• Title/Summary/Keyword: New policy

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A study on the new Developmental Direction for Fisheries Policy in Korea (한국의 수산정책의 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • 박민수
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.695-704
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents the new developmental direction for fisheries policy in Korea. Korea is changing strang fisheries nation, the fact is that korea cannot effectively cope with changing fisheries situation and various fisheries difficulties, because the fisheries policy system is dispersed to each parts of the government. The results of this study is as follow: the fisheries policy in future must be able to unify of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, all fisheries offices must be able to relation, the regulation of fisheries policy must relieve, a coastal fishery must be able to reproduction, change of fishery structure must be able to raising fishery, consumption of fishery must be able to improvement, live of fishing village must be able to betterment, overseas fishing grounds must have to security.

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Shelf-Life Time Based Cache Replacement Policy Suitable for Web Environment (웹 환경에 적합한 보관수명 기반 캐시 교체정책)

  • Han, Sungmin;Park, Heungsoon;Kwon, Taewook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1091-1101
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    • 2015
  • Cache mechanism, which has been a research subject for a significant period of time in computer science, has become realized in the form of web caching in network practice. Web caching has various advantages, such as saving of network resources and response time reduction, depends its performance on cache replacement policy, therefore, analysis and consideration of the environment in which a web cache operates is essential for designing better replacement policies. Thus, in the current web environment where is rapidly changing relative to the past, a new cache replacement policy is necessary to reflect those changes. In this paper we stipulate some characteristics of the web at present, propose a new cache replacement policy, and evaluate it.

The Evolution of Green Growth Policy: An Unwelcome Intrusion on Global Environmental Governance?

  • Park, Jeongwon
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.207-241
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    • 2013
  • The notion of green growth emerged in 2009. Since then, policy makers and practitioners have largely adopted the term. Although rather intermittently, there have been academic observations on green growth, with the term often being cited as a paradigm and a policy guide for generating new sources of growth. The most important reasons for the surge in green growth today as a new trend and an international agenda item are the rather unsatisfactory results and pitfalls of sustainable development, which has failed at promoting a tangible international environmental principle or a concrete policy framework. Green growth has been proposed as an alternative simultaneously to foster the dynamics of global environmental governance and to reinvigorate the world economy. This study examines to what extent green growth plays a complementary role in existing global environmental governance. Available evidence provides reasonable grounds for arguing that a positive outcome may well be expected from the evolution of green growth architecture and followed by practical policies. It became a global agenda out of a few influential national governments' control. However, decision makers in the leading countries, both developed and developing must be willing to continue implementing what has been discussed and agreed thus far, beyond changes in political leadership and administrations.

Policy Issues for Integrated Approach to Rural Regional Development (농어촌지역개발의 종합적 접근을 위한 정책 과제)

  • 임상봉
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.90-101
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    • 1997
  • The objectives of the study are to identify the issues and problems encountered in Korea's current integrated rural regional development(IRRD) program and to suggest policy remedies to cope with them. Secondary data and materials ate mainly used for the study. Since the mid-1980s, rural settlement planning has been carried out in the Republic of Korea, In the planning process,'scale of economy'perspectives and settlement policy have been emphasized for increasing the efficiency of investment. During the 1990s, rural settlement and major village development projects have been implemented under the rural structure transformation programs. Agricultural structure adjustment projects for land consolidation and sizable farming have been separated from the rural settlement and mojor village development projects. Based on the evaluative analysis for the rural structure transformation policy and program, some problematic issues were raised as follows: (a) lack of integrative control function in the program'(b) weak linkage between living environment improvement and agricultural development projects: and (c) lack of comprehensive village development planning and implementation system. The policy issues to solve the problems were suggested as follows: (a) adoption of bottom-up approach in new IRRD planning and project system : (b) projection of comprehensive development planning and project at the village level; and (c) introduction of new regional agriculture development projects such as direct payment system for farming in less favorable areas and organic farming.

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A Study on the Rural Activation Project and the Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy (농촌활성화사업과 지역특화발전특구제도의 고찰)

  • Jung, Jinju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • Decrease in Population and graying of rural area by industrialization and urbanization are gone continuously. This makes happened various rural problems and the differential of standard of living with is arising day by day. Government is unfolding rural supporting project to solve continuously these problems. Recent Projects which are choosing not top-down process by government leading but bottom-up process through village inhabitants' participation and expert consultant get positive estimation. But those have difficulties because the support is attained only in the beginning step not continuously and inhabitants' number by graying is decreasing. The Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy is new access that regulation can differ according to special quality of each area depending on Localization Age. Through this transfer the competence that can mitigate or reinforce various regulations according to special quality of area in local government. So, back and maintain activation systematically so that each area could be developed specially. The purpose of The Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy is the activation of regional economy through development that regional specific character is. And there is characteristic that local government plans and takes the lead in all project contents, government gives regulation benefit by appointing the special economic zone and do not support finance and various tax remissions. Through investigation of such new policy, I wish to recognize what long-term plan and method could be possible to success rural activation continuously.

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Impact of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) on the Performance of Electric Utilities (ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance)가 발전기업의 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Byungguk;Lee, Kyuhwan;Yoon, Yongbeum;Park, Soojin
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.60-72
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    • 2022
  • The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) score is gaining recognition as important nonfinancial investment criteria. With climate change emerging as a global issue, energy companies must pay attention to the ESG impact on corporate performance. In this study, the ESG impact on the performance of energy companies was analyzed based on 23 companies selected from the S&P 500. The panel corrected standard error methodology was used. The Refinitiv ESG score was the independent variable, and financial performance metrics, such as Tobin's Q, return on assets, and return on equity, were the dependent variables. It was found that the ESG score is positively associated with long-term corporate value but not with short-term profitability in the electricity utility industry. Among the subcategories of ESG, the environmental and social scores also showed positive correlations with long-term corporate value. A direct incentive policy is recommended that can offset expenses for ESG activities to reduce carbon emission in the energy sector.

Continuation and change of Taiwan's New Southbound Policy in the De-Sinicization: The dynamics of Balancing and Bandwagoning (탈중국을 위한 대만 남향정책의 지속과 변화: 균형과 편승의 동학)

  • Kim, Sunjae;Kim, Suhan
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.69-114
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes Taiwan's 「New Southbound Policy」 from the perspective of 'balancing' and 'bandwagoning' in international politics. Specifically, it examines the changes and characteristics of 'Southbound policies' that have continued since the period of the Lee Teng-hui(李登輝) administration, and examines the meaning of the New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) administration. Taiwan's foreign policy has been strongly influenced by external variables such as U.S.-China relations. Previous Taiwanese governments have actively promoted Southbound policies to advance to Southeast Asian countries such as ASEAN with the aim of 'De-Sinicization', but have not achieved much results. This is because variables such as cooperative U.S.-China relations and strong checks from China played a role at the time. In this environment, Taiwan had to pursue an appropriate 'balancing' between the United States, China, and Southeast Asian countries. However, since the inauguration of the Trump administration, strategic competition between the U.S. and China has been maximized, creating a new space for Taiwan's foreign policy. This is because the U.S. valued cooperation with Taiwan in the process of embodying the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy' to curb China's rise. The New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-won administration is different from the existing Southbound policies in that it seeks to link with the U.S. India-Pacific Strategy and attempts to advance to South Asian countries such as India. From an international political point of view, the Tsai Ing-won administration's New Southbound Policy can be interpreted as a 'bandwagoning' to the United States, not a balanced strategy between the U.S. and China. Strategic competition between the U.S. and China is expected to intensify for a considerable period of time in the future, and honeymoon between Taiwan and the U.S. are also expected to continue. Taiwan's bandwagoning strategy, which actively pursues a link between the New Southbound Policy and the India-Pacific Strategy, is also expected to be maintained.

China's Diplomatic Challenges and Prospect in the Xi Jinping Era (시진핑 시대 중국의 외교적 과제와 전망)

  • Cho, Young Nam
    • Strategy21
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    • s.33
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2014
  • This article aims to analyze the diplomatic challenges currently facing China as well as the foreign policy the Xi Jinping administration is adopting to address them. With these purposes in mind, it will look into three areas: first, diplomatic tasks confronting the Xi leadership; second, foreign policy that the Xi administration has implemented since the 18th Party Congress in 2012; and third, the prospects for China's foreign policy under the Xi leadership. As the Xi Jinping administration entered into office, it has encountered two major diplomatic challenges. One is the searching for a new foreign policy, and the other the restructuring of the existing foreign affairs and national security systems. The Xi administration, during its first year in office, has responded actively to tackle these issues. To begin with, it has attempted to make some adjustments on foreign policy while maintaining the Deng Xiaoping line of foreign policy. One of these modifications is placing emphasis on national "core interest," as illustrated by changes in guideline for maritime conflicts, pushing for building maritime power, and proclamation of Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea. Second is the decision on the new guideline for peripheral diplomacy. That is, the administration regarded creating peaceful and stable environments to realize "Chinese Dream" as an important goal of foreign policy, and proposed such new guiding ideology as "familiarity, integrity, benefit, and accommodation." In additoin, the Xi administration restructured the existing foreign affairs and national security systems. Establishing the Central State Security Committee and the Internet Leading Small Group (LSG) are cases in point. As comprehensive organizations for policy coordination that encompass party, government, and military, the two LSGs are in charge of enacting related policies and fine-tuning policy implementation, based upon leadership consisting of chiefs of each relevant organs. Moreover, since Xi himself became the chief of these two newly-found organs, the conditions under which these LSGs could demonstrate unified leadership and adjusting role in its implementation of military, diplomatic, and security policies were developed. The future Chinese diplomacy will be characterized with three main trends. First, peripheral diplomacy will be reinforced. The peripheral diplomacy has become far more important since the Work Conference on Peripheral Diplomacy in October 2013. Second, economic diplomacy will be strengthened with an eye on reducing the "China Threat Theory," which still exists in Asia. Third, the policies to isolate the Philippines and Japan will continue in regard to maritime disputes. All in all, Chinese diplomacy in the Xi Jinping era is likely to feature practical diplomacy which combines both hard and soft approaches to best realize Chinese national interest.

Development of Chinese Maritime Related Laws and Status and Interpretation in Legislation System (중국 해양관련 법령의 발전과 입법체계에서의 지위 및 해석)

  • Yang, Hee-Cheol;Lee, Moon-Suk;Park, Seong-Wook;Kang, Ryang
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.427-444
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    • 2008
  • The most important bases of maritime laws in China are laws enacted by Constitution, a legislative institution of National People's Congress and Legislation of NPC Standing Committee. However, in reality, the institution, which become the basis of Chinese marine policy and leads overall maritime affairs, is a State Council of the Chinese central government and many objects of our researches on Chinese marine policy and laws are composed centering on this administration law. Therefore, in understanding Chinese maritime laws, it becomes an important prerequisite to understand relevant laws (statutes), administration law, statutes of local province, mutual authority relationships of these legislative institutions, and interpretation authority regarding laws (statutes). In May 2003, Chinese State Council ratified and declared ${\ll}$Guideline of the national maritime economic development plan${\gg}$ and this is the first macroinstructive document enacted by the Chinese government for promoting maritime economy in integration development. This plan guideline shows very well a new policy and deployment direction of maritime policy in China. China is already striving to lead its maintenance stage of domestic legislation into a new stage under the UN maritime laws agreement system and this is an expression of intention to take national policy regarding the ocean as a new milestone for the national economy through concurrent developments in various fields such as national territory, economy, science technology, national defense, and maritime biology. In this point, Chinese maritime policy and maritime legislation provide lots of indexes of lessons in many parts. In particular, regarding Korea, which has to solve many issues with China in Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and Balhae, we have to realize that we can maximize national interest only with a systematic approach to research on changes of domestic policies and maritime legislation within China. In addition, in understanding Chinese maritime related laws, we have to realize it is an important task to not only understand legislative subjects for mutual creation of order within the entire frame of law orders of China but also to predict and react to direction of policy of Chinese domestic legislation through dynamics of these subjects.

A Study on the Policy of New Government Science and Technology and the R&D Policy of Government Departments Related to Geoscience and Mineral Resources (신정부 과학기술 및 지질자원 관련 정부부처 R&D정책 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Bae, Jun-Hee;Lee, Ok-Sun;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.279-289
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    • 2018
  • With the launch of the new government in 2017, National Planning and Advisory Committee (NPAC) announced the five-year plan for the government administration and the 100 national tasks. The Ministry of Science and ICT (Information & Communication Technology) (MSIT) and other government agencies issued work plans for 2018, including R&D plans. Analyzing the changes in government policy will be a major task of public research and development institutions. This study analyzed the changes of the R&D policy of the new government and the R&D policy direction and strategic plan of the government departments related to the geoscience and mineral resources in 2018. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) to lead the innovation growth through the 4th industrial revolution, 2) to supply clean energy and to cope with climate change in the environment and energy field, 3) to improve the quality of life through problem solving in the life of the people and disaster prevention. Considering the investment direction of the government, it is necessary to lead the geoscience and mineral resources R&D to solve problems of the society and to grow by the science and technology.