• Title/Summary/Keyword: NH3(Ammonia)

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Model Evaluation based on a Relationship Analysis between the Emission and Concentration of Atmospheric Ammonia in the Kanto Region of Japan

  • SAKURAI, Tatsuya;SUZUKI, Takeru;YOSHIOKA, Misato
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to evaluate the performance of the Air Quality Model (AQM) for the seasonal and spatial distribution of the $NH_3$ concentration in the atmosphere. To obtain observational data for the model validation, observations based on biweekly sampling have been conducted using passive samplers since April 2015 at multiple monitoring sites in the Tokyo metropolitan area. AQM, built based on WRF/CMAQ, was applied to predict the $NH_3$ concentration observed from April 2015 to March 2016. The simulation domain includes the Kanto region, which is the most densely populated area in Japan. Because the area also contains large amount of livestock, especially in its northern part, the density of the $NH_3$ emissions derived from human activities and agriculture there are estimated to be the highest in Japan. In the model validation, the model overestimated the observed $NH_3$ concentration in the summer season and underestimated it in the winter season. In particular, the overestimation in the summer was remarkable at a rural site (Komae) in Tokyo. It was found that the overestimation at Komae was caused by the transportation of $NH_3$ emitted in the northern part of the Kanto region during the night. It is suggested that the emission input used in this study overestimated the $NH_3$ emission from human sources around the Tokyo suburbs and agricultural sources in the northern part of the Kanto region in the summer season. In addition, the current emission inventories might overestimate the difference of the agricultural $NH_3$ emissions among seasons. Because the overestimation of $NH_3$ in the summer causes an overestimation of $NO_3{^-}$ in $PM_{2.5}$ in the AQM simulation, further investigation is necessary for the seasonal variation in the $NH_3$ emissions.

Assessment for Effect of Water Environment by Addition of Improvement Agents on Sediments (저질 개선제의 주입에 의한 수 환경에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim Woo-Hang;Kim Do-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.10 no.1 s.20
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2004
  • Control if Sediment is very important in prawn farm due to the eruption of toxic materials such as unionized $H_{2}S,\;NH_{3}\;and\;NO_3$. In this study, column test was conducted with filter media such as activated carbon, zeolite, oyster shell and iron chloride to evaluate the reduction of toxicity from sediment. ammonia-N($NH_3$) was effectively removed by Zeolite and oyster shell. It was indicated that ammonium ion($NH_4^+$) was removed by ion exchange of zeolite. And the ammonia in the column of oyster shell was existed as the form of $NH_4^+$, which is not toxic for prawn because oyster shell was stably kept at $8{\sim}9g$ of pH. Therefore, some of ammonia($NH_4^+$) was removed by oyster shell. Hydrogen sulfide and COD were effectively removed by adsorption of activated carbon and a partial removal of hydrogen sulfide was accomplished by Oyster shell. Phosphorous was removed by activated carbon, oyster shell and iron chloride. In prawn farm, the concentration of ammonia was increased with increase of pH by algae photosynthesis in the column of activated carbon, zeolite and iron chloride, but it was revealed that pH was stably kept in the column of oyster shell.

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Ammonification and NH3 emission in the Soil Amended with Different Animal Manures

  • Wang, Xin-Lei;Zhang, Qian;Park, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Bok-Rye;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2017
  • Mineralization is an important biological process for conversion of organic nitrogen (N) to inorganic N which can be used by plants directly. To investigate the effect of different manures on soil mineralization, the soil amended with cattle (CtM), goat (GM), chicken manure (ChM) and pig slurry (PS) were incubated under in vitro condition and ammonium N ($NH_4{^+}-N$), ammonification rate and ammonia emission were determined for eighty-four days. $NH_4{^+}-N$ was the highest in PS-amended soil for the whole experimental period. $NH_4{^+}-N$ in PS-amended soil was gradually decreased until day 84, whereas it was rapidly decreased for the first 14 days and then slightly increased until 84 days in ChM-, CtM- and GM-amended soil. The ammonification rate showed negative value for the first 14 days in all treatments. From day 14, ammonification rate started to increase in CtM- and ChM-amended soil, whereas it was maintained in GM- and PS-amended soil until day 84. The daily ammonia emission was the highest in PS-amended soil ($41mg\;kg^{-1}d^{-1}$), followed by CtM-, ChM-, and GM-amended soil at day 1. It was gradually decreased until day 84 in all treatments. The total $NH_3$ emission was the highest in PS-amended soil with $0.6mg\;kg^{-1}$ for 84 days, while less than $0.1mg\;kg^{-1}$ in three other plots. These results indicate that different manures showed different soil ammonification rate and $NH_3$ emission.

Role of glutamine synthetase as as regulator of nitrogenase in rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides D-230 (광합성 세균에 있어서의 질소고정효소 합성 조절자로서의 glutamine synthetase의 역할)

  • 이혜주
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 1986
  • Optimum temperature and pH of glutamine synthetase activity (E.C. of R. sphaeroides D-230 was $35^{\circ}C$ and 6.8, respectively. The adenylated state of GS in R. sphaeroides D-230 was stabilized by addition of 0.2mg/ml of cethyltrimethylammoniumbromide. Valine, histidine, proline, isoleucine, and lysine were good nitrogen source for the growth of R. sphaeroides D-230. The growth of R. sphaeroides D-230 in $N_2,\;NaNO_3\;or\;NH_4Cl$ as sole nitrogen source was lower than in any otherculture conditions. GS activity was inhibited, more or less, by various amino acid. THe relative inhibition rate of the enzyme by added 7mM arginine, $NH_4Cl,\;N_2,\;and\;NaNO_3$ was 63.8%, 26.79%, 6.24%, and 10.64%, drespectively. THe hydrogen evolution of R. sphaeroides D-230 grown in N-limited media was inhibited by 0.1mM MSX, irreversible GS inhibitor. GS activity was completely inhibited by 1.0mM MSX but ammonia released maximally at the same concentration of MSX. Ammonia release by added MSX was increased up to 1.0mM MS, but decreased above 1.0mM MSX. It is probably due to inhibition of nitrogenase actixity by MSX. Nitrogenase activity was not inhibited at low concentration of MSX. These results suggests that the inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonia is mediated by products of ammonia assimilation rather than by ammonia itself.

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Variation of the CO2 Capture Reaction by Ammonia Solution with Temperature (온도에 따른 암모니아 용액에 의한 CO2 포집 반응의 변화 양상)

  • Kim, Soo-Yeon;Choi, Ye-Seul;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.896-904
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    • 2011
  • The features of the capture reaction of $CO_2$ by ammonia solution have been investigated along with the effect of temperature on the reaction based upon computer program-utilizing calculation and thermodynamic estimation. The stable region of $CO{_3}^{2-}$ was observed to increase with temperature and the change of the stable region of $CO{_3}^{2-}$ with temperature was greater than the temperature variation of the stable region of other carbonate species. The distribution diagram for $NH_4{^+}-NH_3$ system was constructed and the rise of temperature resulted in the decrease of the stability of $NH_4{^+}$ ion, which was thought to be due to the endothermic nature of its acidic dissociation. Considering the introduction of $Ca^{2+}$ ion in the carbon capture reaction by $NH_4{^+}$, the temperature was observed to be important in the determination of the order of reaction between carbonate ion and these cations. The removal process of $CO_2$ gas by ammonia solution was presumed to occur in open system and the temperature variations of the concentration of carbonate system species along with their total concentration were calculated for the proper control and design of the real process.

Ammonia Volatilization from Rice Paddy Soils Fertilized with 15N-Urea Under Elevated CO2 and Temperature

  • Lim, Sang-Sun;Kwak, Jin-Hyeob;Lee, Dong-Suk;Lee, Sun-Il;Park, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Han-Yong;Nam, Hong-Shik;Cho, Kyeong-Min;Choi, Woo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.233-237
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    • 2009
  • It has widely been observed that the effect of elevating atmospheric $CO_2$ concentrations on rice productivity depends largely on soil N availabilities. However, the responses of ammonia volatilization from flooded paddy soil that is an important pathway of N loss and thus affecting fertilizer N availability to concomitant increases in atmospheric $CO_2$ and temperature has rarely been studied. In this paper, we first report the interactive effect of elevated $CO_2$ and temperature on ammonia volatilization from rice paddy soils applied with urea. Urea labeled with $^{15}N$ was used to quantitatively estimate the contribution of applied urea-N to total ammonia volatilization. This study was conducted using Temperature Gradient Chambers (TGCs) with two $CO_2$ levels [ambient $CO_2$ (AC), 383 ppmv and elevated $CO_2$ (EC), 645 ppmv] as whole-plot treatment (main treatment) and two temperature levels [ambient temperature (AT), $25.7^{\circ}C$ and elevated temperature (ET), $27.8^{\circ}C$] as split-plot treatments (sub-treatment) with triplicates. Elevated temperature increased ammonia volatilization probably due to a shift of chemical equilibrium toward $NH_3$ production via enhanced hydrolysis of urea to $NH_3$ of which rate is dependent on temperature. Meanwhile, elevated $CO_2$ decreased ammonia volatilization and that could be attributed to increased rhizosphere biomass that assimilates $NH_4^+$ otherwise being lost via volatilization. Such opposite effects of elevated temperature and $CO_2$ resulted in the accumulated amount of ammonia volatilization in the order of ACET>ACAT>ECET>ECAT. The pattern of ammonia volatilization from applied urea-$^{15}N$ as affected by treatments was very similar to that of total ammonia volatilization. Our results suggest that elevated $CO_2$ has the potential to decrease ammonia volatilization from paddy soils applied with urea, but the effect could partially be offset when air temperature rises concomitantly.

Effects of Seed Sources and Concentration of Ammonia on Anaerobic Digestion (혐기성 소화에 대한 식종원 및 암모니아 농도의 영향)

  • Kim, Yang-Ji;Kim, Sung-Il;Shin, Bum-Shic;Ahn, Ki-Sup;Kim, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • The seeding sources and concentration of ammonia on anaerobic digestion were investigated by batch culture bioreactors. The sources of seeding on anaerobic digestion were from swine wastewater collection pit of a hog raising farm and from anaerobic digestion sludge of a municipal sewage treatment plant. The inhibition of ammonia on anaerobic microorganisms was initiated at ammonia concentration of $1,500\;mgNH_4-N/L$ and it's effect was increased by increased by increasing ammonia concentration up to $3,500\;mgNH_4-N/L$ regardless the sources of seeding as evidenced by decreases in COD removal efficiencies and biogas yields. The inhibition occurred to not only methanogens but also acidogens since the concentration of volatile fatty acids was maintained at 50 mg/L The COD removal efficiency and biogas yield were Maintained constantly while increasing ammonia concentration up to $3,500\;mgNH_4-N/L$ when swine wastewater collection pit was used as a seeding; however, those were decreased while increasing ammonia concentration when anaerobic digestion sludge was used as a seeding. The results indicate that the seeding acclimated to high concentrations of ammonia for long time was easy in adaptation to high ammonia concentration and less subjective to ammonia inhibitory effects.

A Study on the Removal of Ammonia by Using Peat Biofilter (미생물 활성토탄을 이용한 암모니아 제거에 관한 연구)

  • Choung, Youn Kyoo;Ahn, Jun Seong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.655-668
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    • 1994
  • Conventional deodorization filters using soil and compost reach the capacity limitation of deodorization in short period, because its removal mechanism primarily depends on adsorption. Therefore, in this study the experiment was performed on the removal of ammonia which is a strong inorganic malodor, frequently emitted from night soil treatment plants and sewage treatment plants, by seeding activated sludges on the bio-peat containing higher organic contents, water conservation capacity, permeability and lower pressure drop. As a result, in raw peat filter natural ammonia outlet was observed in consequence of pH increase resulted from ammonia ionizing in liquid phase. Ammonia removal mechanism primarily depended on the adsorption onto the anion colloidal substances in peat. In peat bio-filter, theoretical ammonium salts ratio was higher than that of raw peat, resulted from slight pH increase by microorganism activity, however, the experimetal value of ammonia-nitrogen accumulated in bio-peat was lower than that of raw peat because of nitrification by nitrifying bacteria. In the initial reaction period, adsorption was predominant in the ammonia removal mechanism, but nitrification was conspicuous after the middle period. Mass balance of nitrogen was established using experimental data of input $NH_3$ loading, output $NH_3$ loading, $NH_4{^+}$-N, $NO_x$-N, and Org-N. The critical time of unsteady state, which is the maximum activating point of microorganism in bio-filter, was determined using experimental data, and the ammonia adsorption curve was computed using regression analysis. On the basis of the results obtained by above analysis, the delay days for the saturation of adsoption capacity in peat bio-filter was calculated.

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Characteristics of Aqueous Ammonia-CO2 reaction at Regeneration Condition of High Temperature and Pressure (고압고온 재생조건에서의 암모니아수-CO2 반응특성)

  • Kim, Yun Hee;Yi, Kwang Bok;Park, Sung Youl;Ko, Chang Hyun;Park, Jong-Ho;Beum, Hee Tae;Han, Myungwan;Kim, Jong-Nam
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2010
  • In the field of the $CO_2$ absorption process using aqueous ammonia, the effects of regeneration pressure and temperature on $CO_2$ absorption performances of the aqueous ammonia were investigated. The absorbents were prepared by dissolving ammonium carbonate solid in water to grant the resulted solution 0.5 $CO_2$ loading ($mol\;CO_2/mol\;NH_3$) and various ammonia concentration (14, 20, 26 and 32 wt%). As-prepared absorbents were regenerated at high pressure and temperature (over $120^{\circ}C$ and 6 bar) before the absorption test. The absorption test was carried out by injecting the simulated gas that contains 12 vol% of $CO_2$ into a bubbling reactor. The introduction of 26 wt% of the ammonia concentration for $CO_2$ absorption test resulted in the higher absorption capacities than other experimental conditions. In particular, when the absorbents with 26 wt% of the ammonia were regenerated at $150^{\circ}C$ and 14 bar, the highest absorption capacity, $45ml\;CO_2/g$, was obtained. According to the analysis of absorbents using acid-base titration, the ammonia loss during the regeneration of the absorbents with a fixed ammonia concentration decreased as the regeneration pressure increased, while it increased as the regeneration temperature increased. In the condition of fixed regeneration pressure and temperature, as expected, the ammonia loss increased as the ammonia concentration increased. The measured $CO_2$ loadings and ammonia concentrations of absorbents were compared to the values calculated by Electrolyte NRTL model in Aspen Plus.

Influence of Ammonia and Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations on Nitrite Accumulation in a MBR (MBR 반응조에서 아질산염 축적에 미치는 암모니아와 용존산소 농도의 영향 연구)

  • Choi, In-Su;Wiesmann, Udo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.922-929
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    • 2007
  • The complete oxidation of ammonia to nitrate is a distinctive two-step process divided into the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite(nitritation) by Nitrosomonas and the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate(nitratation) by Nitrobacter. The nitrogen removal via nitrite accumulation offers several advantages such as saving costs for aeration, saving carbon source and finally reduction of sludge discharge. In this work a suspended bioreactor coupled with membrane filtration(MBR) was used to find the process conditions of nitrite build-up. The MBR enables to reach sufficient nitrifying bacteria in the bioreactor, although the autotrophic bacteria can be easily washed out due to their lower growth rate. The dissolved oxygen concentration $c'_{O2}$ and ammonia concentration $c_{NH3}$ in the reactor were varied and investigated as parameters for nitrite accumulation. As a result the higher ammonia concentration in the reactor is very effective for starting nitrite build-up and the effect was strengthened in combination with lower dissolved oxygen concentration. With lower $c'_{O2}<0.3$ $mgL^{-1}$ $O_2$ and high $c_{NH3}=6.3\sim14.9$ $mgL^{-1}$ $NH_3N$ the 74% of the nitrite accumulation was achieved. Specially, it was found that the nitrite accumulation could occur not only in biofilm reactor as many references showed but also in the membrane bioreactor carried out in this study.