• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing assistants

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A Case Study on the Appealing Dementia Rest Area in Our Village for Regional Specialization Province in Gyeongsangbuk-do ("우리마을 예쁜치매쉼터" 운영에 관한 사례연구; 일 개도의 지역특화사업 중심)

  • Ha, Tae Hee;Hyung, Na Kyum;Kwak, Kyung Phil
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.182-197
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study undertook to qualitatively investigate the operation status, support requirements and improvement plans for establishing an appealing dementia rest area in Gyeongsankbuk-do. Methods: Data were collected from May 1 to June 20, 2019, using participation observation and in-depth interview of 8 health professionals, and were subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: Our analysis revealed 4 themes and encompassing 16sub-themes: 1) program operation status (hard to prepare and operate programs, difficulty adjusting the program level, various needs of program participants, lack of mutual understanding among program participants); 2) policy support needs (need for assistants staff and basic education, requirement of extensive training for the main operators, support program aid equipment, incentive payments and performance reflections); 3) project operation's improvement plan (improved the operation of doubles classes, improved of training materials for the main operators, improved program activities and workbooks, Increasing the number of dementia rest areas); 4) positive effects and changes (positive effects of specialized projects, changes in perceptions of dementia, strengthening community awareness through doubles classes, synergy effect on community health care post awareness) Conclusion: We believe the current study results can be applied as basic data for establishing a new model, and will positively impact the national dementia management project.

Evaluation of Environmental Contamination and Disinfection Effects in Patient Rooms with Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Using ATP Measurements and Microbial Cultures (ATP 측정과 미생물 배양검사를 이용한 카바페넴내성장내세균 보유환자 병실 환경 오염 및 환경 소독 효과 평가)

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Jeong, Jae Sim;Kim, Mi Na;Park, Eun Suk
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.339-346
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: To determine the extent of environmental contamination and the effect of disinfection around patients with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) measurements and microbial culture tests. Methods: The subjects of this study were 10 patients hospitalized in a single room due to CRE from April 13 to 21, 2021. One hundred and sixty samples were collected using cotton swabs from the patients' environment including the surface and drain of sinks and toilet seats before and after disinfection of the room after discharge. Twenty-one samples were collected from the nurses' personal digital assistants (PDAs), keyboards, and computer mice before disinfection. The relative light units (RLUs) and CRE colony-forming units (CFU) of 181 samples were measured using ATP test equipment and chrome agar plates, respectively. Results: The highest RLUs were measured at the sink drains before and after disinfection. Four CRE samples from the sink drains (2), sink surface (1), and toilet bowl (1) before disinfection were cultured. Based on the failure criteria (≥ 250 RLU/cm2 and ≥ 1 CFU/100 cm2), 90 % and 50 % of the samples from the drain exceeded the failure criteria before and after disinfection, respectively. In the culture tests, CRE was not detected after disinfection. Conclusion: According to the RLU and CFU measurements of drain samples, disinfection was not effective. Thus, improvements in the disinfection methods of drains, as well as more efficient and systematic environmental decontamination and disinfection evaluation tools, are needed to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of disinfection in various places.

Development and Effect of the Cancer Prevention Education Program Using Different Media

  • Lee, Young Sung;Choi, Seong Woo;Jeon, Mi Yang
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was intended to develop and evaluate the cancer prevention education for general population with different educational media such as booklets, cartoons, web frame comic strips, web flash animation and flash animations on personal digital assistants (PDA). Methods: A total of 125 subjects were divided into 5 groups, each group having 25 members and assigned a different educational media. An educational media was assigned to each group to evaluate the effect of education in the first intervention. In the second intervention, 4 other media, excluding the previously used one, were used to educate the subjects and find out the preferences of educational media. Results: Knowledge about cancer increased significantly after cancer prevention education. They preferred animations on the internet to other media, the highest. Conclusion: Educational programs with various media should be developed for subjects to choose based on their preferences.

Current Roles and Administrative Facts of the Korean Physician Assistant (전담간호사 운영현황과 역할 실태)

  • Kwak, Chan-Young;Park, Jin-Ah
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.583-595
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    • 2014
  • Hospitals in Korea have been increasingly using physician assistants (PA) as an alternative way of dealing with the shortage of residents. However, some incidents of a Physician's Assistant practicing beyond their legal scope require closer examination of the current PA's roles and functions. This study is a web-based survey designed towards targeting physician assistants in Korea (KPA) who practice delegated tasks under a physician's license. Currently, there are 2,125 KPAs working in 141 general hospitals and medical centers. Data from 704 nurses from who responded to the questionnaire were analyzed with descriptive statistics using the SPSS 12.0 program. Their mean age is 32.5 years with 8-10 years of clinical experiences, with males being more likely to be a PA. Despite of KPAs providing medical services and performing invasive procedures, only 13% of KPAs are licensed APNs (advanced practice nurse). KPAs have a low job satisfaction due to a lack of rewards and the necessity for providing illegal practices, and are experiencing identity confusion. The current KPA system is a transitional product of the change from the hierarchial structure to a more collaborative relationship between the medical and nursing departments. Providing adequate education and training, establishing protocols with legal protection, and developing professional independent scope of care are recommended to deliver safe and efficient medical services.

A Study on Patient Experience of Nursing University Students (간호대학생의 장애인 유사 프로그램 체험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Kyoung;Wang, Mee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to validate the effects of the disabled like program on the interest, attitude, satisfaction with daily life and sympathy among nursing university students. Overall, 70 nursing students were investigated in this study. The program contents included experiences simulating those of physically and visually handicapped persons. On the first day of the program, two study assistants measured the general characteristics, interest level, attitude, satisfaction with daily life, sympathy and meaning of nursing among study subjects. These factors were then measured again using the same form after completion of the program. The interest level among disabled persons was significantly increased after the program (t=-6.191, p<0.001), and also seven items on the attitude changes to the disabled persons were significant (p<0.001). After the program, participant's satisfaction with their daily lives increased significantly (t=-5.465, p<0.001), as did their sympathy for disabled persons (t=-6.125, p<0.001). In addition, the meaning of nursing increased significantly after the program (t=-6.125, p<0.001). Taken together, the results of this study showed that the disabled like program experience had positive educational effects.

An Analysis on the Daily Activities of Hospitalized Chilldren and the Responses of Their Mothers. (입원 어린이의 병상활동과 어머니의 반응 및 요구)

  • Oh, Kasil;Cho, Kapchul;Gu, Jeung-Ah
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.77-97
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    • 1996
  • This study was descriptive survey research. The main purpose of this study is to examine the daily activity of hospitalized children from two month years old to twelve years old and to identify needs or responses of mother who has hospitalized children. The subjects for the study were 179 mothers who have hospitalized children at pediatric ward two hospitals attached to a university in Seoul. The data was collected by two researchers and two assistants using structured open questionnaire for interview. The data was analyzed by using SPSS/PC. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. The daily activity of hospitalized children was mainly play activity except for treatment or nursing activity. It was limited activity at sickbed and various according to developmental stage of children. 2. The common responses of mothers on intravenous injection. blood sampling and fretful children were heartache. crying. empathy and guilty feeling. 3. The responses of mothers on disease progress were comfort. aspiration. anxiety. gloominess. critique and a serene state of mind. 4. The responses of mothers on medical personnel were kindness. carefulness. comfort. satisfaction. calmness and unkindness. 5. The responses of mothers on another hospitalized children were mainly empathy and sympathy. 6. The responses of mothers on patient clothes were comfort and deny. 7. The responses of mothers on residence with child were comfort. inevitable duty. laborious. exhaust. annoyance and worried about another family member. 8. The requirements of mothers were mainly convenience facility and play place. The results of this study indicate that hospital life were indifferent growth and development of children. Nurses need to identify hospitalized children and mothers have hospital adjustment problems and intervene as soon as possible to promote normal growth and development of theses children.

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Impact of Job Satisfaction on Greek Nurses' Health-Related Quality of Life

  • Ioannou, Panagiotis;Katsikavali, Vassiliki;Galanis, Petros;Velonakis, Emmanuel;Papadatou, Danai;Sourtzi, Panayota
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.324-328
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    • 2015
  • Background: Employee job satisfaction and its relationship with health and quality of life has been an issue of major concern over the past decades. Nurses experience difficult working conditions that affect their job satisfaction, health, and quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in three general hospitals and their respective health centers. Stratified random sampling by level of education was used, and 508 nurses and nursing assistants were included. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire, which included the Measure of Job Satisfaction, the 36-item Short Form Health Survey, as well as demographic details, education, and work conditions data, was used. Results: Greek nurses were found to be dissatisfied with their job according to the total score of the job satisfaction scale, although personal satisfaction and satisfaction with support had had higher scores. Their general health was reported as average, because of physical and mental health problems, low vitality, low energy, and increased physical pain. Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed that males and those wishing to stay in the job had higher physical and mental health. Increased job satisfaction was related to increased physical and mental health. Conclusion: Although Greek nurses are not satisfied with their work, those with high levels of job satisfaction had better health-related quality of life. The findings suggest that improvement of the work environment would contribute to a healthier and more satisfied nursing workforce.

Awareness of Dementia National Responsibility of Elders: Oral Health Items

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2019
  • Background: Dementia is a condition in which a person who has been living a normal life suffers from various cognitive impairments in memory, words, and judgment that considerably disrupt daily life. The oral care ability and subjective oral status of elderly individuals with dementia are lower than those of a healthy person. The oral health care of individuals admitted to nursing homes inevitably falls to nursing assistants and nursing care staff. This study aimed to investigate the need for oral health management items of and to provide basic direction for the future of the Dementia National Responsibility System. Methods: Elders aged 65 years and over were selected from a comprehensive welfare center. A total of 155 questionnaires were analyzed. The questionnaire consisted of 15 items about general status, 9 items about recognition of the Dementia National Responsibility System, 5 items of the subjective recognition of oral health, and 6 items of the correlation between oral health and dementia. Results: Among our subjects, 71.0% answered that they did not know about the Dementia National Responsibility System, 78.7% answered that they think they need the system, and 81.9% think that they should add dental health items to the Dementia National Responsibility System. The response to the need for dementia national responsibility, oral health items in the Dementia National Responsibility System, and oral specialists all showed scores of >4 points. The need for the Dementia National Responsibility System, oral health items, and specialists were found. Conclusion: It is necessary to include oral health care items in the Dementia National Responsibility System so that elderly individuals with dementia can receive the needed oral health care.

A Correlation study on Spiritual Wellbeing, Hope and Perceived Health Status of the Rural Elderly (농촌노인의 영적안녕과 희망, 지각된 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Chungnam
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.342-357
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    • 2004
  • A descriptive correlation study was done to provide a basic data for comprehensive nursing care by analyzing the relationship between spiritual wellbeing, hope and perceived health status of the rural elderly. 130 respondents who lived at their homes and nursing homes for elders in D county. Kyungbuk province were selected and their age was over 60 years old. Paloutzian and Ellison(1982)'s spiritual wellbeing scale. Nowotny(l989)'s hope scale and Northern Illinois University's health self rating scale was used. From September 2nd to September 30th, 2002, ready made questionnaires were handed out by researcher and two well trained nurse research assistants. to those who can fill it out and for those who cannot fill out the questionnaires alone, the researcher and assistants read it and finished by interview. This study used Pearson's correlation coefficient for the hypothetic test and the average point and standard deviation of spiritual wellbeing, hope, and perceived health status were checked. To find out the difference between spiritual wellbeing, hope, and perceived health status by general characteristics ANOVA and Tukey test were used. The results are as follows : 1. The mean score for spiritual wellbeing of the rural elders was $49.94(\pm5.62)$ in a possible range of 20-80. The mean score of religious wellbeing was $25.20(\pm3.91)$ and that of existential wellbeing was $24.74(\pm2.83)$ in a possible range of 10-40. The average point of religious wellbeing was $2.52(\pm0.39)$ points and existential wellbeing was $2.47(\pm0.28)$ points to 4 point full marks. 2. The mean score for hope was $67.68(\pm10.92)$ in a possible range of 29-116. The average point of hope was $2.33(\pm0.38)$ points to 4 point full marks. 3. The mean score for perceived health status was $9.95(\pm2.66)$ in a possible range of 4-14. The average point of perceived health status was $2.15(\pm0.72)$ point to 4 point full marks. 4. In testing the hypothesis concerning the relationship between spiritual wellbeing and hope, there was a statistically positive correlation(r=0.621. p=0.000). 5. In testing the hypothesis concerning the relationship between hope and perceived health status, there was a statistically positive correlation(r=0.305, p=0.000). 6. There were significant differences in spiritual wellbeing according to age(F=5.60, p=0.000), religion(F=11.61. p=0.000), family status(F=2.86, p=0.040) and average monthly pocket money(F=4.32, p=0.015). 7. There were significant differences in hope according to age(F=16.49, p=0.000), religion (F=3.56, p=0.009), educational level(F=8.94, p=0.000), present occupation(t=-3.13, p=0.002), family status(F=5.90, p=0.001) and average monthly pocket money(F=3.41. p=0.036). 8. There were significant differences in perceived health status according to present occupation(t=-2.16, p=0.033) average monthly pocket money(F=4.11, p=0.019). From the above results it can be concluded that: There was a positive correlation between spiritual wellbeing and hope, hope and perceived health status. There was no positive correlation between spiritual wellbeing and perceived health status. For futher study, adequate spiritual wellbeing scale and hope scale for rural elders should be developed and, age and religion factors has to be reconsidered. When the nurse implicate the nursing intervention which can be promote the spiritual wellbeing and hope, rural elder's spiritual wellbeing and hope can be improved and at the same time, their perceived health status also can be improved.

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A Correlational Study on Perceived Sex life and Depression in Old Men (남성노인의 성생활인식도와 우울과의 관계연구)

  • Kim, Myoung-Hee;Lee, Won-Yu;Lee, In-Soon;Chung, Yeon-Kang;Kwon, Seon-Suk
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.639-647
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: Sexuality is important for the quality of life in old men, but this issue has been less explored due to social prejudice. Therefore, this study was carried out to describe a correlation between sex life and depression perceived by old men. Method: The subjects were 370 old men who were aged over 60 and lived in a city and three provinces. Instruments used in this study were Perception of Sex life Scale 01 items) and Depression Scale (20 items). The data was collected from December 2001 to February 2002 by written responses of the subjects to the questionnaire as well as one-to-one interview by research assistants for subjects. Statistical analysis for the data was done using SPSS and the level of significance was tested at 95% of confidence interval. Result: 1) Mean age of the subjects was $69.35{\pm}5.70$. A total of 253 subjects (68.6%) had spouse, and 191 of the subjects (52.3%) had sexual intercourse as frequently as 3 times per month. The average score for perception of sex life was $21.25{\pm}5.06$, out of the total score of 44, and that of depression was $35.08{\pm}9.29$ out of the total score of 80. 2) Perception of sex life was statistically significant by age, education, disease, medication, living arrangement, marital status, presence of girlfriend, pattern of inter-coitus, pocket money age of last coitus, subjective health state, and relationship (P<0.05). 3) Depression was statistically significant by age, education, disease. medication, living arrangement, marital status, satisfaction for marriage life, pattern of inter-coitus, feeling for change of sex life, pocket money, subjective health state, and relationship (P<0.05). 4) The correlation between perception of sex life and depression was negative, showing that depression tended to decrease as perception of sex life increases. Conclusion: It is concluded that depression in old men is closely related to their sex life. Positive sex life may have an important effect on the quality of life in old men.

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