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Betweenness Centrality-based Evacuation Vulnerability Analysis for Subway Stations: Case Study on Gwanggyo Central Station (매개 중심성 기반 지하철 역사 재난 대피 취약성 분석: 광교중앙역 사례연구)

  • Jeong, Ji Won;Ahn, Seungjun;Yoo, Min-Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2024
  • Over the past 20 years, there has been a rapid increase in the number and size of subway stations and underground structures worldwide, and the importance of safety for subway users has also continuously grown. Subway stations, due to their structural characteristics, have limited visibility and escape routes in disaster situations, posing a high risk of human casualties and economic losses. Therefore, an analysis of disaster vulnerabilities is essential not only for existing subway systems but also for deep underground facilities like GTX. This paper presents a case study applying a betweenness centrality-based disaster vulnerability analysis framework to the case of Gwanggyo Central Station. The analysis of Gwanggyo Central Station's base model and various disaster scenarios revealed that the betweenness centrality distribution is symmetrical, following the symmetrical spatial structure of the station, with high centrality concentrated in the central areas of basement levels one and two. These areas exhibited values more than 220% above the average, indicating a high likelihood of bottleneck phenomena during evacuation in disaster situations. To mitigate this vulnerability, scenarios were proposed to distribute evacuation flows concentrated in the central areas, enhancing the usability of peripheral areas as evacuation routes by connecting staircases continuously. This modification, when considered, showed a decrease in centrality concentration, confirming that the proposed addition of evacuation paths could effectively contribute to dispersing the flow of evacuation in Gwanggyo Central Station. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed framework for assessing evacuation vulnerability in enhancing subway station user safety and can be effectively applied in disaster response and management plans for major underground facilities.

Current State and the Future Tasks of Home Visit Nursing Care in South Korea (우리나라 가정방문간호의 현황과 향후 과제)

  • Park, Eunok
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: We searched and reviewed the literature including the laws or acts, statistics, guidelines, papers and conference proceedings related to home visit nursing care in South Korea. Method: We searched and reviewed the literature including the laws or acts, statistics, guidelines, papers and conference proceedings related to home visit nursing care in Korea. Results: There are three types of home care nursing in Korea. Public health center provides home visit nursing to vulnerable population by registered nurses for free, based on community health act in public health center. As of 2017, 1,261,208 people were enrolled in the visiting health program of public health center. Health behavior and disease management has been improved and showed having cost-benefit effect among the enrolled people in visiting health program. Visiting nursing care in long-term care services is provided by registered nurses or nurse aid, based on long-term care act. The cost is paid as the unit price according to service time. 1,095,764 older people used long-term care services in 2017, only 0.2% of total cost used for home visiting nursing. Even though the number of user of home visiting nursing, it was reported that users spent less medical cost and hospitalized shorter. Hospital-based home care nursing is provided to patients and their families under the prescription of a doctor by family nurse specialists who are employed by medical institute based on medical law. Four hundred sixty family nurse specialists worked for hospital-based home care nursing and hospital-based home care services accounted for 0.038% of total medical expenses in 2017. Conclusion: Even though home visit nursing care services are different in aspect of legal basis, personnel, running institutes, and cost basis, home visit nursing care showed cost-benefit effect and good health outcomes. In order to advance home visit nursing care, the integrated home visiting care, improvement of working condition, and revision of legal basis should be considered.

Exploring the Temporal Relationship Between Traffic Information Web/Mobile Application Access and Actual Traffic Volume on Expressways (웹/모바일-어플리케이션 접속 지표와 TCS 교통량의 상관관계 연구)

  • RYU, Ingon;LEE, Jaeyoung;CHOI, Keechoo;KIM, Junghwa;AHN, Soonwook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2016
  • In the recent years, the internet has become accessible without limitation of time and location to anyone with smartphones. It resulted in more convenient travel information access both on the pre-trip and en-route phase. The main objective of this study is to conduct a stationary test for traffic information web/mobile application access indexes from TCS (Toll Collection System); and analyzing the relationship between the web/mobile application access indexes and actual traffic volume on expressways, in order to analyze searching behavior of expressway related travel information. The key findings of this study are as follows: first, the results of ADF-test and PP-test confirm that the web/mobile application access indexes by time periods satisfy stationary conditions even without log or differential transformation. Second, the Pearson correlation test showed that there is a strong and positive correlation between the web/mobile application access indexes and expressway entry and exit traffic volume. In contrast, truck entry traffic volume from TCS has no significant correlation with the web/mobile application access indexes. Third, the time gap relationship between time-series variables (i.e., concurrent, leading and lagging) was analyzed by cross-correlation tests. The results indicated that the mobile application access leads web access, and the number of mobile application execution is concurrent with all web access indexes. Lastly, there was no web/mobile application access indexes leading expressway entry traffic volumes on expressways, and the highest correlation was observed between webpage view/visitor/new visitor/repeat visitor/application execution counts and expressway entry volume with a lag of one hour. It is expected that specific individual travel behavior can be predicted such as route conversion time and ratio if the data are subdivided by time periods and areas and utilizing traffic information users' location.

The Trend of Aviation Terrorism in the 4th Industrial Revolution Period and the Development Direction for Domestic Counter Terrorism of Aviation (제4차 산업혁명 시대의 항공 테러리즘 양상 및 국내 항공테러 대응체계 발전방향)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Kim, Seung-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.155-188
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    • 2017
  • On the one hand, the 4th Industrial Revolution provides a positive opportunity to build a new civilization paradigm for mankind. However, on the other hand, due to the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence such as 'Goggle Alpha Go' revolutionized and even the human ability was replaced with a 'Silicon Chip' as the opportunity to communicate decreases, the existence of human beings is weakened. And there is a growing concern that the number of violent crimes, such as psychopath, which hunts humans as games, will increase. Moreover, recent international terrorism is being developed in a form similar to 'Psychopathic Violent-Crime' that indiscriminately attacks innocent people. So, the probability that terrorist organizations abuse the positive effects provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution as means of terrorism is increasing. Therefore, the paradigm of aviation terrorism is expected to change in a way that attacks airport facilities and users rather than aircraft. Because airport facilities are crowded, and psychopathic terrorists are easily accessible. From this point of view, our counter terrorism system of aviation has many weak points in various aspects such as: (1) limitations of counter-terrorism center (2) inefficient on-site command and control system (3) separated organization for aviation security consultation (4) dispersed information collection function in government (5) vulnerable to cyber attack (6) lack of international cooperation network for aviation terrorism. Consequently, it is necessary to improve the domestic counter terrorism system of aviation so as to preemptively respond to the international terrorism. This study propose the following measures to improve the aviation security system by (1) create 'Aviation Special Judicial Police' (2) revise the anti-terrorism law and aviation security law (3) Strengthening the ability respond to terrorism in cyberspace (4) building an international cooperation network for aviation terrorism.

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Topic Modeling Insomnia Social Media Corpus using BERTopic and Building Automatic Deep Learning Classification Model (BERTopic을 활용한 불면증 소셜 데이터 토픽 모델링 및 불면증 경향 문헌 딥러닝 자동분류 모델 구축)

  • Ko, Young Soo;Lee, Soobin;Cha, Minjung;Kim, Seongdeok;Lee, Juhee;Han, Ji Yeong;Song, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2022
  • Insomnia is a chronic disease in modern society, with the number of new patients increasing by more than 20% in the last 5 years. Insomnia is a serious disease that requires diagnosis and treatment because the individual and social problems that occur when there is a lack of sleep are serious and the triggers of insomnia are complex. This study collected 5,699 data from 'insomnia', a community on 'Reddit', a social media that freely expresses opinions. Based on the International Classification of Sleep Disorders ICSD-3 standard and the guidelines with the help of experts, the insomnia corpus was constructed by tagging them as insomnia tendency documents and non-insomnia tendency documents. Five deep learning language models (BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, ELECTRA, XLNet) were trained using the constructed insomnia corpus as training data. As a result of performance evaluation, RoBERTa showed the highest performance with an accuracy of 81.33%. In order to in-depth analysis of insomnia social data, topic modeling was performed using the newly emerged BERTopic method by supplementing the weaknesses of LDA, which is widely used in the past. As a result of the analysis, 8 subject groups ('Negative emotions', 'Advice and help and gratitude', 'Insomnia-related diseases', 'Sleeping pills', 'Exercise and eating habits', 'Physical characteristics', 'Activity characteristics', 'Environmental characteristics') could be confirmed. Users expressed negative emotions and sought help and advice from the Reddit insomnia community. In addition, they mentioned diseases related to insomnia, shared discourse on the use of sleeping pills, and expressed interest in exercise and eating habits. As insomnia-related characteristics, we found physical characteristics such as breathing, pregnancy, and heart, active characteristics such as zombies, hypnic jerk, and groggy, and environmental characteristics such as sunlight, blankets, temperature, and naps.

Optimum Size Selection and Machinery Costs Analysis for Farm Machinery Systems - Programming for Personal Computer - (농기계(農機械) 투입모형(投入模型) 설정(設定) 및 기계이용(機械利用) 비용(費用) 분석연구(分析硏究) - PC용(用) 프로그램 개발(開發) -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Kim, S.R.;Jung, D.H.;Chang, D.I.;Lee, D.H.;Kim, Y.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.384-398
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    • 1991
  • A computer program was developed to select the optimum size of farm machine and analyze its operation costs according to various farming conditions. It was written in FORTRAN 77 and BASIC languages and can be run on any personal computer having Korean Standard Complete Type and Korean Language Code. The program was developed as a user-friendly type so that users can carry out easily the costs analysis for the whole farm work or respective operation in rice production, and for plowing, rotarying and pest controlling in upland. The program can analyze simultaneously three different machines in plowing & rotarying and two machines in transplanting, pest controlling and harvesting operations. The input data are the sizes of arable lands, possible working days and number of laborers during the opimum working period, and custom rates varying depending on regions and individual farming conditions. We can find out the results such as the selected optimum combination farm machines, the overs and shorts of working days relative to the planned working period, capacities of the machines, break-even points by custom rate, fixed costs for a month, and utilization costs in a hectare.

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X-tree Diff: An Efficient Change Detection Algorithm for Tree-structured Data (X-tree Diff: 트리 기반 데이터를 위한 효율적인 변화 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Suk-Kyoon;Kim, Dong-Ah
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.6
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    • pp.683-694
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    • 2003
  • We present X-tree Diff, a change detection algorithm for tree-structured data. Our work is motivated by need to monitor massive volume of web documents and detect suspicious changes, called defacement attack on web sites. From this context, our algorithm should be very efficient in speed and use of memory space. X-tree Diff uses a special ordered labeled tree, X-tree, to represent XML/HTML documents. X-tree nodes have a special field, tMD, which stores a 128-bit hash value representing the structure and data of subtrees, so match identical subtrees form the old and new versions. During this process, X-tree Diff uses the Rule of Delaying Ambiguous Matchings, implying that it perform exact matching where a node in the old version has one-to one corrspondence with the corresponding node in the new, by delaying all the others. It drastically reduces the possibility of wrong matchings. X-tree Diff propagates such exact matchings upwards in Step 2, and obtain more matchings downwsards from roots in Step 3. In step 4, nodes to ve inserted or deleted are decided, We aldo show thst X-tree Diff runs on O(n), woere n is the number of noses in X-trees, in worst case as well as in average case, This result is even better than that of BULD Diff algorithm, which is O(n log(n)) in worst case, We experimented X-tree Diff on reat data, which are about 11,000 home pages from about 20 wev sites, instead of synthetic documets manipulated for experimented for ex[erimentation. Currently, X-treeDiff algorithm is being used in a commeercial hacking detection system, called the WIDS(Web-Document Intrusion Detection System), which is to find changes occured in registered websites, and report suspicious changes to users.

Natural Language Processing Model for Data Visualization Interaction in Chatbot Environment (챗봇 환경에서 데이터 시각화 인터랙션을 위한 자연어처리 모델)

  • Oh, Sang Heon;Hur, Su Jin;Kim, Sung-Hee
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2020
  • With the spread of smartphones, services that want to use personalized data are increasing. In particular, healthcare-related services deal with a variety of data, and data visualization techniques are used to effectively show this. As data visualization techniques are used, interactions in visualization are also naturally emphasized. In the PC environment, since the interaction for data visualization is performed with a mouse, various filtering for data is provided. On the other hand, in the case of interaction in a mobile environment, the screen size is small and it is difficult to recognize whether or not the interaction is possible, so that only limited visualization provided by the app can be provided through a button touch method. In order to overcome the limitation of interaction in such a mobile environment, we intend to enable data visualization interactions through conversations with chatbots so that users can check individual data through various visualizations. To do this, it is necessary to convert the user's query into a query and retrieve the result data through the converted query in the database that is storing data periodically. There are many studies currently being done to convert natural language into queries, but research on converting user queries into queries based on visualization has not been done yet. Therefore, in this paper, we will focus on query generation in a situation where a data visualization technique has been determined in advance. Supported interactions are filtering on task x-axis values and comparison between two groups. The test scenario utilized data on the number of steps, and filtering for the x-axis period was shown as a bar graph, and a comparison between the two groups was shown as a line graph. In order to develop a natural language processing model that can receive requested information through visualization, about 15,800 training data were collected through a survey of 1,000 people. As a result of algorithm development and performance evaluation, about 89% accuracy in classification model and 99% accuracy in query generation model was obtained.

Methodology for Issue-related R&D Keywords Packaging Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝 기반의 이슈 관련 R&D 키워드 패키징 방법론)

  • Hyun, Yoonjin;Shun, William Wong Xiu;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Considerable research efforts are being directed towards analyzing unstructured data such as text files and log files using commercial and noncommercial analytical tools. In particular, researchers are trying to extract meaningful knowledge through text mining in not only business but also many other areas such as politics, economics, and cultural studies. For instance, several studies have examined national pending issues by analyzing large volumes of text on various social issues. However, it is difficult to provide successful information services that can identify R&D documents on specific national pending issues. While users may specify certain keywords relating to national pending issues, they usually fail to retrieve appropriate R&D information primarily due to discrepancies between these terms and the corresponding terms actually used in the R&D documents. Thus, we need an intermediate logic to overcome these discrepancies, also to identify and package appropriate R&D information on specific national pending issues. To address this requirement, three methodologies are proposed in this study-a hybrid methodology for extracting and integrating keywords pertaining to national pending issues, a methodology for packaging R&D information that corresponds to national pending issues, and a methodology for constructing an associative issue network based on relevant R&D information. Data analysis techniques such as text mining, social network analysis, and association rules mining are utilized for establishing these methodologies. As the experiment result, the keyword enhancement rate by the proposed integration methodology reveals to be about 42.8%. For the second objective, three key analyses were conducted and a number of association rules between national pending issue keywords and R&D keywords were derived. The experiment regarding to the third objective, which is issue clustering based on R&D keywords is still in progress and expected to give tangible results in the future.

The Improvement Measurement on Dispute Resolution System for Air Service Customer (항공서비스 소비자 분쟁해결제도의 개선방안)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.225-266
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    • 2018
  • In 2017, 1,252 cases of damages relief related to air passenger transport service were received by the Korea Consumer Agency, a 0.8% drop from 1,262 cases in 2016, the first decline since 2013. In 2017, 444 cases (35.4%) out of received cases of damages relief in the field of air passenger service received by the Korea Consumer Agency were agreed on, and out of cases that were not agreed on, the most number of 588 cases (47.0%) were concluded due to information provision and counseling, and 186 cases (14.9%) were applied to the mediation of the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee. Major legislations that contain regulations for the damages relief and disputes resolution of air service consumers include the Aviation Business Act and the Consumer Fundamental Act, etc. The Aviation Business Act provides the establishment and implementation of damage relief procedure and handling plan, and the receiving and handling of request of damage relief by air transport businessman, and the notice of protection standard for air traffic users. The Consumer Fundamental Act provides the establishment and management of the consumer counseling organization, the damage relief by the Korea Consumer Agency, the consumer dispute mediation, and the enactment of the criteria for resolving consumer disputes. The procedures for damages relief of air service consumers include the receiving and handling of damages relief by air transport businessman, the counseling, and receiving and handling of damages relief by the Consumer Counseling Center, the advice of mutual agreement by the Korea Consumer Agency, and the dispute mediation system by the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee. The current system of damage relief and dispute mediation for air service consumer have the problem in the exemption from obligation of establishment and implementation of damage relief plan by air transport businessman under the Aviation Business Act, the problem in the exemption from liability in case of nonfulfillment and delay of transport by aviation businessman under the criteria for resolving consumer disputes in the aviation sector, and the uppermost limit in procedure progress and completion of consumer dispute mediation under the Consumer Fundamental Act. Therefore, the improvement measurements of the relevant system for proper damage relief and smooth dispute mediation for air service consumer are to be suggested as follows: First is the maintenance of the relevant laws for damage relief of air service consumer. The exemption regulation from obligation of establishment and implementation of damage relief plan by air transport businessman under the Aviation Business Act shall be revised. To enhance the structualization and expertise of the relevant regulation for protection and damage relief of air service consumer, it will be necessary to prepare the separate legislation similar to the US Federal Regulation 14 CFR and EU Regulation EC Regulation 261/2004. Second is the improvement of criteria for resolving air service consumer disputes. For this, it will be necessary to investigate whether the cause of occurrence of exemption reason was force majeure, and distinguish the exemption from liability in case of nonfulfillment and delay of transport by aviation businessman under the criteria for resolving consumer disputes in the aviation sector, and revise the same as exemption reasons regulated under the air transport chapter of the Commercial Act and Montreal Convention 1999, and unify the compensation criteria for the nonfulfillment of transport that the substitute flight was provided and the delay of transport. Third is the reinforcement of information provision for damage relief of air service consumer. Aviation-related government agencies and concerned agencies should cooperate with airlines and airports to provide rapidly and clearly diverse information to the air traffic users, including laws and policies for damages relief of air service consumers. Fourth is the supplement to the effectiveness, etc. of consumer dispute mediation. If there is no sign of acceptance for dispute mediation, it is not fair to regard it as acceptance, therefore it will be necessary to add objection system. And if a dispute resolution is requested to another dispute settlement agency in addition to the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee, it is excluded from the damage relief package, but it should be allowed for the party to choose a mediation agency. It will be necessary to devise the institutional measures to increase the completion rate of mediation so that the consumer dispute can be resolved efficiently through the mediation. Fifth is the introduction of the air service consumer arbitration system. A measure to supplement the limitations of the consumer dispute mediation system is to introduce the consumer arbitration system, but there are two measurements which are the introduction of the consumer arbitration under the Consumer Fundamental Act and the introduction of the consumer arbitration under the Arbitration Act. The latter measurement is considered to be appropriate. In conclusion, as a policy task, the government should prepare laws and system to enhance the prevention and relief of damages and protection of the rights and interests of air service consumers, and establish and implement the consumer-centric policy for the advancement of air service.