• 제목/요약/키워드: Nitrogen removal

검색결과 1,363건 처리시간 0.023초

담체설치가 고질소함유 양돈폐수의 호기발효에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Artificial Filaments Equipped in the Aeration Tank of Aerobic Fermentation System on the Removal Efficiency of Nitrogen of Swine Wastewater Containing High Nitrogen)

  • 손경호;이상락;안정제;권윤정;정태영
    • 한국축산시설환경학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of artificial filaments equipped in the aeration tank of aerobic·fermentation system on the removal efficiency of swine wastes which were fermented an aerobically and thus containing high nitrogen. Two aerobic fermentation system each consist4s of 4 tanks ; storage tank, 1st and 2nd aeration tank and settling tank were run before and one or three weeks after equipment of artificial filament in the aeration tanks. Total solids concentration tended to increase by aerobic fermentation in all running periods. However, decreased(P<0.05) total nitrogen concentration was shown three weeks after the equipment of artificial filament. Ammonia nitrogen concentration also largely decreased(p<0.05) in both running periods of one and three weeks after equipment of artificial filaments. These results suggest that the artificial filaments may improve the removal efficiency of nitrogen in swine wastewater containing high nitrogen during aerobic fermentation.

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Study on Simultaneous Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Using Zeocarbon

  • Hong, Ji-Sook;Suh, Jeong-Kwon
    • Carbon letters
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.112-116
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of simultaneous removal of ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus in water using the zeocarbon. In this study, the surface of zeocarbon was modified by acid because of difficulty in application of water treatment. After surface modification, the strength was enhanced about 62% higher than that of original one. The removal efficiency of ammonium and nitrate using the modified zeocarbon was about 47% and 32%, respectively and were higher than that of zeocarbon. In batch type experiment on the simultaneous removal of ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus, the presence of phosphorus did not have influence on nitrogen removal efficiency. Concomitantly, removal efficiency of phosphorus was obtained was about 35%. This indicates that the surface modified zeocarbon can be applied for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Consequently, our results could be used as basic data to design of one-stage nitrogen/phosphorus simultaneous removal system.

연속회분식반응조 공정에서 교반/폭기비와 SRT가 영양염류제거에 미치는 영향 (Effects of mixing/aeration ratio and SRT on nutrient removal in SBR process)

  • 전석준;김한수
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2002
  • In this study, nutrients treatment by sequencing batch reactors(SBR) was performed. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies were evaluated by changing SRT and mixing/aeration ratio. Not only nitrogen but also phosphorus removal patterns were investigated through track studies on 1 cycle. As SRT was fixed and mixing/aeration ratio was changed, maximum nitrogen removal efficiency was 87.6% at mixing/aeration ratio 0.67. Phosphorus removal efficiencies were more than 85.5% except no mixing condition. As mixing/aeration ratio was fixed and SRT was changed, nitrogen removal efficiencies were 70.5~79.8%, which represented slight changes, while phosphorus removal efficiencies were 49.0~97.3%, which represented sharply decreasing tendency at less than 20 day. Both phosphorus release rate k and maximum phosphorus release rate $P_{max}/M$ were are decreased as SRT was decreased, but they were not affected by mixing/aeration ratio. It was found that there is a linear relationship between ortho-phosphate uptake and maximum ortho-phosphate release.

2중 구조의 PVA/alginate 겔 비드에서의 독립영양 단일공정 질소제거효율 시뮬레이션 (Simulated Nitrogen Removal for Double-Layered PVA/Alginate Structure for Autotrophic Single-Stage Nitrogen Removal)

  • 배효관
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2022
  • Recently, an autotrophic single-stage nitrogen removal (ASSNR) process based on the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) reaction has been proven as an economical ammonia treatment. It is highly evident that double-layered gel beads are a promising alternative to the natural biofilm for ASSNR because of the high mechanical strength of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/alginate structure and efficient protection of ANAMMOX bacteria from dissolved oxygen (DO) due to the thick outer layer. However, the thick outer layer results in severe mass transport limitation and consequent lowered bacterial activity. Therefore, the effects of the thickness of the outer layer on the overall reaction rate were tested in the biofilm model using AQUASIM for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and ANAMMOX bacteria. A thickness of 0.5~1.0 mm is preferred for the maximum total nitrogen (TN) removal. In addition, a DO of 0.5 mg/L resulted in the best total nitrogen removal. A higher DO induces NOB activity and consequent lower TN removal efficiency. The optimal density of AO B and NO B density was 1~10% for a 10% ANAMMOX bacterial in the double-layered PVA/alginate gel beads. The real effects of operating parameters of the thickness of the outer layer, DO and concentrations of biomass balance should be intensively investigated in the controlled experiments in batch and continuous modes.

N, P 농도에 따른 Chlorella vulgaris의 성장 및 하수고도처리능 평가 (Advanced wastewater treatment capacity and growth of Chlorella vulgaris by nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations)

  • 한수현;이윤희;황선진
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2013
  • The growth and removal capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus of Chlorella vulgaris were evaluated in artificial wastewater with different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations as element growing components for microalgae growth. The nitrogen concentration was varied in 9, 15, 30 and 60 mg-N/L with fixed phosphorus concentration of 3 mg-P/L. The growth and phosphorus removal capacity of C. vulgaris were high at initial nitrogen concentration of 15 and 30 mg-N/L, and the corresponding N/P ratios calculated were 5 and 10. In the case of varying in 1.5, 3, 6 and 10 mg-P/L of phosphorus concentration with fixed nitrogen concentration of 30 mg-N/L, the growth and removal capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus were excellent with phosphorus concentration of 3 and 6 mg-P/L. The corresponding N/P ratios were shown as 10 and 5. Therefore, the appropriate N/P ratio was concluded between 5 and 10 for wastewater treatment using C. vulgaris.

Leclercia Adecarboxylata를 이용한 합성폐수의 암모니아성질소 제거특성 및 질소거동 (Removal Characteristic of Ammonia Nitrogen and Behavior of Nitrogen in Synthetic Wastewater Using Leclercia Adecarboxylata)

  • 이현희;배재근
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.460-465
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구에서는 고농도 암모니아성질소로 오염된 고체배지로부터 분리해 낸 Leclercia adecarboxylata를 이용하여 암모니아성질소의 제거특성 및 기작을 파악하여 폐수처리의 적용가능성에 대해 살펴보았다. 질소제거에 있어서 가장 널리 알려진 생물학적 질산화와 후탈질에 의한 질소의 대기로의 방출이 아닌 질소합성균주를 이용한 질소의 체내합성을 이용한 영양물질의 제거 가능성에 대해 접근해 보았다. L. adecarboxylata는 무염분조건에서 암모니아성질소의 제거와 균체중식이 가장 왕성했으나, 염분이 4%를 넘어서게 되면 그 효율은 급격히 저하되었다. 약 80 mg/L의 암모니아성질소는 20시간 이내에 거의 대부분 제거되었으나, 500 mg/L인 시료는 탄소원의 부족으로 인해 50시간 이상 처리후에도 50%의 제거율에도 미치지 못해 탄소원이 많을수록 질소제거율은 높음을 알 수 있었다. 탄소원이 모두 소모되고 난 이후에는 더 이상 질소제거는 이루어지지 않았으나, 탄소원을 추가로 공급했을 때 제거효율은 다시 증가했다. 시료의 pH는 미생물의 증식에 의해 8에서 6.36까지 감소했다. 암모니아성질소가 제거되는 동안 아질산성질소와 질산성질소의 축적은 일어나지 않았고, TKN값은 큰 차이를 보이지 않은 것으로 미루어 볼 때 유기질소로의 합성을 추측할 수 있었다. 유기질소 중 단백질의 농도를 측정해 본 결과 초기시료에서는 불검출 되었으나, 48시간 경과후의 시료에는 193.1 mg/L의 단백질이 검출 되었다. 따라서 L. adecarboxylata는 암모니아성질소를 유기질소로 합성하는 능력이 탁월하여 폐수중의 암모니아성질소의 제거에 이용가치가 클 것으로 판단된다.

${\cdot}$ 폐수처리장에서의 생물학적 질소제거 프로그램 검증 (Verification of biological nitrogen removal program in sewage or wastewater treatment plants)

  • 김희선;이병대
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.332-338
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    • 2007
  • Based on the experiment results of laboratory scale modified anoxic-oxic process for leachate treatment, biological nitrogen removal program was verified in terms of SS, COD, and TN concentration. These measured water qualities concentration could be predicted by biological nitrogen removal program with $R^2$ of 0.994, 0.987, 0.990, respectively. No error was occurred between water qualities concentration and quite wide range of water qualities concentration (i.e., 50-4200 mg/L) during the modelling. Each unit and final effluent of simulated concentration was kept good relationship with that of measured concentration therefore this biological nitrogen removal program for sewage or wastewater treatment plants has good reliance.

Treatment Characteristics of Wastewater with Flow Rate Variation in Anaerobic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Process

  • Lee Min-Gyu;Suh Kuen-Hack;Hano Tadashi
    • Environmental Sciences Bulletin of The Korean Environmental Sciences Society
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1997
  • The treatment performances of anaerobic-aerobic activated sludge process were investigated under various operation conditions. The treatment system proposed in this study gave a relatively stable performance against hourly change of the flow rate and showed a satisfactory removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds under experimental conditions. The average removal efficiency of total nitrogen gradually decreased as the influent total nitrogen concentration was increased. High C/N ratio of the wastewater was required for the complete removal of nitrogen. Glucose as a carbon source was more efficient than starch and the removal ability for all components become higher with the increase of the fraction of glucose.

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Treatment Characteristics of Wastewater with Flow Rate Variation in Anaerobic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Process

  • Min-Gyu Lee;Kue
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1992
  • The treatment performances of anaerobic-aerobic activated sludge Process were investigated under various operation conditions. The treatment system proposed in this study gave a relatively stable performance against hourly change of the flow rate and showed a satisfactory removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds under experimental conditions. The average removal efficiency of total nitrogen gradually decreased as the influent total nitrogen concentration was increased. High C/N ratio of the wastewater was required for the complete removal of nitrogen. Glucose as a carbon source was more efficient than starch and the removal ability for all components become hither with the increase of the fraction of glucose.

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하폐수처리에서 질소 제거를 위한 미생물 전기화학 기술의 동향 (Trends of microbial electrochemical technologies for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment)

  • 채형원;최용훈;김명운;김영진;정석희
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.345-356
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    • 2020
  • The removal of organic carbon and nutrients (i.e. N and P) from wastewater is essential for the protection of the water environment. Especially, nitrogen compounds cause eutrophication in the water environment, resulting in bad water quality. Conventional nitrogen removal systems require high aeration costs and additional organic carbon. Microbial electrochemical system (MES) is a sustainable environmental system that treats wastewater and produces energy or valuable chemicals by using microbial electrochemical reaction. Innovative and cost-effective nitrogen removal is feasible by using MESs and increasing attention has been given to the MES development. In this review, recent trends of MESs for nitrogen removal and their mechanism were conclusively reviewed and future research outlooks were also introduced.