• Title/Summary/Keyword: Off axis ratio

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Recent Technological Advances in Optical Instruments and Future Applications for in Situ Stable Isotope Analysis of CH4 in the Surface Ocean and Marine Atmosphere (표층해수 내 용존 메탄 탄소동위원소 실시간 측정을 위한 광학기기의 개발 및 활용 전망)

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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.32-48
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    • 2018
  • The mechanisms of $CH_4$ uptake into and release from the ocean are not well understood due mainly to complexity of the biogeochemical cycle and to lack of regional-scale and/or process-scale observations in the marine boundary layers. Without complete understanding of oceanic mechanisms to control the carbon balance and cycles on a various spatial and temporal scales, however, it is difficult to predict future perturbation of oceanic carbon levels and its influence on the global and regional climates. High frequency, high precision continuous measurements for carbon isotopic compositions from dissolved $CH_4$ in the surface ocean and marine atmosphere can provide additional information about the flux pathways and production/consumption processes occurring in the boundary of two large reservoirs. This paper introduces recent advances on optical instruments for real time $CH_4$ isotope analysis to diagnose potential applications for in situ, continuous measurements of carbon isotopic composition of dissolved $CH_4$. Commercially available, three laser absorption spectrometers - quantum cascade laser spectroscopy (QCLAS), off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer (OA-ICOS), and cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) are discussed in comparison with the conventional isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). Details of functioning and performance of a CRDS isotope instrument for atmospheric ${\delta}^{13}C-CH_4$ are also given, showing its capability to detect localized methane emission sources.

Evaluation of Tissue Inhomogeneity for Gamma-knife Radiosurgery Using Film Dosimetry (감마 나이프 방사선 수술시 필름 선량 측정에 의한 조직 불균일성에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Heung-Lae;Shon, Seung-Chang;Shu, Hyun-Suk
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Since the mid cranial fossa is composed of various thickness of bone, the tissue inhomogeneity caused by bone would produce dose attenuation in cobalt-60 gamma knife irradiation. The correction factor for bone attenuation of cobalt-60 which is used for gamma knife source is -3.5$\%$. More importantly, nearly all the radiosurgery treatment planning systems assume a treatment volume of unit density: any perturbation due to tissue inhomogeneity is neglected, This study was performed to confirm the bone attenuation in mid cranial fossa using gamma knife. Materials and Methods : Computed tomography was performed after Leksell stereotactic frame had been liked to the Alderson Rando Phantom (human phantom) skull area. Kodak X-omat V film was inserted into two sites of pituitary adenoma point and acoustic neurinoma point, and irradiated by gamma knife with 14mm and 18mm collimator. An automatic scanning densitometer with a 1mm aperture is used to measure the dose profile along the x and y axis. Results : Isodose curve constriction in mid cranial fossa is observed with various ranges. Pituitary tumor point is greater than acoustic neurinoma point (0.2-3.0 mm vs 0.1-1.3 mm) and generally 14 mm collimator is greater than 18mm collimator (0.4-3.0 mm vs. 0.2-2.2 mm) Even though the isodose constriction is found, constriction of 50$\%$ isodose curve which is used for treatment reference line does not exceed 1 mm. This range is too small to influence the treatment planning and treatment results. Conclusion : Radiosurgery planning system of gamma knife does not show significant error to be corrected without consideration of bone attenuation.

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The Survey on Actual Condition Depending on Type of Degraded area and Suggestion for Restoration Species Based on Vegetation Information in the Mt. Jirisan Section of Baekdudaegan (식생정보에 기초한 백두대간 지리산권역 내 훼손지 유형별 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Ju-Young;Nam, Kyeong-Bae;An, Ji-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.558-572
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the types of degraded areas of Mt. Jirisan section in Baekdudaegan and survey the actual condition of each damage type to use it as basic data for the direction of the restoration of damaged areas according to damage type based on the vegetation information of reference ecosystem. The analysis of the Mt. Jirisan section's actual degraded conditions showed that the total number of patches of degraded areas was 57, and the number of patches and size of degraded areas was higher at the low average altitude and gentle slope. Grasslands (deserted lands) and cultivated areas accounted for a high portion of the damage types, indicating that agricultural land use was a major damage factor. The survey on the conditions of 14 degraded areas showed that the types of damage were classified into the grassland, cultivated area, restoration area, logged-off land, and bare ground. The analysis of the degree of disturbance (the ratio of annual and biennial herb, urbanized index, and disturbance index) by each type showed that the simple single-layer vegetation structure mostly composed of the herbaceous and the degree of disturbance were high in the grassland and cultivated land. The double-layer vegetation structure appeared in the restoration area where the pine seedlings were planted, and the inflow of naturalized plants was especially high compared to other degraded areas due to disturbances caused by the restoration project and the nearby hiking trails. Although the inflow of naturalized plants was low because of high altitude in bare ground, the proportion of annual and biennial herb was high, indicating that all surveyed degraded areas were in early succession stages. The stand ordination by type of damage showed the restoration area on the I-axis, cultivated area, grassland, logged-off land, and bare ground in that order, indicating the arrangement by the damage type. Moreover, the stand ordination of the degraded areas and reference ecosystem based on floristic variation showed a clear difference in species composition. This study diagnosed the status of each damage type based on the reference ecosystem information according to the ecological restoration procedure and confirmed the difference in species composition between the diagnosis result and the reference ecosystem. These findings can be useful basic data for establishing the restoration goal and direction in the future.


  • Kwon, O-Sang;Kim, Sung-Kyo
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.390-398
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the apical fitness of non-standardized gutta-percha cones in root canals prepared with rotary Ni-Ti root canal instruments of various tapers and apical tip sizes. Simulated sixty curved root canals of plastic blocks were prepared with crown-down technique using rotary root canal instruments of Maillefer ProFile$^{(R)}$ .04 and .06 taper (Maillefer Instrument SA, Switzerland). Specimens were divided into six groups and prepared as follows: Group 1, prepared up to size 25 of .04 taper ; Group 2, prepared up to size 30 of .04 taper ; Group 3, prepared up to size 35 of .04 taper ; Group 4, prepared up to size 25 of .06 taper ; Group 5, prepared up to size 30 of .06 taper ; Group 6 ; prepared up to size 35 of .06 taper. After cutting off the coronal portion of plastic, blocks perpendicular to the long axis of the canal with the use of a diamond saw, apical 5mm of canal space was analyzed. Prepared apical canal spaces were duplicated using rubber base impression material to evaluate two dimensional total area of apical canal space. Various sized gutta-percha cones were applied in the 5mm-apical canal space, which were size 25, size 30 and size 35 standardized gutta-percha cone, Diadent Dia-Pro ISO-.04$^{TM}$ and .06$^{TM}$(Diadent, Korea), and medium-fine (MF), fine (F), fine-medium (FM) and medium (M) sized non-standardized gutta-percha cones (Diadent, Korea). Coronal excess gutta-percha were cut off with a sharp blade. Photographs of impressed apical canal spaces and gutta-percha cones were taken with a CCD camera under a stereomicroscope and stored in a computer. Areas of the total canal space and gutta-percha cones were calculated using a digitalized image analysing program, CompuScope (Sungjin Multimedia Co., Korea). Ratio of apical fitness was obtained by calculating the area of gutta-percha cone to the total area of the canal space. The data were analysed statistically using One-way Analysis of Variance and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results were as follows: 1. In canals prepared up to size 25 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .04 taper, non-standardized MF and F cones occupied significantly more canal space than Dia-Pro ISO-.04$^{TM}$ or size 25 standardized ones (p<0.05). 2. In canals prepared up to size 30 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .04 taper, non-standardized F cones occupied significantly more canal space than Dia-Pro ISO-.04$^{TM}$ or size 30 standardized ones (p<0.05), and non-standardized MF cones occupied more canal space than size 30 standardized ones (p<0.05). 3. In canals prepared up to size 35 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .04 taper, there was no significant difference in canal space occupation among non-standardized MF and F, size 35 standardized, and Dia-Pro ISO-.04$^{TM}$ cones (p>0.05). 4. In canals prepared up to size 25 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .06 taper, non-standardized MF and F cones occupied significantly more canal space than Dia-Pro ISO-.06$^{TM}$, or size 25 standardized ones (p<0.05), and Dia-Pro ISO-.06$^{TM}$, cones occupied significantly more space than size 25 standardized ones (p<0.05). 5. In canals prepared up to size 30 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .06 taper, non-standardized FM cones occupied significantly more canal space than Dia-Pro ISO-.06$^{TM}$ or size 30 standardized ones (p<0.05), and non-standardized F cones occupied significantly more canal space than size 30 standardized ones (p<0.05). 6. In canals prepared up to size 35 ProFile$^{(R)}$ of .06 taper, non-standardized M and FM, Dia-Pro ISO-.06$^{TM}$ occupied significantly more canal space than size 35 standardized ones (p<0.05). In summary, in both canals prepared with .04 or .06 taper ProFile$^{(R)}$, non-standardized cones showed better fitness than Dia-Pro ISO$^{TM}$ or standardized ones, which was more characteristic in smaller canals.

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Improved Device Performance Due to AlxGa1-xAs Barrier in Sub-monolayer Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetector

  • Han, Im Sik;Byun, Young-Jin;Lee, Yong Seok;Noh, Sam Kyu;Kang, Sangwoo;Kim, Jong Su;Kim, Jun Oh;Krishna, Sanjay;Ku, Zahyun;Urbas, Augustine;Lee, Sang Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.298-298
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    • 2014
  • Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) based on Stranski-Krastanov (SK) quantum dots (QDs) have been widely explored for improved device performance using various designs of heterostructures. However, one of the biggest limitations of this approach is the "pancake" shape of the dot, with a base of 20-30 nm and a height of 4-6 nm. This limits the 3D confinement in the quantum dot and reduces the ratio of normal incidence absorption to the off-axis absorption. One of the alternative growth modes to the formation of SK QDs is a sub-monolayer (SML) deposition technique, which can achieve a much higher density, smaller size, better uniformity, and has no wetting layer as compared to the SK growth mode. Due to the advantages of SML-QDs, the SML-QDIP design has attractive features such as increased normal incidence absorption, strong in-plane quantum confinement, and narrow spectral wavelength detection as compared with SK-DWELL. In this study, we report on the improved device performance of InAs/InGaAs SML-QDIP with different composition of $Al_xGa1-_xAs$ barrier. Two SML-QDIPs (x=0.07 for sample A and x=0.20 for sample B) are grown with the 4 stacks 0.3 ML InAs. It is investigated that sample A with a confinement-enhanced (CE) $Al_{0.22}Ga_{0.78}As$ barrier had a single peak at $7.8{\mu}m$ at 77 K. However, sample B with an $Al_{0.20}Ga_{0.80}As$ barrier had three peaks at (${\sim}3.5{\mu}m$, ${\sim}5{\mu}m$, ${\sim}7{\mu}m$) due to various quantum confined transitions. The measured peak responsivities (see Fig) are ~0.45 A/W (sample A, at $7.8{\mu}m$, $V_b=-0.4V$ bias) and ~1.3 A/W (sample B, at $7{\mu}m$, $V_b=-1.5V$ bias). At 77 K, sample A and B had a detectivity of $1.2{\times}10^{11}cm.Hz^{1/2}/W$ ($V_b=-0.4V$ bias) and $5.4{\times}10^{11}cm.Hz^{1/2}/W$ ($V_b=-1.5V$ bias), respectively. It is obvious that the higher $D^*$ of sample B (than sample A) is mainly due to the low dark current and high responsivity.

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