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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Necessity of Education

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A Study on Purchase Behavior for the School Things of the Middle School Students in the Rural Area (농촌지역 중학생의 학용품 구매 행동에 관한 연구)

  • 신순덕;안영희
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to understand middle school students’behavior of purchasing school things at rural area and to provide basic data which is necessary for consumer education to help them with more reasonable purchasing behavior. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The level of purchasing behavior for the school things of middle school students at rural area is 3.15 out of perfect Score 5, and shows medium level. Middle school students’behavior of purchasing school things at rural area showed significant difference in social demographic variables such as sex, grade and keeping a record money spending. 2) 75.5% of middle school student’s consuming experiences was show to be on a midium. According to the results of this study, it was showed the more consuming experience they had, the more reasonable purchasing behavior they did. There was significant positive correlation between consuming experiences and behavior of purchasing school things. 3) Middle school students at rural area were highly realizing the necessity for consuming education both at home(91%) and at school(93.9%). Also, there was a significant positive correlation between the necessity for consumer education and behavior of purchasing school things.

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The Awareness of Contraception and Experience of Oral Contraceptives among North Korean Defector Women in Republic of Korea (북한이탈여성의 피임인식 및 경구피임제 복용실태에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Sohui;Kim, Kwang Joon;Bang, Joon Seok
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2019
  • Objective: This study attempts to gauge the necessity of contraceptive education for women defecting from North Korea (NKDWs). Methods: We conducted in-depth interviews with six NKDWs who had lived in the Republic of Korea (ROK) for more than three years, to understand the subjects' perceptions, experiences, and opinions regarding contraception. Thematic analyses were performed using qualitative data provided in the survey results. Results: Before their defections from North Korea, none of the NKDWs had received any sex education. Loop is the only contraceptive method available to married women in ROK. After defection, NKDWs were provided information about contraceptive options available in China, but they could not fully understand this information. Furthermore, the information they received was not accurate. Thus, NKDWs had a high need for contraceptive sex education. As per our survey, their preferred education method was at least 3 lessons plus 1 : 1 counseling, as necessary. Conclusion: This study indicates that a necessity exists for development of a sex education program for NKDWs to enhance their contraceptive knowledge. Thus, government and health managers have a role to play in developing such a program.

The Necessity of Establishing National Education Committee and Legislative Implications (국가교육위원회의 설치 필요성 및 입법적 함의)

  • Kim, Yong-Ki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.592-599
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    • 2017
  • The possibility of establishing the committee was increased because of the pledge of the President Moon Jaein for the national education committee. Thus, the purpose of this study was to discuss about its necessity and the meaning of legislation. The study method was to analyze existing studies (concept establishment, overseas cases, and legal research), media materials, and internet materials. It also suggested positive and negative functions in establishing the national education committee. Its positive functions are; first, stability of policy, second, political neutrality, third, seeking the nature of education, and fourth, improvement of possibility. Negative functions are; first, establishing the committee could be poison, second, argument in position and role, third, issue of agreement, and fourth, populism policy oriented.

An investigation on the actual status of oral health care and perceptions of oral health among the under graduates of S college of education in Cheongju-si - according to their experiences in oral health care education - (청주시 S사범대학 학생들의 구강보건관리 실태 및 구강보건의식 조사 - 구강보건교육경험 유무에 따른 -)

  • Ji, Min-Gyeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.569-582
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    • 2007
  • The author aims at first securing basic material required for developing and operating proper oral health care education programs though making an investigation into the undergraduates of S College of Education on the actual status of oral health care and perceptions of oral health care education. The obtained results were as follows 1. In the actual status of oral care based on whether or not they have experiences in taking oral health care education, undergraduates with teeth brushing for more than three minutes a time were found to be 25.9% and 15.7% respectively according to the existence and nonexistence of experiences in the education(pM0.020), and undergraduates with teeth brushing in a circular motion was found to be 64.7% and 51.7% respectively, showing statistically significant differences(pM0.015). 2. In the actual status of preventative oral care according to whether or not they have experiences in taking oral care education, degrees of awareness of the usefulness of dental cleansers among the undergraduates were found to be 37.6% and 21.5% respectively according to the existence and nonexistence of experiences in the education(pM0.001), undergraduates with experiences in scaling were found to be 51.8% and 34.9% respectively(pM0.002) and undergraduates with experiences in having dental sealants were found to be 26.5% and 16.9%(pM0.031), showing statistically significant differences. 3. In the survey on perceptions of oral health care according to the existence and nonexistence of experiences in oral health care education, it was revealed that the case that they indicated 'the necessity of oral health care education' was 87.1% and 64.0% respectively according to the existence and nonexistence of the experience(pM0.000), and undergraduates intended to 'participate in oral care education for students(at mid and high schools and so on) after being teachers' were 77.6% and 65.7% respectively, showing statistically significant differences(pM0.011). 4. In general characteristics according to awareness of the necessity of cultivating oral health professionals, groups with awareness of the necessity consisted of 31.8% of freshmen and juniors(pM0.001), 55.69b of female undergraduates(pM0.001), 80.8% of non-smokers(pM0.012), 38.9% of large city residents(pM0.002) and 32.3% of undergraduates living in their own houses (pM0.028), showing statistically significant differences.

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Evaluation of Sanitary Education and Performance of Sanitary Management among School Food Service Employees in Sejong (세종특별자치시 학교급식 조리종사자의 위생교육과 위생관리 수행도 평가)

  • Na, Hye-Lim;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2019
  • This study examined sanitary education and performance of sanitary management among employees related to cooking in school food services in Sejong. A total of 193 subjects (19.2% for kindergarten, 42.5% for elementary school, and 38.3% for middle and high school) participated in this questionnaire survey. The frequency of sanitary education was highest at 63.7% once a month, and it was higher in the order of middle and high school, elementary school, and kindergarten (P<0.001). The most important contents of sanitary education were personal sanitary management (43.5%), food material management (25.9%), and sanitary and safety management of equipment and utensils (17.6%). The necessity of sanitary education recognized by the subjects was absolutely necessary at 69.9% and necessary at 28.0%. The application of knowledge from sanitary education is high in proper application at 50.8% and absolute application at 40.4%. The improvement effect after sanitary education was higher in kindergarten than in elementary school and middle and high school (P<0.01). The performance of sanitary management was high at 4.7 out of 5. In particular, personal sanitary management was the highest in elementary school at 4.8 followed in order by middle and high school (4.7) and kindergarten (4.6) (P<0.01). The necessity of sanitary education and the application of knowledge obtained from sanitary education to the food service showed a significant and positive correlation with the sanitary management performance (P<0.05, P<0.001). These results highlight that the need for customized sanitary education for institution types and an awareness of sanitary education by employees will enhance sanitary management in school food service.

A Study on the Perceptions of SW·AI Education for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 이용한 초·중등 교사의 SW·AI 교육에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Mihyun Chung;Oakyoung Han;Kapsu Kim;Seungki Shin;Jaehyoun Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the perceptions of elementary and secondary school teachers regarding the importance of SW/AI education in fostering students' fundamental knowledge and the necessity of integrating SW/AI into education. A total of 830 elementary and secondary school teachers were selected as study subjects using the judgment sampling method. The analysis of survey data revealed that elementary and secondary teachers exhibited a strong awareness of the importance and necessity of SW/AI education, irrespective of school characteristics, region, educational experience, or prior involvement in SW and AI education. Nevertheless, the primary reasons for not implementing SW/AI education were identified as excessive workload and a lack of pedagogical expertise. An analysis of opinions on the essential conditions for implementing SW/AI education revealed that workload reduction, budget support, teacher training to enhance teacher competency, content distribution, expansion of subject-linked courses, and dedicated instructional time allocation were the major influencing factors. These findings indicate a significant demand for comprehensive instructional support and teacher capacity-building programs.

The Educational Perception on Artificial Intelligence by Elementary School Teachers (초등 교사들의 인공지능에 관한 교육적 인식)

  • Ryu, Miyoung;Han, SeonKwan
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes elementary school teachers' perception of Artificial Intelligence, educational effect, and necessity in education. To analyze teachers' perceptions, we developed questionnaires with expert advice. We collected questionnaires for 151 elementary school teachers. The collected data were analyzed by t-test and one-way ANOVA. As a result, AI' perceptions of female teachers were lower than those of male teachers and the necessity of education was less. Teachers with experience in leading schools recognized that AI education would help to improve creativity. Teachers who have a lot of teaching experience, many experience in SW education, the experience in SW education have a high interest in AI and understand the relevance of the subject. We expect that this study will help the direction of SW education.

A Study on Necessity and Possibility of Specialized Research Institute for Local Education Autonomy (지방교육자치 전문연구기관의 설립 필요성과 가능성 탐색)

  • Rah, MinJoo;Park, Soo-Jung;Ha, BongWoon;Cha, JiCheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the necessity and possibility of establishing a research institute for local educational autonomy where the importance and necessity of institution establishment and operation are increasing with the decentralization and educational autonomy. The necessity of establishing a local educational autonomous research institute was examined in terms of both external and internal necessities, and the possibility of establishment in terms of the form of establishment, financial resources, and legal basis. In order to effectively cope with common issues by leading the nation's educational autonomy policy and legal agenda, and to support regional policy research and development by linking and cooperating with regional educational policy research institutes, local educational autonomous research institutes are established. This is an urgent point. Considering the publicity, professionalism, economic feasibility, and stability of specialized research institutes, the form of foundation corporation seems to be appropriate, and, like the case of specialized research institutes in general local autonomy, legal grounds for the establishment of special law should be prepared. In the future, it is necessary to conduct collaborative discussions and academic discussions with the Ministry of Education and the National Council for Superintendents of Education.

Connected Factors of Ethical Perception in Dental Hygiene Students (일부 치위생과 학생들의 윤리의식에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong;Jang, Yun-Jung;Kwag, Jung-Sook;Kim, Su-Nam
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2005
  • Ethical perception may be thought of as 'professional skills'. Despite this, however, the dental hygiene curriculums tend to disregard ethics education. This paper describes ethical perception in dental hygiene students. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for 374 in dental hygiene students. For statistical analyses of collected data, the multiple linear regression were adopted. Demand as necessity of dental ethics education, clinical practice exercise, practice of work ethics education were found to have significant major effects on basic ethics perception. The major variables which related to the licensure and health care law and teamwork were to knowledge of revised ethics code of dental hygienist and to demand as necessity of dental ethics education. The major variables influencing the professional protocol were to knowledge of revised ethics code of dental hygienist, to demand as necessity of dental ethics education, role model for learning ethical principles. Revised ethics code of dental hygienist was the most important factor affecting professional protocol. The major variables influencing the decision-making were to demand as necessity of dental ethics education, to knowledge of revised ethics code of dental hygienist, clinical practice exercise, role model for learning ethical principles (church). About 88.4% of the students unawared to knowledge of revised ethics code of dental hygienist and perception of professional protocol of the students awared to knowledge of revised ethics code of dental hygienist was 3.44±0.23 (p=0.000).

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Partial Denture Prosthesis Implant and Necessity Thereof in Korean Elderly : Analysis of the Data from the 5th National Health Nutrition Survey(2010-2012) (한국노인의 가공의치 보철장착실태 및 필요도: 제5기 국민건강영양조사자료 분석(2010-2012))

  • Yun, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the data for discussion related to oral health promotion policies for the elderly by examining and analyzing the prosthesis conditions and necessity for the fixed and removable dentures among the Korean elderly. The data, obtained from 4,557 elderly aged at 65 or higher who were targeted for the 5th National Health Nutrition Survey, were analyzed through the complex sample frequency analysis, complex sample cross analysis, and complex sample logistic regression analysis. The results of analysis showed significant relevance of whole denture implant and the necessity thereof in older subjects, rural community, and subjects with lower education background, regarding the state of upper jaw/lower jaw prosthesis and the necessity for upper jaw/lower jaw fixed partial denture/whole denture. In addition, the necessity for prosthesis implant was found to have correlation with the income and subjective health condition, while the necessity for artificial teeth(denture) was found to have correlation with the gender, age, education, and subjective oral health condition. Therefore, it is considered necessary to map out the prevention and treatment policies designed to help maintain and promote oral health based on oral health education, along with the policies that aim to recover the neutralized oral health functions, in relation to the oral health of the elderly.