• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple cranial nerves

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A Case of Varicella-Zoster virus infection with multiple cranial nerve involvement (다발성 하부뇌신경을 침범한 대상포진 감염 치험 1례)

  • Shin, Jung-Eun;Yoo, Seung-Joo;Kim, Sang-Yoon;Nam, Soon-Yuhl
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 1999
  • Varicella-zoster virus(VZV) becomes latent in the sensory ganglia after primary infection and emerges from latency to cause zoster in adults. After primary infection, VZV remains latent in the dorsal spinal ganglia. The mechanisms responsible for its reactivation and the clinical entity of herpes zoster are poorly understood. Reactivation of VZV is commonly known to manifest as Ramsay Hunt syndrome which is one of the VZV-associated neurologic diseases with facial paralysis, ear pain, and a characteristic herpetic auricular rash. It is now known that lesions of this syndrome can affect all cranial nerves. Central, cervical and peripheral effects of this syndrome is polyneuropathic in nature. VZV usually involves the 5th and 7th cranial nerves and less commonly the lower cranial nerves such as 9th and 10th. We report a treated case of healthy 40 years old male with VZV infection of the 5th, 9th and 10th cranial nerves. The patient typically showed herpetic vesicles in the auricle and temporal bone area without facial paralysis.

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Optic neuritis and multiple cranial neuropathies in patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

  • Bae, Min-Jeong;Lee, Joonwon;Eun, Jeong Ik;Shin, Kyong Jin
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2022
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a chronic recurrent acquired immune-mediated disease of the peripheral nerves that presents with progressive sensory and motor deficits in all four limbs. Cranial nerve involvement is not as common as in Guillain-Barre syndrome, and central nervous system involvement including optic neuritis has rarely been reported in patients with CIDP. We recently experienced a case with classic CIDP involving bilateral facial and trigeminal nerves, right lower cranial nerves, and the right optic nerve.

MRI Features of Multiple Cranial Neuropathies in Guillain-Barré Syndrome Occurring after COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report (COVID-19 백신 접종 후 발생한 길랑-바레증후군에서 보이는 다발성 뇌신경병증의 MRI 소견: 증례 보고)

  • Youngsoo Soh;Eun Ae Yoo;Eun-Sil Kim;Soo Jung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.84 no.4
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    • pp.964-969
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    • 2023
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated demyelinating polyneuropathy characterized by progressive, ascending, and symmetrical paralysis. It is known to be triggered by an antecedent infection or vaccination. Recently, GBS development following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination has been reported. Cranial neuropathies in typical GBS patients usually involve the facial and the lower cranial nerves (from IX to XII). We report a rare case of multiple cranial neuropathies involving trigeminal, abducens, and facial nerves in a patient who developed GBS following COVID-19 vaccination on the basis of obvious MRI features.

A case of neurofibromatosis(NF-I) (신경섬유종증(Neurofibromatosis) 환아(患兒) 1예(例)에 대한 증례보고(症例報告))

  • Min Sang-Yeon;Jang Gyu-Tae;Kim Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2001
  • The neurofibromatosis (NF) are a set of genetic disorders which cause tumors to grow along various types of nerves and, in addition, can affect the development of non-nervous tissues such as bones and skin. NF causes tumors to grow anywhere on or in the body. It also leads to developmental abnormalities. For example, individuals with NF have a higher incidence of learning disabilities. Neurofibromatosis(NF) has been classified into two distinct types: NF-I and NF-II. neurofibromatosis 1(NF-I), also known as von Recklinghausen NF or Peripheral NF, occurring in 1:4,000 births, is characterized by multiple cafe-au-lait spots and neurofibromas on or under the skin. Enlargement and deformation of bones and curvature of the spine (scoliosis) may also occur. Occasionally, tumors may develop in the brain, on cranial nerves, or on the spinal cord. About 50% of people with NF also have learning disabilities. Neurofibromatosis 2(NF-II), also known as Bilateral Acoustic NF(BAN), is much rarer occurring in 1:50,000 births. NF-II is characterized by multiple tumors on the cranial and spinal nerves, and by other lesions of the brain and spinal cord. Tumors affecting both of the auditory nerves are the hallmark. Hearing loss beginning in the teens or early twenties is generally the first symptom. We reported a 10-year-old female patient with NF-I, she has pain and edema in left leg, no symptoms of NF.

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Meningovascular and Spinal form of Neurosyphilis Presenting as Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsy, Cerebral Infarction and Meningomyelitis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Negative-Patient: MR Imaging Features (인간면역결핍바이러스 음성 환자에서 뇌신경 마비, 뇌경색 및 수막척수염으로 발현한 신경매독의 자기공명영상 소견)

  • Hong, Jin Ho;Lee, Ha Young;Lim, Myung Kwan;Kang, Young Hye;Lee, Kyung Hee;Cho, Soon Gu
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2014
  • Neurosyphilis is a rare infection of the brain and spinal cord caused by a spirochete named Treponema pallidum. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging of a 53-year-old man with syphilis who manifested as both meningovascular, and spinal meningomyelitic types, which involved the optic, trigeminal, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves, both middle and left posterior cerebral arteries, thoracic spinal cord and meninges of the lumbar spine. This case report suggests that neurosyphilis should be considered as a possible diagnosis in patients showing complex brain and spinal imaging features. These features include enhancing meningeal lesions with multiple cranial nerve involvement, stenoses in large to medium size cerebral arteries, and intramedullary and meningeal lesions of spine.

Collet-Sicard Syndrome Induced by Neck Mass : 2 Cases (경부 종물로 유발된 Collet-Sicard Syndrome 2례)

  • Kwon, Do-Young;Lee, Jong-Mun;Koh, Seong-Beom;Kim, Byung-Jo;Park, Min-Kyu;Park, Kun-Woo;Lee, Dae-Hie
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.74-77
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    • 2002
  • Collet-Sicard Syndrome is one of the variant of the jugular foramen syndromes in which the last four cranial nerves are involved whereas the sympathetic plexus is spared. The possible causes of these multiple lower cranial nerve palsy are variable, including metastasis of systemic malignancy to the base of skull, primary tumor of head and neck, vascular complication, trauma and so on. We experienced two men visited to our clinic with symptoms of headache, hoarsness, swallowing difficulty and showed the evidence of cranial nerve palsy on neurologic examination. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography demonstrated oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal tumor and electrodiagnostic study supported the diagnosis.

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Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring : A Review of Techniques Used for Brain Tumor Surgery in Children

  • Kim, Keewon;Cho, Charles;Bang, Moon-suk;Shin, Hyung-ik;Phi, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Seung-Ki
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.363-375
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    • 2018
  • Intraoperative monitoring (IOM) utilizes electrophysiological techniques as a surrogate test and evaluation of nervous function while a patient is under general anesthesia. They are increasingly used for procedures, both surgical and endovascular, to avoid injury during an operation, examine neurological tissue to guide the surgery, or to test electrophysiological function to allow for more complete resection or corrections. The application of IOM during pediatric brain tumor resections encompasses a unique set of technical issues. First, obtaining stable and reliable responses in children of different ages requires detailed understanding of normal age-adjusted brain-spine development. Neurophysiology, anatomy, and anthropometry of children are different from those of adults. Second, monitoring of the brain may include risk to eloquent functions and cranial nerve functions that are difficult with the usual neurophysiological techniques. Third, interpretation of signal change requires unique sets of normative values specific for children of that age. Fourth, tumor resection involves multiple considerations including defining tumor type, size, location, pathophysiology that might require maximal removal of lesion or minimal intervention. IOM techniques can be divided into monitoring and mapping. Mapping involves identification of specific neural structures to avoid or minimize injury. Monitoring is continuous acquisition of neural signals to determine the integrity of the full longitudinal path of the neural system of interest. Motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials are representative methodologies for monitoring. Free-running electromyography is also used to monitor irritation or damage to the motor nerves in the lower motor neuron level : cranial nerves, roots, and peripheral nerves. For the surgery of infratentorial tumors, in addition to free-running electromyography of the bulbar muscles, brainstem auditory evoked potentials or corticobulbar motor evoked potentials could be combined to prevent injury of the cranial nerves or nucleus. IOM for cerebral tumors can adopt direct cortical stimulation or direct subcortical stimulation to map the corticospinal pathways in the vicinity of lesion. IOM is a diagnostic as well as interventional tool for neurosurgery. To prove clinical evidence of it is not simple. Randomized controlled prospective studies may not be possible due to ethical reasons. However, prospective longitudinal studies confirming prognostic value of IOM are available. Furthermore, oncological outcome has also been shown to be superior in some brain tumors, with IOM. New methodologies of IOM are being developed and clinically applied. This review establishes a composite view of techniques used today, noting differences between adult and pediatric monitoring.

A Case of Vernet's Syndrome Caused by Non-specific Focal Inflammation of the Neck (목의 비특이 국소염증에 의해 유발된 Vernet증후군 1예)

  • Ha, Sang-Wook;Kim, Jong Kuk;Kang, Sung-Jin;Kim, Min-Jeong;Yoo, Bong-Goo;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Ju-Ho
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2007
  • Vernet's syndrome is a complex of multiple cranial nerve palsy including ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves which results from various lesions involving the jugular foramen. There are several kinds of lesions that can cause Vernet's syndrome. It includes congenital cholesteatoma, vascular lesions such as protruded jugular bulb, infections such as external otitis or abscess, and tumoral lesions such as schwannoma or paraganglioma. We present a rare case of Vernet's syndrome caused by non-specific inflammatory mass lesion in the neck area sparing jugular foramen.

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Alveolar bone necrosis and spontaneous tooth exfoliation associated with trigeminal herpes zoster: a report of three cases

  • Kim, Nam-Kyoo;Kim, Bong-Chul;Nam, Jung-Woo;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2012
  • Herpes zoster is a viral infection caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, an infection most commonly affecting the thoracolumbar trunk. Herpes Zoster Infection (HZI) may affect the cranial nerves, most frequently the trigeminal. HZI of the trigeminal nerve distribution network manifests as multiple, painful vesicular eruptions of the skin and mucosa which are innervated by the infected nerves. Oral vesicles usually appear after the skin manifestations. The vesicles rupture and coalesce, leaving mucosal erosions without subsequent scarring in most cases. The worst complication of HZI is post-herpetic neuralgia; other complications include facial scarring, motor nerve palsy and optic neuropathy. Osteonecrosis with spontaneous exfoliation of the teeth is an uncommon complication associated with HZI of the trigeminal nerve. We report several cases of osteomyelitis appearing on the mandible, caused by HZI, and triggering osteonecrosis or spontaneous tooth exfoliation.

Oral findings and dental management of a patient with Moebius syndrome: a case report

  • Lee, Eunkyoung;Kim, Youngjin;Kim, Hyunjung;Nam, Soonhyeun
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 2014
  • Moebius syndrome is a rare, congenital neurological disease involving facial paralysis and limitation of eye movements. It results from maldevelopment of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves. Dental features of this syndrome include micrognathia, microstomia, tongue deformity, cleft palate, hypoplasia of the teeth, and congenital missing teeth. A 7-year-old female with Moebius syndrome was referred from a local dental clinic for caries treatment. She presented with facial paralysis and microstomia. Oral findings included multiple caries with enamel hypoplasia, congenital missing teeth, and tongue deformity. Dental treatments including restorative and preventive procedures were performed. Oral findings and management aspects of Moebius syndrome for this case are discussed. Early evaluation and multidisciplinary care are needed for children with Moebius syndrome.