• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nature of Space

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The Walkable Green Street Design for "Dangjae-Gil" (당재길 걷고싶은 녹화거리 설계)

  • 김성균
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a streetscape design for "Dangiae-Gil"which is located at 126-1 Yangpyung-2dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul and is about 500m in length and about 24m in width. The design goals are to make a green street on which people want to walk and people can walk and rest safely and pleasantly. To achieve these goals, concepts of environmentally-friendliness, placeness, safety, amenity, vitality, connectivity, and democracy are developed. For pedestrian safety, shared street concepts, such as crank, slalom etc. are adopted. The site is divided into 5 thematic spaces, such as "Village Entrance Space", "Culture Street", "Dangsan Park", "Nature Street", and "Ferry Space". The Village Entrance Space, which is an entrance of the Dangjae-Gil and a welcoming space, is for communicating information about the area. "Dangnamu"(zelkova tree) and signs are introduced here. The Culture Street is for experiencing past and present culture of the area. Colored tiles and plant boxes attached to benches are introduced. The Dangsan park is a sacred space where modem people can feel the sacredness of nature arid of being in a refuge. Dangjib, Dangnamu, multi-purpose plaza, athletic facilities, and playground for infants are introduced. The Nature Street is a space for feeling and teaming nature which has disappeared from the area leading to the river and a space for community participation. The elementary school walls were demolished and nature education spaces, such as butterfly and dragonfly garden, ecological pond, wildflower garden, etc., which are related to school education, are introduced. The Ferry Space is a space symbolizing a old ferry crossing and an entrance plaza to a bridge for "Sunyu-do\" . A boat-shaped deck, an elevator for handicap people, and parking space are introduced. In conclusion, sustainable management schemes for the site are suggested.sted.

A Study on the Cognition Structure of Green Environment of Resident in the Multi-family Housing (공동주택단지 거주자의 자연지향과 녹환경 인식구조에 관한 연구)

  • 김준식;김익환
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we analyzed the state of outdoor-space use and green-environment development for apartment residents, and investigated their ways of thinking on nature orientation and green environment. The results are as follows. 1) The ways of thinking and actual use of outdoor space by apartment residents appear different. 2) Due to the difference of apartment locations and complex environments, the state and reason of green environment construction are different between the residents of high-rise and low-storied apartments. 3) The residents of the low-storied apartments are more satisfied with the green environments of the complex than those of the high-rise apartments. In addition, constructing the green environment in a balcony and outdoor space enhances the satisfaction level of the apartment residents. 4) The residents of the low-storied apartments are passive in nature orientation, while those of the high-rise apartments are active. 5) Depending on the types of nature orientation, the apartment residents are grouped as 'people of nature experience', 'nature appreciators', or 'people of living-thing contact'. These groups show different patterns on the ways of thinking for outdoor space and green environment.

phenomenological representation of nature in Display (디스플레이에 있어서 자연과 현상)

  • 임진이
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.27
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2001
  • There is so much difference in the way we perceive nature whether from eastern or western, present or past standpoint. however, awareness of coexistence between human beings and nature along with the concept that the most natural is th e most beautiful remain unchanged. The desire to describe the beauty of nature have existed all through the ages, but the (new) naturalism movement was spawned in our time when so much devastation and side effects took place for the expediency of nature, and field of display has been trying new interpretation of nature with direct or applied method. Naturalism trend is studied using the categories such as relationship between human and nature, space concept in western and eastern society, and the definition of view of nature in modern time. Elements of naturalism display are classified into the element of physical properties and element beyond the physical properties, and then methodology on naturalism display is investigated, using the illustration of display examples, in order to know the most essential elements of display, which are the physical properties such as space, light, object, glass, are expressed based on the elemental concept like nature, an accident, dynamic state, variability. As mentioned above, Naturalism display consists of physical properties and phenomenon. How to ive strong impression to a spectator depends on the ability to create effective space applying these elements. The significance of this study comes to surface in a time when the tremendous emphasis is put on the importance of nature and concerns about the role of display has become even greater.

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A Study on the Spatial Structure of Exhibition Space in Nature & Science Museums (자연과학계박물관의 전시공간구조 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 임채진;정성욱;신혜진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2003
  • Although natural and science museum project is being promoted, performance of research that can be recommended for exhibition space plan is not sufficient. Nature and science museum is the space of participation type so structure and type of space depends on the content of exhibition. Therefore, this paper is the gradational research to understand correlation and characteristic and give direction for exhibition space plan suitable for system of exhibition content through analyzing system of exhibition content and structure of exhibition space. Further, prepare basic material for exhibition space of nature and science museum being newly planned or renovated through understanding structure of exhibition space according to exhibition scenario.

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A Study on the Outdoor Space Planning of Child Care Facility for Ecological Education (영유아보육시설의 생태교육 활성화를 위한 외부공간계획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Su;Nam, Hae-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2020
  • The trend emphasizes children-oriented, play-oriented ecological education programs for children's ecological education. And most of these nature -friendly and eco-friendly education takes place outdoors. Therefore, outdoor space planning is important in childcare facilities. This case study aims to analyze the actual conditions of outdoor spaces in daycare centers and to provide standard data for outdoor space planning. In order to provide basic data on the improvement direction and planning standards of outdoor spaces, this present study conducted the composition, utilization status and related problems of outdoor spaces for nature -friendly ecological education in childcare facilities. Accordingly, outdoor space planning for ecological education should consider outdoor space characteristics such as free and easy accessibility between indoor and outdoor spaces, openness of space, flexibility, dynamic/static space, and nature affinity. Therefore, for an ecological education environment, children should be able to freely approach nature and play in the natural environment without any restrictions and artificial controls. Also, in urban areas, natural environment such as parks and open spaces should be considered as outdoor play spaces for children.

A Study on the Characteristics of Organic Design of Alvar Aalto (알바 알토(Alvar Aalto)의 유기적 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이종선
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 1997
  • Alvar Aalto has pursued National Romanticism, cultural art movement in scandinavian peninsula, organic concepts of growth and suitability, comprehensive view of nature including a possibility of coexistance of human-being and the nature well harmonized. For instance, his design expressed local features of the nature, human emotions instead of geometical arts and mathematical principles. It is noteworthy today that he built up the identity with satrical architecture vocabularies, different from modern arch-itechtural idiology. The characte-ristics of his design related to interior architecture are collectively as follows; The first, Space discontinuity of the interior and exterior, gradual process by joints which are inclined to collage with many shapes in plan and section of the space and such joints are adjusted by sensual ways and stressed with inner collectivity in his works. The second, He pursued the architectural orderfor modern irreqularity, various changes and sensual harmonies. As result, free curved line, fan shape and irregular modeling were individually expressed by technics of natural features and national characteristics of Finland. The third, Organic synthesis. A harmony through med-ums in its space, materials and space effectiveness relations are made and expressed for mixed design especially harmonized of all the materials he planned, entire harmony with total design, itemized details, materials and furnitures in entire space. The fourth, The interest of the nature based on his sense harmonized with nature made him mainly use native materials, lumbers and red bricks masonry and showed and arranged various interior sky light and grazed in to let natural light in, harmony with garden to sensually cohere to the nature and courtyard, etcetera. His major subject are to direct architectural developments through the nature and human-being in his works. At this point, it is considered that his direction of the locality and independence as a human-being made the concepts of organic space structure possible.

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A Study on the influence of nature on digital architecture (자연적 요소가 디지털 건축에 미친 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jae-Eun;Kim, Joo-Hee
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.6 s.59
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2006
  • Contemporary society is lately going through various changes in social, economic, and cultural aspects due to rapid growth of information and computer technology. The digital revolution generated from the development of network reflects the decentralizing characteristic that connects local and personal interconnections. The following paper is designed to develop a basic understanding of digital architecture and show that digital virtual reality is not accidental phenomenon but it is actually evolved from nature and recreated in cyber space. The relationship between nature and digital architecture will be explained through the background research of how digital architecture was born and how it has been transformed. Also, it is designed to find out modern trends of digital architecture through diagrams and virtual space of hyper architecture and follow up the new phenomena appearing in the field of architecture. It is said that digital architecture is a new trend of architecture created from computer bit but all architecture that has form and shape cannot be independent of nature. Nature is the root of everything and even mechanical abstraction such as 'digital' can find its form in the immanence melted in the pure essence of nature. The research found that the nature approach of digital architecture also needs no more than 5 sequential references to find its genuine sketch as the hypertext theory shows we need only 5 sequential references to prove we are all related. Additionally, the cyber space that is become a general living space and a indispensable factor of digital architecture is a space that has obscurity and more open culture. It represents the characteristics of contemporaries in various aspects of society.

A Study on Introduction of Nature in Le Corbusier's Architecture (르 코르뷔지에 건축에서 자연의 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Yun, Hee-Jin
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This paper is an attempt to explicate the principle of space and form-making in Le Corbusier's architecture from the viewpoint of integrating and relating architecture with the natural landscape. It shows thereby how the geometrical element of architecture and the non-geometrical element of the nature coexist in terms of form. It also explains how space is deployed for the construction of cognitive system between natural landscape and architectural scenery in terms of space, hoping to make a contribution to design method of contemporary house as an elementary datum. Method: Three issues are studied, focusing on the designs around nineteenth thirties in the earliest phase of Le Corbusier: How architectural form and nature is related, how natural greens is introduced into urbanism, and how natural landscape is introduced to house design. 1) it is studied how the relation between the nature and the formal elements of purism in Le Corbusier's architecture is formed. 2) it is studied how the relation between the nature and architecture proposed in Le Corbusier's urbanism is formed. 3) Le Corbusier's "four compositions" is analyzed in terms of relation-formation between architectural space and the nature. 4) it is studied how the natural landscape is introduced to Le Corbusier's house-design in the form of architectural promenade. Result: It has been found out that the natural landscape in Le Corbusier's architecture is not just a simple background, but a necessary element for the consummation of form and space in his architecture, and that architectural inspiration is maximized with coexistence with nature.

Nature-Friendly Design Characteristics of Outdoor Spaces in Brand Apartments (브랜드 아파트에 나타난 자연친화적 외부공간의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Yeonsook;Lee, SongHyun
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2013
  • A outdoor space of the brand apartment can improve the quality of the whole environment in apartment and has differentiated identity in apartment housing through various versions of the green space and water space plan. The purpose of this study is to evaluate nature-friendly design characteristics in brand apartments and to offer a basic information for planning of brand apartment. In concrete, nature-friendly design did by green space and water space that can analyze by visual, and investigation contents divided to position, form, user behavior, link space from user viewpoint by case study. This study examined a case of eight brand apartments located in Gangnamgu, Seoul. We has divided the characteristics of a green space into horizontal type, vertical type, multi-dimensional type and has divided the water space into stagnant water type, flowing stream type, waterfall type and fountain type. The findings are summarized as follows: First, in case of the space of brand apartment, the application of horizontal and vertical greenery was lower compare with multi-dimensional green space. The most of items for multi-dimensional greenery have been planned to the open space and promenade. Second, a stagnant water type of water space features well used in most of the cases but a water space of signs of activity like a flowing stream, waterfall, fountain types were underused because of problem of administrative and maintenance expenses. Thirdly, Water space of brand apartments was planned with specialization item by apartment housing but green space does not have differentiated item and was planned by most similar form.

A Study on the Characteristics of Organic Design Applied to Interior - Centering on Organic Design by Zaha Hadid, Karim Rshid, Fabio Nobembre and Nox - (실내공간에 나타난 유기적 디자인 표현 특성에 관한 연구 - 자하 하디드, 카림 라시드, 파비오 노벰브레, 녹스의 유기적 디자인 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yeon-Sil;Lee, Chang-No
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2010
  • The nature is the foundation of human life and arts, and human beings have found order and principle amid ceaseless change and harmonization of the nature and diversified patterns and directly or indirectly applied the nature to interior through discovered principles. Interior space to which the organic factors of the nature is an expression of the vitality of the nature and expresses live forms as seen in change, development and growth of living organisms in addition to human feelings. The study aims to recognize the necessity of studies on interior space to which organic expressive characteristics of the nature are applied in uniformed space, suggest expressive characteristics and propose needed basic data required at a time of designing interior space. In this regard, the study has examined works by five contemporary designers including Zaha Hadid, Karim Rashid, Fabio Novembre and Nox with an aim to analyze expressive characteristics of interior design and figure expressive characteristics of organic design found in interior space. According to analyses on preceding literary studies and case studies (14 places), it has been found that organic expressive characteristics in interior space include vision, tactile sensation and auditory sense in terms of sensitivity, immateriality in terms of a property of matter, metaphor and abstraction in terms of the form of natural objects and non-linear curves and free curves in organic design. Organic spaces were characterized by symbolism, directionality, continuity, pattern and superimposition. This conclusion is expected to be useful in subsequent studies on the application of organic expressive characteristic factors at a time of planning interior space in the future.