• 제목/요약/키워드: Need for touch (NFT)

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.017초

Does need for touch matter in the context of apparel online shopping? - Compensatory role of online aesthetic and instrumental cues -

  • Ha, Young
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the compensatory role of instrumental (e.g., product information) and aesthetic (e.g., website background) online cues presented within apparel websites where touch is unavailable. The moderating role of two need for touch (NFT) dimensions (i.e., autotelic and instrumental NFT) between online cues and consumer responses was also investigated. Results demonstrate that personal differences in autotelic and instrumental NFT moderate the relationship between online cues and affective responses. It was found that consumers high in autotelic NFT (i.e., who need to touch for fun) seek more instrumental cues to compensate for lack of touch when shopping apparel products online. Surprisingly, consumers high in instrumental NFT (i.e., who need to touch for product evaluation) use aesthetic as well as instrumental cues to supplement the absence of touch. In contrast, for the low NFT groups, only aesthetic online cues showed significant effects on consumer arousal. Further analysis shows that instrumental NFT is negatively related to purchase intention while autotelic NFT has a positive effect on purchase intention. This implies that need for hedonic-oriented touch is no longer a barrier for online apparel shopping. However, the instrumental NFT seems a significant obstacle for the adoption of online apparel purchasing.

The Effects of Swiping Orientation on Preference and Willingness to Pay: The Interaction Between Touch Interface and Need-For-Touch

  • Ren, Han;Kang, Hyunmin;Ryu, Soohyun;Han, Kwanghee
    • 감성과학
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2017
  • The current study examined the influence of individual trait such as Need-For-Touch level (NFT; high vs. low) and swiping orientation (vertical vs. horizontal) on product evaluation and preference when using touch-screen interface like a smart phone and a tablet. Swiping is one of the most common interaction techniques for changing pages or searching some aligned pictures on touch-screen interface and it can be used in vertical and horizontal orientations. The experiment revealed a significant interaction between swiping orientation and NFT on preference, however the interaction on change-in-price of given products was only marginally significant. To be specific, high NFT participants reported higher preference for horizontal-swipe than vertical-swipe products, but such difference did not occur with low NFT participants. The current study illustrates the influence of swiping orientation and NFT on product preference and it provides a new perspective of design principles especially for online shopping websites.

Touch Effect of Mental Simulation in Online Fashion Shopping -The Role of Instrumental and Autotelic Needs for Touch-

  • Lee, Ha Kyung;Choi, Dooyoung
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.376-389
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates the effects of the interplay of device types and the need for touch (NFT) on product attitudes and determines how the mental simulation of touch mediates such relationships. Specifically, we test the roles of instrumental and autotelic NFT in the moderated mediation effect of mental simulation of touch. We instructed the potential participants to shop for a leather jacket on a webpage. With a total of 152 data points from the responses of participants who used a laptop and a touch device that uses a direct-touch interface (e.g., tablets), we conducted descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and PROCESS procedures using SPSS 20.0. The results show a greater mental simulation for touch when using a touch device than a laptop. When individuals' instrumental NFT is low, using a touch device while shopping online heightens mental simulation of touch, which impacts product attitudes. In particular, such a moderated mediation effect strengthens as the value of individuals' autotelic NFT increases. However, when individuals' instrumental NFT is high, a touch device cannot drive mental simulation for touch, increasing favorable attitudes toward the product.

Different Types of Product Presentation in Online Fashion Retailing -The Moderating Role of Need for Touch on Overall Certainty of Fit-

  • Haruka Zenke;Eunsoo Baek
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.855-865
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    • 2024
  • Product images in online fashion retail play a crucial role in shaping consumers' decision-making processes. This study investigates the effects of product display types (i.e., flat vs. human display) on consumers' purchase intentions and willingness to pay (WTP) in online fashion retailing. Using a basic shirt as the target product, we examine how overall certainty of fit (OCF) is perceived differently based on the product display type, and for which individuals the effect is amplified, considering individual differences in the need for touch (NFT). A one-factor (flat vs. human display type) between-subject experiment was conducted via an online survey platform (N = 212). The results indicated that the flat display mode generates a higher purchase intention than the human display, along with a marginally higher WTP. Additionally, the positive effect of a flat display on OCF was significant for individuals with low NFT. This study extends our understanding of online retail product displays and their influence on consumer behavior, yielding valuable insights for marketers to improve product presentation in online retail environments.