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Factors Associated with Health Promotion of Caregivers Based on a Socio-ecological Model  

Kim, Young-Ae (Seoul Woman's College of Nursing)
Yoon, Hee-Sang (Seoul Woman's College of Nursing)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing / v.25, no.1, 2011 , pp. 61-72 More about this Journal
Purpose: To investigate the behavioural factors of the health promotion for caregivers based on a socio-ecological model. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study using a self administered questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 219 people chosen through convenient sampling between September and December 2008. The collected information included general characteristics, individual, interpersonal, community, policy level. Results: For the statistical analysis, the t-test was used for the health promotion according to the general characteristics and to each level of the socio-ecological model, by assessing the high and low values and dividing them into mean points. The influence elicited by different health promotion factors was determined using the hierarchical multiple regression. At the individual level, the factors influencing health promotion in caregivers included perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, and self efficacy. Social support was important at interpersonal level, and the use of community resource was relevant for the community level. We found no statistically significant factors relating to the policy level. Conclusions: In conclusion, the socio-ecological models seems appropriate for explaining health promotion and its associated factors in caregivers. We suggest that, for caregivers, strategies should be developed for their social support and to offer information about how to use community resources in relation with factors relating to the individual level.
Health promotion; Caregivers; Ecology;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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