• Title/Summary/Keyword: Narrow ridge

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Citizens' Perception on and Attitudes toward Use and Management of National Parks in South Korea (국립공원 이용 및 관리 방안에 대한 시민 인식)

  • Lee, Seonghun;Koo, Kyung Ah;Im, Changmin;Yoon, Tae Kyung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.89-104
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the public opinion on the use and conservation management of national park, to manage the growing demand of national park visit and to support the policy direction of national park. So far, various surveys and big data analysis on the use and perception of national park have been conducted, but there have been limitations such as lack of survey questions on issues in park management and use. In addition, the object of the previous studies were limited to the national park visitors; therefore, this study expanded the object of survey from national park visitors to ordinary citizens. Unlike previous studies conducted only on national park visitors, ordinary citizens relatively prefered bottom areas rather than high-altitude ones. A policy to limit the visit to high-ridge area of mountain is being currently driven; however, the survey results of ordinary citizens suggested to maintain current policies or to increase visitor reservations system within narrow limits. On the other hand, the proportion of citizens who have used the visitor-reservation system was very small. We discuss the difference between national park visitors and ordinary citizens and the policy conditions according to changes in park management principles and public attitudes toward national parks.

Removable implant-supported partial denture using milled bar with Locator® attachments in a cleft lip & palate patient: A clinical report (구순구개열 환자에서 Locator® 유지장치가 장착된 milled titanium bar를 이용한 가철성 임플란트 피개 국소의치의 보철수복증례)

  • Yang, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyoung-A;Kim, Ja-Yeong;Seo, Jae-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2015
  • Due to the limitations of conventional removable partial denture prostheses to treat a cleft lip & palate patient who shows scar tissue on upper lip, excessive absorption of the maxillary residual alveolar ridge, and class III malocclusion with narrow palate and undergrowth of the maxilla, 4 implants were placed on the maxillary edentulous region and a maxillary removable implant-supported partial denture was planned using a CAD/CAM milled titanium bar. Unlike metal or gold casting technique which has shrinkage after the molding, CAD/CAM milled titanium bar is highly-precise, economical and lightweight. In practice, however, it is very hard to obtain accurate friction-fit from the milled bar and reduction in retention can occur due to repetitive insertion and removal of the denture. Various auxiliary retention systems (e.g. $ERA^{(R)}$, $CEKA^{(R)}$, magnetics, $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment), in order to deal with these problems, can be used to obtain additional retention, cost-effectiveness and ease of replacement. Out of diverse auxiliary attachments, $Locator^{(R)}$ has characteristics that are dual retentive, minimal in vertical height and convenient of attachment replacement. Drill and tapping method is simple and the replacement of the metal female part of $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is convenient. In this case, the $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is connected to the milled titanium bar fabricated by CAD/CAM, using the drill and tapping technique. Afterward, screw holes were formed and 3 $Locator^{(R)}$ attachments were secured with 20 Ncm holding force for additional retention. Following this procedure, satisfactory results were obtained in terms of aesthetic facial form, masticatory function and denture retention, and I hereby report this case.

Tephrostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of Marine Core in the Kita-Yamato Trough, East Sea/Japan Sea (동해 키타-야마토 해곡에서 채취된 시추코아의 테프라층서와 고환경)

  • Chun Jong-Hwa;Cheong Daekyo;Han Sang-Joon;Huh Sik;Yoo Hai-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.1 s.176
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2006
  • The Kita-Yamato Trough is characterized by a SW-NE trending narrow graben between the Yamato Bank and the Kita-Yamato Bank in the central East Sea/Japan Sea (ES/JS). Core 20EEZ-1 was obtained in the flat summit of a small ridge from the southwest Kita-Yamato Trough. The sedimentation was mainly controlled by the supply of hemipelgic sediments and substantial tephras from explosive volcanic eruptions of the Quaternary volcanoes. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the tephrostratigraphy from the marine sediments collected from the Kita-Yamato Trough and to provide the atmosphere and ocean conditions during the explosive volcanic eruptions. According to the detailed tephrostratigraphy and lithofacies records, the core sediments were deposited during the last marine isotope stage (MIS) 7. The core consists of four lithofacies, idetified as, oxidized mud (OM), crudely laminated mud (CLM) and bioturbated mud (BM), interbedded with coarse-grained tephra (TP). The major element geochemistry and stratigraphic positions of seven tephra layers suggest that they originated from the Aira caldera in Kyushu area among the Japanese islands (AT tephra; 29.24 ka), unknown submarine volcano in the south Korea Plateau (SKP-I; MIS 3, SKP-II; MIS 4, SKP-IV; boundary between MIS 6 and MIS 5e, SKP-V; MIS 6, respectively), and the Baegdusan volcano in the Korean Peninsula (B-KY1; ca. 130 ka, B-KY2; ca. 196 ka). The absence of tephras originated trom Ulleung Island in core 20EEZ-l suggest that the tephras had not been transported into the Kita-Yamato Trough by atmosphere conditions during the eruptions. On the other hand, the B-KYI and the B-KY2 tephras derived from the Baegdusan volcano were founded in the Kita-Yamato Trough by a presence of prevailing westerly winds during the eruptions. Furthermore, the SKP tephras were characterized by the transport across the air-water interface, causing quickly thrust of raising eruption plumes from subaqueous explosive eruptions. Surface currents may play an important role in controlling the distribution patterns of the SKP tephras to distal areas. The tephrostratigraphic study in the Kita-Yamato Trough provides the important chronostratigraphic marker horizons and the detailed atmosphere and ocean conditions during the explosive eruptions.

Studies on the productivity of mulberry field in Korea. (우리나라 상전의 생산성에 관한 조사연구)

  • 김문협;임수호
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • no.11
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1970
  • The following results were obtained by surveying the productivity of mulberry fields in Korea. 1. The productivity of mulberry field per 10a in which cocoon can be yield belongs to the range of 9.8∼105kg, and among them the productivity of 20 to 60kg was chiefly distributed. And their average was 50.2kg. 2. In general, the larger the mulberry field in scale per a person is, the lower the productivity of it is, but about 6.6 ares per a person was estimated to be economic scale for high productivity. 3. As far as the texture of soil is concerned, sandy-loam and loam contained a capacity of higher productivity while others like clay and sand that of lower productivity, And the depth of surface soil must be at least 50cm, although 70cm's depth of surface sail could bring about high productivity. 4. Fertilization of 900kg's compost on planting and 1,200kg's that after planting could enhance the productivity, because the use of compost have a positive relation to the productivity. 5. The greater the number of farmer's domestic animals is as a source of organic matter the higher the productivity is. 6. In the case of fertilization of 1,200kg compost, the amount of 20kg's nitrogen per 10 ares as chemical manure was best for high productivity. However, fertilization of 14.7kg's nitrogen as average amount of that, which is far below the standard amount, had been a factor to reduce the productivity of mulberry field. 7. In pruning the low-cut form resulted in high productivity, but as their shape become taller due to the lack of techniques, they were turned out to be non head pruning, thus to produce poor harvest of leaves. 8. The pure mulberry fields showed better productivity than others such as wide and narrow ridge planting and inter-crop planting. 9. As for the degree of planting density, at least 800 trees per 10 ares should be planted to increase the productivity, although the planting of 713 trees per 10 ares could be possible in case of the low stemmed pruning. 10. The hole and tranch in planting must be digged as wider and dipper as possible far the better growth of mulberry tree. 11. On the whole, varieties like NOsang and Y oung-cheun choowoo had a tendency of lower productivity.

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