• Title/Summary/Keyword: National economic impact

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Economic Growth and Employment in the Korean Agri-Food Industry: Examining the Buffering Effect and Sensitivity of Temporary Employment

  • Byung Min SOON
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This research article investigates the intricate relationship between economic growth and employment in the Korean agri-food industry. Research design, data and methodology: Drawing on Okun's law, which proposes a negative correlation between economic growth and unemployment, the study explores the applicability of this law to different sectors. By focusing on the agri-food industry, the study examines the impact of economic growth on both full-time and temporary employment. Results: The findings highlight the industry's role as a buffer, absorbing workers from other sectors, particularly manufacturing. Moreover, the study reveals that temporary employment is more sensitive to economic growth fluctuations compared to full-time employment. Conclusions: The research emphasizes the importance of implementing employment programs that support transitioning workers in the agri-food industry, facilitating knowledge and skill transfer to ensure sustained employment. Furthermore, it recommends government and company support for temporary employment during buffering periods to ensure safe job transitions. This study provides valuable evidence to understand the nuanced relationship between economic growth and employment in the Korean agri-food industry.

The Impact of R&D on the Singaporean Economy

  • Ho, Yuen-Ping;Wong, Poh-Kam
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • There has been a pronounced increase in research and development (R&D) expenditure in Singapore over the last two decades, with government spending accounting for a sizeable share. This increase has been spurred by public policy emphasis on research and innovation as engines of economic growth. This paper analyses the impact of R&D on economic performance in Singapore from 1978 to 2012 through the use of time series analysis. The Cobb-Douglas based analysis shows a long-run equilibrium relationship between Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and R&D investments. We found that the short-run productivity of R&D in Singapore is comparable to smaller advanced economies in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, in terms of long-run R&D productivity, Singapore lags slightly behind the smaller OECD nations and far behind the G7 countries. This suggests leakage of value capture and low absorptive capacity in local firms. Possibility of productivity improvements induced by policy changes in the 1990s was considered, but no evidence of significant structural breaks was found. Lastly, Granger causality analysis reveals that public sector R&D augments private sector R&D capital, thus playing an important role in generating externalities and spillover effects. Policy implications and lessons for other middle-income countries are discussed.

The Impact of Institutional Quality on FDI Inflows: The Evidence from Capital Outflow of Asian Economies

  • LE, Anh Hoang;KIM, Taegi
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2021
  • This paper investigates the effect of institutional quality on FDI inflows by using FDI outflows from Asian countries from 2009 to 2017. We used the FDI data from five major Asian economies, which are South Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The gravity model was used to examine the effect of institutional quality on FDI flows. The regression model considers several independent variables, and we select the most appropriate variables by using the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) estimator. We have shown that foreign direct investment from Asian countries depends on the size of home and the partner countries, geographical distance, trade interaction between two countries, economic freedom, labor supply, tariff rate, and capacity of the government. The results of different estimation techniques emphasize that multinational enterprises prefer to invest in those countries which have a higher income, which shows the evidence for Lucas's paradox. The results also show that economic freedom and control of corruption have a positive impact on FDI inwards. The regression results show that better institutional quality in host countries encourages more FDIs from Asian economies. It suggests that the state should control corruption and create a free economic environment to attract FDIs.

Supremacy of Value-Added Tax: A Perspective from South Asian Nations

  • Md Noor Uddin, MILON;Yousuf, KAMAL;Tahmina Akter, POL
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2023
  • The study attempts to examine the relationship among revenue growth factors from different angles and provides a comprehensive overview of tax revenue collection for developing countries. The impact of income tax, customs duty, and value-added tax on the gross domestic product is examined using the ordinary least-square (OLS) multiple regression approach. To confirm the association, a multiple regression model is applied to time-series data. SPSS software, MS Excel, is used to draw the empirical results, trend analysis, and some graphical presentation to reach the study's objective. The findings show that while the value-added tax has a significant impact and the highest coefficient, regardless of country, income tax and customs duty may or may not be significant depending on the circumstances. It triggers effectual and efficacious economic growth. The paper has implications in policy-making areas where governments are seeking how to stimulate revenue growth effectively and efficiently. To promote economic growth, the tax net and tax rate on luxury goods should be increased along with human resources in the tax administration for the short term. But in the long term, decentralization & digitization of tax administration, dismantling the existing tax barriers and good governance are necessary.

Development of a multi criteria decision analysis framework for the assessment of integrated waste management options for irradiated graphite

  • Abrahamsen-Mills, Liam;Wareing, Alan;Fowler, Linda;Jarvis, Richard;Norris, Simon;Banford, Anthony
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.1224-1235
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    • 2021
  • An integrated waste management approach for irradiated graphite was developed during the European Commission project 'Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and other Carbonaceous Waste'. This included the identification of potential options for the management of irradiated graphite, taking account of storage, retrieval, treatment and disposal methods. This paper describes how these options can be assessed using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for a case study relating to a generic power reactor. Criteria have been defined to account for safety, environmental, economic and socio-political factors, including radiological impact, resource usage, economic costs and risks. The impact of each option against each criterion has been assessed using data from the project and the wider literature. A linear additive approach has been used to convert the calculated impacts to scores. To account for the relative importance of the criteria, example weightings were allocated. This application has shown that MCDA approaches can be used to support complex decisions regarding irradiated graphite management, accounting for a wide range of criteria. Use of this approach by individual countries or organisations will need to account for the specific options, scores, weightings and constraints that apply, based on their national strategies, regulatory requirements and public acceptability.

Digitization of the Financial System in the World Economy

  • Sydorovych, Olena;Perchuk, Oksana;Fedyk, Mariana;Klymenko, Svitlana;Matviy, Igor;Chupryna, Liudmyla;Yaremko, Igor
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.611-619
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    • 2021
  • This article is devoted to the study of digital finance development in the global economy. The study aims to show the digital finance development level in different states and its impact on their economic development. In the course of the study, three hypotheses are put forward: 1) increased spending on innovation contributes to the competitiveness of financial services; 2) digital technology makes the financial systems of states more developed; 3) the development of digital finance contributes to the competitiveness at the level of states. Correlation and regression analysis are applied for building the empirical study. The results of the study helped to understand the digital finance concept. It also shows the main stages of digital finance development, the digitalization rank of the countries, the impact of digitalization on the financial and economic sphere. According to the results of empirical analysis, it is confirmed that the countries that invest more in innovative technologies are more developed. Therefore, digitalization has a significant value for the financial system and has a synergistic effect on all areas of the economy.

A Study on the Effect of Machining Precision and Shop Floor Environment due to Cutting Fluid Usage (절삭유 사용이 가공정밀도 및 작업환경에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Joon;Chung, Eui-Sik;Heo, Sung-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.1004-1007
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents the experimental results to verify the environmental consciousness with economic balances due to cutting fluid behaviors, effectiveness in machining process. Even though cutting fluid improves the machined part quality through the cooling and lubracating effects, its environmental impact is also increased according to the cutting fluid usage. Because cutting fluid are used by experience than science on shop floors, its environmental impact are more serious to human health hazard, shop floor environments. In this study a few cutting parameters are adopted as the machinability index (i.e. ; tool wear and surface roughness), and aerosol mist diffusion rate of cutting fluid as the environment consciousness index. These indeces are analyzed quantitatively via a few experiements. The results of this study can be facilitate the optimization of cutting fluid usage in achieving a balanced environmental consciousness consideration with economic view.

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The Impact of Trade Facilitation on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade: An Application for Developing Countries

  • Lee, Hyo-Young;Kim, Chong-Sup
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-96
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    • 2012
  • Previous literature has looked merely into the effect of trade facilitation on aggregate trade, or analyzed trade growth using the extensive and intensive margins. This paper blends these two lines of research for a detailed analysis of the impact of trade facilitation on trade by using highly disaggregated trade data and a more composite index for measuring trade facilitation, also taking into account the export sectors and income levels of countries. As a result, this paper finds that developing countries with higher trade facilitation levels export a wider range of products, especially primary goods. While trade facilitation levels do not have a statistically significant association with trade at the intensive margin in general, further analysis shows that the impact of advanced trade facilitation is the largest for lower middle-income countries in primary goods trade at the intensive margin, and the largest for upper middle-income countries in manufactured goods trade at the intensive margin. More importantly, our policy simulation results suggest that trade facilitation-related policy reforms enable developing countries to benefit from increased trade in manufactured goods at the extensive margin.

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A Study on the Economic Impacts of Korean Climate Industry - Focusing on Renewable Energy Industry - (한국 기후산업의 경제적 파급효과에 관한 연구 - 신재생에너지산업을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Jun-Suk;Park, Sung-Hwan;Park, Jung-Gu
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2012
  • The climate industry could be defined as the group of industries responding to world climate change compacts. This study confined it to renewable energy and analyzed the economic impacts of Korean renewable industry, using 2009 Input-Output Table. This study estimated that Korean renewable industry made the production-induced impact of 1.1644 won(Korean money), and the value-added-induced impact of 0.3544 won through an increase in output growth of 1 won. Its job-creation impact is analyzed to correspond to 10.065 labors through an increase in output growth of 1 billion won. And its industrial linkage effects including forward and backward ones are analyzed not to be so great as expected. According to these results, some policies vitalizing Korean renewable industry and relating industries to its value-chain as new growth engines are recommended.

Evaluation of the Policy Effects of Free Trade Agreements: New Evidence from the Korea-China FTA

  • Xiang Li;Hyukku Lee;Seung-Lin Hong
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - The policy implications of free trade agreements have traditionally been a matter of debate among economists. The official signing of the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement provides economists with a quasi-natural experiment to analyze the FTA's policy effects. This article aims to more accurately understand the impact of Korea's FTA accession on the macro economy. Design/methodology - This study adopts the counterfactual method based on panel data to find common factors in the generation process of macro data to fit the counterfactual path, to accurately evaluate the effect of the macro policy. Findings - Our research results show that the signing of the Korea-China FTA has a relatively significant short-term positive effect on Korea's economic growth. On average, Korea's real GDP growth rate has increased by 2.1%. This study finds evidence in support of FTA signing not having a significant impact on Korea's GDP growth in the long run. Additionally, we evaluated the impact of the FTA on Korea's imports and exports and found that it had a significant positive impact in the short term, but the trade effect of the FTA is significantly affected by the external macro-environment. Originality/value - First, this study uses macro panel data at the national level to examine the impact of the Korea-China FTA on Korea, and more accurately describes the policy effect of the FTA. Second, our empirical results show that the Korea-China FTA policy impact is subject to occasional changes in the external environment, such as the geopolitical conflict (crisis) between Korea and China, and the US-China trade war. Finally, the analysis shows that the short-term effect of FTA is significant but the long-term is uncertain, which provides empirical evidence for the debate on whether joining FTA can promote national economic growth.