• 제목/요약/키워드: Non fishing vessel

검색결과 27건 처리시간 0.02초

An Analysis of Future Ship Operation System under the e-navigation Environment

  • An, Kwang
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2015
  • It is clearly understood that e-navigation is beneficial to prevent collision and grounding of ships. The purpose of this study is to define and present a future ship operation system under the e-navigation environment in order to provide clear direction for the design of Korean e-navigation system. The future ship operation system consists of shipboard navigational system, shore supporting system and maritime communication system. To achieve the objectives of this study, the ship operation system was discussed separately into SOLAS ships and non-SOLAS ships in this study. In SOLAS ships, mariners become a system manager, choosing system presets, interpreting system output, and monitoring vessel response. In small ships and fishing vessels, mariners may enjoy their navigation by using the automatic tracking of ship's position on the portable electronic chart display. The improved bridge design, integrated and harmonized navigational system and single window reporting will reduce significantly the administrative and physical workload of mariners. Mariners can concentrate their attention more on navigational duty under the e-navigation environment. To build an effective Korean e-navigation system, the essential navigational functions and e-navigation services for small ships and fishing vessels must be identified and developed taking into account user needs.

수협 재해 보험급여를 이용한 근해안강망 어선원의 안전 위험 요소 평가 (Hazard Factors Assessment for the Fishermen's Safety on the Vessel of Offshore Stow Nets on Anchor using Insurance Proceeds Payment of NFFC)

  • 이유원;조영복;김성기;김석재;박태건;류경진;김욱성
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.1129-1135
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    • 2015
  • The stow net is a stationary gear made from netting, usually in shape like trawl net without wings. The nets are fixed by means of anchors, placed according to the direction and strength of the current. And the commercial fishing is associated with high rate of fatal and non-fatal occupational injury. The hazard factors analysis for the fishermen's safety of offshore stow nets vessel was conducted to serve as a basic data for improving the healthy and safe working environment of fishermen using fishermen's occupational accidents of the national federation of fisheries cooperatives (NFFC) from 2012 to 2014 (n=1,144). As a result, the average occupational accident occurrence rate of this fishery was 206.9‰ in all industries 36.9 times the rate of that. In addition, average death and missing rate was found to have a very serious level management to 50.4‰ in all industries of death of 42.0 times. The accident occurred in 84.5 to 94.6% was happened at sea. The struck by object, slipping, contact with machinery, contact by object or gear and others occurred more frequently in order on the frequency of accident occurrence pattern. However, the occurrence rate of death and missing did not match the frequency of accident pattern. In other words, slipping occurred frequently higher while death and missing risk was not high. And the contact with fishing gear and fall in the waters was low while death and missing risk was high. The results are expected to contribute for identification and assessment of safety hazard occurred in offshore stow nets vessel.

모바일 디바이스에서의 NAVTEX 메시지 표현에 관한 연구 (An Approach of Presenting NAVTEX message on Mobile Device)

  • 이서정;이재욱
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2012년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.100-101
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    • 2012
  • 최근 요트와 같은 소형 선박을 이용한 해양 레저 활동 인구수가 크게 늘어남에 따라 다양한 사용자와 단말기를 이용한 해상안전 정보 제공의 필요성도 함께 증가하고 있다. NAVTEX는 전 세계 연안 항해 선박에 대해 지역별 해상안전정보를 제공하는 문자방송 시스템이다. 의무 장착 요구가 없는 소형 선박이나 어선에서도 이미 사용하고 있으나 수신되는 정보는 모든 사용자가 직관적으로 인식하기 쉽지 않게 구성되어 있다. 본 논문에서는 휴대가 간편하고 대중화된 범용 모바일 디바이스를 활용하여 NAVTEX 메시지를 확인 할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하였다. 이는 비숙련자도 항해안전정보를 보다 쉬운 도구를 이용해 접근할 수 있는 가능성을 제공한다.

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On the mitigation of surf-riding by adjusting center of buoyancy in design stage

  • Yu, Liwei;Ma, Ning;Gu, Xiechong
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 2017
  • High-speed vessels are prone to the surf-riding in adverse quartering seas. The possibility of mitigating the surf-riding of the ITTC A2 fishing vessel in the design stage is investigated using the 6-DOF weakly non-linear model developed for surf-riding simulations in quartering seas. The longitudinal position of the ship's center of buoyancy (LCB) is chosen as the design parameter. The adjusting of LCB is achieved by changing frame area curves, and hull surfaces are reconstructed accordingly using the Radial Basis Function (RBF). Surf-riding motions in regular following seas for cases with different LCBs and Froude numbers are simulated using the numerical model. Results show that the surf-riding cannot be prevented by the adjusting of LCB. However, it occurs with a higher threshold speed when ship's center of buoyancy (COB) is moved towards stem compared to moving towards stern, which is mainly due to the differences on wave resistance caused by the adjusting of LCB.

한ㆍ중 수산업의 경쟁력 비교 분석 (A Comparative Study on the Competitive Power in Fisheries of Korea and China)

  • 박영병
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this paper is to compare China's and Korea's marine fisheries industries in order to present the main features of China's marine fisheries and show the comparative advantages they have in production. The results indicate that China's marine fisheries have the following features. (1) The marine proportion of the fisheries industry economic activity is less than 60%. Fishing is 71.3% of that marine activity. (2) The production trends of marine fisheries history in China can be classified as follows: 1) an early growth period, 2) a deliberation/consolidation period, 3) a second growth period, 4) a third growth period, and 5) a fourth growth period. The growth rate has rapidly increased recently. (3) Fish production is over 70% of marine fishing fisheries, the next major product is crustacea. The production of shellfish occupies over 70% of marine aquaculture, seaweed production however, is only 22% of total marine aquaculture. (4) The licensed area for marine aquaculture in China is 586.3 ha and that area is 5.4 times larger than that of Korea. The allotted area for shellfish aquaculture is 60% of marine aquaculture, production areas of crustaceans occupy 27.3%, fish has 7 1%, and seaweed production only 5.7% of allocated marine aquaculture areas. (5) The proportion of power vessels for marine fisheries of China's total power vessel fleet is around 65%, and the marine fisheries portion of non - powered vessels constitutes only 12%. The highest proportion of power vessels engaged in marine fisheries activities is between 10 tonnes to 100 tonnes. (6) The portion of marine fishery workers of all fishery industry employees is 22%, and 70% of them are full - time workers. Of marine fishery workers, 64% are in the fishing sector, 22%, aquaculture workers, and the number of employees in marine fisheries is increasing every year. The analysis of China's fishery industry in the production competitiveness indicates as follows : (1) The licensed areas in marine aquaculture, number of fishing vessels, number of marine fishing workers in China's fishery industry are much more than those of Korea's. Therefore China is much more competitive than Korea in the quantity of production side. However, licensed areas for seaweed aquaculture are more extensive in Korea than China. In China, the number of power vessels of between 10 tonnes and 100 tonnes, the licensed shellfish aquaculture areas, and the number of fishing workers within the fisheries industry are much more than those of Korea. (2) It is estimated that the licensed areas in marine aquaculture, number of medium sized power vessels, number of marine fishery workers will be increased as the quantity of production factors grow in China. (3) At present, yield per Ha. in marine cultures is very low in China. Therefore it is estimated that aquaculture techniques have only been diffused recently in China. Yield of fish per Ha especially is much lower than that of Korea. So the level of aquaculture techniques seems much lower than that of Korea. (4) China is behind Korea in production technique, however the number of HP per boat in China is lower than that of Korea. Therefore, China is much more competitive than Korea in Costs. (5) Average fish catches per marine fishery worker in China is only 1/3 that of Korea's, and average marine aquaculture production in China is only 1/2 that of Korea. Therefore we can say Korea is more competitive than China in efficiency. The average income of marine fishery workers in China is higher that that of other Chinese industries. However, the competitiveness of the fisheries industry in China will be increased as more capital is invested and advanced techniques are developed.

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초월대수비용함수를 이용한 근해어업의 규모의 경제성 분석 (Analysis on Economies of Scale in Offshore Fishery Using a Translog Cost Function)

  • 신용민;심성현
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2017
  • This study estimates the cost function through offshore fishery cost data and analyzed the economies of scale of Korea's offshore fishery. For the estimation of the cost function, translog cost function was used, and the analysis implemented the panel analysis of the panel data. Also, annual economies of scale of the offshore fishery and economies of scale of 14 offshore fisheries in 2015 were analyzed using translog cost function coefficient estimation. The analysis result of economies of scale of Korea's offshore fishery showed that with the exception of 2003, economies of scale exist in all periods of time. However, as it almost reaches the minimum efficient scale, it was revealed that further scale expansion will bring inefficiency. Thus, according to the analysis result, Korea's offshore fishery requires a scale reduction policy rather than scale expansion policy, and this seems to coincide with the current government's fishery reconstruction policy and its practice such as the fishing vessel buyback program. The analysis result of economies of scale of each offshore fishery in 2015 showed that economies of scale of each offshore fishery exists with the exception of five trawl fisheries such as large pair-trawl and large otter trawl and large purse seines. This strongly suggests that the five fisheries and Large Purse Seines with non performing economies of scale need urgent scale reduction and should be the first target for the government's fishery reconstruction policy.

WAVE 통신기반 소형 선박 충돌회피 보조시스템 개발 (A Study on the Development of Collision Avoidance System for Small-Sized Vessel Using WAVE Communication Technology)

  • 김몽주;오주석;남용윤
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2020
  • 최근 4년 간 발생한 해양사고 통계자료(중앙해양안전심판원, 2018)에 의하면 충돌사고의 대부분이 어선을 포함한 소형선에서 발생하고 있으며 경계소홀, 항행법규 미준수 등의 인적 요인이 충돌사고의 주요 원인이 되고 있다. 이에 따라 사고 예방을 위해 교육, 훈련을 확대 강화하고 있지만 소형선에 대한 사고는 여전히 일어나고 있는 실정이며 인적 요인으로 유발되는 사고를 줄이고자 기술적 방안이 지속적으로 개발되고 있다. 본 연구에서도 상대적으로 고속인 소형선에 송·수신 주기가 빠른 WAVE 통신기술을 적용하여 충돌 회피시스템 구성하므로 인적 요인으로 인해 발생하는 사고를 감소시키고자 하였다. 그에 따라 통신 범위의 적정성 판단하고 회피동작 시간과 범위를 설정하였으며 그 것을 토대로 제어 알고리즘 고안 하였다. 그리고 통신단말기-제어기-조타장치를 구성하고 충돌회피 모의 시뮬레이션을 수행하므로 경보신호 발생 시 회피동작의 정상 구현을 확인하였다.