• Title/Summary/Keyword: North Korean Issue

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The role of the People's Liberation Army during the Korean War and Prospect of China's Role in the event of Contingency in North Korea (6.25 전쟁 시 중공군의 역할과 북한 유사시 중국의 역할 전망)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.8
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    • pp.169-238
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    • 2010
  • The year 2010 is the 60th anniversary commemorating the Korean War. China intervened in the Korean War with the logics such as "To Resist the U.S.'s Aggression and Aid North Korea," "Save Endangered Home & defend Nation," and "If the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Be Exposed to the Cold or If One of Them Falls, the Other is in Danger." However, China had a deep and long connection with North Korea through 1st Chinese Civil War, war against Japan imperialism, and 2nd Chinese Civil War. China has consulted with Kim Il-sung on his invasion of South Korea at the initial stage of development and played a casting vote role in the execution of the invasion plan. During the Korean War, the PLA supported the North Korea's regime by its action, and made the Korea Peninsula divide into two semi-permanently. Even after the war, China continues to maintain relations with North Korea by helping North Korea build the Kim Il-sung's Kingdom. Currently, whenever any issue related to North Korea rises in the international society, China definitely gets involved in those issues and exercises its power. Conditionally 'either armed aggression or, and wartime' in North Korea, China would follow the "Clause of Military Auto Intervention." In addition, China is very likely to establish refugee camps for North Koreans in the Northeastern-Three-Province and to provide rear bases or guerrilla camps for pro-Chinese sects. Furthermore, voluntarily playing a role as spokesman of North Korean Regime in the international society, China will exercise enormous influence on the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

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The influence of Chinese multi-polarization strategy on the security of Korean peninsula (중국의 다극화 전략이 한반도 안보에 미치는 영향)

  • Choe, Gyeong-Sik
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.4
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    • pp.241-287
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    • 2006
  • 16th CPC National Party Congress established multi-polarization strategy as an external strategy, and 'The Great Reinvigoration of Chinese Nation' as the aim of The Great Strategy of China. It is required to maintain stabilized and peaceful surrounding circumstance in order to make it possible. The ideal surrounding circumstance that China is aiming for is to achieve multi-polarization of international society while maintaining strategic deterrence. Multi-polarization now in 'One super Multi powers' is that 'Multi powers' deter 'One super' to prevent predominance of USA and to decentralize the power. China wishes to realign international order as it accomplishes multi-polarization. China who wants 'Peace and Stabilization' emphasizes autonomy, peace and unification of Korean peninsula. Autonomy means the restraint intervention of foreign power, that is, American influence in Korean peninsula. Multi-polarization strategy of China will be used in Korean peninsula to solve nuclear issue of North Korea, to support neutral unification and to keep balance of power with USA, Japan and Russia as it renders economic advantages to South Korea and security engagement to North Korea, based on special geographical, cultural and historical relationship with two Koreas. The nuclear issue of North Korea will be a stage to test multi-polarization of China. When it deduces positive solution of nuclear issue due to successful six-party talks, and advances to security talks of Northeast Asia, it will contribute a lot to power and elevation of national stature of China in international society. Thus, the Chinese strategy will be an accommodative condition for the security of South Korea, and it requires wise decision of South Korea to make hay while the sun shine.

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North Korea-South Korea cultural heterogeneity in psychological perspective: Focusing on the North Korean defectors' adaptation (심리학적 관점에서의 남북한 문화이질성: 북한이탈주민의 심리적 적응을 중심으로)

  • Jung-Min Chae;Jong-Han Yhi
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2004
  • This study is performed to understand and resolve psychologically the issue of North Korea-South Korea's cultural heterogeneity which is treated importantly in unification debates. We collected data from 181 North Korea Defectors through survey, and found out that the North Korea Defectors perceived cultural heterogeneity so much especially at the early settlement stage. However, this fact itself didn't give a serious suggestion, What is significant was how much South Korean cultural orientation they had as a coping strategy. When they coped with South Korean cultural orientation, they showed high level of self-efficacy, and furthermore they demonstrated high level of psychological adaptation. By the way, this psychological adaptation level was not significantly correlated with positive index such as life satisfaction, but correlated with negative index such as depression. That is, low self-efficacy group showed high level of depression and 43% of them could be classified as a depression-symptom group. Thus, we can conclude that it is rather helpful for the North Korean Defectors to have South Korean cultural orientation for overcoming North Korea-South Korea's cultural heterogeneity, and coping strategy is more important than cultural heterogeneity itself.

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A Study on Cooperation Ways of South-North Korea for Revitalization of Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration System - Centering around Evaluation of the Foreign Economic Arbitration Act(2008) of North Korea - (남북상사중재 제도 활성화를 위한 남북협력방안 -북한의 대외경제중재법(1980) 평가를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.259-277
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    • 2011
  • In 2008, North Korea revised its Foreign Economic Arbitration Act. To some extent, the new Act reflected such international standard of arbitration as UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. In this paper, the said Act will be evaluated, and then cooperation ways of South-North Korea on Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration will be suggested. In 2007, the Ministry of Unification has designated the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board as Inter-Korean Arbitration Committee and has made efforts to prepare follow-up measures on the two Agreements of Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration. In 2008 however, the follow-up measures has in fact been suspended. In order to revitalize the Inter-Korean commercial arbitration, some prerequisites must be satisfied. First, Inter-Korean Arbitration Committee for Inter-Korean commercial arbitration should re-open as soon as possible. Second, as North Korea recently shows interest in joining the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards(now so called New York Convention), Governmental Authority of Rep. of Korea should also actively assist and support their joining in New York Convention. Third, both Korean governments should carry out joint study on raising the efficiency of the arbitration system which they will use. Fourth, comparative study on arbitration systems used in both countries should be conducted. Also, it may is very timely to discuss the issue in international arbitration community such as "North-East Asia International Arbitration Conference" or other similar events. In conclusion, continuous study on prevention of commercial disputes between South-North Korea and ways to resolve disputes when they arise should be conducted.

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Moderating effects of clothing-related barriers experienced by North Korean refugees on the relationship between their self-esteem and acculturation in South Korea (북한이탈주민의 자아존중감과 한국 사회 적응의 관계 - 한국에서 경험한 의생활 어려움의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yun Jung;Jang, Seyoon;Lee, Yuri
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.845-857
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    • 2020
  • As the number of North Korean refugees increases in South Korean, their acculturation to life in their host country is coming to be an important social issue. This study explores some clothing-related barriers experienced by North Korean refugees and their moderating effects on acculturation to South Korea. Data were collected using a self-administered survey of 163 female and 37 male North Korean refugees in South Korea aged 20 to 69 years. Descriptive analyses, t-tests, ANOVA, Duncan tests, and moderated multiple regression were conducted using SPSS 20.0 and Process Macro v.3.3. The results show that the North Korean refugees who participated in the study had experienced clothing-related barriers regarding fashion terminology and shopping rituals in South Korea. In particular, those in their 60s perceived more clothing-related barriers than those in their 20s and 30s. Next, the clothing-related barriers experienced by North Korean refugees have a negative moderating influence on the relationship between self-esteem and acculturation in South Korea. This study provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between fashion and the acculturation of North Korean refugees to South Korea. The results of the study can be also helpful of government policy makers, practitioners, and academics to develop education programs for North Korean refugees.

Medical Education for North Korean Defector Physicians: Experience at the Seoul Medical Center (북한이탈의사 교육: 서울의료원에서의 경험을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jae-Phil
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2012
  • As North Korea passed from the Devotion (Jeongseong) movement to the black market (Jangmadang) system, the medical service system in that country was effectively destroyed. North Korean physicians who have successfully defected to South Korea (North Korean defector physicians, NKDPs) have experienced socio-economic hardships on their way to becoming incorporated into the South Korean medical system due to different medico- social cultures, different (English-based) medical terminology, and the clinical knowledge gap between North and South Korea. Since 2009, we have operated programs at the Seoul Medical Center to help NKDPs prepare for the South Korean medical licensing examination. These programs consist of clinical education at the medical center, personal mentoring, arrangement of educational programs at the medical college, mock tests at the consortium, and administrative aid. Looking forward, we hope to achieve the following: 1) More systematic support plans are needed involving medical education experts, field physicians, and experts on reunification. 2) An evaluation of defector physicians' current medical knowledge may provide information about the areas where supplementary education is most needed and the standards for certificating licenses. 3) In the short term, a customized glossary should be developed to assist defector physicians prepare for the examination. 4) To secure internships and residencies is the most important issue for further sustained training of NKDP physicians to become good clinicians after certification. Hopefully, this short report on the current ongoing educational course will lead to more extensive discussion.

A Study on Countermeasures to the North Korean Asymmetric Strategy-'Cyber Surprise Attack' (북한의 비대칭 전략-'사이버 기습공격'에 대한 대책 연구)

  • Kwon, Moon-Taek
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2010
  • Information security is a critical issue for national defense. This paper provides a result of a study on the countermeasures to the North Korean Asymmetric Strategy-'Cyber Surprise Attack'. After the attack on Yeonpyeong island, the North Korea threatened there will be more surprise attack to the South Korea. Based on the analysis of 'Stuxnet' cyber attack to Iran and China, the North Korean surprise attack may be 'Stuxnet'class cyber attack. This paper several strategic countermeasures in order to overcome the anticipated the North Korean cyber surprise attack.

A Study on Policy Strategies for Settlement of North Korean Defectors in Korean Society

  • Cho, Woo-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to search for policy strategies for settlement of North Korean defectors in Korean society, develop strategies based on the results and present their implications. For the purposes, this study set up a cause and effect model referring to previous bibliographical and statistical data. The results are presented as follows: First, to overcome anxiety of exposure in the defectors, personal information should be protected. Second, their psychological problems should be solved and they should be emotionally stable for better adaptation to Korean society. Third, keeping in mind that North Korean defectors are Korean people, the issue of nationality should be institutionally managed. Fourth, as one of difficulties they have is economic problems, practical support measures should be developed to solve them. Fifth, the federal government and local governments should be active in changing their recognition on them and provide the Korean community education for citizens to resolve cultural differences.

Multi-temporal Analysis of Deforestation in Pyeongyang and Hyesan, North Korea

  • Lee, Sunmin;Park, Sung-Hwan;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • Since forest is an important part of ecological system, the deforestation is one of global substantive issues. It is generally accepted that the climate change is related to the deforestation. The issue is worse in developing countries because the forest is one of important natural resources. In the case of North Korea, the deforestation is on the rise from forest reclamation for firewood collection and food production. Moreover, a secondary effect from flood intensifies the damage. Also, the political situation in North Korea presents difficulty to have in-situ measurements. It means that the accurate information of North Korea is nearly impossible to obtain. Thus, assessing the current situation of the forest in North Korea by indirect method is required. The objective of this study is to monitor the forest status of North Korea using multitemporal Landsat images, from 1980s to 2010s. Since the deforestation in North Korea is caused by local residents, we selected two study areas of high population density: Pyeongyang and Hyesan. In North Korea, most of clean Landsat images are acquired in fall season. The fall images have an advantage that we can easily distinguish agriculture areas from forest areas, also have an disadvantage that the forests cannot be easily identified because some of trees have turned red. To identify the forests exactly, we proposed a modified Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (mNDVI) value. The deforestation in Pyeongyang and Hyesan was analyzed by using mNDVI. The dimension of forest has decreased approximately 36% in Pyeongyang for 27 years and approximately 25% in Hyesan for 16 years. The results show that the forest areas in Pyeongyang and Hyesan have been steadily reduced.

An Analysis on the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Process and Political Implication (이란의 핵협상 과정 분석과 정책적 함의)

  • Baek, Dong Hwan;Kwon, Jung-Min
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.6_1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2015
  • According to the tentative agreement between Iran and Western countries on last July, the Iranian nuclear problem that has been discussed is resolving gradually. It has been discussed for long time. The reason we must observe the agreement process for the Iranian nuclear is that the Korean peninsular is also threatened by the North Korea's nuclear. When it comes to comparing the nuclear issue in two countries, there are very big differences such as political system, structure and the process of nuclear agreement between them. For this reason, some experts say that it is hard to find the implication for solving the North Korea's nuclear problem. However, the others say that we can find the positive factors that have an effect on the North Korea's nuclear problem. This research focuses on analyzing the Iranian nuclear agreement process and successful factors as well as trying to find out the implication to solve the North Korea's nuclear problem. In spite of large point of difference between I ran and the North Korea, the reason we have to find out the positive measure to solve the North Korea's nuclear problem is that this issue is directly related to the Korean peninsular's security.