• Title/Summary/Keyword: One-Slope Model

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Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network (Deep Neural Network와 Convolutional Neural Network 모델을 이용한 산사태 취약성 매핑)

  • Gong, Sung-Hyun;Baek, Won-Kyung;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_2
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    • pp.1723-1735
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    • 2022
  • Landslides are one of the most prevalent natural disasters, threating both humans and property. Also landslides can cause damage at the national level, so effective prediction and prevention are essential. Research to produce a landslide susceptibility map with high accuracy is steadily being conducted, and various models have been applied to landslide susceptibility analysis. Pixel-based machine learning models such as frequency ratio models, logistic regression models, ensembles models, and Artificial Neural Networks have been mainly applied. Recent studies have shown that the kernel-based convolutional neural network (CNN) technique is effective and that the spatial characteristics of input data have a significant effect on the accuracy of landslide susceptibility mapping. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze landslide vulnerability using a pixel-based deep neural network model and a patch-based convolutional neural network model. The research area was set up in Gangwon-do, including Inje, Gangneung, and Pyeongchang, where landslides occurred frequently and damaged. Landslide-related factors include slope, curvature, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI), topographic position index (TPI), timber diameter, timber age, lithology, land use, soil depth, soil parent material, lineament density, fault density, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) were used. Landslide-related factors were built into a spatial database through data preprocessing, and landslide susceptibility map was predicted using deep neural network (DNN) and CNN models. The model and landslide susceptibility map were verified through average precision (AP) and root mean square errors (RMSE), and as a result of the verification, the patch-based CNN model showed 3.4% improved performance compared to the pixel-based DNN model. The results of this study can be used to predict landslides and are expected to serve as a scientific basis for establishing land use policies and landslide management policies.

Intercepted flow equation at grate inlet on road (도로 빗물받이 유입구의 차집유량 산정식)

  • Kim, Jung Soo;Kwak, Sang Ho;Ryu, Taek Hee;Yoon, Sei Eui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2016
  • The grate inlets generally were installed to intercept surface runoff on the roads and intercepted flow was drained to the underground sewer system. The equation of interception flow was used to determine the size and spacing of grate inlet on the roads. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the interception capacity of grate inlet. Hydraulic experimental apparatus which can be changed with the longitudinal slopes(2, 4, 6, 8, 10%) of street, the transverse slopes(2, 4, 7, 10%), and the lengths(50, 100, 150cm) of grate inlet was installed for this study. The range of the experimental discharges were calculated with change of road lanes(2, 3, 4) and design frequencies(5, 10, 20, 30year). As the transverse slope increased, it led to the increase of interception capacity at grate inlets. The long lengths of grate inlet with direction of flow increased the interception capacity by the increase of side inflow. On the basis of the hydraulic model experiment results, the empirical equations for calculation of the interception capacity were derived with regression analysis. As a result of comparison with equations, the suggested equation of this study was estimated reasonable one for increased design frequency. Therefore, this study can suggest the basic data for design of drainage facility at road.

A Study on Land Acquisition Priority for Establishing Riparian Buffer Zones in Korea (수변녹지 조성을 위한 토지매수 우선순위 산정 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Jin-Pyo;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Ok-Hyun;Son, Ju-Dong;Cho, Dong-Gil;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2014
  • The Korean government has purchased land properties alongside any significant water bodies before setting up the buffers to secure water qualities. Since the annual budgets are limited, however, there has always been the issue of which land parcels ought to be given the priority. Therefore, this study aims to develop efficient mechanism for land acquisition priorities in stream corridors that would ultimately be vegetated for riparian buffer zones. The criteria of land acquisition priority were driven through literary review along with experts' advice. The relative weights of their value and priorities for each criterion were computed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The decision-making structural model for land acquisition priority focuses mainly on the reduction of non-point source pollutants(NSPs). This fact is highly associated with natural and physical conditions and land use types of surrounding areas. The criteria were classified into two categories-NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas. 2. Land acquisition priority weights derived for NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas were 0.862 and 0.138, respectively. This implicates that much higher priority should be given to the land parcels with NSPs runoff areas. 3. Weights and priorities of sub-criteria suggested from this study include: proximity to the streams(0.460), land cover(0.189), soil permeability(0.117), topographical slope(0.096), proximity to the roads(0.058), land-use types(0.036), visibility to the streams(0.032), and the land price(0.012). This order of importance suggests, as one can expect, that it is better to purchase land parcels that are adjacent to the streams. 4. A standard scoring system including the criteria and weights for land acquisition priority was developed which would likely to allow expedited decision making and easy quantification for priority evaluation due to the utilization of measurable spatial data. Further studies focusing on both point and non-point pollutants and GIS-based spatial analysis and mapping of land acquisition priority are needed.

Flexural Behavior of Dual Concrete Beams Using Fiber Reinforced Concrete at Tensile Parts (섬유보강 고인장강도 콘크리트를 이용한 이중 콘크리트 보의 휨 거동 해석)

  • 박대효;부준성;조백순
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.584-592
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    • 2001
  • The cracks are developed in reinforced concrete(RC) beams at the early stage of service load because of the relatively small tensile strength of concrete. The structural strength and stiffness are decreased by reduction of tensile resistance capacity of concrete due to the developed cracks. Using the fiber reinforced concrete that is increased the flexural strength and tensile strength at tensile part can enhance the strength and stiffness of concrete structures and decrease the tensile flexural cracks and deflections. Therefore, the RC beams used of the fiber reinforced concrete at. tensile part ensure the safety and serviceability of the concrete structures. In this work, analytical model of a dual concrete beams composed of the normal strength concrete at compression part and the high tension strength concrete at tensile part is developed by using the equilibrium conditions of forces and compatibility conditions of strains. Three groups of test beams that are formed of one reinforced concrete beam and two dual concrete beams for each steel reinforcement ratio are tested to examine the flexural behavior of dual concrete beams. The comparative study of total nine test beams is shown that the ultimate load of a dual concrete beams relative to the RC beams is increased in approximately 30%. In addition, the flexural rigidity, as used here, referred to the slope of load-deflection curves is increased and the deflection is decreased.

Optimal Site Selection of Carbon Storage Facility using Satellite Images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 활용한 CO2 지중저장 후보지 선정)

  • Hong, Mi-Seon;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Cho, Hyung-Sig;Han, Soo-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2011
  • In the face of growing concern about global warming, increasing attention has been focused on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. One method to mitigating the release of carbon dioxide is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS includes separation of carbon dioxide from industrial emission in plants, transport to a storage site, and long-term isolation in underground. It is necessary to conduct analyses on optimal site selection, surface monitoring, and additional effects by the construction of CCS facility in Gyeongsang basin, Korea. For the optimal site selection, necessary data; geological map, landcover map, digital elevation model, and slope map, were prepared, and a weighted overlay analysis was performed. Then, surface monitoring was performed using high resolution satellite image. As a result, the candidate region was selected inside Gyeongnam for carbon storage. Finally, the related regulations about CCS facility were collected and analyzed for legal question of selected site.

Location Accuracy Analysis and Accuracy Improvement Method of Pattern Matching Algorithm Using Database Construction Algorithm (패턴매칭 알고리즘의 측위 성능 분석 및 데이터베이스 구축 알고리즘을 이용한 정확도 향상 방법)

  • Ju, Yeong-Hwan;Park, Yong-Wan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2009
  • Currently, positioning methods for LBS(Location Based Service) are GPS and network-based positioning techniques that use mobile communication networks. In these methods, however, the accuracy of positioning decreases due to the propagation delay caused by the non-line-of-sight(NLOS) effect and the repeater. To address this disadvantage, the CDMA system uses Pattern Matching algorithm. The Pattern Matching algorithm constructs a database of the propagation characteristics of the RF signals measured during the GPS positioning along with the positioned locations, so that the location can be provided by comparing the propagation characteristics of the received signals and the database, upon a user's request. In the area where GPS signals are not received, however, a database cannot be constructed. There are problem that the accuracy of positioning decreases due to the area without a database Because Pattern Matching algorithm depend on database existence. Therefore, this paper proposed a pilot signal strength prediction algorithm to enable construction of databases for areas without databases, so as to improve the performance of the Pattern Matching algorithm. The database was constructed by predicting the pilot signals in the area without a database using the proposed algorithm, and the Pattern Matching algorithm analysed positioning performance.

Methodologies for the Determination of Endogenous Phosphorus Losses in Growing Pigs

  • Alves, Debora Aline;da Rocha, Leonardo Tombesi;dos Santos Camargo, Claudiele Aparecida;Figueiredo, Andriele Medianeira;Ceron, Marcos Speroni;Lucca, Walter;Zanella, Irineo;de Oliveira, Vladimir
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.1632-1638
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    • 2016
  • A study was conducted to compare the endogenous basal losses of phosphorus (EBLP) in pigs fed diets containing gelatin (GEL) or spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) as protein sources and to determine the standardized total tract digestibility (STTD) of phosphorus (P) in SDPP. The trial was carried out at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. Twelve castrated pigs with an initial body weight of 55 kg were individually allotted in metabolic crates during two 12-day periods, each with 7 days of adaptation and 5 days of total fecal collection. The beginning and the end of the collecting periods were determined according to the marker-to-marker approach, using ferric oxide as an indigestible marker. Pigs were submitted to four semi-purified diets, one being a P-free diet with 30% of GEL as the protein source and three were diets with 10%, 20%, and 30% inclusion of SDPP respectively. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the model included the effects of period, animal and treatments; the results of the three diets with increased levels of SDPP were subjected to linear regression analysis. The intercept of the relation of between ingested P and absorbed P represented the EBLP, while the slope indicated the STTD of P in SDPP. The EBLP means obtained by P-free diet and regression method were compared with the Student t test. The EBLP were 128.95 mg/kg dry matter intake (DMI) and 153.63 mg/kg DMI (standard error = 77.0; p<0.06) using the P-free diet with GEL as the protein source and the regression method, obtained with diets containing increased levels of SDPP, respectively. The apparent digestibility of P was 87.9%, 94.2%, and 92.9% for the treatments containing 10%, 20%, and 30% inclusion of SDPP, respectively. The estimated STTD of P obtained with the linear regression was 97.4%. When the EBLP estimated by the P-free diet was used to corrected the apparent digestibility of P in diets containing SDPP, the STTD of P in SDPP was 96.9%, 98.8%, and 95.9% for 10%, 20%, and 30% SDPP, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that SDPP can replace GEL to estimate the endogenous losses of P. In addition, the STTD of P in SDPP estimated with the P-free diet was 97.2% and it was 97.4% by the regression method, utilizing SDPP.

Locations and Topographical Character of the MAEULSOOP in the Southwestern and the Eastern Region (마을숲의 분포 위치와 지형적 공간특성 유형화 방안 - 경북 의성, 전북 진안 및 전남 함평지역을 대상으로)

  • Kwon, Jino;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Lee, Jeong-Youn;Park, Chan-Ryul;Choi, Myoung-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2008
  • The MAEULSOOP, Korean traditional village groves have been installed and survived since 7th Century to serve local village dwellers as a community forest. The common sense of their reasons for being is related to the surroundings such as hills, waterways and wind-ways. To understand the roles in a local community, spatial characteristics of distribution, locations and shapes were tested at the two-characterized regions, the Southwestern Flat Region and the Eastern Hilly Region. Approximately more than 500 written evidences related to trees and forests were surveyed, for example village names, folk tales and lists of designated trees for protection. Twenty sites in each region were selected and tested for the spatial analysis. Aerial photographs, DEM and the ArcGIS with a modified AML for slope analysis are applied based on the criteria of the KLCIS(Kwon, 2002; 권진오, 2008). The major factors in the role of the MAEULSOOP based on the spatial character of two regions are; the array and locations of hills for encircling or exposure, locations against corridors and waterway or not, locations of the community to serve, the conservation of energy. Although locations and shapes of the MAEULSOOP are slightly different, it seems that one of the prime roles is what makes their everyday life difficult the most in the community.

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Planting Design in Green Open Space, Urban Area : Planting Evaluation of Buffer Green Space in Housing Complex (도시지역 녹화공간의 배식기법 : 공동주택단지 완충녹지의 배식)

  • Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 1998
  • An objective of this study was to provide database for the planting disign of buffer green space. Types, planting structure, and effect of vuffer green space were investigated in five housing complexes of newtown of metropolitan area, Korea. Buffer green space in the study sites were constructed as mounding, slope, and plate. The number of species was found 20 tree and sub-tree species(10 evergreen and 20 deciduous species ) and 13 shrub species. These species were planted in one-storyed planting structure and there was no difference with ornamental species in the urban parks. Effect of sound proof by the buffer green space was recognized but sound level in four types among the seven types was observed above standard sound level for housing complex(65dB). Effect of sound proof was especially most effective in the mounding type. It was found that planting density and index of plant crown volume were mot satisfied to the function of buffer green space because of lower density and crown volume than natural vegetation per unit. Based on these results, this study suggested that buffer green space is desirable to be developed in the mounding type over two meters height with multi-layer planting model. In addition, there is needed to consider vegetation structure of natural forest around the developing site.

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A Study on Enclosed Mast Characteristics for Radar Cross-Section Reduction (레이더반사면적 감소를 위한 폐위형 마스트 특성 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyun-Wung;Hong, Suk-Yoon;Hwang, Joon-Tae;Jeong, Seung-Jin;Kim, Jong-Chul;Song, Jee-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.746-753
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    • 2017
  • Radar Cross Section (RCS) is a factor directly related to survivability, and a design to reduce the presence of this factor is needed. The upper structure, guns, radar and so on are related to warship RCS, but radar RCS reduction is difficult because of complex shapes involved. In this paper, an enclosed mast, which is one modern method for reducing radar RCS, and the characteristics of an applied Frequency Selected Surface (FSS) are analyzed. The RCS reduction ability of an enclosed mast has been confirmed by comparing RCS analysis results for a general radar with that of an enclosed mast for available frequency according to FSS shape. The characteristics of the enclosed mast have also been studied by analyzing the elevation angle and slope of the mast. General radar RCS was high because of its complex shape, but low RCS was shown for the enclosed mast model, which had a simpler shape.