• Title/Summary/Keyword: NH3(Ammonia)

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Control of SCR System for NOx Reduction in a Refuse Incineration Plant Using Repetitive Control Method (반복제어법을 이용한 소각장 NOx 저감용 SCR 시스템의 제어)

  • 김인규;여태경;김환성;김상봉
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.2762-2770
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    • 2000
  • The refuse incineration plant has an important role in saving the combustion energy for local heating system. But harmful combustion gas(NOx etc.) leads to some serious environmental problem. To reduce the gas, a SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction)system is installed and it is controlled by adjusting the flow of ammonia gas(NH3) . In this paper, we apply a repetitive control method to reduce NOx by adjusting the flow of ammonia gas for SCR system in a refuse incineration plant which is located in Haeundae, Pusan, Firstly, we analyze the inlet NOx period by FFt method, and verify its periodic variations. Secondly, we design a repetitive control system by using state space model method. Lastly, the effectiveness of repetitive control system is shown by comparing to a conventional PID control in simulation and experimental results.

The experimental study for high ammonia nitrogen removal using Bardenpho process with Methanol addition (메탄올주입에 의한 Bardenpho공법에서의 고농도 암모니아성 질소 제거에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Byonghi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 1999
  • Aerobic night-soil treatment effluent containing high concentration of ammonia nitrogen was treated to remove nitrogen using Bardenpho process with Methanol addition. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of complete nitrogen removal at three different HRTs such as 6.25d, 5d, and 3.75d, respectively. At each HRT, the nitrogen removal efficiencies are 92%, 99% and 97% and the required amount of methanol are 3.05gMeOH/gN, 2.75gMeOH/gN, and 3.38gMeOH/gN, respectively. Specific nitrification rates are decreased proportional to HRT and are $0.022gNH_4^+-N/g\;MLVSS{\cdot}day$, $0.0332gNH_4^+-N/g\;MLVSS{\cdot}day$ and $0.051gNH_4^+-N/g\;MLVSS{\cdot}day$ and specific denitification rate are decreased proportional to HRT and are $0.0210g\;N/gMLVSS{\cdot}day$, $0.0330g\;N/gMLVSS{\cdot}day$ and $0.0525g\;N/gMLVSS{\cdot}day$, respectively.

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Fabrication of soluble organic thin film transistor with ammonia ($NH_3$) plasma treatment

  • Kim, Dong-Woo;Kim, Doo-Hyun;Kim, Keon-Soo;Kim, Hyoung-Jin;Choi, Hong;Lee, Dong-Hyeok;Hong, Mun-Pyo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.566-567
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    • 2009
  • We have examined the silicon nitride ($SiN_x$) as gate insulator with the ammonia ($NH_3$) plamsa treatment for the soluble derivatives of polythiophene as p-type channel materials of organic thin film transistors (OTFTs). Fabrications of the jetting-processed OTFTs with $SiN_x$ as gate insulator by $NH_3$ plasma treatment can be similar to performance of OTFTs with silicon dioxide ($SiO_2$) insulator.

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Atmosphere-forest Exchange of Ammoniacal Nitrogen in a Subalpine Deciduous Forest in Central Japan during a Summer Week

  • Hayashi, Kentaro;Matsuda, Kazuhide;Takahashi, Akira;Nakaya, Ko
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2011
  • The present study aimed to investigate the diurnal variations in air concentrations and exchange fluxes of ammoniacal nitrogen ($NH_x$: ammonia ($NH_3$) and particulate ammonium) in a subalpine deciduous forest in central Japan during a week in summer. The $NH_3$ concentrations ($0.50\;{\mu}g\;N\;m^{-3}$ on average) showed a clear circadian variation, i.e., high and low in the daytime and nighttime, respectively. The concentration of particulate ammonium in the coarse fractions was extremely low, whereas that for the PM2.5 fraction was relatively high $0.55\;{\mu}g\;N\;m^{-3}$ on average). The main inorganic ion components of PM2.5 at the study site were ammonium and sulfate. The exchange fluxes of $NH_x$ were bidirectional. Both the maximum and minimum values occurred in the daytime, i.e., $0.39\;mg\;N\;m^{-2}\;hr^{-1}$ of downward flux and $0.11\;mg\;N\;m^{-2}\;hr^{-1}$ of upward flux for $NH_3$ and $0.25\;mg\;N\;m^{-2}\;hr^{-1}$ of downward flux and $0.13\;mg\;N\;m^{-2}\;hr^{-1}$ of upward flux for PM2.5 ammonium. The exchange fluxes of $NH_x$ at night could be considered as zero. The mean deposition velocity during the research period was almost zero for both $NH_3$ and PM2.5 ammonium. The atmosphere-forest exchange of $NH_x$ in the forest during the study period was balanced. The remarkably large deposition of $NH_x$ was attributable to meteorological events such as showers the night before that thoroughly washed the forest canopy and subsequent clear skies in the morning, which enhanced convection. The cleaning effect of rainfall and the rapid change in convection in the early morning should be monitored to evaluate and generalize the gas and particle exchange in a forest.

Ammonia Production from Yeast Extract and Its Effect on Growth of the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

  • Park, Chan-Beum;Lee, Sun-Bok
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 1998
  • Utilization of yeast extract and formation of byproduct metabolite were investigated for hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (DSH 1617). In both batch and fed-batch cultivations of S. solfataricus, maximal cell density, {{{{ { NH}`_{4 } ^{ +} }}} ion production and pH change were highly dependent on the ratio of yeast extract to glucose in the medium. Variation of {{{{ { NH}`_{4 } ^{ +} }}}} ion level was identified as a major cause of pH change during cultivation, and acidification of culture broth was attributed to consumption of {{{{ { NH}`_{4 } ^{ +} }}}} ions rather than formation of acid byproducts. It was also observed that increase of {{{{ { NH}`_{4 } ^{ +} }}}} ion concentrations in the medium resulted in greater degree of growth inhibition.

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Effects of biochar-based fertilizer on ammonia volatilization under controlled conditions

  • Yun-Gu Kang;Jae-Han Lee;Jun-Yeong Lee;Jun-Ho Kim;Taek-Keun Oh
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2023
  • As the interest in sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture continues to grow, there is a corresponding increase in organic fertilizers utilization. However, studies on ammonia (NH3) emissions, which are primarily generated in the agricultural sector, by organic fertilizers are lacking. Additionally, the reliance on imported ingredients in the production of organic fertilizers hinders the widespread adoption of organic fertilizers. This study aims to evaluate NH3 volatilization by incorporating rice husk biochar into organic fertilizers. The study also aims to assess whether domestically produced rice husk biochar can serve as a viable substitute for imported ingredients. Here, the dynamic chamber method was used under controlled conditions. Results show that inorganic fertilizers readily undergo hydrolysis, thereby rapidly generating significant amounts of NH3, particularly in the initial stages. In contrast, organic fertilizers decompose gradually, leading to relatively long-term NH3 emissions. The incorporation of rice husk biochar into organic fertilizers demonstrated diminished daily NH3 emissions compared to those from commercial organic fertilizers, resulting in decreased total NH3 volatilization. These findings show that the combination of rice husk biochar can reduce NH3 volatilization and serve as an alternative to imported ingredients for organic fertilizers. The results of this study can be utilized as fundamental information for the assessment of biochar as a potential ingredient for organic fertilizers.

Removal of Malodorous Gases from Swine Manure by a Polyurethane Biofilter Inoculated with Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Bacteria. (종속영양세균과 독립영양세균을 고정화한 Polyurethane Biofilter의 돈분뇨 악취제거)

  • 이연옥;조춘구;류희욱;조경숙
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2002
  • Removal of malodorous gases from swine manure by a polyurethane biofilter inoculated with heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria was investigated. Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other gases could be efficiently treated at 3~3.6 second of empty bed retention time by the polyurethane biofilter. In the range of SV $200~l,200h^{-1}$ , the average removal efficiency of odor was about 89% when the odor unit of inlet gas was below 4100. Odor elimination capacity of the polyurethane biofilter was$ 1.8$\times$10^{5}$ $~5.0$\times$10^{7}$OUㆍm$^{-3}$$h^{-1}$ that were 84~90% of the inlet load. The critical loads of $NH_3$ and $H_2$S, which mean 97% removal with respect to the inlet loads, were 31 and $27 g.m^{-3}$$h^{-1}$ , respectively. The maximum elimination capacities of $NH_3$ and $H_2$S were 56 and $157 gㆍm^{-3}$ ㆍh$^{-1}$ , respectively. Although the removability for$ NH_3$ and $H_2$S was not influenced by $H_2$S$NH_3$ ratio (ppmv/ppmv), the $H_2$S removability was inhibited by high $H_2$S concentration more than 80 ppmv.

Zeolite Filtration for Ammonium Nitrogen Removal in Drinking Water Treatment (정수처리에서 암모니아성질소 제거를 위한 제올라이트 여과)

  • 김우항;김충환
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of ammonia removal by zeolite adsorption in drinking water treatment. In generally, drinking water treatment process is conducted coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, sand filtration and disinfection. We tested feasibility with two method, one is powdered zeolite dosing to coagulation tank and the other is to substitute granular zeolite for sand of sand filter. In powdered zeolite test, raw water is used tap water with putting of 2 mg/l of NH$_4$$\^$+/-N. Filtration of granular zeolite was conducted with 80 cm of effective column high and 120 m/d of flow rate. At above 100 mg/1 of zeolite dosage, ammonia concentration was decreased below 0.5 mg/l of NH$_4$$\^$+/-N in powdered zeolite test. But, turbidity was increased to 30 NTU by powdered zeolite dosage. That turbidity was scarcely decreased in generally coagulant using condition in drinking water treatment. In granular zeolite test, ammonia was not detected in treated water until 8 days. This result suggest that using of granular zeolite in sand filter could be removal ammonia in winter. But we need regeneration at zeolite filtration for ammonia removal. So, it is to make clear that zeolite regeneration ability was compared KCl with NaCl. The result reveal that KCl was more excellent than NaCl. Optimum regeneration concentration of KCl was revealed 100 mM. Regeneration efficient was not increased at pH range 10∼12.5.

A Study on Equilibrium of $NH_4NO_{3(s, aq)}-HNO_{3(g)}-NH_{3(g)}$ in Urban Atmosphere (도시 대기중에서 $NH_4NO_{3(s, aq)}-HNO_{3(g)}-NH_{3(g)}$의 평형에 관한 연구(II))

  • 천만영;이영재;김희강
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 1993
  • Theoretical prediction of the equilibrium of temperature and relative humidity dependance involving $HNO_{3(g)}-NH_{3(g)}$ and $NH_4NH_{3(s, aq)}$ was compared with atmospheric measurement of particulate nitrate$(NO_3^-)$, Ammonia-Nitric Acid partial pressure product $([$NH_{3(g)}][HNO_{3(g)}]ppb^2$) by a triple filter pack sampler from Oct 1991 to July 1992. The measured $HNO_3NH_3$ concentration product K was greater than equilibrium constant $K_p$ calculated from thermodynamic data of $NH_4NO_{3(s, aq)}-HNO_{3(g)}-NH_{3(g)}$ during fall, winter and spring. But K was lower than $K_p$ in summer. K was greater than $K_p$ as the result of supersaturation by air pollution, particularly anthropogenic $NH_3$.The reason of $K < K_p$ was due to removal of particulate nitrate$(NO_3^-)$ by rainout and washout. $NH_4NO_3$ which consists mainly of particulate nitrate is formed by reaction between $HNO_3$ and $NH_3$. As a result of the removal of particulate nitrate$(NO_3^-)$ by rainout and washout, concentrations of $HNO_3$ and $NH_3$ are decreased by equilibrium transfer(Le Chatelier's Law) in atmosphere.

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Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Ammonia over Noble Catalysts Supported on Acidic Fe-ZSM5 Supports (산성 Fe-ZSM5 담체에 담지된 귀금속 촉매를 활용한 암모니아의 선택적 산화반응)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Lee, Dae-Won;Lee, Kwan-Young
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we investigated the activity of Pd and Pt supported on acidic Fe-ZSM5 supports for selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia ($NH_3$-SCO). Among the catalysts, Pt/Fe-ZSM5 catalyst exhibited superior $NH_3$-SCO activity to Pd/Fe-ZSM5 catalyst. We also tested Pt/Fe-ZSM5 catalysts with different Fe loading using ion-exchange method to prepare Fe-ZSM5 supports, which resulted in the increased catalytic performance with smaller Fe content: $NH_3$ was oxidized completely at low temperature ($250^{\circ}C$). The physicochemical properties of Fe-ZSM5 were investigated to figure out the relationship between the characteristics of the catalysts and the catalytic activity on $NH_3$-SCO by Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emissions spectrometer (ICP-AES), $N_2$ sorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature programmed desorption of $NH_3$ ($NH_3$-TPD) technique.