• Title/Summary/Keyword: NES

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A Collaboration-based, Performance-Management Model for Networked Enterprises (네트워크 기업의 협업 성과관리 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Duk-Hyun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.120-135
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    • 2010
  • Competition is now moving from between companies to between networked enterprises(NE). It's difficult to evaluate the outcome of NE because formalization of collaboration among partners is difficult. This paper introduces a performance-management model focusing on collaboration in NE. The model is an integration of BSC and EFQM model, but it is different from conventional researches as it links performance management with strategic management based on a comprehensive framework of collaboration. Theoretical and empirical researches are further required to validate the model. Studying cases of several Korean NEs, we have obtained some findings for further research and application.

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Analysis on the Strategic Bidding of the Generation Capacity in an Electricity Market by Using Game Theory (전력시장에서 발전가능용량의 전략적 입찰에 대한 게임이론적 해석)

  • 이광호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.302-307
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    • 2004
  • As deregulation of power industry is becoming a reality, there has been an intense interest in the strategic bidding for suppliers to maximize their profits. The profit gained by a supplier is related not only to its energy-price bid curve but also to its submitted operational parameters such as generation capacity, etc. So suppliers are willing to use those strategic parameters that can be manipulated by themselves and are effective to their profit. This paper deals with the competition model with compound strategies: generation capacity and bidding curve. The parameter space is modeled by dividing into the two strategies, so the problem is made up of the four types of sub-game in a two player game. This paper analyzes the global Nash Equilibrium (NE) over the whole divisions by computing the sub-game NEs in some divisions and by deriving the best response curves which have discontinuities in other divisions. The global NE is shown to correspond to the Cournot NE where the quantity variable is realized by a constraints of a generation capacity.

A Study of the Heroine's Stage Costume in the La Boheme (오페라 라보엠의 여주인공 무대 의상 연구)

  • Choi, Yoo-Jin;Kim, Hee-Eun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to research the heroines' fashion styles in the opera, "La Boh$\`{e}$me." This article studied the representations of the grisettes in 1830's France and the characteristics of the grisettes appeared in the original novel, "Sc$\`{e}$nes de la Vie de Boh$\`{e}$me" and contemporary literatures and paintings. The one of the heroines, Mimi was figured a virtuous female despite poor environments, by contrast Musetta was described as cruel, greedy and vicious female in the opera. But, by analyzing the original novel and the representations of the grisettes in contemporary literatures, this study figured out clearly Mimi and Musetta have same origin and similar aspects, not contrast. Up to the present mimi's costumes were not sophisticated but too simple compared to Musetta's. Also Musetta's costume were too much luxury considering her status. This study proposed a new fashion style considering not only analysis result of the heroins' characteristics but contemporary costume design of the 1830's France.

A Study on Utilization of Wikipedia Contents for Automatic Construction of Linguistic Resources (언어자원 자동 구축을 위한 위키피디아 콘텐츠 활용 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Cheol-Jung;Kim, Yong;Yun, Bo-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2015
  • Various linguistic knowledge resources are required in order that machine can understand diverse variation in natural languages. This paper aims to devise an automatic construction method of linguistic resources by reflecting characteristics of online contents toward continuous expansion. Especially we focused to build NE(Named-Entity) dictionary because the applicability of NEs is very high in linguistic analysis processes. Based on the investigation on Korean Wikipedia, we suggested an efficient construction method of NE dictionary using the syntactic patterns and structural features such as metadatas.

Design and Basic Performance Test of 4 Inch QC/DC Bellows for LNG Bunkering (LNG 벙커링용 4인치 QC/DC의 설계 및 기초 성능 실험)

  • Jang, Sung-Cheol;Seo, Chang-Myung;Kwen, Min-Soo;Eom, Jeong-Pil;Jung, Hyun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2019
  • Although the localization rate of shipbuilding and marine equipment goods is set to be 70 percent by 2020, but the localization rate of equipment and materials for shipbuilding and marine facilities is currently 10 to 30 percent. For Korea's Big 3 shipbuilders, which build 70 percent of the world's largest shipbuilders, localization of shipbuilding equipment and equipment is an essential factor. In particular, there is a growing need to localize equipment and materials in terms of the number of lead standards and A/S. It is expected that there will be a rapid expansion of LNG carriers in the future, and it is necessary to develop equipment and equipment materials of LNG ships. In this study, the design and manufacture of LNG vessel equipment was conducted. Design and basic performance tests of 4-inch QCDC for LNG bunkering were conducted.

Mimicking the Human Articular Joint with In Vitro Model of Neurons-Synoviocytes Co-Culture

  • Jakub Chwastek;Marta Kedziora;Malgorzata Borczyk;Michal Korostynski;Katarzyna Starowicz
    • International Journal of Stem Cells
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2024
  • The development of in vitro models is essential in modern science due to the need for experiments using human material and the reduction in the number of laboratory animals. The complexity of the interactions that occur in living organisms requires improvements in the monolayer cultures. In the work presented here, neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells were differentiated into peripheral-like neurons (PLN) and the phenotype of the cells was confirmed at the genetic and protein levels. Then RNA-seq method was used to investigate how stimulation with pro-inflammatory factors such as LPS and IFN𝛾 affects the expression of genes involved in the immune response in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (HFLS). HFLS were then cultured on semi-permeable membrane inserts, and after 24 hours of pro-inflammatory stimulation, the levels of cytokines secretion into the medium were checked. Inserts with stimulated HFLS were introduced into the PLN culture, and by measuring secreted ATP, an increase in cell activity was found in the system. The method used mimics the condition that occurs in the joint during inflammation, as observed in the development of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA). In addition, the system used can be easily modified to simulate the interaction of peripheral neurons with other cell types.

Design and Implementation of a Data Storage System using Flash Memory for a TinyOS-based Sensor Node (플래시 메모리를 이용한 TinyOS 기반 센서 노드를 위한 데이터 저장 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Han, Hyung-Jin;Lee, Ki-Hyuk;Song, Jun-Young;Choi, Won-Cul;Sohn, Ki-Rack
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.885-888
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 무선 센서노드에서 측정되는 데이터들에 대한 저장 및 검색을 효율적으로 하기 위한 플래시 메모리 공간 관리 기법을 제안한다. 플래시 메모리는 외부 충격에 강하고, 비휘발성이며 접근이 빠른 장점이 있지만, 덮어쓰기 및 쓰기 횟수가 제한되는 단점이 있다. 이러한 특성으로 플래시 메모리는 기존의 저장매체와는 다른 관리 방법이 요구되었고 지금까지의 센서노드에서는 플래시 메모리를 사용 하지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 센서노드안의 플래시 메모리에서 순차적으로 측정되는 데이터를 관리하기 위해 LFS(Log-Structured File System)방식을 제안한다. 그리고 순차적으로 정렬된 데이터에 효율적인 검색방법을 제시하고, 이를 ZigbeX Mote의 TinyOS안에서 NesC로 구현하였다.

Neck Circumference Criteria for Identifying Overweight and Obesity Patients in Korean Adults Aged 40 or Older (40세 이상의 한국 성인에서 과체중 및 비만환자 선별을 위한 목둘레 기준)

  • Eun-Sil Her
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.4_2
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    • pp.877-883
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    • 2024
  • This study targeted 15,580 Korean adults aged 40 or older from the 2019-2022 KNHA-NES and aimed to confirm neck circumference criteria for identifying overweight and obesity according to BMI standards using the reportROC package. Pearson's correlation coefficients indicated a strong positive association between neck circumference and BMI in both male (r=0.802, p<0.001) and female (r=0.762, p<0.001). The ROC analysis results to determine the neck circumference cutoff levels for overweight according to BMI (≥23.0 kg/m2 ) were 37.1 cm (AUC=0.890, accuracy=0.808) for male and 32.5 cm for female (AUC=0.863, accuracy=0.776). Neck circumference 37.8 cm (AUC=0.879, accuracy=0.784) for male and 33.1 cm (AUC=0.873, accuracy=0.786) for female were the best cutoff levels for determining the subjects with obesity by BMI (≥25.0 kg/m2 ). This study proposed a cutoff levels for neck circumference that can be used in screening tests to determine overweight and obesity, and for clinical use, additional research is needed to exclude factors affecting neck circumference.

An Association Study of a D6S274(6p23) Polymorphism on Chromosome 6 with Korean Schizophrenic Patients (한국인 정신분열증 환자와 6번 염색체 D6S274(6p23) 다형성의 연합)

  • Kim, Gil-Sook;Lee, Young-Ho;Yang, Byung-Hwan;Han, Jin-Hee;Kim, Leen;Oh, Dong-Yul;Kwak, Sang-Kon;Choi, Jae-Young;Yrm, Sang-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 1996
  • An association study with korean schizophrenic patients(N=75) and normal controls(N=87) was performed to find the relationship between D6S274 polymorphism and schizophrenia using polymerase chain reaction. Nine different alleles of a dinucleotide polymorphism on D6S273 locus were observed in both group. When we compared the frequencies of alleles between schizophrenics and normal controls, there was no significant difference between two groups. To increase homogeneity of schizophrenic group, we divided schizophrenic group by clinical phenotypes such as DSM-IV diagnostic subtype, family history, negative and positive symptoms(PANSS), soft neurologic signs(NES-K). Then we compared the frequencies of alleles among subgroups of clinical phenotypes. there was only significant difference between two subgroups on soft neurologic signs(p<0.05). Although our findings fail to provide on evidence of association between schizophrenia and D6S274 locus, follow-up investigation of this locus may be needed in homogeneous subtypes of schizophrenia and schizophrenic pedigrees.

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Feature Generation of Dictionary for Named-Entity Recognition based on Machine Learning (기계학습 기반 개체명 인식을 위한 사전 자질 생성)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Choi, Yun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2010
  • Now named-entity recognition(NER) as a part of information extraction has been used in the fields of information retrieval as well as question-answering systems. Unlike words, named-entities(NEs) are generated and changed steadily in documents on the Web, newspapers, and so on. The NE generation causes an unknown word problem and makes many application systems with NER difficult. In order to alleviate this problem, this paper proposes a new feature generation method for machine learning-based NER. In general features in machine learning-based NER are related with words, but entities in named-entity dictionaries are related to phrases. So the entities are not able to be directly used as features of the NER systems. This paper proposes an encoding scheme as a feature generation method which converts phrase entities into features of word units. Futhermore, due to this scheme, entities with semantic information in WordNet can be converted into features of the NER systems. Through our experiments we have shown that the performance is increased by about 6% of F1 score and the errors is reduced by about 38%.