• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online Travel Distribution

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The Critical Role of ICT and Core Strategies: The Case of Korean Travel Agencies (ICT가 여행사 경영환경에 미친 영향과 대응방안: 한국 여행사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nan-young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.1179-1184
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    • 2018
  • Korean travel agencies that have been utilizing the Internet passively feel threatened as global online travel agencies are quickly permeating the Korean travel market. Under these circumstances, this study conducted a focused analysis on how ICT affects the business environment of travel agencies. Based on the analyzed data, it also presents coping strategies for the Korean travel agencies. First, it is imperative to accelerate platform development to counteract the distribution structure of global tourism products. Second, it is essential that travel agencies actively utilize big data, the new paradigm of technology where data are generated at high speed, high volume, and for numerous purposes. Third, it is necessary to actively utilize a travel blog marketing strategy. As a communication tool for travel agencies, the continuing development of the Internet highlights the usefulness of marketing activities using blogs. Finally, it is essential to provide each customer more specialized travel consultancy.

Travel Intention to Visit Tourism Destinations: A Perspective of Generation Z in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Viet Hoang;TRUONG, Thi Xuan Dao;PHAM, Huong Trang;TRAN, Duc Thanh;NGUYEN, Pham Hung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1043-1053
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to investigate the impacts of gen-Z's perception of consumer-generated content on social media on their travel intention with the mediating role of travel motivation push and pull. An online questionnaire survey of a total of 369 samples was conducted with the participation of gen Z in the most important cities across Vietnam. The model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS program 22 to investigate model relationships and all hypotheses are significant. The findings indicated that gen Z values the usefulness of social media and they use social media for knowledge-seeking (push factor), and this leads to their intention to visit a destination. SEM analysis also reveals that gen Z tends to use social media to find accessibility to any destinations and they are motivated highly with destinations that have clear and easy access, for example, no visa requirement or neighboring destinations. As the result, they have better intentions to visit these destinations. This research will help marketers, especially marketing specialists to gain a better understanding of gen Z, thus implement better marketing techniques to target gen Z.

Exploring the Influence of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on User Satisfaction in Virtual Tourism

  • Thich Van NGUYEN;Tho Van NGUYEN;Dat Van NGUYEN
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to measure how information quality, system quality, security, usefulness, and ease of use of Augmented Reality (VR) and Virtual Reality (AR) influence user satisfaction, motivating intelligent travel technology developers to improve VR/AR quality to meet customer requirements. Research design, data and methodology: This study investigates users interested in travelling in Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang City, Vietnam. The research model was implemented using an online questionnaire and face-to-face from 405 valid samples. To evaluate the scale's reliability, the study used the software SPSS 20. Test research hypotheses and evaluate measurement and structural models. This research uses AMOS 20 software. The proposed model is firmly grounded in the Information System Success model (ISS) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), providing a solid theoretical foundation for our research. Results: Results show that consumer perceptions of information quality, system quality, security, usefulness, and ease of use have a positive impact on the perceived quality of VR/AR, thereby influencing tourists' travel intention. Conclusions: The results of this research enrich the theoretical understanding of consumer behaviour toward intelligent technology products in tourism, providing management implications for manufacturers to improve the quality of tourism products and satisfy user requirements in experience before considering choosing a destination.

The Mediating Role of Social Media in Tourism: An eWOM Approach

  • KAKIRALA, Anish Kumar;SINGH, Devinder Pal
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2020
  • This research article investigates the way eWOM in social media influences the formation of destination image through development of trust and satisfaction for the potential tourist. The research involved administering an 18-point questionnaire taking online reviews, tourist involvement, and eWOM, destination image components of trust and satisfaction as variables. Data was collected from 554 individuals forming a cross-section of social media users and analyzed using multi-variate techniques (Reliability, CFA, and SEM). Results indicate a positive and significant relationship between all except online review and destination trust and satisfaction. Indirect and direct effects indicate that eWOM fully mediates the relationship between destination satisfaction and involvement and partially mediates the relationship between destination trust and involvement. In the case of online reviews, eWOM acts as a full mediator between destination trust and destination satisfaction for the future traveler using social media. The study proposes that components of image vary depending upon the degree of involvement, volume online reviews and eWOM generated also termed as 'virality' and these in turn influence the intention to revisit or recommend a destination. The study highlights its utility for National Tourist Organizations (NTOs) and online travel intermediaries to enhance destination marketing efforts.

Distribution Channel Model for Hotel Revenue Management: Lessons from Hoteliers and E-Intermediaries

  • IBRAHIM, Niko;PUTRA, Panca O. Hadi;HANDAYANI, Putu Wuri
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Understanding the distribution channel is a foundational element of successful hotel revenue management. This study aims to assess hotel distribution network partnerships and develops a model that can be utilized to ensure hoteliers are not becoming increasingly reliant on a single channel, optimize their market exposure, and maximize their portion of the overall worth of the network. Research design, data and methodology: This study utilizes a grounded theory approach to form a theoretical model by analyzing and examining the current practice of hotel distribution management through interviews with 15 stakeholders in Indonesia, such as hoteliers, online travel agents, wholesalers, and connectivity managers. Results: Based on data analysis, we describe hotel distribution elements, revenue team, managed channels, and channel prioritization for a different type of hotel. Finally, we propose a distribution channel model that comprises hotel teams, customer types, indirect channels, and direct channels. Conclusions: The model contributes to the literature by exploring the options of distribution channels for various hotel types to support hotel revenue management practice. By utilizing our model, practitioners can have a complete picture regarding the strategic choice of the channel by considering their hotel capacity and market target.

Distribution of Tourist Behavior in COVID-19 Pandemic

  • CAO, Tri Minh;NGUYEN, Phi-Hung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Covid-19 has caused an unprecedented situation for the tourism industry with slumping demand during the outbreak and many uncertainties about tourist behavior in the post-pandemic. This study is aimed to discover the distribution in the behavior of tourists in Vietnam, whose government has taken serious and early actions towards the health crisis and among the earliest to reopen the economy. Research design, data, and methodology: We adopted a mixed-method approach - combining qualitative interviews with quantitative research using a questionnaire survey. Through the form of the online survey through social networking channels: Facebook, Gmail. The study received 261 valid responses for analysis. Multivariate analysis techniques were used: descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results: From the data and result of EFA, the result showed that the distribution of tourist behavior could be grouped into four main factors, including (1) the general impacts, (2) travel-related behaviors; (3) attitudes and preferences regarding modes of tours and destinations; (4) awareness of safety and hygiene. Conclusions: These results highlighted the importance of the theory of perceived risks in explaining the travelers' prudent decisions. In addition, this study provides practical implications for policymakers and various stakeholders of Vietnam's tourism industry in formulating the recovery strategy.

Moderate Effects of Managerial Response on Hotel Ratings of Japanese Tourists (일본인 관광객의 숙박 후기 평점에 대한 관리자 응답의 조절효과)

  • JANG, Juhyeok
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - It is a very important issue for the Korean tourism industry to increase tourism revenue by attracting foreign tourists. Although Japanese tourists have been an important part of the Korean tourism industry for a long time, the level of tourist satisfaction including accommodation has been at the worst compared to other foreign visitors, which strongly requires concrete solutions. Therefore, this study focuses on improving the satisfaction level of Japanese visitors in the use of accommodation, and find out the influence of the managerial response. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, customer review and managerial response of hotels in Seoul were collected from "Rakuten Travel" which is the most representative online travel agency in Japan. As a result of collecting data from 2016 to 2018, 6,190 customer reviews and 1,241 managerial responses from 120 hotels were used for analysis. In addition, information on the properties of 120 hotels, such as the number of rooms, classification, types of hotel facilities, types of room facilities, accessibility and prices, were collected. To test the hypotheses, moderated multiple regression analysis was conducted with SPSS 22.0. Results - It was found that only 25 sites, 20.8% of the total 120 sites, were implementing managerial response and average response rate was 66.42% among them. As a result of examining the main effects of the hotel attributes on the ratings, accessibility and price are confirmed as effective variables. We also found that the response rate has a significant moderate effect in both the accessibility and price. In other words, there was a significant difference in the influence of accessibility and price on the ratings depending on the response rate. Also, it was confirmed that the response rate is not a pure moderator variable but a quasi moderator variable. Overall, the evidences partially supported the hypothesis. Conclusion - It was possible to provide important suggestions to the hotel managers who were concerned about managing tourist satisfaction with accessibility problems. It was found that the accessibility problem could be overcome by increasing the response rate. It was also confirmed that high ratings can be more effectively achieved for high priced hotels by increasing the response rate.

A Study on the Selection Attributes for Restaurant, Customer Satisfaction, and Recommendation Intention on Traveling Domestic Tourists: Targeting Tourists for Rail-ro Tickets

  • Kim, Ju-Hee;Kang, Kyoung-Ku;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relationship among restaurant selection attributes and customer satisfaction and recommendation tastes for young people in their twenties who use tickets for Rail-ro. Data collection was conducted to utilize questionnaire survey with online and offline distribution. The collected data were analyzed using a statistical program SPSS 21.0 with frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis. The results of the study showed that Internet search is the most common source of information about restaurants during the trip, and restaurant choice attributes have an important impact on customer satisfaction, food quality, employee service and reputation, but hygiene did not have a big effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on recommendation intention. Concluding the results from this study, it investigated the significant attributes for customers selection of restaurants and provide meaningful advice for market managers to make useful marketing strategies to attract more clients and augment economic benefits.

Exploring Determinants of Performance Indicator and Customer Satisfaction of Accommodation Sharing

  • CHO, Yooncheong
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to investigate determinants of performance indicator and perceptions of existing and potential customers in accommodation sharing. This study uses data of Airbnb in Busan and Jeju from January 1 to December 31 in 2018, provided by AirDNA. The total number of listed accommodation sharing were 5,109 accommodations in Busan and 11,502 accommodations in Jeju. More than 90 property types of registered accommodation are subcategorized and re-classified in this study. Study 1 examined current usage and effects of factors on performance indicator in tourism destinations by applying Airbnb data. Study 2 investigated effects of perceived factors on satisfaction, intention to use, loyalty, and tourism competitiveness by applying online survey data. This study applies statistical analyses such as factor and regression analyses, ANOVA, t-test, and MANOVA. Results of Study 1 showed that usage and effects of accommodation sharing differ from regulation that is related to sharing types. Effects also differ based on travel destinations. Results of Study 2 showed how customers perceive accommodation sharing differ from pure meaning of sharing. The results of Study 1 and 2 found significant effects of price and service factors on performance indicator and customer satisfaction. The findings of Study 2 showed significant effects on loyalty and tourism competitiveness.

The Influence of Personality Traits on Airline Untact Check-in: Focusing on Mobile Check-in User

  • YANG, Jae-Pil;PARK, Sang-Beom
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Year of 2020, COVID-19 has been changing the people's everyday life to ways never been thought of before all over the world. The IT and electronic industry, the methods of supplying goods and services have been changed from contact to un-tact environments based on un-tact systems very rapidly. COVID-19 has been striking the tourism and the travel industry, especially the airline and hotel industry of which services are provided by human. For the passenger service of airliner, automation has been propelled and un-tact style of service has become mainstreams except cabin service since 2000's. For passenger transportation, due to traffic regulations and exclusions etc., switching to new ways is not easy. However, under the new environment made by COVID-19, kiosk check-in, web check-in and mobile check-in has become more important. In this study, the characteristics of airline customers using mobile goods are investigated to find ways to raise the rate of utilizing mobile check-in and to increase the efficiency of boarding process. Research design, data, and methodology: Considering the COVID-19 environment, survey was done by online research company. The research model is designed to integrate the user characteristics and usage/purchase motive and technology acceptance theory. Especially considering infectious diseases prevention, concern of safety is adopted as one of the usage motive variable. Results: Extraversion or conscientiousness characteristics prefers counter check-in(contact service), while openness characteristics prefers mobile check-in(un-tact service). Concern of safety for infectious disease shows strong non-preference on counter check-in. Conclusions: Regarding service type regardless of type of the industry, automation and un-tact have been mainstreams due to high costs of labor, efficiency and standardization issue, etc., and COVID-19 has given impetus to them. For airliner, un-tact service including boarding process service has been more and more important. To raise the rate of un-tact service use, the characteristics of the user should be analyzed first. The study results indicate that for extraversion or conscientiousness, some kinds of methods to induce them to use un-tact service more are needed.