• Title/Summary/Keyword: Needs of the User

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Development Process for User Needs-based Chatbot: Focusing on Design Thinking Methodology (사용자 니즈 기반의 챗봇 개발 프로세스: 디자인 사고방법론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Museong;Seo, Bong-Goon;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.221-238
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    • 2019
  • Recently, companies and public institutions have been actively introducing chatbot services in the field of customer counseling and response. The introduction of the chatbot service not only brings labor cost savings to companies and organizations, but also enables rapid communication with customers. Advances in data analytics and artificial intelligence are driving the growth of these chatbot services. The current chatbot can understand users' questions and offer the most appropriate answers to questions through machine learning and deep learning. The advancement of chatbot core technologies such as NLP, NLU, and NLG has made it possible to understand words, understand paragraphs, understand meanings, and understand emotions. For this reason, the value of chatbots continues to rise. However, technology-oriented chatbots can be inconsistent with what users want inherently, so chatbots need to be addressed in the area of the user experience, not just in the area of technology. The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents the importance of the User Experience as well as the advancement of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud, and IoT technologies. The development of IT technology and the importance of user experience have provided people with a variety of environments and changed lifestyles. This means that experiences in interactions with people, services(products) and the environment become very important. Therefore, it is time to develop a user needs-based services(products) that can provide new experiences and values to people. This study proposes a chatbot development process based on user needs by applying the design thinking approach, a representative methodology in the field of user experience, to chatbot development. The process proposed in this study consists of four steps. The first step is 'setting up knowledge domain' to set up the chatbot's expertise. Accumulating the information corresponding to the configured domain and deriving the insight is the second step, 'Knowledge accumulation and Insight identification'. The third step is 'Opportunity Development and Prototyping'. It is going to start full-scale development at this stage. Finally, the 'User Feedback' step is to receive feedback from users on the developed prototype. This creates a "user needs-based service (product)" that meets the process's objectives. Beginning with the fact gathering through user observation, Perform the process of abstraction to derive insights and explore opportunities. Next, it is expected to develop a chatbot that meets the user's needs through the process of materializing to structure the desired information and providing the function that fits the user's mental model. In this study, we present the actual construction examples for the domestic cosmetics market to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed process. The reason why it chose the domestic cosmetics market as its case is because it shows strong characteristics of users' experiences, so it can quickly understand responses from users. This study has a theoretical implication in that it proposed a new chatbot development process by incorporating the design thinking methodology into the chatbot development process. This research is different from the existing chatbot development research in that it focuses on user experience, not technology. It also has practical implications in that companies or institutions propose realistic methods that can be applied immediately. In particular, the process proposed in this study can be accessed and utilized by anyone, since 'user needs-based chatbots' can be developed even if they are not experts. This study suggests that further studies are needed because only one field of study was conducted. In addition to the cosmetics market, additional research should be conducted in various fields in which the user experience appears, such as the smart phone and the automotive market. Through this, it will be able to be reborn as a general process necessary for 'development of chatbots centered on user experience, not technology centered'.

User Adaptation Using User Model in Intelligent Image Retrieval System (지능형 화상 검색 시스템에서의 사용자 모델을 이용한 사용자 적응)

  • Kim, Yong-Hwan;Rhee, Phill-Kyu
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.3559-3568
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    • 1999
  • The information overload with many information resources is an inevitable problem in modern electronic life. It is more difficult to search some information with user's information needs from an uncontrolled flood of many digital information resources, such as the internet which has been rapidly increased. So, many information retrieval systems have been researched and appeared. In text retrieval systems, they have met with user's information needs. While, in image retrieval systems, they have not properly dealt with user's information needs. In this paper, for resolving this problem, we proposed the intelligent user interface for image retrieval. It is based on HCOS(Human-Computer Symmetry) model which is a layed interaction model between a human and computer. Its' methodology is employed to reduce user's information overhead and semantic gap between user and systems. It is implemented with machine learning algorithms, decision tree and backpropagation neural network, for user adaptation capabilities of intelligent image retrieval system(IIRS).

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A Study on the Key Factors in User Acceptance of the Smart Clothing (스마트웨어의 수용 요인에 대한 연구)

  • Hong, Ji-Young;Chae, Haeng-Suk;Han, Kwang-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.spc3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2006
  • This paper predict user acceptance of smart clothing. The present research develops and validates new products for smart clothing. Studies suggest that further analysis of the process be undertaken to better establish properties for smart clothing, underlying structures and stability over innovative technologies. The findings reported in this paper should be useful methods which identify user needs. such findings in now provide a way to explain technology acceptance. Both of qualitative and quantitative methods, were applied to this study in order to find out user needs for smart clothing. We are writing scenarios and conducting both focused group interviews and a survey to assess the user's interest. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate the importance of the functions and to evaluate the degree of the participant's feeling and attitude. Furthermore, we explore the nature and specific influences of factors that may affect the user perception and usage.

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The Structure of the User's Problem and It's Implication for User-Oriented Information Service - A Case Study in an Academic Research Environment - (이용자 문제의 구조와 이의 이용자 문제 지향적 정보검색에 대한 적용 - 대학원에서의 학술 연구과제를 대상으로 한 사례연구 -)

  • Park Hongseok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.28
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    • pp.247-266
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of information retrieval is to help users solve their problems. To fulfill the purpose the user's problem needs to be focused on. The purpose of this study is to identify components and the structure of the user's problem in an academic research environment. From this study it was found that the scientific problem dealt within an academic environment is complicate and the problem is composed of 8 topical and 4 non-topical components. And they could be organized into a stucture. This study has three implications for user-oriented information retrieval. (1) The components and the structure of the problem need to be the framework for the effective information retrieval process and for the evaluation of information retrieval. (2) The research methodology used in this study can be applied to other information service situations and this will result in greater practical implication of a study for more effective information retrieval. And (3) for more effective user-oriented information retrieval, the user needs to be observed and studied in the actual' situation. This study showed that the complicate problem of the actual user can be studied in a systematic way and this resulted in important implications for information retrieval.

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Adaptable Web Search User Interface Model for the Elderly

  • Khalid Krayz allah;Nor Azman Ismail;Layla Hasan;Wad Ghaban;Nadhmi A. Gazem;Maged Nasser
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.2436-2457
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    • 2023
  • The elderly population is rapidly increasing worldwide, but many face challenges in using digital tools like the Internet due to health and incapacity issues. Existing online search user interfaces (UIs) often overlook the specific usability needs of the elderly. This study proposes an adaptable web search UI model for the elderly, based on their perspectives, to enhance search performance and usability. The proposed UI model is evaluated through comparative usability testing with 20 participants, comparing it to the Google search UI. Effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction are measured using task completion time, error rate, and subjective preferences. The results show significant differences (p > 0.05) between the proposed web search UI model and the Google search UI. The proposed UI model achieves higher subjective satisfaction levels, indicating better alignment with the needs and preferences of elderly users. It also reduces task completion time, indicating improved efficiency, and decreases the error rate, suggesting enhanced effectiveness. These findings emphasize the importance of considering the unique usability needs of the elderly when designing search UIs. The proposed adaptable web search UI model offers a promising approach to enhance the digital experiences of elderly users. This study lays the groundwork for further development and refinement of adaptable web search UI models that cater to the specific needs of elderly users, enabling designers to create more inclusive and user-friendly search interfaces for the growing elderly population.

A Study on the User Needs for Renovation of Race Track Type of Nursing Units in K University Hospital (K대학병원 병동부 이중복도형의 개선을 위한 사용자 요구 조사연구)

  • Kim, Youngaee;Yim, Ohyon;Kim, Jungshin;Yi, Jongse;Ahn, Uijong
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: General hospital in korea is getting large-scaled, specialized and upgraded. So, nursing unit of race track type has been advanced along with a spatial organization, building equipment and environmental approach. This study is to search the guidelines for renovation of nursing unit with race track type in the case of K university hospital in Daejeon. Methods: 9 cases of recently opened general hospital has been analyzed for spatial and environmental design solution. Questionnaires and interviews about user needs of nursing staff, patient and visitors, have been conducted for a nursing care system and facility of nursing units in K university hospital. Results: The user needs are represented as followings. Center core public zone in each floor plan and center core nursing station and supporting areas in nursing unit are good for an adjacency and separation of spatial organization. Toilet of group patient room is necessary to equip for easy, safe and infective aspects, and so toilet install will decrease the patient number and increase the nursing care service. Hall type of station front is good for visibility and observation. It is appropriate to renovate into south facing group patient room for privacy, enough space for nursing care facility and supporting area, enough width of door to move portable medical equipment, room for medical doctor and practical student, noise absorbing of day room. Implications: Upgrading the nursing care service and facility equipment is necessary to reflect the user needs and cooperate with hospital management.

A Study on the Influence Factors Analysis on Architectural Programs for Youth Training Centers between User Groups - Based on the Youth Training Center Project in Cheonan-si - (청소년시설의 이용집단별 건축프로그램 영향인자분석 - 천안시 청소년수련관 프로젝트를 중심으로 -)

  • Hyun, Chang-Yong;Ryu, Soo-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is presentation of architectural planning direction and program space of youth training center. For this goal, surveyed the characteristics of youth and local residents who the main user of the center Through this survey, it could be accommodated about the needs of youth training facilities and seek user-centered planning methodologies. To this end, this study conducted a survey of users of youth training facilities in Cheonan-si to suggest the importance of architectural planning direction and space to reflect users' needs and regional characteristics. In the process, this study conducted a consciousness survey and importance influence factors assessment focused on commonalities and differences between youth and adult groups, which are the main user groups of youth training facilities. It is believed that the results of consciousness survey and importance influence factors assessment will be used as basic data to select the scale and programs of space that reflect the needs of users when planning youth facilities and related facilities in the future.

A Study on the Interior Conditions of Public Libraries and Satisfaction of User (공공도서관의 실내현황 및 사용자 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, A-Ri;Son, Yeo-Rym;Hwang, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the various functions of public libraries, as well as user satisfaction and needs. We targeted 6 public libraries in the Seoul and Gyunggi area. After 280 library users were surveyed, the collected data were analyzed with an SPSS for Win 14.0 statistics program, where we used frequency, percentage, mean, T-test, One-way ANOVA, and Duncan's test. The major findings were as follows: 1) Half of the users used educational functional space, mainly in the 10-20 age group, who used it for educational purposes as a student or to prepare for getting a job. 2) There were gaps between the furniture arrangement and user preference since most libraries used a rigid system while users preferred a more flexible arrangement. 3) Space by space, public library satisfaction levels differed according to the users' gender and age. Satisfaction of the digital information room scored high, especially for users in their forties. Since public library users are diverse and require various functions, library interiors should be planned accordingly in terms of furniture arrangement and interior design. In particular, there was a gap between satisfaction by age groups, so libraries must account for community needs by considering the age group demographics of their surrounding areas.

User Interface in Web Based Communication for Internet Robot Control

  • Sugisaka, Masanori;Hazry, Desa
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.49-51
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    • 2005
  • Robot control involves advance programming, scientific and high technology. The systematic and methodological aspects of robot controls often results in having superficial control design problems that can negatively affect the robot application, usability and appeal. User friendly interface of robot control is extremely advantageous and more attractive. To illustrate, the application of medical robot is usually handled by clients who have little background in advance programming language. Thus, it would be difficult if the client needs to use programming language to control the robot. It would justify better if the robot control is presented in a meaningful interface to the client. This way the robot application would be more natural and user friendly. This paper describes the method of developing the user interface for web based communication to control an internet robot named Tarou. The web based communication tasks involves three levels. The first one accommodates on the client sending commands to robot through the internet. The next communication level relates to the robot receiving the commands sent by the client. The final communication level generates on sending feedback on status of commands by the robot to the client. The methodology used here can be elaborated in four hierarchical steps; identify user needs and robot tasks, identify the enhancing tag reference used by the server, induce the tag into HTML, present the HTML in attractive user interface as the client control panel.

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