• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nakdong River Water

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Evaluation of the tributaries by influence index on the mid-lower portion of the Nakdong River basin

  • Lee, Shun-Hwa;Jung, Seung-Gyu;Park, Seoung-Muk;Lee, Byung-Dae
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.150-158
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    • 2018
  • The deteriorating role of Nakdong River due to the Four Major Rivers Project has caused a series of problems, including water pollution, drying streams, aggravation of the hydroecology. Geumho River and Gyeongseong-cheon had a higher concentration index and is believed to impact the water quality of the main stream. The influence index of Geumho River and Nam River between 2015 and 2016, which have a large amount of discharge, was the highest among the tributaries in terms of the load material balance. Showing the highest average concentration and average load in the index assessment, Geumho River is believed to require an intensive management for improving the water quality of the main stream. Furthermore, when the cumulative percentage of the average concentration and average load was compared based on the water quality improvement of the tributaries mixed to Nakdong River, which was set to 60%, Geumho River, Nam River, Topyeong-cheon, and Cha-cheon, which showed the highest ratio in that order, were determined to require a water quality management program as a priority.

Emergy Cost-Benefit Evaluation of the Down Stream of Nakdong River Using Environmental-Ecological Concept (환경 생태학적 개념을 이용한 낙동강 하류의 에머지 비용-편익 평가)

  • Jung, Hwa-Sook;Lee, Seog-Mo;Son, Hyeng-Sik;Son, Hee-Jong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2013
  • The Nakdong River being used as drinking water sources for the Busan metropolitan city has the vulnerability of water management due to the fact that industrial areas are located in the upper Nakdong River. This study used emergy analysis method to evaluate ecological-economics of water treatment systems of D water treatment plant (WTP) where located in the downstream of the Nakdong River. The emergy methodology is a system evaluation tool that uses energy as the common currency to compare different resources on a common basis. Emergy yield ratio (EYR) and emergy sustainability index (EmSI) of D WTP were 1.16 and 0.18, respectively. It means not resources and sustainable system but consumer goods and not sustainable system. Ratio of emergy benefit to the purchaser (EBP) shows 2.7 times higher than economic costs. To change the weak water source and situations we need to diversity water intake.

Differences in Zooplankton Community Structure between Surface Water and Vertical Integrated Water in Middle and Down Stream of Nakdong River (낙동강 중⋅하류에서 표층 시료와 수직 예망 시료의 동물플랑크톤 군집 구조 차이 비교)

  • Min-Seok Kim;Hae-Kyung Park
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2023
  • Zooplankton are primary consumers in the food web connecting primary producers and predators such as small fish, playing an important role in energy transfer in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential to understand the zooplankton community structure in material cycle and energy flow in aquatic ecosystems. Zooplankton in large rivers with a low flow rate would distribute vertically as in lakes. In this study, we collected zooplankton by surface water filtration and vertical haul method with 64 ㎛-mesh plankton net at three stations (ND-1, ND-2, ND-3) in Nakdong River fortnightly from June 2018 to December 2019. Species composition and individual densities were analyzed. All three stations showed differences in relative abundance of zooplankton groups between surface water and vertical integrated water, with the largest difference shown in the deepest station, ND-2. In vertically integrated water at ND-2, the relative abundance of rotifera was low by a maximum of 25% and that of cladocera was high by a maximum of 22% compared to surface water samples. These results indicate that surface water filtration method is not enough to represent the community structure of zooplankton compared to the vertical haul method in large rivers.

Change of Oceanographic Environment in the Nakdong Estuary (낙동강 하구에서의 해양 환경 변화)

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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2006
  • The Nakdong Estuary is complex water system, where sea water and fresh water meet each other. It has undergone the significant change of its environmental conditions since the construction of the Nakdong River Barrier in 1987. Prior to its construction, mixing and circulation processes in the Nakdong Estuary was dominated by tidal current. However, after the dam construction, those processes were greatly altered by the artificial control of the fresh river water discharge. In this paper, the influence of opening and closing the floodgate of Nakdong River on the outflow behavior of estuarine water from the Nakdong Estuary is analyzed in detail.

Effects of Environmental Factors on Algal Communities in the Nakdong River (낙동강의 환경요인이 조류군집 구성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Jae Jeong;Lee, Hae Jin;Lee, Kyung-Lak;Lee, In Jeong;Jung, Gang Young;Cheon, Se Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.539-548
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to investigate algal community structures and their correlations with environmental factors on five weir areas in the Nakdong River, South Korea. Water qualities, hydrodynamics, meteorological conditions and algal species compositions were observed in studied sites from May 2010 to Dec. 2013. Results showed that average total phosphorus concentration of 2013 was decreased by 52.4% in comparing with that from 2010 to 2011. Chlorophyll.a concentrations were positive significant with water temperature, pH, total phosphorus and total nitrogen, but is not significant with turbidity and suspended solids. Seasonal successions of algae were observed that Stephanodiscus sp. was dominant species with 65.3% of dominant frequency in studied site. Large algal biomass of the low temperature-adapted diatoms were observed during temperature range of $4{\sim}9^{\circ}C$, but large cyanobacterial biomass mainly during high temperature period ranged from $22^{\circ}C$ to $32^{\circ}C$. Microcystis sp. dominated during high water temperature in summer. The yearly correlations of algal biomass with accumulated solar radiations were not significant but seasonal correlations of summer from June to August were significant with correlation coefficient 0.33 (p<0.05). There were not significant correlations between turbidities and algal biomass. Turbidity and suspended solids concentrations were not significant correlation with algal biomass. According to the results, algal communities had strong correlation with water temperature and had partially correlation with solar radiation. For an effective management of algal blooms, water managers should survey with more long-term monitoring of various environmental factors and algal communities.

Prediction of Chlorophyll-a Changes due to Weir Constructions in the Nakdong River Using EFDC-WASP Modelling

  • Seo, Dong-Il;Kim, Min-Ae;Ahn, Jong-Ho
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2012
  • To evaluate the effect of the 4 major rivers restoration project in the Nakdong River to water quality of the river, the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) and Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP), are applied in series. Results showed overall decrease in biochemical oxygen demand ($BOD_5$) concentrations and increase in chlorophyll-a concentrations, while total nitrogen and total phosphorous concentrations did not show significant changes, relatively. Decrease in $BOD_5$ concentrations seems to be influenced by an increased hydraulic residence time, which may allow more time for the degradation of organic material. Changes in Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration, due to the project were more significant for the upper stream areas that show relatively low Chl-a concentration ranges (less than 20 g/L). After the introduction of the Geumho River in the middle part of the Nakdong River, rapid growth of phytoplankton was observed. However, in this middle part of the Nakdong River, the ratio of Chl-a concentration change are less significant, compared to the upper stream areas, due to the project. In the lower stream area, Chl-a concentration decreased after the project. This seems to be resulted from the decreased light availability, due to increased depth, while the nutrient concentrations have been high enough to support phytoplankton growth.

Water Quality Comparison in the Three Streams of Pusan Area (부산지역 3개 하천의 수질 특성 비교)

  • 황선출;이봉헌
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of thins study was to investigate the pollutions of water Qualities in 30 water samples from Nakdong River Western Nakdong River, and Suyoung Stream. COB, BOD. T-N and negative ion(F, Cl+, NO3-, SO42-) of water samples were analysed and the correlationships between water qualities were examined. The mean concentrations of COD(20.26ppm), BOD(25.36ppm), and T-N(18.05ppm) were the highest in the water sample of Suyoung Stream among the three streams and those of F-(0.25ppm), Cl+(2770ppm), and SO42-(37.66ppm) In Western Nakdong River, that of NO3-(10.8 ppm) in Nakdong River. The water quality of Suyoung Stream was the worst among the three streams in hsn area. The correlationships between water qualities were as follows , BOD and COD showed very high correlationship(correlation cofficient, r=0.97),50,2- and NO3'did high one(0.75), and NOa'and COD, BOD did relatively high ones(0.56 and 0.48, respectively).

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  • Choi, Yearn-Hong;Lee, Tae-Sam
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2001
  • Since South Korea has uneven rainfall and deteriorating water quality, it is imperative to create a comprehensive water resources policy and management. This paper is to adopt a win-win policy for upstream-downstream local governments that have been in water rights-related disputer or conflicts in the process of allocating water and maintaining water quality. The Win-Win Policy can be an integrated river-basin approach. We define the win-win policy, introduce the win-win case of Delaware River and Colorado River in the United States, and suggest the win-win policy for Nakdong River in South Korea. Nakdong River is chosen for this paper because it has more serious problems in preserving water quantity and maintaining water quality.

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The implementaion of ICT systems convergence for the efficient operation of Nakdong River Downstream Weirs and Estuary Barrages (낙동강 하류 보, 하굿둑의 효율적인 운영을 위한 ICT 시스템 융합 구현)

  • Kim, Seok-ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.988-991
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    • 2013
  • In the downstream of the Nakdong River, water facilities - Hapcheon Changyoeng weir, Changyeong Haman weir, Nakdong River left and right sides Barrages - have been built and operated. Each facility is located at a distance. Integrated and linked operation of these water facilities is important for the management of national water resources and efficiency, effectiveness of facilities operations. For the reason, we have planned and made the system that can operate the individual facilities organically, using ICT technologies. At K-water Nakdong River Integrated Operation Water Center near Nakdong River Estuary Barrages in Busan, We implemented the water resource integrated operation system through the ICT systems convergence. For the system we expect significant effects - efficient water management, operating cost saving, etc.

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Analysis of Microtoxins in the Nakdong River Watershed

  • Park, Jung-Min;Lee, Jae-Jung;Hwang, Dong-Jin;Yang, Sang-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2003
  • The different methods such as HPLC, indirect- and direct-ELISA were employed for the analysis of microtoxins and the results of each method were compared in terms of the detection limit and accurary. Three toxins, microcystin-RR, -LR and -YR were clearly separated by HPLC using 0.05 M methanol and phosphate buffer used as a solvent system. The calibration curves for the toxins were linear in the range of 5 ng to 50 ng. The standard curves for the immunoassay of microcystin obtained by direct and indirect ELISA are compared. The linear responses of inhibitions of binding by microcystin in the direct and indirect competitive ELISA were in the range of 10 ng to 1000 ng and 50 pg to 160 pg, respectively. Distribution of microtoxins at 11 sites in the Nakdong river and several lakes in Korea was also studied. The most dominant microcystin variant in the test sites was found to be microcystin-RR.

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