• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing Homes

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Current Status and Factors Related to Physical Activity of Older Nursing Home Residents with and without Dementia: Effects of Individual and Institutional Characteristics (장기요양시설 거주노인의 치매 여부에 따른 신체활동수준과 관련 요인: 개인 및 기관 특성의 영향)

  • Chun, Seungyeon;Kim, Hongsoo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.392-401
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    • 2018
  • Background: Physical activity (PA) is critical for maintaining the health and well-being of older people in community and also institutional settings. The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of PA and related individual and organizational factors among older nursing home residents with and without dementia. Methods: This is a secondary data analysis study of a nationwide survey of 92 long-term care facilities in Korea, and the study sample includes older residents with dementia (n= 753) and without dementia (n= 480). The level of PA was measured by PA time and whether or not residents had an outdoor activity over the past 3 days. Multi-variate, multi-level analyses were conducted. Results: More than half of the sample in both groups had no or less than 1 hour of PA. About one out of four older people in our sample had no outdoor activity over the past 3 days regardless of whether or not they had dementia. Among the people without dementia, several individual-level factors were associated with PA, including dependency for activities of daily living, social activity participation, and caregivers' belief in the functional improvement of residents. Unlike the non-dementia group, individual- and organizationallevel factors including staffing level and having the relevant equipment for PA were associated with PA among those with dementia. Conclusion: Study findings provide evidence on the lack of PA among older nursing home residents, and the importance of institutional capacity with regard to human resources and physical equipment for promoting PA among people with dementia, in particular. Policies and supports are needed to promote the implementation of healthy aging programs including PA for older nursing home residents. Such programs should be person-centered with consideration to the physical and cognitive status of individual residents.

Role of Interventions in Preventing Unintentional Home Injuries of Older Adults in Korea: A Scoping Review (국내 노인의 가정 내 비의도적 손상예방을 위한 중재의 역할: 주제범위 문헌고찰)

  • Cho, Ok-Hee;Hwang, Kyung-Hye;Kim, Hyekyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.16-29
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This scoping review aimed to synthesize the characteristics and effects of interventions designed to prevent unintentional home injuries in older adults in Korea. Methods: The review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute protocol. A literature search was performed for studies published between 2001 and 2022 in the DBPia, RISS, KMBase, and NDSL databases. A total of 1,620 studies were identified, and 27 studies were included in the final analysis. Data were analyzed for characteristics of the literature, intervention-related unintentional injury mechanisms, and safety areas. Results: Most selected studies utilized a quasi-experimental design and targeted elderly women. In terms of injury mechanisms, 21 of 27 studies focused on falls, 2 on fire/disaster, 3 on drugs, and 1 on food. The most common preventive intervention for falls was exercise, and its effectiveness was verified using physical safety variables. Interventions in the fire/disaster, drug, and food domains were all educational, and changes in knowledge, behavior, and attitude were verified. Conclusion: This study confirmed the effectiveness of interventions for preventing unintentional injuries in the homes of community-dwelling older adults. These findings can serve as a foundation for developing and implementing unintentional injury prevention interventions at home for community-dwelling older adults. Multidisciplinary research is needed to address multifaceted safety issues by considering the home environment and injury risk factors.

Comparison of Activities of Daily Living Differences with Dementia Stage (치매 단계별 일상생활수행능력의 차이 비교)

  • Jang, Jong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.557-563
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to obtain information about the ADL and I-ADL functions of people with dementia living in the community and nursing care facilities regarding their dementia stages for the purpose of supporting occupational therapists working in dementia care centers. The information was collected from 100 people with dementia living in the community and 100 people with dementia staying in care facilities from October 1 to November 20, 2015. 15 facilities participated in this study, including nursing homes, day care centers, health centers, geriatric hospitals and metropolitan dementia centers. All of the assessors were trained in the use of the instruments, ADCS-ADL, S-IADL, S-ADL and MMSE-K, by the researcher before conducting any evaluations or interviews. In order to compare the differences in the levels of ADL according to the dementia stage, an analysis was made via the post-hoc test after conducting a one-way ANOVA. An analysis of the residence type and dementia stage was made through the independent t-test. The comparison of the level of ADL between the people with dementia living in the community and those living in nursing homes showed differences in the moderate level of dementia for all items of the I-ADL and ADL (p<.01). The post-hoc test showed that there is a difference among the minimum, mild, and moderate levels. When the differences in ADL according to the residence type were examined, there were no significant differences in any of the stages (p>.05). Considering these results, it may be critical to identify the changes in the I-ADL rather than those in the ADL for the outcome index when conducting future intervention studies on dementia.

The Structural Relationship among Job Stress, Human Rights Behavior, Social Support and Job Satisfaction (노인장기요양시설 종사자들의 직무스트레스와 인권옹호행동, 직무만족의 구조적 관계: 사회적 지지의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Keunhong;Song, Jiwon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.747-762
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as the number of patients with dementia using nursing homes increases, the interest about the quality of care services is increasing. Job satisfaction of caregivers is very important factor in the quality of care service. In addition, as perception of human rights is heightened, human rights behavior in nursing homes is also recognized as an important factor. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between job satisfaction and human rights behavior, job stress, and social support of dementia workers who have significant influence on quality of care service. For this purpose, 210 questionnaires were collected from 300 dementia workers working in the elderly nursing home, day night care center, and domiciliary visit care center in Gyeonggi province. After excluding 13 questionnaires, the questionnaires were analysed by AMOS and SPSS 21.0. The results of the analysis are following. It was found that job stress significantly affects the social support directly (-.276). Also, social support significantly affects job satisfaction (.315). On the other hand, human rights advocacy has a direct effect on job satisfaction (.175) and an indirect effect (.102), showed a total effect of (.277). This shows that social support partially mediates human rights advocacy and job satisfaction. Job stress had a direct effect on job satisfaction(-.217) and an indirect effect(-.095), indicating a total effect of (-.312), and social support partially mediated job stress and job satisfaction Could know. The results of this study suggest that in order to improve the job satisfaction of the dementia workers, it is necessary to increase the human rights advocacy behavior and reduce the job stress in an environment that recognizes the social support.

Degree of Cognitive function, Self-esteem and Depression of the Elderly by Aging (노인의 인지기능, 자아존중감과 우울정도)

  • 성기월
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 1997
  • This survey was performed to evaluate and compare cognitive function, self-esteem and depression in the elderly related to aging. The data were collected from 200 elders in eight homes for the elderly in Taegu. Data collection was done from June 1 to 31, 1996. The scale used to measure cognitive function was the MMSE-K(Mini-Mental State Examination-Korea), Self-esteem was measmed using Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and depression using SDS(Self-rating Depression Scale). A comparison of cognitive function, self-esteem and depression by aging were summarised as follows : 1. There were significant differences on the cognitive function score in the elderly according to age group(F=24.81, P<.01). 2. There were significant differences on the self-esteem score in the elderly according to age group(F=3.84, P<.5). 3. There were significant differences on the depression score in the elderly according to age group (F=5.90, P<.1). 4. The general characteristics which affected the cognitive function scores of the elders were sex (F=8.45, P<.5), educational level(F=8.86, P<.5), spousing(F=34.59. P<.01), and the perception of health(F=4.63, P<.5). 5. The general characteristic which affected the self-esteem scores of the elders was the perception of health(F=3.81. P<.5). 6. The general characteristic which affected the depression scores was the educational level(F=3.96, P<.5).

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A Field Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Community after Typhoon Rusa (일개 지역사회 재해 주민의 외상 후 스트레스 장애 정도와 관련요인 분석)

  • 이인숙;하양숙;김기정;김정희;권용희;박진경;이나윤
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.829-838
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: In South Korea, as growing the need of psychological support in disaster situation psychological assessment on stress after disaster is important to find out the factors affecting coping, and to plan intervention in the community. Method: The volunteers of Korea Redcross who live around K city, and the research team visited all homes at Jirye town, one of the high-impact area, 4 month after the typhoon. One of the family members who is over 18 years old, answered the self-report questionnaire composed of disaster experience, damage, exposure to traumatic event, and posttraumatic stress with IES-K (Impact of Event Scale-korea) He also, described his family members symptom related to re-experiencing, hyper-arousal, and avoidance. Six hundreds households were surveyed. Result: The prevalence of moderate to severe PTSD symptom was 36% of the subjects. The severity of PTSD was affected by gender, economic status and affected by damaged property, physical injury, worsening existing disease, getting infectious disease, amount of experienced traumatic event before disaster, warning, taking shelter, and subjects revealed differences in somatization as severity of PTSD. According to the description, community members had re-experiencing, hyper-arousal and avoidance. Conclusion: At a rural area, South Korea, community members have suffered from psychological distress after disaster. So psychological interventions are required as affecting factors and also to plan for warning and shelter in disaster situation is needed for preventing PTSD.

The Attitudes of Community Leaders Toward Mental Illness (지역사회 지도자의 정신질환에 대한 태도- 일 지역사회 정신건강관리 모형개발을 위한 기초조사 -)

  • 노춘희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.881-892
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    • 1998
  • This study attempts to identify attitudes of community leaders toward mental illness in order to obtain useful information concerning the planning of community mental health services. The community sample consists of 50 community leaders including, civil servants, doctors, herb doctors, school nurses, counselors, village leaders, pharmacists, and pastors. Individuals were asked to give demographic data, their personal attitudes toward mental illness' etiology & prognosis, and toward neighbors who are psychiatric patients. The interview with open questions was used to collect data. According to the study community leaders 82% believed that mental illness could be treated, 66% believed that mental illness was caused by genetic factors and environmental stress, and 76% had negative impressions about mentally ill people such as fear, seclusion, asylum, also crime. Only 28% of mentally ill people were accepted as neighbors in community. 52% of community leaders rejected opening of mental hospital, and thought that the Chunchon community needed facilities such as group homes, or day care centers (30%), however, 34% of the leaders they didn't recognize community mental health. These findings suggest that mental health professionals need to pay special attention to change the attitude of Chunchon community leaders and mental health institutions need to a develop mental health education program for community leaders.

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Review of Planning on the Congregate Nursing Homes Based on the Case Study for the Local Friendly Elderly Welfare Facilities in Japan (일본의 지역친화형 노인복지시설 사례를 통해서 본 노인요양공동생활가정의 계획 방향)

  • Park, Jung-a;Kim, Sun-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to explore the best examples from Japan to derive spatial and institutional characteristics. This study used the field survey method for 6 elderly welfare facilities in Japan. The characteristics of local friendly facility are as follows; First of all, since elderly care facilities in South Korea are separated from local community and facility plans are large-scaled and unified which are disconnected from local area, this research set aging in community, multi-function, diversity, and intergeneration into the concept that is necessary for local friendly facilities. Secondly, residential environment plan's basic directions are 1) plan that minimizes facilities-like atmosphere, 2) spatial plan that focuses on the elderly dignity and privacy, 3) comfortable and enjoyable communal living space plan, 4) local friendly and communicating plan, 5)plan that minimizes staff's care giving burden. Thirdly, the rooms necessary for local friendly facility model are composed of bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room, garden, toilet, laundry room, bathroom, corridor, and office based on the legal installation standards.

A Study on the Design Guidance for Remodeling Small and Medium Hospitals into Nursing Homes in Korea (국내 중.소규모 병원을 노인 요양시설로의 리모델링시 요구되는 디자인 지침에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyunjun;Choi, Sanghun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2010
  • The considerable increase of the elderly with dementia is expected annually and when we think about the family members' and the patients' suffering, it could be painful. Above all things, it imposes heavy economic burdens on the family members that have patients who suffer from diseases of age like dementia or paralysis that caring them at home and also, it is not desirable for those old people in point of physical or environmental circumstances for medical care. Thus, it is needed urgently that the expansion of specified facilities and improvement of services for these old people. Under this present condition, it is the special feature that the subject of research is people/facilities that offer services, not the elderly with dementia-the main user of those facilities. This proposal aims to make a study of expansion and improvement the old people's welfare facilities by using remodeled closed Small and Midium Hospitals which are the bad effect of economic growth. Also, it can save money with re-using abolished buildings which is property of the nation and protect environment too. In this study, We examine the present conditions of old people's welfare institution, and research a factor of remodeling for welfare facilities. Then we will verify remodeling-possibility which is concrete and working by using the product of this study.

Finding Identity through Client Relationship Experience of Physical Therapists in Elderly Care Facilities (노인요양시설 물리치료사의 클라이언트 관계경험을 통한 정체성 탐색)

  • Kim, Hong Dae;Oh, Se Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to understand the client relationship experience of the physical therapists working at elderly care facilities and to lay the foundation for finding the identity of physical therapists. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted on eight incumbent physical therapists who had experienced working in elderly care facilities for at least one year. Data collection was conducted between June and September 2017, and the interview took an hour to an hour and a half to complete. After an in-depth interview, it was arranged as a file and analyzed according to the four steps of the phenomenological research method of the Giorgi. Results: Data were collected and analyzed; 19 categories, 6 themes and 5 domains were derived. Six themes were presented according to the 5 domains; the subject of relationships included 'diversity elderly'; context of relationships included 'the world of elderly nursing homes I did not know'; influence of relationships included 'the physical therapist is heartbroken because of the tormenting elderly'; condition of relationships included 'a reality that is tied to work'; aspects of relationships included 'how to reestablishing relationships with the elderly' and 'recognized and identified as a physical therapist'. Conclusion: This study shows that physical therapists working in elderly care facilities generally tend to fulfill their responsibilities and interact with clients; we found that identity of physical therapists was primarily defined by relationship experiences with patients.