• Title/Summary/Keyword: Norway spruce

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Influence of Temperature and Moisture on the Radial Growth of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce in Kaunas, Lithuania (Lithuania 의 Kaunas 지역 구주소나무와 독일가문비의 연륜생장에 대한 기온과 수분의 영향)

  • Karpavichus J.;J. Kairaitis;R.R. Yadav
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 1996
  • Ring-width chronologies of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) from two experimental forest plots in Kaunas, Lithuania were developed to study tree growth-climate relationship in different geohydrological conditions using response function analysis. The tree ring-width chronologies of Scots pine ranged from 1883~1987 A.D. and 1864~1989 A.D., and Norway spruce 1838~1987 A.D. and 2870~1989 A.D., respectively. The response function analysis has vividly demonstrated that the growth of Scots pine is favoured by warm summer and Norway spruce by cool and moist summer. Spring temperature has shown direct relationship with tree growth of both the species. There also exists notable intraspecies analogies in growth responses except some minor differences.

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Growth Performance of 27-year-old Norway Spruce (Picea abies) at Four Plantations in Korea

  • Choi, Hyung-Soon;Ryu, Keun-Ok;Kwon, Yong-Rak;Kwon, Hae-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.2
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to elucidate the mid-growth of Norway spruce at the age of 27 and select the superior provenances in Korea. Growth performance of twenty-four provenances from Germany and Rumania were investigated in four plantations. Significant differences were found in growth (height, DBH, volume) with plantations. Maximum growth were detected on plantation Chuncheon which located in most northern area, and minimum growth were detected on plantation Wanju located in most southern area. The rank of height in provenances has fluctuated, but superior/inferior groups have been almost fixed. 840-23, 840-10, 840-19 in Germany, G1-64-57, G1-64-54 in Rumania proved excellent provenances. Height in early stage positively correlated with that in late stage. The growth was positively correlated with latitude and altitude of plantations, but negatively correlated with temperature.

Relationship Between Above-and Below-Ground Biomass for Norway Spruce (Picea abies) : Estimating Root System Biomass from Breast Height Diameter (독일가문비나무(Picea abies [L.] Karst)의 지상부(地上部)와 지하부(地下部) 생체량(生體量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) : 흉고직경(胸高直徑)에 의한 뿌리생체량(生體量) 추정(推定))

  • Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.338-345
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between the root structure and the crown structure of Norway spruce(Picea abies [L.] Karst), and thereafter to obtain the regression equation for the estimation of relative root and needle biomass using the tree height and diameter at breast height(DBH) without measurement of root and needle biomass. The study site was Barbis stands of Harz region located in central part of Germany. Five dominant and three co-dominant trees of 30 to 40 year-old Norway spruce were selected and tree height, diameter at breast height, clear bole length, weight of total needle and branch, cross section and sapwood area at breast height for biomass of above ground part and also the length of root, the number of root, the weight of root, the cross section area of root etc. by dividing the horizontal and vertical roots for below ground part of tree were measured. The significantly correlation was shown between the biomass of most of variables of above ground parts and those of below ground parts. For the diameter of breast height to the weight of total root, regression equation was Y = 3.56X - 45.94 and decision coefficient was 0.96 showing highly correlation. The weight of total branches and needles, and the tree height etc. of above ground parts showed highly positive relationship with below ground biomass. The results obtained from this study can be used to the estimating of biomass of below ground using variables of above ground such as DBH in the 30 to 40 year-old Norway spruce stands.

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Root Development end Branching farms of Norway Spruce(Picea abies) in the Differently Acidified Forest Soil (토양(土壤) 산성화(酸性化) 정도(程度)에 따른 독일가문비나무(Picea abies)의 뿌리 발달(發達)과 분지형태(分枝形態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.458-464
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the annual growth of roots and their branching forms of Norway spruce(Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were analysed to compare the development of their root in the differently acidified forest soils. And there was no significant difference among the stands for the modified roots and the non-modified roots depending on the root branch forms, and however in the most acidified Weidenbrunnen stand, the modified roots, the abnormal root branch form such as fork, gun and rake types were appeared. As a result of the ring of the root, the annual horizontal root growth were 6.3cm for Weidenbrunnen and Barbis stands and 9.5cm for Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand. The average annual vertical root growth was 4.4cm, 5.4cm, and 6.7cm for Weidenbrunnen stand, Barbis stand, and Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand, respectively. The cross section area by root distribution at 80cm deep showed that the thick and thin roots were evenly distributed in of Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand and the sum of root cross section area was $32.6cm^2$. In Barbis stand, the thick roots were distributed in the center while the thin roots were comparatively rare. And the sum of root cross section area was $29.2cm^2$. In Weidenbrunnen stand, only a few thin roots were found, and the total root cross section area was $10.9cm^2$. The stability coefficient of roots were in the order of Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand(1.04), Barbis stand (0.3), and Weidenbrunnen(0.08) stand. Among the investigated Norway spruce stands, the modified abnormal root branching form and the low root growth appeared in the Weidenbrunnen stand could be attributed by the soil acidification etc.

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Root Morphology of Norway Spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) in the Differently Acidified Forest Soils (토양(土壤) 산성화(酸性化) 정도(程度)에 따른 독일가문비나무(Picea abies [L.] Karst.))

  • Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.677-684
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of development of root and soil condition and also to elucidate the difference between stands for mechanical and physical stability according to distribution of roots in the Norway Spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stands of 30 to 40 year of ages with different soil condition. In the root structure, remarkably different root pattern was shown among the three stands; Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand showed large number f roots with much fine roots which deeply in vertical direction while Barbis stands had thicker root and small number of root than Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand. The Weidenbrunnen stand showed differently half-vertical and plate root structure and the root developed not to be deeply compared to the other two stands. In the total number of root, Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand had the most number of 74 and Barbis stand 33, Weidenbrunnen stand 57 respectively. Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand had much more number of vertical root with 57 than the other two stand; Barbis 21 and Weidenbrunnen 36. In the total length of root, Weidenbrunnen stand showed to be longer than the other two stands and the length of horizontal root also showed longer. Regarding to the rates of horizontal root against vertical root, Eberg$\ddot{o}$tzen stand showed comparatively higher value as 1,2 than other two stands(0.5). In the total weight of root, Weidenbrunnen stand showed very high value compared with the other stands and ratio of vertical root against horizontal root was 0,16 which is very lower than the other two stands(0,4). The remarkable differences of root pattern of Norway spruce stands appeared in this study are through to be caused more by chemical property of soil such as acidity den the mechanical or physical factor of soil conditions.

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Experimental Studies of the Short-Term Fluctuations of Net Photosynthesis Rate of Norway Spruce Needles under Field Conditions (야외조건하(野外條件下)에서 독일가문비(Picea abies Karst) 침엽(針葉)의 순(純) 광합성률(光合成率)의 단기(短期) 변화(變化)에 대한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Bolondinsky, V.;Oltchev, A.;Jin, Hyun O.;Joo, Yeong Teuk;Chung, Dong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1999
  • Canopy structure conductances of a Norway spruce forest in the Solling Hills(Central Germany) and Central Forest Biosphere Reserve(320km to the north-west from Moscow) were derived from LE(latent heat flux) and H(sensible heat flux) fluxes measured(by Eddy correlation technique and energy balance method) and modelled(by one dimensional non-steady-state) SVAT(soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer) model(SLODSVAT) using a rearranged Penman-Monteith equation("Big-leaf" approximation) during June 1996. They were compared with canopy stomatal conductances estimated by consecutive intergrating the stomatal conductance of individual needles over the whole canopy("bottom-up" approach) using SLODSVAT model. The result indicate a significant difference between the canopy surface conductances derived from measured and modelled fluxes("top-down" approach) and the stomatal conductances modelled by the SLODSVAT("bottom-up" approach). This difference was influenced by some nonphysiological factors within the forest canopy(e.g. aerodynamic and boundary layer resistances, radiation budget, evapotranspiration from the forest understorey). In general, canopy surface conductances derived from measured and modelled fluxes exceeded canopy stomatal conductance during the whole modelled period, The contribution of the understorey's evapotranspiration to the total forest evapotranspiration was small (up to 5-9% of the total LE flux) and was not depended on total radiation balance of forest canopy. Ignoring contribution of the understorey's evapotranspiration resulted in an overestimation of the canopy surface conductance for a spruce forest up to 2mm/s(about 10-15%).

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Impacts of Air Pollution on Forests : A Summary of Current Situations (대기오염이 삼림에 미치는 영향 : 피해현황과 원인을 중심으로)

  • Binkley, Dan;Son, Yowhan;Kim, Zin Suh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 1994
  • Issues of declining growth and vigor in forests are major concerns in many areas around the world, especially in response to predictions in the 1980s of widespread forest declines. This paper summarizes the current state of knowledge for forests in North America, Europe, and East Asia. Forest declines near point-sources of pollution(such as metal smelters) have been well recognized for a century, but evidence of widespread impacts away from point-sources remains relatively uncommon. In North America, significant forest decline has resulted from high concentrations of ozone near Los Angeles, California, and around Mexico City. Some high-elevation forests of red spruce in the eastern U.S. have declined in the past 20 years ; evidence indicates a role of low-pH fog in reducing they cold-tolerance of spruce. In Europe. most attention has focused on Norway spruce stands that developed yellow foliage, needle loss, and in some cases mortality. This syndrome appears to be related generally to an inadequate supply of magnesium, perhaps coupled with a very high supply of nitrogen. Despite localized areas that show declining trees, overall stand growth and standing biomass in Europe increased from. 1970 to 1990. Much less information is available for East Asia. Many industrialized regions in China have a pH of rain <4.5, and some connections between pollution and forest decline have been suggested. Pollution impacts on forests near cities in Korea include needle chlorosis, reduced needle retention, and declining species diversity. Overall, temperate forests show no widespread declines, and no evidence of substantial effects of pollutants on forest growth or vigor. Small areas showing declining forests may indeed demonstrate pollution impacts, and may provide cause for concerns about future impacts on larger areas.

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Comparison of Equilibrium Moisture Contents for Conventional Kiln Dried- and High Temperature Dried Softwood Lumber by Moisture Content Determination (관행열기건조(慣行熱氣乾操)와 고온건조(高溫乾燥) 침엽수재(針葉樹材)의 함수율(含水率) 측정법(測定法)에 의한 평형함수율(平衡含水率) 비교(比較))

  • Jung, Hee-Suk;Smith, William B.
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1994
  • The adsorption of water vapor and equilibrium moisture content(EMC) of the specimens for four softwood species dried by conventional- and high temperature method and equilibrated to 15% of the target EMC condition at 25$^{\circ}C$ were determined by oven drying method and with moisture meters. The amount of adsorption for high temperature dried red pine was significantly higher than that of conventional kiln dried wood, while those of eastern white pine, eastern hemlock and Norway spruce were not significantly different between drying methods. EMCs of these four species determined by oven drying method and with capacitive admittance moisture meter were not significantly different between drying methods. EMC of high temperature dried red pine determined with resistance moisture meter was significantly higher than that of conventional kiln dried wood. But EMCs of other species did not show significant difference between drying methods. EMCs of conventional and high-temperature dried wood determined with electronic moisture meters, especially in the case of the capacitive-admittance moisture meter measurement, were lower than that determined by oven drying method.

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Ecological Investigations on the Managed Forests in Northwestern Europe and Tree Seed-Orchard System (북구(北歐)의 우량임분(優良林分)의 생태(生態) 및 채종원(採種園) 체계(體系)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 1982
  • The outlines of superior stands, including species mixed, age classes, canopies, and ecological conditions of the stands, were examined in the forests of west Germany, Sweden, and Netherland. The establishment schemes of tree seed orchards for the production of high genetic quality seed were also investigated in the present study. 1. The meteorological conditions, abundant in precipitation and high in relative humidity, prove it to be oceanic climate characteristics in the Scandinavia located in high latitude and north-western part of Europe. The photo periodical characteristics following to day-length and the frost times determine the patterns of tree growth and distribution as well as the tree adaptability due to bud-setting and bud-flushing in Sweden forest. 2. The European forests are generally characterized by dense multistoried forest type composed of upper stories of tall tree species such as Norway spruce, fir, Scots pine and beech, lower stories of shade tolerant poles and saplings of spruce, fir, beech, and floor vegetations covered with birch, oak and hornbeam etc. 3. The single tree selection method and group shelterwood method are commonly applied for silvicultural system but shelterwood method and clearcutting method practiced partially in limited area. Badischer Femelschlagbetrieb and Bayerischer Femelschlagbetrieb are popularized to the regeneration of Schwarzwald but selection method applied in part. 4. Tree cuttings are properly limited so as not to exceed annual increment volume for the sustained yield and the preservation of ecosystem in European forest management. Land preservation and recreation function are more interested with the promotion of wood production in the forest management. 5. Careful attentions are paid to the reforestation of the introduced exotic species, such as Douglas-fir, red oak, pines from America, Japanese larch, Italian poplar etc., with concern against the insect and pest damage, and the meteorological damage. 6. Some intensive studies on tree improvement, such as selection of plus tree, selection of plus stand for seed collection, provenance trial, progeny test of clone, hybrid seed orchard for clone complexing, are performed in the countries and the great part of the seed required for reforestation are supplied from the seed orchard established in Sweden and Netherland.

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