learning, instructional method of a conventional traditional new proposal that deviates from the off-line teaching, Unlike the existing off-line learning, without being bound by time and space, in terms of anytime, anywhere it is possible to attend the lecture, is a very efficient learning. Online lectures Despite many advantages, and containing a number of problems. In terms of space of the learning is performed on-line, there is a disadvantage that the student management and learning, the reliability of evaluation missing number. In this study, out of such a variety of problems, concentration to induce an active learning attitude of learners, learners of learning who attempt to increase the reliability and using the face detection system of attendance learning It proposed a degree system.

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A study on the System for Online education by Mobile (모바일 기반의 온라인교육 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Song Eun-Jee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2005
  • The various kinds of contents have been developed with the explosive increase of the internet users. The advantage of the contents could be extended to the extension of education. For the reason of no limit on space, on-line education such as cyber lecture and cyber university is getting popular. On-line education, however, could be faced to the problem of the management for attendance, homework and the exam. Therefore the proper supervision is requested so that students may get all the information for the calendar of test and other program which are necessary for the lesson. This study is to propose the system of education by mobile which is able to promote the efficiency of the study for the on-line education. The information of the lesson for cyber lecture could be accessed regardless the place and time by using the mobile phone which is usually carried.

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A Plan to Revitalize Virtual Space using Metaverse Zeb and ZEPETO App in Radiology Education (방사선학 교육에서 메타버스 젭과 제페토 앱을 활용한 가상공간 활성화 방안)

  • Dong-Hee Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.965-975
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    • 2023
  • Education in radiology involves a large portion of practical training, and it is difficult to conduct it through non-face-to-face online education. In this study, we utilized the Metaverse platform, which can replace hands-on education, to implement a practice room that is difficult to access through non-face-to-face classes into a virtual world, and then evaluated the satisfaction of learners after the practice class, the practicality of the Metaverse platform class, and the future orientation of the curriculum. I wanted to find out. Using the metaverse platforms ZEPETO (Build It) and ZEP (ZEP), the S University radiology department lab was implemented into a virtual world and used for students' classes. A total of 50 students were surveyed twice, divided into pre- and post-surveys, and all questions used a 5-point Likert scale. As a result of the study, satisfaction was low at 2.32 for education without using Metaverse virtual space, while education using virtual space was very high at 4.16. As a result of the analysis, the satisfaction level of the new education system and the practicality of the Metaverse platform classes are very high, and it is believed that it will be a more effective education platform when conducting additional education such as app explanations in the future.

Design and Implementation of Repeatable and Short-spanned m-Learning Model for English Listening and Comprehension Mobile Digital Textbook Contents on Smartphone

  • Byun, Hye Won;Chin, SungHo;Chung, Kwang Sik
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.2814-2832
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    • 2014
  • As information society matures to an even higher level and as information technology becomes a necessity to our everyday lives, the needs to develop, support and satisfy personal and social needs without the limitation of time, space, and location have become a vital point to everyday lives. Smartphone users are increasing at a staggering rate but the research on mobile-Learning model and the implementation of m-Learning scenario are still behind the needs of the users. Therefore, this paper focuses on the design of 'repeatable and short-spanned m-Learning model' to meet the needs of the learners who are on the go and on the move with their smartphones. Smartphone users frequently reach out for their phones but compare to the frequencies, the actual span of time they spend per use are relatively and surprisingly short. One way to understand this phenomenon is that the users tend to immediately replace their smartphones with laptops or desktops whenever they are available. A leaning model was needed to reflect this short and frequent use, a use that is solely based on the smartphone environment. This proposed learning model first defines this particular setting and implements the model to real smartphone users over an 8 week period. To understand whether different learning backgrounds can influence this model, different schools with online and offline learning channels participated in the experiment. User survey was conducted after the experiment to get a better understanding of the smartphone users. Pretest and posttest were conducted before and after the experiment and the data were validated and analyzed using SPSS version 18.0 for PC. Preliminary descriptive statistics, multiple regression and cross validation was conducted for the analysis. The results showed that the proposed English Listening and Comprehension Mobile Digital Textbook (ELCMDT) had a positive effect on the learners in general and was more effective for learners who were already experienced with online learning.

Development of A Cyber Education Contents for the Ship Outfitting Basic Design (선박 의장 기본 모델링을 위한 사이버 교육 컨텐츠 개발)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Park, Yong-Suk;Lee, Sangdon;Seo, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 2013
  • A Shipbuilding design program used in the shipbuilding industry tends to be shifted from the TRIBON software to the AM(AVEVA MARINE) software these days. Many large domestic shipbuilding companies have been using the AM instead of the TRIBON. New design software requires education programs for the necessary personnel. However the education programs for the AM are largely based on offline education. They suffer from constraints in space and time, and from high costs. This paper describes a development of online contents for the AM software that are focused for cyber education. It covers the applied process and the organization of the contents. The details of the development decisions including the security issue for the contents are described also.

Research on the Environment Design of Smart Entrepreneurship Community Based on the Needs of Entrepreneurs

  • Yu, Renyou;Fan, Qiangqiang
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • Since 2014, the wave of "Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" has been set off in China, and various innovation and entrepreneurship communities have emerged and become gathering places for entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to consider the needs of entrepreneurs and combine the characteristics of entrepreneurial space to put forward effective environmental design and improvement strategies for the smart entrepreneurship community. This study was conducted through a literature review, online information survey, and field survey, and the research objects included high-quality entrepreneurs(refers to entrepreneurs with higher education background and certain technical advantages, mainly including master's degree and doctor, overseas returnees and university professors) and various entrepreneurial communities at home and abroad,(it includes cultural entrepreneurship community, science and technology entrepreneurship community, residential and office integration entrepreneurship community).

Information-Based Urban Regeneration for Smart Education Community (스마트 교육 커뮤니티 정보기반 도시재생)

  • Kimm, Woo-Young;Seo, Boong-Kyo
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2018
  • This research is to analyze the public cases of information facilities in terms of central circulations in multi level volumes such as atrium or court which provide visual intervention between different spaces and physical connections such as bridges. Hunt Library design balances the understood pre-existing needs with the University's emerging needs to create a forward-thinking learning environment. While clearly a contemporary structure within a traditional context of the NCSU campus, the Hunt Library provides a positive platform for influencing its surroundings. Both technical and programmatic innovations are celebrated as part of the learning experience and provide a versatile and stimulating environment for students. Public library as open spaces connecting to an interactive social domain over communities can provide variety of learning environments, or technology based labs. There are many cases of the public information spaces with dynamic networks where participants can play their roles in physical space as well as in the intellectual stimulation. In the research, new public projects provide typologies of information spaces with user oriented media. The research is to address a creative transition between the reading space and the experimental links of the integration of state-of-the-art technology is highly visible in the building's design. The user-friendly browsing system that replaces the traditional browsing with the virtual shelves classified and archived by their form, is to reduce the storage space of the public library and it is to allow more space for collaborative learning. In addition to the intelligent robot of information storages, innovative features is the large-scale visualization space that supports team experiments to carry out collaborative online works and therefore the public library's various programs is to provide visitors with more efficient participatory environment.

Future Direction and Prospect for Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Trials Through Survey Analysis of Real-Time Untact Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Trials (Kyung Hee University Hospital) (실시간 비대면 임상시험 종사자 교육(경희대학교병원) 설문 조사 결과 분석을 통한 향후 임상시험 종사자 교육의 지향점과 전망)

  • Kang, Su Jin;Maeng, Chi Hoon;Lee, Sun Ju
    • The Journal of KAIRB
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate a satisfaction survey of untact education and platforms that can be used for untact education to provide recommendations on future development of Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Trials. Methods: Online survey was distributed among students who have taken Untact Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Trials. The result was separated according to topic and descriptive statistics was used for analysis. The satisfaction survey used 10-point scale. Results: Of the 1,720 students who received the survey, 1,347 (78.3%) responded to the lecture satisfaction survey. The satisfaction level for broadcasting program (Kakao TV), an untact educational platform for the education of clinical trial workers at Kyung Hee University Medical Center, was relatively high with 8.09±1.99 points. Average score respondents recommending Kyung Hee University Untact Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Trials was 8.03±1.83 and customer recommendation score (Net Promotor Score) was 27.1%. Satisfaction level of the preferred training time was divided into weekday-morning (8-11 AM) (8.16±1.75), weekday-afternoon (12-4 PM) (7.73±2.07), weekday-evening (5-9 PM) (7.78±2.22), and weekend-morning (9-11 AM) real-time untact education (8.48±1.76) and analyzed. There was a noticeable difference between weekend-morning and weekday-afternoon (p<0.0001) and weekend-morning and weekday-evening (p=0.0001) real-time untact education. When asked about conducting education after COVID-19 pandemic ends, 79.2% (1,012 of 1,279) of the respondents answered that they prefer real-time untact education while 20.8 % (266 of 1,279) preferred face-to-face education. Conclusion: Online education, without time and space constraint, is expected to be the mainstream market in Korea for Education of Persons Conducting Clinical. Kyung Hee University Untact Education of Persons Conducting Clinical has achieved above average satisfaction using Kakao TV. Kyung Hee University Real-time Untact Education of Persons Conducting Clinical Net Promotor Score is 27.1%, which is above industry average, communication with trainees should be considered to improve Net Promotor Score.

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