• 제목/요약/키워드: New standards economy

검색결과 61건 처리시간 0.022초

A Spiritual War: Religious Responses to Marketization in Rural North Vietnam

  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh
    • 수완나부미
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.149-180
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    • 2023
  • This article explores religious responses to significant cultural and social change in a northern Vietnamese delta village from 1996 to 2008-the second decade after de-collectivization. Drawing upon extensive fieldwork in both the village and surrounding religious networks, the article teases out the meanings of the new religious movements for northern rural people in the new era of market economy; the symbols, language, and metaphoric resources people used in response to their uncertainty and mistrust of the new social landscape; and the unintended consequences of rapid societal development such as marginalization, tensions, and social disintegration. The article argues that as in milleniarism elsewhere, new religious movements in northern rural Vietnam embody unorthodox syncretism between world religious and local traditions, thus linking past, present, and future. However, when drawing upon a common reservoir of memories and experiences to cope with risks and challenges of the new market world, local people not only drew on the power and imperial metaphor of deities in their traditional religion and belief, but became more creative to recuperate meanings, standards, and symbols from revolutionary discourse to reorient themselves, and overcome alienation and marginalization.

국내 가죽소파에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Leather Sofa Industry in Korea)

  • 조숙경
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2001
  • The sofa industry, which is now one of the major furniture industries in Korea, has developed since 1970s as the apartment building boom and the rise of living standards triggered its demand. Among others, durable and high-quality leather sofa had been most favored and excelled other sofas since mid-1980s along with the growth of national economy before IMF control tightened money market in late 1990s. Leather sofa is still favored and its industry has great possibilities to increase as people tend to seek higher and more personalized living conditions with the stabilization of economy. However, there are several problems in the sofa industry due to the current economic difficult conditions, i.e.; 1. It is hard to cut down the cost of raw material as the supply mostly depend on import. 2. It is hard to keep product quality due to technical difficulties. 3. There are still illegal duplicates of foreign or domestic competitors'design. The aim of this study is to examine the reality of the leather sofa industry in Korea and to suggest new vision for its progress.

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Future Urban Transportation Technologies for Sustainability with an Emphasis on Growing Mega Cities: A Strategic Proposal on Introducing a New Micro Electric Vehicle Segment

  • Honey, Emilio;Lee, Hojin;Suh, In-Soo
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2014
  • The current transportation regime is largely based on two alternatives: (1) fixed route public transit, and (2) private ownership of internal combustion engine (ICE) powered vehicles per households. This paper analyzes one possible transportation alternative, Micro Electric Vehicles or MEVs, and compares with the ICE vehicles in terms of social, economic and environmental benefits, especially emphasizing its environmental advantage over ICE vehicles for future sustainability. While some representative models of MEVs exist in a limited market capacity, but global technical standards are generally insufficient and non-homogenous across nations, which restricts the development of the proposed transportation sector. The focus of this paper is to analyze the characteristics and potential benefits of MEVs in economical and environmental perspectives, including development status and technical standards, with a particular focus in the E.U., the U.S., Japan, and Korea. Based on the data of analysis, this paper aims to derive and propose a cooperative and adaptive global policy framework designed to speed up adoption and expansion of the global MEV market, including passenger and utility vehicles. We propose MEV to be a new mobility segment in the global transportation market because of their advantage in environmental impact, sustainability, overall cost of ownership, and safety.

다자통상제상 노동·환경 이슈의 무역 규범화에 관한 연구: 수산분야를 중심으로 (Linking trade to labor and environmental issues in the multilateral trading system with a focus on the fisheries sector)

  • 오서연;안지은
    • 아태비즈니스연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.381-396
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to analyze environmental and labor issues and related norms, which are new trade issues that are expanding in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, and examine the possible impact of these norms on domestic fisheries policies. Design/methodology/approach - In this study, literature research was used as the main research methods. The comparative analysis of international norms and multilateral trade agreements texts related to the environment, labor and trade were conducted. Findings - The new trade norms in the fisheries sector can be represented by labor and environment issues. Since domestic environmental and labor standards do not fully meet the standards of the multilateral trade agreements, it is necessary to ensure that domestic norms are supplemented and relevant policies are newly established through a review of international law on environment and labor. Research implications or Originality - This study confirmed that international norms related to labor and environment in the fisheries sector are mixed with soft norms and binding norms, and each norm is linked in a multi-layered and mutual way. Such international norms are being strengthened in connection with trade agreements and issues.

수소품질 국제 표준화 동향 및 대응기술에 관한 연구 (A Stydy On Hydrogen Quality International Standards Trend and Countermeasure)

  • 이택홍;천영기
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.454-460
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    • 2006
  • In the production of hydrogen from various sources like cracking of LPG, LNG, Crude oil, or alkaline water electrolysis, the things that we keep in mind is the entrapment of unexpected impurities in the stream of produced $H_2$. If it is true that we are not able to produce 100% pure $H_2$, then subsequent procedure is the elimination of the impurities and the determination of the concentrations of each constituents in $H_2$ stream. By the way, each country has different constituents in its fuels and unavoidablely it was cost/economy debates between coutries. Thus, in this paper, our goal is to provide current international issues for hydrogen production.

The New Landscape of Trade Policy and Korea's Choices

  • Petri, Peter A.
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.333-359
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    • 2013
  • Two mega-regional negotiations are changing the landscape of Asia Pacific trade policy: an Asian track centered on ASEAN (the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership or RCEP), and a Trans-Pacific track centered on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) among 12 economies, including the United States, which Korea is expected to join. Modeling results suggest that both would generate substantial benefits for Korea and the global economy. From Korea's viewpoint, the agreements would establish new FTAs with China, Japan and smaller economies, improve the utilization of FTAs by permitting the regional cumulation of inputs, and help to upgrade some Korean FTAs to more rigorous standards. By participating in these agreements, Korea could also help to guide them toward inclusive, high-quality regional outcomes. As one of the region's most open and agile economies, Korea has a large stake in regional integration and would be well advised to pursue both tracks.

IEC 60909에 의한 삼상 고장계산 (Three-phase Fault Calculation by IEC 60909)

  • 손석금
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제63권1호
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes how to calculate the three phase short circuit current calculation procedures used in the IEC 60909 short circuit. It presented the new procedure of the fault current for the interrupting capacity of the circuit breaker. This procedure is applied to the future power system and calculates the fault current. Power demands are increased because of the growth of the economy for this reason, the fault current of the power system is largely increased and the fault current procedure for the proper interrupting capacity calculation of the existing or the new circuit breaker is essential. How to calculate the three phase short circuit current for ac electrical system and select the high voltage and low voltage circuit breaker based on IEC 60909 standards.

국내 액화수소 안전기준 제·개정을 통한 수소산업 안전성 확립 (Establishing the Safety of the Hydrogen Industry Through the Revision of Domestic Liquefied Hydrogen Safety Standards)

  • 김현진;송보희;탁송수;조호연;강승규
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2021
  • 현재 정부의 「한국판 뉴딜 종합계획」발표('20.7.14, 관계부처 합동)에 따른 수소 생산 및 충전시설 보급 확대에 따라 주요 기업에서 액화수소 제조설비 건설계획 발표에 액화수소 플랜트, 충전소 등 관련시설 구축이 속도감 있게 진행되고 있다. 그러나 국내 액화수소 밸류체인에 따른 생산·저장시설·운송·활용 등에 대한 안전기준이 미흡한 실정이며, 액화수소 전주기에 걸친 안전 기술 및 안전기준 마련이 시급하다. 이에 한국가스안전공사는 액화수소 플랜트를 비롯한 전주기에 걸친 안전기준을 제·개정하고, 이를 통해 국내 안전한 수소 경제를 실현시키고자 한다.

브랜드 콜라보레이션 마케팅을 통한 디자인호텔의 실내디자인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Interior Design of Hotel Design through Brand Marketing Collaboration)

  • 박시윤;김정아
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2014
  • The rapid growth of economy improves not only the life quality of people in this modern society but also standards of value in connection with how those people would spend money as they engage in various leisure and cultural activities. That being the case, hotels are currently changing into places of new concepts depending on those new lifestyles of these people, and in those new places, people can entertain and experience as enjoying cultures. The marketing collaboration of the hotels with brands can be used as a more inclusive way to enhance brand images. In addition, as having infinite possibilities of the collaboration's being able to create a new-concept space with an identity of a brand included, this collaboration makes it possible for the design hotels to decorate their interior spaces differently from those of other hotels. In the light of that, the brand collaboration is basically divided into three groups which are the fashion collaboration, the technique collaboration and the designer collaboration, and the brand collaboration is also able to express the interior spaces of the design hotels as working on those six components, such as reproduction, events, alteration, messages, culture and image. After all, through the brand collaboration marketing, this thesis expects an interior design of a new-concept design hotel which would play a role as a complex cultural space.

해상 강관말뚝 활용을 위한 방식기법 선정 및 경제성 검토 (Economical assessment and selection of corrosion protections for marine steel piles)

  • 이주형;이종구;박재현;곽기석;정문경
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2009년도 춘계 학술발표회
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2009
  • Introduced was a new anti-corrosive method with improved ease of construction, economy, and durability that could be applicable for steel-composite drilled shaft. The feasibility and economy of sea-water-resistant steel was evaluated under the assumption that it was to substitute carbon steel for steel casing of drilled shaft foundation as a load carrying structural member not just as a sacrifice casing, and that anti-corrosive protection measures as required by the domestic standards was applied. Sea-water-resistant steel was found to cost 30% to 55% more, depending on pile diameter and the type of applied anti-corrosive measures, than carbon steel for the service life time of 70 years: 50% to 90% more for 100 years of service life.

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