• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple People

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The Prevalence Rate and the Risk Factors for Liver Disease among Schoolteachers (교사의 간장질환 유병률 및 질환발생의 위험요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Wha-Juong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2001
  • This study examined the health conditions of schoolteachers in terms of the prevalence rate and risk factors for liver disease. A cohort design was conducted for 21,319 teachers who were born from 1953 to 1957. The cohort was constructed for teachers who had no disease history such as liver disease, hypertension, cerebral vascular disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus and cancer, and had 'normal' results from liver disease examinations in 1998. They were followed up from 1998 to 2000. SAS 6.12 was used for the data analysis. The results were as follows; (1) Prevalence rates of liver disease per 1,000 people in 1998 were 43.0. (2) The 2-year cumulative incidence of liver disease was 433/16,103(26.9/1000 persons). (3) Factors such as sex, age, school type(private or public), drinking, smoking, exercise, BMI, weight gain, fasting-blood sugar levels and total cholesterol levels were statistically significant. The significant risk factors of liver disease be identified from the multiple logistic regression analysis were age, sex(male), drinking, smoking, BMI, weight gain, fasting-blood sugar levels, and total cholesterol levels.

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Associated Factors of Suicidal Ideation in Community Residents with Suicidal Attempt Experiences (자살시도 경험이 있는 지역주민의 자살사고에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Young;Jun, Seong-Sook;Kim, Kyung Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore influencing factors which contribute to the suicidal ideation in community residents who have ever experienced suicidal attempts. Methods: The subjects of this study were a total of 165 local residents with some experiences of suicidal attempts in B City and K Province. The data were collected from May 1st to October 30th, 2012 and self-report questionnaires including Suicidal Ideation Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory, Depression, Family and Social Support Inventory were used as a measurement tool. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program. Results: The average score of suicidal ideation in the local residents with experiences of suicidal attempts was $12.7{\pm}6.25$. Predicted factors on suicidal ideation in the local residents with experiences of suicide attempts included self-esteem, depression and physical illness, and the suicidal ideation has a variance explanation power of 54%. Conclusion: The development and application of intervention programs, which can help to increase self-esteem levels and decrease depression levels among community residents with experiences of suicidal attempts, are first needed. Furthermore, nursing services of customized self-management for people with physical disabilities are needed on the basis of their own physical problems.

Factors Affecting the Oral Health Status in Vulnerable Elders (취약계층 노인의 구강건강상태에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Park, Jeong Sook;Lee, Hye Ran;Park, Mi Hyang
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.206-220
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    • 2016
  • Propose: This study was to identify the factors affecting the oral health status in vulnerable elders receiving home visiting health care service. Methods: A total of 444 elderly people over the age of 65 at 33 public health centers in Daegu and Gyungbuk areas were included in this survey. The data were collected by personal interview with nurses using oral health knowledge, behavior, and status questionnaires from the $10^{th}$ to $22^{nd}$ of July, 2012. The data were analyzed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test, and stepwise multiple regression, using SPSS program. Results: Factors affecting the oral health status were chewing satisfaction with denture 14.5% (${\beta}=.391$, p<.001), denture care (wash with water) 3.2% (${\beta}=-.187$, p<.01), and types of health insurance (medical aid type1, 2) 1% (${\beta}=-.111$, p<.05). The factors explained 18.7% of variance in the oral health status of vulnerable elderly subjects. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that in order to improve the oral health status of vulnerable elders, it is necessary to provide oral health education that includes the proper usage of denture to elders who receive home-visiting care.

Factors Associated with Health Promotion of Caregivers Based on a Socio-ecological Model (사회생태모형에 기초한 요양보호사 건강증진행위의 관련요인)

  • Kim, Young-Ae;Yoon, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: To investigate the behavioural factors of the health promotion for caregivers based on a socio-ecological model. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study using a self administered questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 219 people chosen through convenient sampling between September and December 2008. The collected information included general characteristics, individual, interpersonal, community, policy level. Results: For the statistical analysis, the t-test was used for the health promotion according to the general characteristics and to each level of the socio-ecological model, by assessing the high and low values and dividing them into mean points. The influence elicited by different health promotion factors was determined using the hierarchical multiple regression. At the individual level, the factors influencing health promotion in caregivers included perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, and self efficacy. Social support was important at interpersonal level, and the use of community resource was relevant for the community level. We found no statistically significant factors relating to the policy level. Conclusions: In conclusion, the socio-ecological models seems appropriate for explaining health promotion and its associated factors in caregivers. We suggest that, for caregivers, strategies should be developed for their social support and to offer information about how to use community resources in relation with factors relating to the individual level.

Study on Suicidal Ideation and Associated Factors in Rural Elderly (농촌 노인의 자살의도와 관련요인)

  • Song, Min Sun;Kim, Nam Cho
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in suicidal ideation according to general characteristics, and to identify the associated factors of suicidal ideation in rural elderly. Method: We surveyed 168 elderly people using structured questionnaires from March through April, 2013. Data analy was performed using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$ test, Fisher's Exact test, and multiple regression using the SPSS program. Results: Significantly differences in suicidal ideation score were observed according to drinking state(p=.036), sleep state(p=.013), health state(p=.020), and stress state(p=.049). The associated factors identified in this study significantly explained 13.2% of suicidal ideation. Smoking and sleep state were the most significant factors of suicidal ideation. Conclusion: Based on these results, development of programs for promotion of psychological health in order to reduce suicide rates of the elderly is urgent. In particular when focusing on relations between sleep disturbance and suicide, it is considered that nursing intervention will be required to promote quality of sleep in clinical practices and communities.

Study on The Oral Health Awareness of Long-term Care Facility Among the ICT Age (ICT 시대에서 노인요양시설의 구강건강 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Seol-Kyung;Seong, Jeong-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2014
  • This study is of elderly care facilities in Seoul oral health care providers survey of recognition and affecting factors. The subjects were selected 92 people who care providers, data were collected using a questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis, duration of carrer and experience of oral care education significantly affected in the presence of factors. As a result, in order to improve the oral health of the elderly nursing staff to promote oral health education and training programs are urgently needed.

The Characteristics of Visibility Measured by Forward Scattering Meter on Summertime in Pusan (Forward Scattering Meter 측정에 의한 부산의 하계 시정 특성)

  • 김유근
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.385-388
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    • 2000
  • Visibility reduction is a barometer of air pollution which people can notice easily. First of all we need to measure quantified visibility continuously in order to examine visibility reduction. Prevailing visibility is not practical to measure visibility depending on observer's expertness. Scattering visibility using Forward Scattering Meter(Belfort Visibility Sensor 6230) has been measured at Kwangan-Dong in Pusan and analysed since July 1998. According to the analysis the correlation coefficient(R) between prevailing visibility and scattering visibility was 0.7235. The visibility appeared that each frequency of poor visibility(under 6km) and good visibility(over 25km) was 10.6%, 9.7% on summertime in Pusan and the visibility range from 10km to 20km ranked high frequency as a half of whole ranges. The order of correlation coefficients between visibility an air pollutants are ranking CO. PM10 and NO2 that values are 0.5878, 0.5369,l 0.5284 respectively. In meteorolgical factor the case of poor visibility presented more weakly wind speed and higher relative humidity than the case of good visibility. The correlation coefficient between calculated visibility of multiple linear regression model and observed visibility was 0.7215. But the trend of calculated and observed visibility variation was similar with the exception of several good visibility cases.

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Fashion Product Consumer's Relationship Benefit Perception and Relationship Quality on the Internet Shopping Mall -Focused on Relationship Tendency- (인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 패션상품 소비자가 지각하는 관계혜택과 관계의 질 -고객관계 성향을 중심으로-)

  • Chae, Jin-Mie
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.199-212
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    • 2011
  • This study examined the influence of fashion product consumer's relationship benefit on relationship quality in the internet shopping mall. Also consumer's relationship benefit perception and relationship quality are identified in terms of consumer's relationship tendency(relationship period, relationship intensity). Survey research was conducted from November 1, 2011 to November 12, 2011 in people living in Seoul and other metropolitan areas who had purchased fashion products in the internet shopping mall. 620 useful data were analyzed by factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, t-test, ANOVA and duncan test using SPSS 17.0. The results were as follows: Relationship Benefit perceived by fashion product consumer was categorized into three factors including "economic benefit", "psychological benefit", "informational benefit". Each factor of relationship benefit had a significant influence on customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment. As for consumer's relationship benefit perception according to the relationship period for internet shopping mall, the consumer who had used the internet shopping mall longer perceived relationship benefit factors higher than shorter using consumer. As for relationship quality, there was a significant difference only in customer satisfaction according to consumer's relationship period for internet shopping mall, Relationship benefit factors and relationship quality showed Significant differences according to the degree of relationship intensity perceived by consumer in the internet shopping mall.

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Clinical Neuropathological Analysis of 10 Cases of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Cerebral Lobar Hemorrhage

  • Li, Xiao-Qiu;Su, Dong-Feng;Chen, Hui-Sheng;Fang, Qu
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The clinical and pathological characteristics of 10 cases of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)-related cerebral lobar hemorrhage (CLH) that was diagnosed at autopsy were investigated to facilitate the diagnosis of this condition. Methods : The clinical characteristics of 10 cases of CAA-related CLH were retrospectively reviewed, and a neuropathological examination was performed on autopsy samples. Results : The 10 cases included two with a single lobar hemorrhage and eight with multifocal lobar hemorrhages. In all of the cases, the hemorrhage bled into the subarachnoid space. Pathological examinations of the 10 cases revealed microaneurysms in two, double barrel-like changes in four, multifocal arteriolar clusters in five, obliterative onion skin-like intimal changes in four, fibrinoid necrosis of the vessels in seven, neurofibrillary tangles in eight, and senile plaques in five cases. Conclusion : CAA-related CLHs were located primarily in the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. These hemorrhages normally consisted of multiple repeated CLHs that frequently bled into the subarachnoid space. CAA-associated microvascular lesions may be the pathological factor underlying CLH.

A Study on Effect of CRM according to Customers' Response -Focused on clothing product customers of department store of Daejeon area- (고객반응에 따른 CRM효과에 관한 연구 - 대전지역 백화점 의류제품 고객을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hye-Sun;Park, Sun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.441-451
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors of CRM(Customer Relationship Management) activity and the difference in CRM effects according to customers responses. The investigators interviewed the buyers of three department stores in Daejeon area and surveyed 468 people aged over 20 who had ever shopped at those stores. For data analysis, we used factorial analysis, multiple regression analysis, path analysis, and ANOVA, etc., along with SPSS 10.0. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Six CRM activity factors were identified as 'Benefit & Information,' 'Service,' 'Customer Invitation,' 'Customer Contact,' 'Special Management,' and 'Purchase-related Help.' 2) Customer satisfaction of CRM-positive group was affected by such factors as 'Service,' 'Customer Invitation,' and 'Special Management,' and also customer loyalty directly by 'Customer Satisfaction' and 'Benefit & Information.' On the other hand, customer satisfaction of CRM-less-positive-group was influenced by the factors such as 'Service,' 'Purchase-related Help,' 'Customer Contact,' and 'Special Management,' and also customer loyalty directly by 'Customer Satisfaction' and 'Service.'

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