• 제목/요약/키워드: New Village Planning

검색결과 115건 처리시간 0.021초

중수기 및 발굴 자료로 본 상주 양진당의 배치에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Arrangements of YangjinDang in Sang-ju Foundation by Date on the Excavation and Jungsuki)

  • 김찬영;정명섭
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 2011
  • This study estimated the prototype of Yangjindang at the time of its foundation by putting together the literature and discovered data and historical research on family related to Sangju Yangjindang, and looked at its architectural characteristics. These are summarized as follows: First, Yangjindang is an office building which was completed in three years [1629] after its start of construction when Keomgan Jojeong was at the age of 72 [1626] in his latter days and it was used for performing ancestral rites for Jojeong's forefathers of the head family of Pungyang Jo by family origin. Yangjindang was founded as a base of utopia for putting ancestral rites & commemoration, harmoniousness of a tribe, and educational idea into practice together with Ojakdang. Such a movement can be judged to interpret and apply the circumstances of the times realistically and flexibly where they tried to pursue the promotion of Confucianism & studies of the proprieties as well as the consciousness of practice, and to bring a tribe into harmony after the war through the retirement of Toegye School. Second, it is located at a topographically ideal spot on the edge of the Jangcheon-a tributary of Nakdong with a good physiology and landscape and its location was also the lot for a house of Jojeong's ancestor, which was burned down by war. Behind such a location and planning of Yangjindang, it is presumed, though not certain that it was modelled after Naeap village at Andong- Jojeong's parents-in-low's home. Third, as for its foundation size, it's a head house as much as about more than 100-kan, and its structure is composed of Samyo, Bonche, and Yangjindang. In addition, arrangements of buildings and its composition system and renovation procedures followed Chu-tzu Garyoe. Composition of Samyo can be restored to Yangjindang, Jugo, Woesammun, and Samyo; however, there has been no case of existence in case of Jugo building composition & arrangement takes on an aspect of a compromise between Gamyojido and Sandangjido of Garoe, which seems to be the result from flexibly interpreting and applying the rituals and studies of the proprieties of Toegye School in keeping with locational topography and realistic circumstances while making it a principle for them to observe by Toegye School. There exists a difference between Bonche and its counterpart of the upper class housing at Sangju district in that Bonche[main building] is a squre-shaped 'Ttuljip' typical of Andong setting a family ancestral ritual as a main function. Fourth, there existed a lot of hardships in raising money to cover repairs in time of doing repairs to this structure after 180 years since its establishment. In case of the repair work on Bonche, the level of renovation was limited to the replacement of old materials for rafters, doorpost, roof members and railings with new materials, together with partial alterations in case of window system. It is estimated that Yangjindang was renovated in 1808, and afterwards it was renamed Okryujeong after being re-built at another site. Through the repairs, the floor was expanded for the clan's meeting, and angle rafters and roof members were mended as well. Especially, the plane and structure of Okryujeong which was re-built at another site are expected to give clues to its restoration due to the resemblance to original appearance of Yangjindang at the time of its renovation in 1808.

해양관광자원을 활용한 제주 신양항 리모델링 계획 (Jeju Shinyang Fishing Port Remodeling Plan Utilizing Marine Tourism Resources)

  • 김예림;성종상
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.52-69
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    • 2016
  • 과거 어항(魚港)은 어촌의 생산 및 지역문화의 거점으로 중요한 역할을 하였으나 현대에 와서는 수산업 여건변화로 인해 그 의미가 퇴색되고 유휴공간이 되고 있다. 한편, 제주특별자치도는 2010년부터 해양관광활성화를 위한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 특히 신양항은 마리나항만 개발 예정구역으로 지정 고시되어 제주오션마리나시티 조성사업계획에 착수하였다. 그러나 이러한 해양관광을 활성화하려는 시도와는 달리 이제까지 시행된 제주도내 어항 리모델링 사업들은 대부분 노후시설을 개보수하는 토목사업 중심이었다. 또한 무분별한 개발로 지역경관을 해치는 사례들도 다수 발생하였는데, 경관은 한번 훼손되면 복구하기 힘들다는 특성이 있어 그 문제가 더욱 심각하다. 관 주도 사업의 경우에는 예산부족으로 투자가 저조하여 보강공사수준의 토목공사만 진행되거나 관리소홀이 문제되고 있으며, 민간투자 사업의 경우에는 수익금의 지역 환원이 되지 않는다는 문제가 제기되고 있다. 신양항 또한 2008년에 리모델링을 하였지만 외곽 방파제 연장공사 수준으로 마무리되어 근본적인 문제를 해결하지는 못하였고, 지역사회 활성화에 직접적인 도움이 되지 못하였다. 이러한 토목공사 중심의 개발, 공간의 관리소홀, 수익금의 지역 환원 문제를 해결하면서 마리나항 건설을 통한 해양관광 및 지역 활성화를 위해 본고에서는 첫째, 주변배후지를 연계한 개발계획을 제시하였다. 지역적 맥락을 읽고 현존하는 지형, 돌담, 길을 물리적인 계획에 활용하여 설계 및 프로그램에 반영하였다. 이를 통해 지역 경관 및 특성을 반영한 공간개발계획을 제시하고자 하였다. 둘째, 해양관광자원의 개념을 정리 및 보완하고, 계획요소를 도출하여 지역에 현존한 자원을 활용하고 새로운 해양관광자원을 도입하여 다양한 이용자의 수요를 충족하는 프로그램계획을 하였다. 셋째, 지역주민의 운영관리 참여를 통해 지속가능한 운영관리 방안을 검토하였다. 본 연구는 토목중심으로 시행되어왔던 어항 리모델링 계획을 조경적 관점에서 배후지와의 연계를 통해 통합적 계획안을 제안했다는 의의를 갖는다. 또한, 환경 사회 경제적 이슈 고려 및 지역주민의 참여 등은 이후 유사한 어항 및 수변공간 리모델링 계획 시 주안점이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

강원도(江原道) 화전정리사업(火田整理事業)에 수반(隨伴)되는 문제점분석(問題點分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (An Analytical Study of the Problems Involved in the Project to Rehabilitate the Illegal Field Burning Cultivators in Gangweon Do)

  • 호을영
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.50-66
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    • 1975
  • 화전경작(火田耕作)은 산림(山林)을 황폐화(荒廢化)하고 국토(國土)를 침식(浸蝕)하여 한수해(旱水害)를 유발(誘發)시키며 국가발전(國家發展)과 국민경제향상(國民經濟向上)에 일대저해요인(一大沮害要因)의 작용(作用)을 하고 있음으로 이를 근절(根絶)시킴은 국가적사명(國家的使命)으로 되어 있다. 강원도(江原道)는 전도면적(全道面積)의 8할(割)이 산림(山林)으로 점(占)하고 있어 화전면적(火田面積)이 타지(他道)에 비(比)하여 가장 많이 분포(分布)되고 있다. 이로 인(因)한 산림피해(山林被害)는 막심(莫甚)하며 도민(道民)의 경제발전(經濟發展)이 지연(遲延)되고 있어 65년(年)부터 7개년계획(個年計劃)으로 화전정리사업(火田整理事業)에 착수(着手)하였으나 68년(年) 삼척(三陟), 울진공비침투사건(蔚珍共匪浸透事件)으로 산악지대(山岳地帶)의 독가촌정리사업(獨家村整理事業)이 국가안보상(國家安保上) 시급(時急)을 요(要)하게 되어 본사업(本事業)은 부득이(不得已) 중단(中斷)되었다. 그 후(後) 새로운 화전(火田)을 모경(冒耕)하는 자(者)가 속출(續出)하여 산림파괴(山林破壞)가 심(甚)함으로 73년(年)을 준비년도(準備年度)로 하고 74~76년(年)의 3개년계획(個年計劃)으로 화전정리사업(火田整理事業)을 완결(完結)할 목표하(目標下)에 도행정력(道行政力)을 총동원(總動員)하여 강력(强力)하게 추진(推進)하고 있다. 본사업(本事業)의 성패(成敗)는 화전정리(火田整理)로 생계위협(生計危脅)에 직면(直面)하는 화전민(火田民)에 대(對)한 자립기반조성여부(自立基盤造成與否)에 달려있으며 다음과 같은 문제점(問題點)이 해결(解決) 되어야 한다. 1) 이주화전민(移住火田民)에 대(對)한 취업정착(就業定着)이 성취(成就)되어야 한다. 2) 현지정착화전민(現地定着火田民)에 대(對)한 자립기반조성(自立基盤造成)에 필요(必要)한 최소한도(最小限度)의 지원(支援)이 보장(保障)되어야 한다. 3) 공공기관(公共機關) 및 기업체(企業體)는 화전민(火田民)에 대(對)한 취업취로(就業就勞)를 우선적(優先的)으로 수용(受容)하여야 한다. 4) 화전민(火田民)은 취업취로(就業就勞)로 생활기반(生活基盤)이 확립(確立)되어야 한다. 5) 화전민자신(火田民自身)이 자조(自助) 자립정신(自立精神)이 확립(確立)되어야 한다. 6) 새마을 사업(事業)과 연결(連結)된 자조근로사업(自助勤勞事業)을 확장(擴張)시켜 취로(就勞)의 기회(機會)를 주어야 한다. 7) 도민(道民)은 화전민(火田民)에 대(對)한 물심양면(物心兩面)의 지원(支援)으로 동포애(同胞愛)를 발휘(發揮)하여야 한다. 8) 화전지조림(火田地造林)은 적지적수(適地適樹)가 이행(履行)되어야 한다. 9) 산주(山主)가 원(願)는 수종(樹種)의 묘목(苗木)을 확보공합(確保供給)하여야 한다. 10) 산림계(山林契)의 조직기능(組織機能)을 강화(强化)하여 화전조림지(火田造林地)의 관리(管理)에 철저(徹底)를 기(期)하여야 한다.

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겸재 정선(謙齋 鄭敾) <청담도(淸潭圖)>의 실재(實在)와 작의(作意) (The Existence and Design Intention of Jeong Seon's True-View Landscape Painting <Cheongdamdo(淸潭圖)>)

  • 송석호;조장빈;심우경
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제56권2호
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    • pp.172-203
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    • 2023
  • <청담도(淸潭圖)>는 겸재 정선(謙齋 鄭敾, 1676~1759)이 영조 32년(1756)에 삼각산(三角山) 청담(淸潭) 지역을 유람하고 그린 병풍도(屛風圖) 형식의 진경산수화(眞境山水畫)로 본 연구를 통해 발굴되었다. 와운루(卧雲樓)와 농월루(弄月樓)로 구성된 청담별업(淸潭別業)은 노론 낙론계(洛論系) 문회와 백악시단(白嶽詩壇)의 시회가 열린 당대 문화예술 활동의 거점이며, 정선과 그림의 주문자 홍상한(洪象漢, 1701~1769)의 연결점이 된다. <청담도>는 1756년 가을비가 내릴 당시, 정선이 그의 제자 김희성(金喜誠, 1723~1769)과 청담에 막 도착하여 홍상한과 만났을 때를 회상하면서 그린 그림이다. 인수봉(仁壽峰)부터 동구(洞口)까지 굽이쳐 흐르는 골짜기를 주안에 두고 그려졌으며, 청담 지역의 전경을 담으면서도 동(洞)의 유래가 되는 경물(景物) 청담(淸潭)을 강조하는 중의적인 화제를 사용하였다. 과감한 쇄찰(刷擦)과 습윤한 피마준(披麻皴), 부드러운 미점(米點)의 표현, 세밀한 필선 등은 정선 노년의 절정에 이른 원숙함을 보여준다. 특히, 암산(巖山)과 토산(土山)의 대비와 개수의 대칭을 고려하여 음양(陰陽)의 조화를 꾀한 점은 『주역(周易)』에 능통했던 정선이 유람의 최종단계에서 보였던 특유의 진경술(眞境術)로 보았다. 어유봉의 「청담동부기(淸潭洞府記)」는 정선이 청담의 진경을 파악하고 별업정원에 설정된 주요 경물의 물성(物性)을 이해하는 것에 영향을 주었다. 정선이 현장과 차별되도록 그린 별업정원의 특징으로는 수구막이 바위를 변용하고 과장하여 수구를 억눌렀고, 비보림(裨補林)을 치밀하게 조성하여 별업을 가렸으며, 특정 경물의 기능이 발휘되도록 새로운 물체를 창안하였다. 또한, 두 그루 나무를 기울여 대문처럼 정원을 닫고 있으며, 외원과 내원의 경계가 되는 인공의 조산대(造山帶)를 긴 담장처럼 견고하게 조성하여 내청룡과 내백호를 연결하였다. 이는 정선이 청담별업의 부족한 입지를 명당으로 만들기 위해 구사한 비보염승술(裨補厭勝術)로, 풍수적인 묘책으로 고안된 진경술의 일단으로 해석되며, 현실에서는 이루기 어렵지만 그림으로는 가능했던 이상적인 전통조경의 도상학적 구현을 잘 보여준다.

한국부인의 보건지식, 태도 및 실천에 영향을 미치는 제요인분석 (An Analysis of Determinants of Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Housewives in Korea)

  • 남철현
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.3-50
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    • 1984
  • The levels of health knowledge, attitude and practice of housewives considerably effect to the health of households, communities and the nation. This study was designed to grasp the levels of health knowledge, attitude and practice of houswives and analyse the various factors effecting to health in order to provide health education services as well as materials for effective formulation and implementation of health policy to improve the health of the nation. This study has been conducted through interviews by trained surveyers for 4,281 housewives selected from 4,500 households throughout the country for 40 days during July 11-August 20, 1983. The results of survey were analysed by stepwise multiple regression and path analysis are summarized as follows; 1. Based on the measurement instrument applied to this study, the levels of health knowledge, attitude and practice of housewives were extremely low with 54.5 points out of 100 points in full. Higher level with 72 points and above was approximately 21 percent and lower level with 39 points and below was approx. 24 percent. The middle level was approx. 55 percent. In order to implement health programs successively, health education should be more strengthened and to improve the level of health knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the nation, political consideration as a part of spiritual reformation must be concentrated on health. 2. The level of health knowledge indicated the highest points with 57.3 the level of attitude was the second with 55.0 points and the practice level was the lowest with 50.0 point. Therefore, planning and implementation of health education program must be based on the persuasion and motivation that health knowledge turn into practice. 3. Housewives who had higher level of health knowledge, showed their practice level was relatively lower and those who had middle or low level of it practice level was the reverse. 4. Correlations among health knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) were generally higher and statistically significant at 0.1 percent level. Correlation between total health KAP level and health knowledge was the highest with r=.8092. 5. Health KAP levels showed significant differences according to the age, number of children, marital status, self-assessed health status and concern on health of the housewives interviewed (p<0.001) 6. Health KAP levels also showed significant differences according to the education level, economic status, employment before marriage and grown-up area of the housewives interviewed. (p<0.001) 7. Heath KAP levels showed significant differences according to health insurance benificiary and the existence of patients in the family. (p<0.001). 8. Health KAP levels showed significant differences according to distance to government organizations, schools, distance to health facilities, telephone possession rate, television possession rate, newspaper reading rate and activities of Ban meeting and Women's club. (p<0.001) 9. Health KAP levels showed significant differences according to electric mass communication media such as television, radio and village broadcasting etc. and printed media such as newspaper, magazine and booklets etc., IEC variables such as individual consultation and husband-wife communication, however, there was no significance with group training. 10. Health KAP of the housewives showed close correlation with personal characteristics variables, i.e., education level (r=.5302), age (r=-.3694) grown-up area (r=.3357) and employment before marriage. In general, correlation of health knowledge level was higher than the levels of attitude or practice. In case of health concern and health insurance, correlation of practice level was higher than health knowledge level. 11. Health KAP levels showed higher correlation with community environmental characteristics, Ban meeting and activity of Women's club, however, no correlation with New-village movement. 12. Among IEC variables, husband-wife communication showed the highest correlation with health KAP levels and printed media, electric mas communication media and health consultation in order. Therefore, encouragement of husband-wife communication and development of training program for men should be included in health education program. 13. Mass media such as electric mass com. and printed media were effective for knowledge transmission and husband-wife communication and individual consultation were effective for health practice. Group training was significant for knowledge transmission, however, but not significant for attitude formation or turning to health practice. To improve health KAP levels, health knowledge should be transmitted via mass media and health consultation with health professionals and field health workers should be strengthened. 14. Correlation of health KAP levels showed that knowledge level was generally higher than that of practice and recognized that knowledge was not linked with attitude or practice. 15. The twenty-five variables effecting health KAP levels of housewives had 41 per cent explanation variances among which education level had great contribution (β=.2309) and electric mass com. media (β=.1778), husband-wife communication (β=.1482), printed media, grown-up area, and distance to government organizations in order. Variances explained (R²) of health KAP were 31%, 15%, and 30% respectively. 16. Principal variables contributed to health KAP were education level (β=.12320, β=.1465), electric mass comm. media (β=.1762, β=.1839), printed media, (β=.1383, β=.1420) husband-wife communication (β=.1004, β=.1067), grown-up area and distance to government organizations, in order. Since education level contributes greatly to health KAP of the housewives, health education including curriculum development in primary, middle and high schools must be emphasized and health science must be selected as one of the basic liberal arts subject in universities. 17. Variences explained of IEC variables to health KAP were 19% in total, 14% in knowledge, 9% in attitude, and 10% in health practice. Contributions of IEC variables to health KAP levels were printed media (β=.3882), electric mass comm media (β=.3165), husb-band wife com. (β=.2095,) and consultation on health (β=.0841) in order, however, group training showed negative effect (β=-.0402). National fund must be invested for the development of Health Program through mass media such as TV and radio etc. and for printed materials such as newspaper, magazines, phamplet etc. needed for transmission of health knowledge. 18. Variables contributed to health KAP levels through IEC variables with indirect effects were education level (Ind E=0.0410), health concern (Ind E=.0161), newspaper reading rate (Ind E=.0137), TV possession rate and activity of Ban meeting in order, however, health facility showed negative effect (Ind E=-.0232) and other variables showed direct effect but not indirect effect. 19. Among the variables effecting health KAP level, education level showed the highest in total effect (TE=.2693) then IEC (TE=.1972), grown-up city (TE=.1237), newspaper reading rate (TE=.1020), distance to government organization (TE=.095) in order. 20. Variables indicating indirect effects to health KAP levels were; at knowledge level with R²=30%, education level (Ind E=.0344), newspaper reading rate (Ind E=.0112), TV possession rate (Ind E=.0689), activity of Ban meeting (Ind E=.0079) in order and at attitude level with R²=13%, education level (Ind E=. 0338), activity of Ban meeting (Ind E=.0079), and at practice level with R²=29%. education level (Ind E=.0268), health facility (Ind E=.0830) and concern on health (Ind E=.0105). 21. Total effect to health KAP levels and IEC by variable characteristics, personal characteristics variables indicated larger than community characteristics variables. 22. Multiple Correlation Coefficient (MCC) expressed by the Personal Characteristic Variable was .5049 and explained approximately 25% of variances. MCC expressed by total Community environment variable was .4283 and explained approx. 18% of variances. MCC expressed by IEC Variables was .4380 and explained approx. 19% of variances. The most important variable effected to health KAP levels was personal characteristic and then IEC variable, Community Environment variable in order. When the IEC effected with personal characteristic or community characteristic, the MCC or the variances were relatively higher than effecting alone. Therefore it was identified that the IEC was one of the important intermediate variable.

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