• Title/Summary/Keyword: Old hen

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The Effect of Washing of Carcasses with Sodium Hypochlorite Solution and Vacuum Packaging on the Microbiological and Physiochemical Quality of the Breast Meat from Old Hen during Storage at 4℃ (차아염소산나트륨 세척 및 진공 포장이 노계 가슴육의 냉장 저장 중 미생물학적 및 이화학적 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Jae Cheon;Kim, Sun Hyo;Jung, Samooel;Lee, Soo Kee;Kang, Hwan Gu;Choi, Hee Cheol;Jo, Cheorun
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of spray-washing old hens (old laying hens, old molting hens and old breeder hens) carcasses with sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) solution and vacuum packaging on the microbiological and physiochemical quality of breast meat during storage at $4^{\circ}C$. There were no significant differences of cooking loss and texture among breast meats from different birds with spray-washing by water or sodium hypochlorite solution before storage. The numbers of total aerobic bacteria of aerobically packaged and only water-washed breast meat were higher than 7 Log CFU/g (the limitation population for spoilage of meat) after 7 days of storage. However, the numbers of total aerobic bacteria of vacuum packaged breast meat washed by sodium hypochlorite solution were lower than 7 Log CFU/g even after 14 days of storage. The volatile basic nitrogen content of vacuum packaged breast meat were lower than 20 mg% (the limitation value for spoilage of meat) regardless of the washing method, while those of aerobically packaged breast meat washed by tap water and sodium hypochlorite solution were 41.1 and 20.1 mg%, respectively. In addition, lipid oxidation and change of pH in breast meat was inhibited by vacuum packaging when compared with that of aerobic packaged breast meat during storage. Therefore, the results indicated that the washing old hen's carcasses with sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) solution and vacuum packaging could improve the shelf-life of meat from old birds. This result can provide the basic information for industry, which are seeking for export market.

Analyses on the Status of Eggshell Breakage in the Step of Egg Conveyer System of the Laying Hen House (산란계사의 계란 이송단계에 따른 파란발생 실태분석)

  • Oh, K.Y.;Ruy, B.G.;Noh, J.S.;Choi, D.S.;Choe, K.J.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2008
  • Broken eggs not only cause the economic loss in the egg producing industry, but also may not be good for the consumer's health. In order to identify the causes of eggshell breakage in laying hen houses, analyses on the status of eggshell breakage in the step of egg conveyer system of the laying hen house were conducted. The survey of eggshell breakage rate was implemented by four different stages egg conveying system. In the results, the breakage rate showed 4.7% in the egg collection belt, 2.5% in the egg elevator, 1.7% in the egg grading system and 0.9% in the egg conveyor belt. In particular, to Hy-line Brown variety, as the hens' raising week old increased, the breakage rate of eggshell increased while the strength of eggshell decreased. In the regression analysis between the breakage rate of eggshell and the strength of eggshell, the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) by the test of significance was computed as 0.7, therefore the changes of the strength of eggshell affects the breakage rate of eggshell. However, between the strength of eggshell and thickness of egg shell, and between the strength of eggshell and strain of eggshell, there was no significant difference detected in the regression analysis.

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Histological Change of Uterus Endometrium and Expression of the Eggshell-related Genes according to Hen Age (닭의 산란연령에 따른 자궁내막조직의 변화 및 난각 관련 유전자의 발현양상)

  • Park, Ji Ae;Cho, Eun Jung;Park, Jung Yeon;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2017
  • The eggshell is an intricate and highly ordered structure composed of multiple layers and a calcified matrix. The eggshell is formed at the uterine segment of the chicken oviduct. In this study, histological changes in the uterine endometrium and the expression of the eggshell-related genes were investigated according to hen age. We analyzed the expression of eggshell protein-related genes, such as OCX-32, OCX-36, OC-17, OC-116, and eggshell-ion-related genes, such as CABL-1, SPP1, SCNN1G, ATP2A2, CA2, and CALM1. In chicken uterine endometrium, histological deformation, fibrosis, atrophy and elimination of micro-villi were found with increasing hen age. The concentration of blood-ion components did not significantly change with age. The amount of telomeric DNA in uterine endometrial cells decreased with increasing hen age. The expression of most of the eggshell-related genes changed significantly with increasing hen age. The expression of some ovo-proteins, which play a role in eggshell formation, increased with increasing hen age; however, there were no significant correlations among eggshell protein genes. Eggshell ion-related genes, such as ATP2A2, SCNN1G, CA2, and CALM1, were closely related to each other. The OCX-32 and OCX-36 genes were closely related to some of the eggshell ion genes. Eggshell protein-related genes, such as the OCX-32, OCX-36 genes and ion-related genes such as CALB-1, ATP2A2, SCNN1G, CA2, CALM1, affected eggshell formation, mutually or independently. This study shows that, uterine although endometrial cell damage occurs with increasing hen age, normal eggshells can be formed in old hens. This suggests that eggshell protein-and eggshell ion-related genes also control the homeostasis of eggshell formation.

A Study on Developing a Child Hospital Gown (어린이용 환자복 디자인 개발 방법에 대한 연구)

  • 서동애;천종숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.854-864
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    • 1997
  • This study was initiated to develop a uniform design suitable for child inpatients. The experimental hospital inpatient uniform design was developed based on the results of the prior studies. The panel was composed of 5 experienced nurses and 5 clothing specialists. They evaluated the function of the experimental inpatient uniforms developed in this study. The experimental hospital gown design was reformed based on the panel's evaluation.1'hen the child inpatients performed the wear test for the reformed experimental hospital gown. The results of the study are as follows; 1. The child inpatient hospital gown design of the most hospitals were similar to the adult patient's uniform : the V-neckline shirts with full length set-in sleeves. The bottom was full length pull-on pants. The fabric was white cotton with blue hospital logo and stripe print in most cases. 2. The panel's specialty affected the evaluation of the uniform design. The nurses concerned about the durability after washing and ease for medical treatment. The clothing specialists cared about the features related to the clothing construction and ease for physical movement of body. 3. The most preferred hospital inpatient uniform design by the panels was the shirts or one- piece gown with three-quarter length sleeve and overarm seam opening. 4. The researchers developed one-piece dress gown for the children under two years old. Three different size pajamas were developed for children 2∼5 years old,5∼8 years and 8∼12 years old.

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Effects of Age of Hens, Egg Storage, and the Change of Egg Weight during Incubation on the Growth of Broiler Chicks (어미닭의 나이, 계란의 저장기간 및 부화중 난중의 변화가 육용계 병아리의 성장에 미치는 효과)

  • Suk Y. O.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of egg storage, broiler breeder age, and the change of egg weight during incubation on growth rate of chicks and 43-day-old dressing percentage. The trials involved hatching eggs obtained from 27-wk-old hens and stored for 6 d for the Young-EXP group, from 28-wk-old hens and stored for 0 d for the Young-CON group, from 51-wk-old hens and stored for 6 d for the Old-EXP group, and from 52-wk-old hens and stored for 0 d for the Old-CON group, The hens were two commercial broiler breeder flocks of the same strain (Cobb) but of different egg producing stages(early and middle stages of egg production). The chicks were grown on floor pens for 6 wks, The differences of setting egg weights between Old-CON and Old-EXP groups were 1 g, but those between Young-CON and Young-EXP groups were 2.9 g(P<0,05). The loss of egg weight during 18 d incubation did not greatly differ among four groups, but the loss of egg weight during 21 d incubation was significantly (P<0.05) more in the middle stage of egg production groups than in the early stage of egg production groups. The mean birth weights of the middle stage of egg production groups were significantly(P<0,05) heavier by 8,7 g than those of the early stage of egg production groups; however, the differences of 6-wk-old body weight were not significant between egg producing stages. The differences of body weights in both egg producing stages were not significantly influenced by egg storage period in overall wks of ages. Egg storage and hen age did not greatly influence to the 43 d dressing percentages, either, The correlations of the setting egg weight with 18 d egg weight during incubation, growth rate of chicks, or 43 d dressing percentage were not significant.

Effect of Dietary Oligosaccharides on the Performance, Intestinal Microflora and Serum Immunoglobulin Contents in Laying Hens (Oligosaccharides 계열 생균제가 산란계의 생산성, 장내 미생물 및 혈청 면역 글로불린 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, C.H.;Shin, K.S.;Woo, K.C.;Paik, I.K.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) on the performance, immune response and small intestinal microflora in laying hens. A total of 960 Hy-Line $Brown^{(R)}$ laying hens of 27 wks old, housed in 2 bird cages, were assigned in a completely randomized block design into one of the following 6 dietary treatments: control, antibiotic (6 ppm avilamycine), 0.025% MOS, 0.05% MOS, 0.25% FOS, and 0.5% FOS. Each treatment had 4 replicates of 40 birds and was fed ad libitum for 6 wks under 16 h lighting regimen. There were significant differences among treatments in hen-day and hen-housed egg production. Hen-day egg production in 0.025% MOS was significantly higher than that of control. Hen-housed egg production in antibiotic-treated group was significantly higher compared with control. Egg weight, feed intake and feed conversion were not significantly different among treatments. Egg shell thickness was highest in 0.25% FOS, but was not significantly different among the rest of treatments. There were no significant differences among treatments in egg shell strength, egg shell color, egg yolk color and Haugh unit. IgG concentrations in serum were not significantly different among treatments. On the other hand, IgA concentrations of the treated birds tended to be increased compared with control. Dietary treatments tended to decrease Cl. perfringens and E. coli, and to increase Lactobacillus spp. The result of this experiment showed that dietary supplementation of MOS and FOS in laying hens tended to improve egg production comparable to the supplementation of antibiotics. The level of serum IgA and small intestinal microflora were also significantly affected by the treatments.

Effects of Regulate in Feed Intakes on Performance and Meat Quality in Old Laying Hens (산란성계에서 사료 급이량 조절이 생산성과 계육품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hwan Ku;Kim, Chan Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to investigate the effects of reducing feed intake on performance and meat quality in old laying hens. A total of 200 Hy-Line Brown laying hens (100 weeks old) were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments: control (100% daily feed intake), 90%, 60%, 50%, and 20% daily feed intake. Each treatment was replicated four times with 10 birds per replication and two birds per cage. Ten-bird units were arranged according to a randomized block design. The feeding trial lasted for 4 weeks under a 16L:8D lighting regimen. The results indicated that the daily feed intake correlated with hen-day egg production and feed conversion ratios (P<0.05). The carcass yields and partial ratios were also correlated with daily feed intake (P<0.05). The levels of leukocytes (without basophils) were higher in the 50% and 20% daily feed intake groups than in the other groups. The concentrations of dry matter, crude ash, crude fat, and crude protein, water holding capacity, cooking loss, and fatty acids in the breast meat did not decrease as the daily feed intake decreased. In conclusion, reducing daily feed intake decreased laying performance and carcass yield but had no effect on breast meat quality.

Effect of veterinary acupuncture (VA) on the eggs-laying rate (침자극(鍼刺戟)이 생식능력(生殖能力) 저하(低下) 닭에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kang Dae-Hee;Son Yang-Sun;Ryu Yeon-Hee;Jeon Ik-Soo;Park Hi-Joon;Lim Sabina
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : To investigate the increasing effect of veterinary acupuncture (VA) on the eggs-laying rate, we carried out the experiment in old hens. Methods : Twenty four old hens (ISA Brown; 1,200 - 1,400 g) over 75 weeks old whose eggs-laying rates were under the 50% for recent 15 days were used. In experimental group, VA treatments were performed seven times during 10 days. Unang point at the end of bilateral wing and Migun point at the tail bone were stimulated about 30 seconds by the stainless steel needle (0.3 mm o.d.). In control group, similar manual stress were performed at same frequency. The numbers of laid eggs were observed for 26 days after the beginning of treatment. Bloods were sampled two times from wing veins during and after the treatment period and serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and Estradiol were detected. Results : Eggs-laying rates of experimental group $(34.29{\pm}2.79%)$ were significantly increased than that of control group $(27.56{\pm}2.00%,\;p<0.05)$ with the significant increasing of LH serum concentration in experimental group $(from\;0.77{\pm}0.13\;IU/I\;to\; 1.42{\pm}0.22\;IU/I,\;p<0.05)$. Conclusions : Increasing effect of VA treatment on the eggs-laying rate in old hens were proved in this study, and it may be the first prompt on the experimental investigation and development of VA.

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Bronchogenic Cyst (Two Case Report) (기관지성 낭종(2례수술보고))

  • 김형묵;김영철;최인환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 1974
  • Bronchogenic cysts, though known as a relatively common malformation of the mediastinum, were rarely discussed in Korean literatures. Since the surgical removal of asymptomatic lesions was adopted as the reasonable therapeutic principle, the incidence of bronchogenic cysts were found to be higher than previously expected. Two cases of bronchogenic cysts operated on in The Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, Korea University Woo Sok Hospital were reported and related literatures were reviewed. Case 1. 5 year old boy with chief complaints of bulging cystic mass on left supraclavicular region during straining or coughing since his age of 2 was admitted, and cystogram with Lipiodol revealed hen-egg sized mass in the left antero-superior mediastinum without any communication with bronchus or esophagus. Cyst was successfully removed under general anesthesia thru left supraclavicular incision, and pathological examination of the cyst revealed thin cystic wall lined with stratified columnar epithelium and it`s content was milky white mucoid fluid devoid of any bacterial growth. Case 2. 15 year old school girl has been noted slowly growing walnut-sized mass on anterolateral side of the neck for 4 months without any subjective symptom except cosmetic problem... Mass was aspirated to find milky white mucoid fluid in some loculation and yellowish turbid fluid in other part due to chronic infection. Cystic tumor was removed under local anesthesia, which was loculated in between the trachea and esophagus without any communication, and pathological diagnosis of the cyst was bronchogenic cyst with columnar epithelial cell lining with moderate chronic inflammatory cell infiltrations. Postoperative conditions of the two cases were all excellent with normal life.

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Influence of Dietary Carbohydrase on Egg Quality and Nutrient Digestibility in Laying Hens (산란계에서 탄수화물 분해효소제의 첨가가 계란의 품질 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향)

  • 민병준;김인호;홍종욱;문태현;이지훈;한영근;권오석;이상환;이원백
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2002
  • This studs was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary carbohydrase (multi-enzyme: $\alpha$-galactosidase and mannanase) on egg quality and nutrient digestibility in laying hens. One hundred forty four, 47-wk-old, ISA Brown commercial layers were used in a 28-d feeding trial after a 7-d adjustment period. Dietary treatments were 1) CON(basal diet), 2) ME 0.1 (basal diet +0.1% multi -enzyme), 3) ME 0.2 (basal diet + 0.2% multi-enzyme). Fer overall Period, hen-day egg Production, egg weight, egg shell breaking strength and egg shell thickness were not influenced by the multi-enzyme. As the adding levels of multi-enzyme increased in the diet, egg Yolk color and egg Yolk index tended to increase with significant differences. Digestibility of DM was not affected by multi-enzyme. However, digestibility of N increased significantly as the concentration of multi-enzyme in the diet was increased. In conclusion, supplemental carbohydrase in laying hen diets nay have some roles in improving the egg Yolk color and N digestibility.