• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural Material

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Effect of Combining Wood Particles and Plastic(Polypropylene) Screen on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Board (목재(木材)파이티클과 플라스틱(폴리프로필렌) 망(網)의 결체(結締) 보오드의 물리(物理) 및 기술적(機械的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Phil-Woo;Park, Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-44
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    • 1988
  • As a way for the effective utilization of pallman chips and sawdusts, these furnish materials were combined with non-woody material of plastic (polypropylene) screen in board manufacturing to improve their weak physical and mechanical properties. The conventional boards were made with conditions of specific gravity 0.40, 0.55, 0.70, and 0.85, resin content 8, 10, 12 and 14%, and number of polypropylene screen 1, 2, 3 and 4, and press-lam boards were also manufactured. The physical and mechanical properties were measured and discussed on thickness swelling, bending modulus of rupture and elasticity, tensile strength, internal bond strength, and screw holding strength. The results obtained at this study were summarized as follows: 1. In thinckness swelling both of pallman chip board and sawdust board were improved by the increase of resin content, and press-lam boards showed lower thickness swelling than conventional boards. 2. Both the modulus of rupture and elasticity were increased with the increase of specific gravity, and press-lam boards showed higher modulus of rupture and elasticity than conventional boards. On the other hand, modulus of rupture was increased with the increase of number of polypropylene screen and resin content whereas these effects in modulus of elasticity was not recognized. 3. Tensile strength was increased with the increase of specific gravity, and the boards combined with polypropylene screen showed higher tensile strength than control boards. Also tensile strength was increased with the increase of number of polypropylene screen, and press-lam boards revealed higher tensile strength than conventional boards. 4. Internal bond strength was increased with the increase of specific gravity, and the boards combined with polypropylene screen were lower in internal bond strength than control boards. Also, the boards combined with odd number of polypropylene screen showed lower internal bond strength than those combined with even number of polypropylene screen. 5. Screw holding strength was increased with the increase of resin content and specific gravity but significant difference was not approved between boards combined with polypropylene screen and control boards. In press-lam boards, pallman chip boards of higher specific gravity but sawdust boards of lower specific gravity showed better screw holding strength than control boards.

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한국수출산업을 위한 산업디자인 개선에 관한 연구 -시각.공예.제품디자인을 중심으로-

  • 박대순
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-162
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    • 1980
  • The Design Society of Korea. It is our urgent task that we should map out our detailed guiedlines for the improvement of export-oriented industries and of the design of export goods in preparation for our export goal of $30 billion in the upcoming 1980s. The government, university design researchers, and most entrepreneurs have confronted diverse kinds of racking issues: how much do most export industries take advantage of the indus-trial design for the improvement of the quality of export goods\ulcorner, structural defects of most export industries, chronic and vicious cycle of overlooking the value of the industrial design in the process of manufacturing export goods and etc. In other words, the recent trend of slighting the industrial design is to speed up the sales of only unsophisticated goods on the international markets. Although Koreans have been plagued by scantiness of natural resources under these circumstances, most Korean people have showed off their strong will for today's growth. Furthermore, most exporters should do their best to sweep overseas markets by manufacturing sophisticated goods outranking those commodi-ties made by the United States, Japan, West Germany and the other developed countries. In this respect, we have to make our best efforts for the expensive application and practical use of the industrial design, one of the comprehensive sciences, in the face of the hard realities and conditions which we have confronted until now. For example, it can be attributed to the practical application of the industrial design that the neighboring Japan, West Germany, France, the United Kingdom in Europe, and the United States in North America have formulated a highly advan-ced cultural zone and braced up for their own trade protection-ism and tightened their embargoes on EEC goods. Unless any export goods take the best advantage of the industrial design, one of the behavioral sciences capable of satisfying the material mental needs of modern men and of promoting cultural growth, I am convinced that they will not infiltrate into any countries that have enjoyed their own highly cultural lives. It is absolutely important that most Korean universities, state-run, private corporations and research institutes should work out the improvement strategy for the development and practical use of the industrial design as will as the revision of the present curricula of the departments of design. However, most design researchers have come to grips with several difficult problems such as the correlation of export oriented industries and the industrial design and the development of the design of export goods. The improvement of the industrial design is our urgent assignment that we have to solve in the 1980s. Accordimgly, I cannot too much emphasize the value the recognition of the industrial design in our industrial communities because we have never witnessed the prosperity of those countries which have taken little notice of the importance of the industrial design. Hopefully, most entrepreneurs will take much consideration of the value of the industrial design and then can defeat their rival businessmen on the international markets by exporting goods of highly sophisticated design. In this respect, the main purpose of the research paper which this society presented is to underline the fact that the improvement and development of the industrial design is our common assignment to be studied from the viewpoints of national dimension as well as in conformity with our immediate goal for the export-oriented prosperity of state. In conclusion, I would like to highlight the fact that our export goods shall be continually developed in pace with the correlative improvement of the indudtrial design so as to pave the way for their bright prospect and to enhance their best impression of the first-class goods on the international markets.

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A Study of the Chemical Composition of Korean Traditional Ceramics (III): Comparison of Punch'$\breve{o}$ng with Kory$\breve{o}$ Ware and Chos$\breve{o}$n Whiteware (한국 전통 도자기의 화학 조성에 대한 연구 (III): 분청에 대한 고려자기와 조선백자와의 비교)

  • KohChoo, Carolyn Kyong-Shin;Choo, Woong-Kil;Ahn, Sang-Doo;Lee, Young-Eun;Kim, Gyu-Ho;Lee, Yeon-Sook
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2011
  • At the beginning of the Chos$\breve{o}$n dynasty, punch'$\breve{o}$ng began as a simplified form of inlaid celadon, and in the two following centuries it developed into a popular folk craft in various styles and expressive decorations; overtime, it was increasingly made to resemble whiteware, and its production stopped after the Japanese invasion of Korea. In the present study, the body and glaze compositions of punch'$\breve{o}$ng were examined and compared with those of celadon and whiteware, whose compositions have previously been compared with those of Chinese ceramics. Here, the analyzed shards were organized into 28 groups based on their production sites and archaeological characteristics. For each group, the body and glaze compositions of several shards(usually three to five) were obtained, averaged, and compared with those of the other groups. These comparisons showed that the majority of the punch'$\breve{o}$ng bodies were formed, like those of celadon and whiteware, with mica-quartz porcelain stone, which was commonly used in Yuezhou, Jingdezhen, and other southern Chinese kilns. The glazes consisted of clay materials and flux components made from various proportions of wood ash, burnt limestone (glaze ash) and crushed limestone. Overall, the punch'$\breve{o}$ng glazes resembled the Kory$\breve{o}$ celadon and Kory$\breve{o}$ whiteware glazes more closely than the Chos$\breve{o}$n white wareglazes. However, the $TiO_2$ levels found in the tested punch'$\breve{o}$ng were low, similar to those of Chos$\breve{o}$n whiteware; this indicated that glaze stone was used as the clay component of the punch'$\breve{o}$ng glazes, as was the case for Chos$\breve{o}$n whiteware. This study of the material characteristics of punch'$\breve{o}$ng may be used as a comparative framework for analyzing ceramic shards discovered at current and future excavations within Korea.

Study on Iron-making and Manufacturing Technology of Iron Swords with Ring Pommel Excavated in Ipbuk-dong, Suwon (수원 입북동 출토 철제환두도의 제철과 제작기술 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.579-588
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed nonmetallic inclusions in iron swords with a ring pommel excavated in the Ipbuk-dong, Suwon. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy(SEM-EDS) was used to estimate the iron-making temperature, and we compared the oxide with $SiO_2$ to investigate the heat-treatment technology in the production of iron swords with a ring pommel by investigating the artificial insertion of a slag former and the metallurgical structure. From the wustite observed in most of the specimens, it is judged that these swords were produced by heating and forging iron smelted at a low temperature using the solid reduction method. In addition, judging from the partial presence of $P_2O_5$, it is assumed that they were smelted directly with natural ore, not calcined. From the ratios of $CaO/SiO_2$ and $TiO_2/SiO_2$, it is judged that the raw material for iron-making was iron ore and that a calcareous slag former was not artificially inserted. The structure of the blade part on the front end was pure iron. From the high carbon content of the blade part on the ring pommel and the formation of a martensitic structure and pearlite colony, it is judged that they were tempered after carburizing and that the back, handle part, and ring pommel were unintentionally carburized. Judging from the structure of these specimens, it was noted that they were produced by applying artificial partial heat-treatment technology. This study attempted to present a more scientific analysis by using the method of interpretation through component analysis of nonmetallic inclusions appearing in one relic by the ratio of the oxide divided by $SiO_2$. It is judged that reinterpreting the arguments by the results of the existing analysis and research in this way can obtain different interpretations.

The Consideration of Bolus Effects of Games Attached on Lesion area (환부 부착용 거즈의 Bolus Effect에 관할 고찰)

  • Park JuYoung;Ju SangKyu;Park YoungChul;Han YoungYi;Shin EunHyuk;Park YongHwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of skin dose and PDD by using wounds protecting gauzes or Vaselinespread gauzes. And it was studied that the possibility to substitute custom bolus into gauzes. 4MV photon (CL600C, varian, US), Polystyrene Phantom (30(W) X30(L) X 30(H)) with Markus chamber(PTW, US) were used for dose measurement. This study was distinguished natural gauzes and spread over Vaseline gauzes. We gave variety to the gauze thickness at 5, 10 and 15 sheets respectively. For comparison between using bolus and not that, we had used 1.0 cm thickness bolus so that analyzed surface dose and PDD at the same conditions above mentioned. When maximum point was defined as reference point, surface dose was measured as $35\%$ in open beam. When the gauzes were attached to surface as 5, 10 and 15 sheets, surface dose were increased as 69, 80 and $91\%$ respectively according to thickness of gauzes. When spread over Vaseline gauzes were attached to surface as 5, 10 and 15 sheets, surface dose were increased respectively as 98, 100 and $98\%$ according to thickness of gauzes. Also when 0.5 cm bolus and 5 sheets gauzes were composed, surface dose was measured as $98\%$. The gauzes that were attached to skin surface in radiation therapy had been scattering material and contributed increasing surface dose without variation of percentage depth dose. However, if we want to delivery much dose to skin surface then we have to apply many sheets of gauzes to skin surface. Although we get easy that result by bolus or spread over Vaseline gauzes, we have to revise percentage depth dose at calculation. Therefore, if we find pertinent conditions based on measured data that are considered skin dose and patient setup efficiency, to replace custom bolus with gauzes will be helpful to efficient treatment.

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A Study on the Condition of Location According to the Formed Time in the Clan Village (동족(同族)마을의 설촌(設村)시기에서 나타난 입지(立地) 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Myung-Duk;Park, Eon-Kon
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.68-87
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    • 1992
  • This study is the conditions of location according to formed the times in the clan village. The results of this study are as follows ; 1. in the 15th century, the characterestics of the village established residencial place where mountain stream flowed surrounded by the mountain and deep in the mountains with superior quality land. That's because Sa-dae-bu put equal importance on beautiful scenery and practical benefit for living. Stream House provided economical foundation for Sa-dae-bu to be able to keep confucial manners by putting limit their economic status to small medium sized land owner. Topographical condition such as valley or hollow separated from the exterior maintained unification of consanguineous village in self sufficient farming society and held on to independent territory against external to be able to stay away from turbulent days so that they formed residential area of Sa-dae-bu clan. And the valley where flowed clean water was considered as the connection of continuous place where distinctiveness of form in each curve and and factor of calm and dynamic scenery of the clean stream. Scholars in the middle of Chosun Dynasty located in the utopia as place for confucious retirement to study, a place for refinement by combination with the nature or as a way of spacial practice based on Confucious view of nature. 2. in the 16th-l7th century, Most of existing consanguineous villages adopt deep in the mountains for refuge. at that place, upward rank was established by settlement of the ancestor who entered in the village first, the principal was placed in the center of the village and since descendants became numerous, it was serialized as the space of descendants. So, it was arranged in the order of social rank. Most of the villages showed development step by step started from precaution by apperance of the mountain to the lower part. It's because the topography of valley around the village worked as the natural hedge against external force and genealogy of the clan, regularity of social status, order of entrance into the village were reflected into residencial destribution. Also, order of the rank coincided with the one of aspects on geomancy. Genealogical rank within the village represented spacial rank. Houses of descendants and branch families were placed lower than the principal which showed worship to the principal. 3. In 18th century after, as the village was settled nearby cultivated land considering economical loss caused by long distance between residencial area and cultivated land, direction of sect followed by development of village expanded from the front part of the village to the rear part. The principal that was poped out to the front presented frontage over exterior. Therefore, residencial area of branch families expanded to the rear starting from the principal. This represented a slice of social structure at that time. after 18th century, spirit was percieved superior over material, After then, development of cultivation and expantion of land created difference of economic strength within one village. In order to maintain and show off the status of Yang-ban, economic power of indigenous land owner became fundamental, so, sense to worship and to keep the principal became weak eventually. Taking advantage of that situation, residencial area of branch family expanded to the rear part of the principal which showed dual disposition conflicted with each other. However, these clan rules were destroyed and new rules were created after 18th century because of the situation and consciousness at that time.

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A Study on the Working Environment Recognition and the Caracter Disposition of Nurse Aides (간호조무사의 근무환경인식과 성격성향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sun Yi
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1990
  • As the whole world took on the tendency to be highly industrialized, it became necessary for each field of occupation to require professional man power. Especially, since the World War n, the participation of woman power in economic activities has been continually increasing. In our country also, because of the rapid economic growth, change in the way of thinking of women as well as their participation in economic activities are increasing. Thus, woman power is being utilized in various occupational fields from simple physical labor to those that require high-professional skill. Also, continued economic development policies, by setting the establishment of welfare society as the ideology to be fulfilled, brought expansion of medical facilities in the field of public health and increase in man power in that field. As for the nursing specialists, more than 6000 have been being produced per year and as of the end of 1988, the total number of nursing specialists, reached 123, 115. Therefore, this study is done to recognize the professional knowledge and ability of nursing specialists, who take up $40\%$ of the total public-health related man power in our country, through evaluating their working environment and their disposition of character. This study, which was done from September 18th to September 30th 1989, took on the method of using formed questionnaires that had been amended and supplemented during two preparatory investigations, 322 of such questionnaires were used as an analytical material. In the formation of questionnaires, 12 questions were related to the working environment, and 26 in fortotal were related to the disposition of character, 5 for wise-disposition, 11 for activedisposition and 10 for open-disposition. The measuring method, which used 5-point-standard, allowed 5 points for affirmative recognition of the working environment, also 5 points for showing wise, active and open disposition of character and only point in opposite cases. Collected materials were analyzed, through an electronic calculation, into the average value, the standard deflection percentage, pearson corelative number and stepwise multiple regression. Summarizing the results from this study is as follows: 1. It was shown that the nursing specialists with the average of 3.07 have affirmative recognition of their working environment. The questions which drew most affirmative reaction were those concerning finance-management system such as hand, the questions that received negative reaction were those concerning communication method with the average of 2.49. Such reaction seems to have resulted from the cramming regulation by the superior authorities. Concerning the recognition of working environment in relation to employment conditions, more affirmative recognition is shown with the average of 3.14. at hospitals where injection job is not performed. The nursing specialists working at regular hospitals show more affirmative recognition than those at general hospitals, the averages being respectiely 3.16 and 3.03. 2. As for the disposition of character of the nursing specialists, active-disposition was highest with the average of 3.38, next was wise-disposition with 3.20 and the lowest was open-diposition with 2.98. Variable-wise disposition of character shows that wise-disposition and academic background are beneficially correlated by 0.12. Ative-disposition and open-disposition show correlation to the office term by respectively 0.16 and 0.21. In other words. better academic background leads to higher wise-disposition and more - experience results in higher active and open disposition. Also, the class that performs the injection job, in relation to the working environment, might cause change in the self-conceit that identify those in that class with the nurses; however, as far as professional judgment and action, in dealing with nursing job, being wise, active and open is concerned, not much effect is made. 3. The relation between the recognition of the working environment and the disposition of character is that more afirmative recognition- a nursing specialist has about her working environment, the higher the active-disposition becomes by 0.13. The degrees of the relation between recongnition of environment and wise and open dispositions show respectively 0.06 and -0.06 and -0.06. That is to say that when having more affirmative recognition of the working environment, a nursing specialist shows wise but closed disposition of character. This, howerver, didn't mean much statistically. When observing the results mentioned above, it is conspicuous that the nursing specialists, working as substitutes for the nurse at medical institutions of various sizes, get the feeling of being somewhat equal to the nurses and to some extent, fulfill their desire to accomplish their ego; however, as far as professional ability expansion if concerned. they lack wise and open dispositions. Therefore, considiering upon the results of this study, in medical institutions where the work of nursing specialists is regaded equal to that of the nurses, as a medical member who deals with human lives, it is desirable to make the nursing specialists work under the supervision of the nurses and to offer them continuous education to strengthen and improve their natural dispositions.

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A Study on Greenspace Planning Strategies for Thermal Comfort and Energy Savings (열쾌적성과 에너지절약을 위한 녹지계획 전략 연구)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Ahn, Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to quantify human energy budgets for different structures of outdoor spatial surfaces affecting thermal comfort, to analyze the impacts of tree shading on building energy savings, and to suggest desirable strategies of urban greenspace planning concerned. Concrete paving and grass spaces without tree shading and compacted-sand spaces with tree shading were selected to reflect archetypal compositional types for outdoor spatial materials. The study then estimated human energy budgets in static activity for the 3 space types. Major determinants of energy budgets were the presence of shading and also the albedo and temperature of base surfaces. The energy budgets for concrete paving and grass spaces without tree shading were $284\;W/m^2$ and $226\;W/m^2$, respectively, and these space types were considerably poor in thermal comfort. Therefore, it is desirable to construct outdoor resting spaces with evapotranspirational shade trees and natural materials for the base plane. Building energy savings from tree shading for the case of Daegu in the southern region were quantified using computer modeling programs and compared with a previous study for Chuncheon in the middle region. Shade trees planted to the west of a building were most effective for annual savings of heating and cooling energy. Plantings of shade trees in the south should be avoided, because they increased heating energy use with cooling energy savings low in both climate regions. A large shade tree in the west and east saved cooling energy by 1~2% across building types and regions. Based on previous studies and these results, some strategies including indicators for urban greenspace planning were suggested to improve thermal comfort of outdoor spaces and to save energy use in indoor spaces. These included thermal comfort in construction materials for outdoor spaces, building energy savings through shading, evapotranspiration and windspeed mitigation by greenspaces, and greenspace areas and volume for air-temperature reductions. In addition, this study explored the application of the strategies to greenspace-related regulations to ensure their effectiveness.

Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Rice Plant (수도(水稻)의 역학적(力學的) 및 리올러지 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Huh, Yun Kun;Cha, Gyun Do
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.98-133
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    • 1987
  • The mechanical and rheological properties of agricultural materials are important for engineering design and analysis of their mechanical harvesting, handling, transporting and processing systems. Agricultural materials, which composed of structural members and fluids do not react in a purely elastic manner, and their response when subjected to stress and strain is a combination of elastic and viscous behavior so called viscoelastic behavior. Many researchers have conducted studies on the mechanical and rheological properties of the various agricultural products, but a few researcher has studied those properties of rice plant, and also those data are available only for foreign varieties of rice plant. This study are conducted to experimentally determine the mechanical and the rheological properties such as axial compressive strength, tensile strength, bending and shear strength, stress relaxation and creep behavior of rice stems, and grain detachment strength. The rheological models for the rice stem were developed from the test data. The shearing characteristics were examined at some different levels of portion, cross-sectional area, moisture content of rice stem and shearing angle. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows 1. The mechanical properties of the stems of the J aponica types were greater than those of the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid in compression, tension, bendingand shearing. 2. The mean value of the compressive force was 80.5 N in the Japonica types and 55.5 N in the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid which was about 70 percent to that of the Japonica types, and then the value increased progressively at the lower portion of the stems generally. 3. The average tensile force was about 226.6 N in the Japonica types and 123.6 N in the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid which was about 55 percent to that of the Japonica types. 4. The bending moment was $0.19N{\cdot}m$ in the Japonica types and $0.13N{\cdot}m$ in the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid which was 68 percent to that of the Japonica types and the bending strength was 7.7 MPa in the Japonica types and 6.5 MPa in the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid respectively. 5. The shearing force was 141.1 N in Jinju, the Japonica type and 101.4 N in Taebaeg, the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid which was 72 percent to that of Jinju, and the shearing strength of Taebaeg was 63 percent to that of Jinju. 6. The shearing force and the shearing energy along the stem portion in Jinju increased progressively together at the lower portions, meanwhile in Taebaeg the shearing force showed the maximum value at the intermediate portion and the shearing energy was the greatest at the portion of 21 cm from the ground level, and also the shearing strength and the shearing energy per unit cross-sectional area of the stem were the greater values at the intermediate portion than at any other portions. 7. The shearing force and the shearing energy increased with increase of the cross-sectional area of the rice stem and with decrease of the shearing angie from $90^{\circ}$ to $50^{\circ}$. 8. The shearing forces showed the minimum values of 110 N at Jinju and of 60 N at Taebaeg, the shearing energy at the moisture content decreased about 15 percent point from initial moisture content showed value of 50 mJ in Jinju and of 30 mJ in Taebaeg, respectively. 9. The stress relaxation behavior could be described by the generalized Maxwell model and also the compression creep behavior by Burger's model, respectively in the rice stem. 10. With increase of loading rate, the stress relaxation intensity increased, meanwhile the relaxation time and residual stress decreased. 11. In the compression creep test, the logarithmic creep occured at the stress less than 2.0 MPa and the steady-state creep at the stress larger than 2.0 MPa. 12. The stress level had not a significant effect on the relaxation time, while the relaxation intensity and residual stress increased with increase of the stress level. 13. In the compression creep test of the rice stem, the instantaneous elastic modulus of Burger's model showed the range of 60 to 80 MPa and the viscosities of the free dashpot were very large numerical value which was well explained that the rice stem was viscoelastic material. 14. The tensile detachment forces were about 1.7 to 2.3 N in the Japonica types while about 1.0 to 1.3 N in Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid corresponding to 58 percent of Japonica types, and the bending detachment forces were about 0.6 to 1.1 N corresponding to 30 to 50 percent of the tensile detachment forces, and the bending detachment of the Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid was 0.1 to 0.3 N which was 7 to 21 percent of Japonica types. 15. The detachment force of the lower portion was little bigger than that of the upper portion in a penicle and was not significantly affected by the harvesting period from September 28 to October 20. 16. The tensile and bending detachment forces decreased with decrease of the moisture content from 23 to 13 percent (w.b.) by the natural drying, and the decreasing rate of detachment forces along the moisture content was the greater in the bending detachment force than the tensile detachment force.

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Effects of Environment Friendly Agricultural Materials to Insect Parasitoids in the Laboratory (실내조건에서 친환경농자재가 기생성 천적곤충에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Yong-Man;Kang, Eun-Jin;Seo, Mi-Ja;Kang, Myeng-Gi;Lee, Hee-Jin;Kim, Da-A;Gil, Mi-La;Youn, Young-Nam
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.45 no.2 s.143
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2006
  • For the biological control of the greenhouse whitefly, aphids, American leaf-miners, Encarsia formosa, Aphidius coiemani, Diglyphus isaea, and Dacnusa sibirica were used as biological control factors. Otherwise, many kinds of environment friendly agricultural materials were also used in the kindly environment friendly farming. For testing the toxicity of environment friendly agricultural materials against to insect parasitoids as biological control factors, 61 environment friendly agricultural materials were selected by using methods and periods with insect parasitoids in the greenhouses. Environment friendly agricultural materials were sprayed to mummies and adults of E. formosa and A. colemani, and adults of Diglyphus isaea and Dacnusa sibirica in laboratory condition. Emergence rates were checked during 12 days after spray to mummies of E. formosa and A. colemani, and survival rates were at 24 and 48 hours after viral test for adult parasitoids, with 10% sugar solution. Emergence rates of E. formosa mummies were inhibited by sprayed the fungicidal environment friendly agricultural material (FEFAM) E and the environment friendly agricultural materials contained molybdenum (EFAMMo) G as 0.4 and 2.7%, respectively. E. formosa adults were not survived in vial for 48hours after sprayed and dried with the environment friendly agricultural materials contained plant extract (EFAMPE) J and the EFAMMo C. The environment friendly agricultural materials contained microelements (EFAMMEs) B and EFAMPE H, environment friendly agricultural materials contained useful soil microorganisms (EFAMSMs) H, FEFAM A and FEFAM D were recorded low survival rates of E. formosa adults with 6.7, 13.3, 13.3, 20.0 and 20.0, respectively. In case of the spraying environment friendly agricultural materials to mummies of A. colemani there were low emergence rate from mummies to adults as around 20s % with water spraying as control. A. colemani adults were not survived in vial with EFAMMo C. EFAMPE J, EFAMPE F, EFAMPE H, EFAMSM H were recorded low survival rates under 20% as 6.7, 13.3, 13.3 and 13.3, respectively, D. isaea and D. sibirica adults were not survived in vial with EFAMPE J. EFAMMo C was 53.3% of survival rates in 48 hours vial tests. D. isaea and D. sibirica were not affected by environment friendly agricultural materials compared with E. formosa and A. colemani.